Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 5

Please watch and listen to the following video:

Once you have, discuss how you measure a year in your life. What do you base this measurement on? What do you think the message of this song is?


Stephen Manvydas said...

the way that i measure a year is by the memorable moments i have had in that past year. A day i meet someone new, or maybey a fun birthday. It could be learning to drive for the first time or just having a great day. Some years will be more memorable than others and they will way out more in my life. I personally think that this song wants you to think about how you live your life. They then go on to say that love is how you should measure it. I think that this song is in ways very annoying and stupid but i guese it gets its point across.

Anonymous said...

A year seems to go by so fast. Each year is going by just a little bit faster, but I think that's because I'm finally getting older, and to the point where I can't just lallygag around all day. I measure a year on how much I accomplished in it. If I had a fun, fulfilling, and educational year, I rank it pretty high up. However, if nothing all that memorable happened, I feel like I wasted a year of my life. I think the message in this song is that people can measure the year however they want to, and your happiness determines how long a year is. If you're happy, a year goes by fast. If you're sad, then slow.

Anonymous said...

This is kind of a complex question. Im not really sure how i would measure a year. If i had to say probaly by golf. I love the game of golf and once it starts to end i know that means the season are changing. Vise versa once it stars to began i no where the year is at. This song i think is saying how people live there year different. They have different perspctives on how they live their year. Not everyone is the same not everyone has to be the same it shows how everyone is different and a individual in there own way.

jray said...

The years all seem to keep going by faster. It all seems to depend on how the memmories of that year are. If nothing really happened and was boring it goes by a lot slower, but if you had a number of good times it seem to go by faster. I think that this song is ment to make you think of your life. It makes you think of what you really seem to measure your life by. The person that wrote this song may have measured it by their love life. The writter is just trying to get you thinking.

jay said...

I'm not really sure on how to mesure a year. Time flys by while everyone is doing their own stuff. Sometimes you do stuff by yourself and sometimes with friends and family. I think this song is about spending time with and loving your friends and family. Measuring the time with all the love in your life. I really don't know what I measure a year in. Maybe moments, events, or maybe just minutes. Perhaps I measure a year in all of the above. Regardless all you need is love.

Janet said...

i measure my life by doing something new. something exciting and something people wont expect u doing. i love meeting new people, im reall nice person. i love to hang out wit my friends that makes the year go a bit faster. Beign wit my family and partying makes the year fly by. especially the summer its like a jet flying across the park its super fast.ha school makes the school year go reall sloww! I love every year i cant really say i have a favorite year in my life cuz every year i do something different and new. i think the song is trying to say that you should live your life but focus it on love.

Anonymous said...

To be completely honest, that had to be the dumbest thing I had listened to in years, but I would say that I would measure a year in days like a normal person would. I had never heard of anybody measure a year in inches or feet or miles whatever they said I did not get the point of that. A year would be 365 days long and I had no idea of how many hours, minute, and seconds there were in a year but if that is correct then there is a lot. I guess someone could measure a year in love by how long someone has loved another person but that's not how I would measure it. I suppose that the point of the song is to point out how many different ways there are to measure a year obviously. Another way I would measure a year would be the time it took for the school year to get through but that is not a full year so I guess the rest of the year would be measured in months. I would base the measurement of a year on either days, months or weeks but I guess other people base it on some things that are not even measurements like for example love is not a measurement, it is a feeling that a person has. But I can not tell other people to base their years on a specific measurement, I will do it the way I have and it works out fine for me.

Anonymous said...

*Screams and runs into a room*

Mr Kay... I didn't think you could EVER be that cruel. My measurement of a year in my life is probably the oddest out there. I listen to NPR a lot, and I know there's their spring and fall drives. That's how I know the year is almost over. When the spring drive is going on, it's the beginning. If it's the fall/winter drive then a new year is coming. I have to agree to the feeling that each year goes by quicker. My analysis of this would be that due to our aging, we actually get used to how long a year is, so it seems like it's shorter and shorter each time. As for the message of the song, I think that it's another one of those "live life to the fullest" motivational types of songs that pretty much every singly choir on the planet does as a "git'y-up" song. Call me pessimistic, but that's my first interpretation of the song. Hey, at least I'm being honest.

kirkwhitt said...

The way I Measure a year would by day to day. I live my life in the moments, which comes every day. I take it day by day so that I dont wory about to many things at once. I think this Message is that there are endlis posibilities on how you could measure a year. Every one Measures a year different. Some people measure a year by happyness, and thers nothing wrong with that. But like I said I like living my years day by day. I think that is the best way to look at it, but thats just me.

Kevin Hughes said...

I measure a year in my life in a lot of different ways. Different schools, groups of friends, etc. Even songs that I used to listen to a lot at one point, upon listening again I feel as if it were clearly divided years when I heard them. I think the message of this song is that time is relative. Time periods of your life can be determined by many different things. We don't measure years in exactly 365 days. Everyone divides things up differently, and the basis of this is different from person to person. As a result of this, every year is memorable and different. The song is trying to get you to reflect upon years that have passed.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

All i can say is a year starts on Jan 1st and ends on Jan 1st. That is the only way, witch is exactly like the song described. I guise i just don't understand the logic or message behind the song. I just look at the message as this is how much time you got in a year, then you start over? Or i read what Austin said, and it might be saying how fast it goes by. It could be allot of different things, and is bothering me as i wright this. But I'm sure there is minimum significance in this point.

brandonlengyel said...

From listing to this song i have found thres alot of min in a year. Also i dint know that it was mesured in love though. The way i mesaure a year is basically in memorable moments. I like to look at the stuff that i have done rather than look at how many min are in a year. I live from day to day wondering whats going to happen next. I always hope for an excitment never a disappointment. This song is on my top 3 on my ipod fo-sho. They go on and tell you there opinon on how its measured witch is false because its mesured the way you want it to be. This is my precpective on this blog.

ben nicolay said...

I really don't know how I measure a year. I technically measure a year from January 1st till January 1st. I guess once the football season starts I count that as the begining of the year. Then comes school while football is going on. Once football is over then im on to hockey season and once hockey is over its just school. Then when summer vacation is over I guess I would call that the start of a new year. I just live my life and try to make the best of it. Why waste the time by trying to measure and judge your life. Just do what makes you happy. The song tries to get the point across that everyone is diffrent and if you live differenlty than someone else that is okay. Also, to make the best of your situation.

Lil Southkr3w said...

I measure a year in my life based on smiles and happiness. I believe its better to look at the good times and not dwell on the things in life that didnt go exactly as planned. As long as your'e happy in life then nothing else matters and nothing can get you down. I believe the message of the song is saying just that. Its saying in life it doesn't matter how long youv'e lived if you live a life without happiness and love it means nothing. Also it's saying don't let life pass you by and just enjoy living. If your'e too worried about time and the bad then you won't truely be enjoying life.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

I measure a year in my life based on the school year. I think that 2009 will be the year that I reflect upon most thus year not only because it is the most recent, but because it is the most memorable. I've made dozens and dozens of new friends and countless more acquantances. I've written countless songs, I've gotten my own place, I've met many women and still stayed single (single is the way to go in high school, fuck relationship drama); things have simply gone my way this junior year. I'm no longer the introvert that I used to be. I am quite literally a social butterfly. I think the song is asking us to question how we live our lives. Our lives our precious, as is the time that we choose to spend. It's an annoying tune, but nonetheless it works.

Alix Dickson said...

I measure a year by how much ive changed and all the significant things that have happened to me. If something big happened to me then im more likely to remeber that year. Some years stick out more in my mind than others. The most memorable years are the ones in which i grew and matured the most. This song is showing individuality in my opinion. Who ever wrote this song is showing that every one judges years diffrently. the person who wrote this song judges it by love.

Alex V said...

A year seems to go by so fast. Each year is going by just a little bit faster, but I think that's because I'm finally getting older, and to the point where I can't just mess around all day. If nothing really happened and was boring it goes by a lot slower, but if you had a number of good times it seem to go by faster. I think that this song is ment to make you think of your life. It makes you think of what you really seem to measure your life by. The person that wrote this song may have measured it by their love life. The writter is just trying to get you thinking. i think the song is trying to say that you should live your life but focus it on love.

JakeCastner said...

The message of the song is that you should learn to just live and love rather than count the years. Personally, i measure a year in days, or months, or whatever pertains to the reason i am measuring a year. I don't go for the love song bull about measuring in love. Love is an emotion, a feeling, not a measuring tool. The number of bridges burned is not a way of measuring a year. If you need help measuring a year, I would be glad to tell you. A year is approximately 365 days. Now, a leap year is i think 366. A leap year occurs every 4 years. This is just to account for the imperfection of the calendar in relation to the earth's movements.

Stefan Kegebein said...

Wow Kay, I can’t believe I just wasted 172 seconds of my 31536000 seconds in a year watching that video. I measure my year by that sports that are being played. I measure my year also by successes I have had academically and athletically. Once it gets cooler and the snow starts falling you know its hockey season. Once it the temperature gets into the 60’s you know its time to hit the course and play some golf. I think the song is saying that different people value success in their lives differently. But ultimately live your life to every second because it just reminds you how fast a year goes by. The video does get you thinking if your living your life in the moment.

Unknown said...


honestly, i only measure a life in my perspective. i have no standard per se. i honestly try to live my life day by day without looking back. ive found it is a good way to stay optimistic. i believe the message of this song is to continue to be optimistic, and not base worth on money. in life, wealth is all about the relationships you build. if you go through life building up material goods, you will not be happy in the end. sure, everyone wants money, but money cant buy you happiness or friends and i believe that.

BrittanyBarron said...

Love too don't have power!

Anonymous said...

Hey mr Kay srry my blog is late i was at a wedding and did not have time to write util now. But this song is kind of ironic to have for a blog seeing as how i just got back from a wedding. To me i think thzat this song is saying to live each day with happiness and to live them as much as possible. Love is always a good way to measure it because it is everywhere that you go. Not only is there emotional love that you have for another but there is love for your family and friends and even activities. On days such as today where the lake is like glass i look forward to having a great day with friends on my boat. And as each day goes on you will fall in love with new people places and things. As long as you live your life out with happiness then you year should reflect that.

jessecovill said...

sorry my blog is late i just got on a different laptop.

i would measure a year in my life on time...duh? basicly because i just seem to lose time a lot, like this yeah for example, a few days ago i woke up and noticed it was april, it seamed like it was still febuary...this year has gone by way to fast. so i guess a year for me is two years to everyone else. i think the message of the song is to take it slow and go along with the flow.

shelbybatlemente said...

Hey Mr. Kay, sorry my blog is late I didn't have power and my computer was down.

The way that I measure a year in my life is by all the memories and people that I shared the past year with. Like when I meet someone new, or go to a great party. I also base it on how much success I have had in that year. The more memories I have in one year is how I measure it. I weigh years by how memorable they are. Some years are really memorable and I even them out when I have a year that isn't so memorable. I think that the message of this song is to cherish your memories and live your life to the fullest. You will never know when something is going to happen to you. You could wake up one day and get really sick or even die. You could also get in a fatal car accident. They also say to measure your life by using love. This in a way is a very good idea. If you hold onto the people you love you will have a more memorable life. Which in turn helps you measure your life. I love this song because it has a very powerful and meaningful message to it!

Panos said...

When I reflect back on a year I think about certain events that happened during that year that makes it either a good year or bad year. If one of my good friends die or if someone I know gets hurt I measure it as a bad year but if good things happen like getting a new car or making a lot of new friends, I count it as a good year. I believe that this song is trying to tell you to look back on your life and if something memorable happened it's a good year and you can measure your year however you want but when you think of a year as a good year, it goes by really fast compared to if you think as a pessimest and say you had a sucky year, then it will go by really slow.

BrittanyBarron said...

Wow if I would have known it was that song it would have made my life a lot easier. I measure my life in the moments that i will always remenber. Wither it be good like when I meet my favorite rock star at a concert. Bad like when my grandmother died. Or just plain werid like when I woke up to two guys spooning on my friends couch. (Very long story.) I based this measurement on moments that make me smile, cry, stare in aww. I think the meassage of this song is that you should not worry about the small things in life but you should measure youe life in things that are importent things like love. This sis great song. But I hate the musical.

ScOtW29 said...

Once you have, discuss how you measure a year in your life. What do you base this measurement on? What do you think the message of this song is?

Im not gonna lie this song is pretty retarded. I think you measure a year in a your life by how you spend it if that makes sense. When I want to find out when something was I think back to a time i remember and it makes me remember how long ago it was. I would base my measurement on memories. I think back to the memories I had and i will know how long ago that happened. The message of this song is that a year goes by however fast you want it too. What you do with your time will determine how fast it will go by. It also reminds us to seize the day, and do something with your life because time goes by fast when your having fun.