Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 19

How about a current event today? Make sure you read and do not do an event that someone else does. Give a short summary and then tell the effect on you, community or world. NO CITE, NO POINTS AND CITE MUST BE IN THE BLOG.


jray said...
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jray said...

The House has approved legislation that for the first time would give the government powers to regulate tobacco products. Under the bill, the Food and Drug Administration would be able to regulate, but not ban, cigarettes and other tobacco products. By the end of the month the bill could be ready to be passed on. Supporters are confident they can get Senate passage and President Barack Obama's signature on the bill. This can effect the community around the country because it's going to cause the prices to rise, once agian. Also big companies will have to be making some kind of cuts because of the ceratin losses from the tax increase. People will also be effected because even though they shouldn't, they smoke anyways.

Anonymous said...

Recently there has been something in sports that had happend. I dont no if you have ever heard of the football player named ryan moats. But there was a tragic event recently in his life. Him and his wife got a phone call late at night. They were informed that his mother in law was in the hospital. They went to the hospital as fast as they can. When they got into the parking lot there were pulled over. They tried explaing to the officer what was haping. But he didnt listen and the wife went to run to see her dieing mother and the officer pulled out a gun and told her to freeze. The mom ended up dieng while this happend.

Alix Dickson said...

U.S. and Mexican officials say they will soon make a group to develop strategies for stopping the cross-border flow of weapons and drugs. Meetings have been taking place to decide on a solution to this problem. officials made an agreement that might be signed when President Barack Obama visits Mexican President Felipe Calderon.
this plan says that 10 percent of the vehicles entering Mexico from the U.S. will be checked for illegal weapons.
Apperently the U.S. is not seeking to change any of its gun laws as part of the effort to stop weapon and drug smuggling.
This affects me because i live in the United states. As a member of the U.S. it affects me if we are recieving illegal drugs and weapons because that might affect my community.

Stefan Kegebein said...

In today’s news the U.S sent out a message to North Korea warning it not to fire its missiles. North Korea has issued a statement saying the launch will be used to launch a satellite into orbit. The United States believe that North Korea is using the launch to gain intelligence for improving their ballistic missile program. Six party talks are supposed to help eventually disarm the North Korean nuclear missile program. Russia and China are less eager to impose sanctions on North Korea. The US, Japan, and South Korea all want to impose sanctions on North Korea. Russia and China are two of North Korea’s major trading partners. North Koreans on the other hand are watching the US and Iran tensions closely. If the North Koreans launch this missile it can be potentially dangerous to some of the US’s allies.

Anonymous said...

Journalists who dialed in to a White House conference call Thursday somehow got connected to a sex line! They were calling to talk to Hillary Clinton and Jim Jones, and ended up with a woman on the other line seducing them. "Do you have any hidden desires? If you feel like getting nasty, then you came to the right place." Apparently, the aide of the White House mistakenly misdialed the 1-800 number. They assure it won't happen again. While this doesn't really affect the community or the world, I thought it was a unique, interesting story. I guess it shows that news networks can have a humorous side to them too, surprisingly. I always thought that news networks were all business, all seriousness. I'm glad to see that they have a sense of humor.

ScOtW29 said...

Michael Vick is expected to go work construction after prison. Vick went to prison for staging dogfights. Vick is a great football player and doesnt know if he will play or not. Roger Godell doesnt know if he will reinstate him in the NFL. This is weird that Vick's talent will be wasted. He is going to go from NFL football star to a construction worker. His talent will be wasted if he doesnt go back to the nfl. I think that this is a turn for Michael Vick and wont be good for the NFL.

brandonlengyel said...

Raji failed drug test at combine

Former Boston College lineman B.J. Raji, who is considered the top defensive tackle eligible for this month's NFL draft, reportedly failed a drug test at the NFL combine. The report, which did not identify the drug, was published on and attributed to unidentified NFL team sources. The Web site reported that Raji's name will be on a list of players who tested positive. This is a huge issue in our society and in sports. Drugs will never help you in the end. Sure they will give you an advantage doesnt that also mean cheating. It will ruin your career before it even starts like this kid. He was projected to be fith in the nfl pick witch is a projected 10million a year. Now a stuipid thing like this ruined all that. This is a huge concern in our sports society is Drugs.

Lil Southkr3w said...

The best rapper alive Lil Wayne has Reported Lawsuit Against DJ Drama. filed in New York District Court. DJ Drama to answer to charges of selling Lil Wayne's music illegally. the lawsuit was filed February 18 of this year. this was and is surprising to many people, considering Lil Wayne and DJ Drama collaborated on the Dedication 3. Candace Carponter is an attorney representing Cash Money Records. he confirmed to MTV News about how DJ drama was sellin Lil waynes musik elligaly. the best rapper alive, levied claims against a number of DJ drama who he felt were profiting illegally off of his work.

Alan Hernandez

shelbybatlemente said...

U.S. House passes $3.55 trillion budget for fiscal year 2010

I found this article at:

The House of Representatives passed a $3.55 trillion budget for fiscal year 2010 Thursday night, capping off weeks of acrimonious partisan debate and a long day of voting marked by the defeat of several alternative plans. The House version of the budget passed by a margin of 233-196 in a virtual party-line vote. All but 20 House Democrats supported it; no House Republican voted in favor.
In London, England, where he has been attending the Group of 20 summit, President Obama lauded the House vote.
"Tonight, the House of Representatives took another step toward rebuilding our struggling economy," he said in a statement."And by making hard choices and challenging the old ways of doing business, we will cut in half the budget deficit we inherited within four years. With this vote comes an obligation to pursue our efforts to go through the budget line-by-line, searching for additional savings. Like the families we serve, we must cut the things we don't need to invest in those we do."The Senate plans a vote on its $3.53 trillion version of the budget later Thursday night.
That vote, too, is expected to fall on party lines.Fiscally conservative House Democrats, known as Blue Dogs, also negotiated with House Democratic leaders to cut $7 billion from the president's $540 billion request for nondefense discretionary spending. Under the House Democrats' plan, the federal government will run an anticipated deficit of $1.2 trillion in the next fiscal year. Their plan promises to cut the deficit by more than half by 2013. This plan has effects on me because 2010 is when this plan will go into effect. It will give the government a bigger budget to spend on things we need. This is right around when i graduate from high school. This effects my community because it will give money to people around me who need it. This effects my world because when the government as more money they are able to spend it on military and the space program and other things. This is a very good plan for the United States Government.

Anonymous said...

Former Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk will be deported from the United States to Germany on Sunday. German authorities issued an arrest warrant for Demjanjuk on March 10, accusing him of being an accessory to 29,000 counts of murder as a guard at the Sobibor death camp from March to September 1943. He is expected to arrive in Germany on Monday. Demjanjuk will turn 89 soon. German authorities studied an identification card provided by the U.S. Office of Special Investigations, and concluded it was genuine, before issuing the warrant. Demjanjuk denies having been a camp guard, saying instead he fought in the Soviet army and later was a prisoner of war held by the Germans. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum also welcomed the news, saying in a statement it "applauds Germany's efforts to hold the perpetrators of Nazi crimes accountable." Demjanjuk has asked the Department of Justice for an administrative stay of the deportation order. It could be "everal months after his arrival in Germany before Demjanjuk is brought to trial. Demjanjuk will be kept either in Munich Stadelheim prison or a clinic, depending on his health, while awaiting the court's decision. A federal judge found in 2002 that Demjanjuk had been a guard at the Sobibor death camp, where a quarter of a million people were killed during World War II, and at two other concentration camps. He was stripped of U.S. citizenship and has been awaiting deportation since 2005, despite fighting his case all the way to the Supreme Court. This effects our community by him not being able to kill anymore Jews in the U.S. He can go sit in prison in Germany where he can be with all his Nazi friends.

Stephen Manvydas said...

My topic today is the over reported Queen/Ms. Obama touch thing. It was just a little hand on the queens back and its causing a big contrversy. I heard on the news today that the queen did it first and she has no complaints. I personally feel that this is stupid. People should not have to feel bad for giving a gentle gester. This is one of the dumbest things i may have ever seen but newscast around the world are making a big deal about it. We also know that during the obamas visit they gave the queen an Ipod, filled with here favorite songs. Too bad that this gift was kind of a waist as she already had one, and unlike most gifts it came with no reciet, too bad for the queen.

jay said...,2933,512237,00.html
Today a preliminart report was released regarding the plane crash two weeks ago in Montana. This crash kille 14 people. in the report they said the piolt asked twice to devert the plane. The pilot disn't give any reasons either time why he wanted to devert. An eyewitness said they saw the plane just west of the runway 33. The plane crashed into the cemetary. Plane crashes effect us all. If any of us go in a plane We could crash. If the air traffic controllers and pilots are not compitant than alot of lives are at stake.

Austen Anderson said...

Jupiter's stormy Great Red Spot is shrinking!

jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. everything about it is huge. the red spot on jupiter is however shrinking. it has shrunk by 15% since 1996 till now. scientists believe thsi is happening because the specific swirl to it is slowing and begining to turn the opposite direction. scientists do not know why this strange event is happening, but are working onb finding out ver quickly. this will affect the world because the scietists will have to concentrate on this event very closely and will have to spend a lot more of their budget on figuring out this "monster" storm. the storm measures 3 times the area of the earth.

jessecovill said...

I did my current event on how soliders are drinking a lot more after they come home. The artical I read followed a Marine that had came home from Iraq and had a bad case of post-tramatic stress from his 8 month tour. When he came home he had represed all his fear and anger, and found an outlet in alcohol, he drank so much that he drove drunk, hit and killed a 16 year old girl. This effects everyone around us, this effects us because we are currently in a war and our soilders are comming hoe with these horrible mindsets and we arent doing anything to help them out. If only we could help these soilders out after they come home, maybe they wont kill people when there supposed to be enjoying them selfs.

Unknown said...


CAn Detroit be retooled - before it's too late?

basically, my current event i chose, again, comes back to the automotive industry. this is the largest industry in michigan, and one of the largest in the united states. the article i chose ceters around one of the main reasons that automakers are in this prediciment; constant retooling costs. basically, every year whenever a new model of car is released with new designs, automotive plants must be shut down for extended periods of time to be updated to these platforms. this is the retooling cost. all of the new machines, dies, and manufacturing components must be changed in order to keep up with consumer demand. this is whats killing our industry. not just unions, lack of financing, bad managment, or inflation, but this regular cost of retooling is a large part of the automotive slump. all of these costs, along with healthcare, benefits, and pension plans are whats causeing this.,8599,1888986,00.html

Alex V said...
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Alex V said...

The current event that i have chose to write about is european leaders rebuliding the economy. They will donate 1 trillion dollars to us to help the economy. Leaders of the world's largest economies agreed on Thursday to a package worth more than $1 trillion to tackle the global economic crisis. U.S. President Barack Obama called the deal "a turning point in our pursuit of global economic recovery." The plan calls for reform of the international banking system and the injection of more than $1 trillion into the world financial system. The Group of 20 is taking "unprecedented steps" to attack the global economic downturn, stimulate growth and expand loans to troubled nations Obama said at the close of the group's meeting in London. With this maybe we can get the US back on its feet.

Anonymous said...

As many of us know there is going to be a new X-Men moving coming out on May 1. What many of us dont know however is that a early version of the movie was stolen the other day and posted on the internet. It is said that this version is not fully edited, has many deleted scences and tempory sound so very little effects. The FBI and the production companies are working very hard ot try to stop the leak and get this incident under wraps. The FBI is going to change the leak to fullest extent of the law. This does not really affect me or anyone else to much. It will though lower ticket sales because many will see the movie before it is even finished. Also the people that enjoyed or hated the early debut might not go see it again so the number of in theater views will drop drasticlly. This in turn cause the movie theatres to loose money and many of them are in the same boat as the rest of America.

JakeCastner said...

There are three missing teen-agers in cleveland, ohio. They all went missing within 5 blocks of each other, over the last few years. Hearing about things like this makes you really think about how safe you are. I walk a lot of places, or ride a bike. As i don't have a car, this is my only option if i can't get a ride. When i have to walk at night, it can freak me out when a car comes creeping by. There are a lot of messed up people out there who want to do whatever they want to do to or with kids and teens. I don't know about you, but i don't want to disappear. I like living, and not being in the back of somebody's van. Keep your eyes open, because it's getting weird out there.

Anonymous said...

College and Money; Higher Education at Higher Prices

We all know that college prices are going up, but here's something that's going to hurt us all. Colleges are beginning to cut back on scholarships and financial aid because they simply cant afford it anymore. Why is simply beyond my purview; they charge you up the ass and then turn around and say "we have no money"? For the average school, say EMU, CU or something along those lines, it's around $25-38 thousand depending on what program you choose. With the market flooded with bad loans, and an insolvent auto economy for Michigan, it's hard to see how many people can plop that down and manage to pay bills at the same time. For the top-colleges in the United States, expect anywhere from 80-200 thousand in tuition and substantially reduced financial aid. That's a daunting prospect to anyone with high aspirations. People will be going into two types of debt from this: monetary and emotional.

In my opinion, we need to have Federal regulation of college tuitions. They have reached he point where they are absolutely insane. For a top school, you may pay $120,000 for tuition and books and never see your teacher physically. While the technology for video-conferencing and other new telecom technologies make it easier for schools to teach more kids, this lack of one-on-one interaction does NOT justify over a tenth of a million in tuition. Forget the auto industry, Chapter 11 is what they deserve: but think about the new generation's future. College isn't out of reach intellectually for most people, it's out-of-reach financially. It's not fair, it's not right and it needs to be stopped. Otherwise, I have no idea how I'll pay for college and neither will almost 80% of Americans who play on attending.

Panos said...

My current event takes place in Radford University in Virginia which has been in lockdown because of a fatal shooting that took place near the campus ( Police searched thru all 7,000+ students to find the shooter who had apparently hid in the school. This effects me a lot because of the way people can easily shoot people. Being a student myself when I heard about thet shootings I thought about Columbine were a lot of students died and I think that all schools need to increase their security and not let people just walk around in the school.

BrittanyBarron said...

So my current event is about a college porfessor who was worngly teminated by the University of Colorado after he made a Nazi reference to the victims of 9/11. He call the vitims of 9/11 "little Eichmanns" this refering to the Nazi Gestapo Adolf Eichmannwho was one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, Churchill referred to victims of the World Trade Center attacks "little Eichmanns." When asked why he made this refernce Churchill argued the victims were "a technocratic corps at the very heart of America's global financial empire." He was asked to leave the the university. Churchill argued during the trial that he was fired from his tenured position for expressing politically unpopular, but constitutionally protected, views. The university argued in the trial that he was not fired for his political views but rather for sloppy academic work. During the trial, the university presented several examples of what university officials claimed were cases of plagiarism in his research. The jury's final decsion was that Churchill was worngfuly terminated and was to be pay back by the university. The amount he was payed back was one dollar. In my personal opinon I belive that this jury was worng and that this man should not have his job back.

Plaz said...

In this current event scientists found a chemical in powderd baby formula. The chemical is also found inside of rocket fuel. Rocket fuel is also found in some citys drinkin water. Scentists say that it won't affect you if you have small amounts but if you have too much it can damge your brain. Iodine can counter this rocket fuel. So the government is startin to put some iodine inside of baby powder and the citys water. This is a good idea because if you drink a lot of water(like Mr. Kay haha) then you could be at risk for this brain damage, buy you would have to drink city water to be at risk. The reserachers wouldn't disclose the brands of formulas. The EPA checked around 4,000 public water supplies and 160 of them had detectable levels of perchlorate(rocket fuel chemical) and 31 had levels high enough to exceed a new safety level the EPA is considering.

ben nicolay said...

For tonights blog I will talk about how the unemployment rate jumped to 8.5 percent. It marks a record four straight months that job losses topped 600,000. The Labor Department's report is fresh evidence of the toll the recession has inflicted on America's workers and companies. Most economists expect the job cuts will continue for much of this year. The latest tally of job losses, released Friday, was slightly higher than the 654,000 that economists expected. Since the recession began in December 2007, the economy has lost a net total of 5.1 million jobs, with almost two thirds of the losses occurring in the last five months.The number of unemployed people climbed to 13.2 million in March.
This effects me alot. If my dad loses his job our family is screwed. He does not have a degree because he joined the marines. He's worked with the same company for 20 years. Not to mention, my mom doesn't work either because of her disease. Without a college degree in todays society, you can't really do much. Something needs to turn around soon or were all going to be in a world of hurt.