Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day 2

Today we shall free blog. The point of the free blog is to write on any topic you wish but have it be meaningful and an insight into you. If I sense that you are not being meaningful and just rushing, I reserve the right to not give you credit.


Lil Southkr3w said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This blog is about my passion for music. I love love loveee music, and I really hope to make it a profession one day. I play the guitar, and have been for about three years I think. I also play the piano and am in choir. I have a little musical project with my friend, Conner Matteson. We're doing sort of like, heavier stuff. Some hardcore-ish things. I also have a solo project, you could say: http://www.myspace.com/weareplanetband

As you can tell, I take music very seriously, and I really love making it.

Alix Dickson said...

This blog is about how i play tennis. Ive been playing tennis for two years and i really like it. I had never played before when i first joined the team i just thought it sounded like fun. As i turns out i loved it and even though im not great i still have alot of fun playing. I enjoy playing more with my friends during the summer than i do on the team during the school year becuases theres no pressure to win. I plan on playing next year and hopefully i will still play when im old. I just need to keep improving so i can get on varsity next year.

ben nicolay said...

For tonights blog I will talk about my love for football and hockey. I play both football and hockey. I love both of them because each game gives you its own excitement. In football I play center. The center is the person who snaps the ball. I like being a lineman and I think it is the position that has the most fun. One of my greatest moments in football was in the brother rice game when I snapped the ball during the that 4th and 1. That momment of hearing the crowd will be a memory of mine forever. On the other hand hockey is awesome too. I have been playing for 12 years. Wow 12 years and I can't even believe it has been that long. I play defense in hockey. Nothing is better than lining a guy across the blueline and laying him out. My senior year is coming up with both sports and can't even imagine what its going to feel like not to play them again. I could possibly play for a small d3 school but im still looking into that and for hockey there is always the beer leauges.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I'm going to write about my religious beliefs. Every week we go to youth group on Wednesday. I personally am not a Christian, but i believe in god, but anyways.. they did this thing were if you were going to spread the word of you god you would come upfront hold of your hands/ sing/ pray. Well this got my buddy all pissed, because he's a Cristian but did not feel that necessary. But it wasn't to point out bad people or anything like that. I just thought is redicus how mad he got about it and how offended people get

Stefan Kegebein said...

I am going to talk about the subjects of hockey and golf for tonight’s free blog. I am very passionate about both of these sports. I have played hockey for 11 years. I love the fast pace of the game. The speed of a hockey game cannot be matched by any sport. My Senior year should be a fun one. I am on of the captains of the team, and I am expecting a great year as a team and individually. I want to be able to play at least a few years of hockey after high school too. I want to play in ACHA for maybe Arizona, Arizona State or maybe Adrian. Golf too is one of my passions. It is a very challenging sport. Everyday there is a new and different challenge. I made the varsity team this year and hoping to have a successful season. I want to keep playing golf throughout my life. Someday maybe I can be in the PGA Tour and be like Tiger Woods (probably not). I don’t know how I would have spent my free time if I didn’t play these two sports.

Anonymous said...

My blog is going to be about sports and the NBA trying to make more money. I feel that the pistons have no chance to beat the clevand cavs. Not just because skill but because the NBA would make more money if Lebron was in the finals. Hes a superstar wno doubt about it but more people would wanna see lebron then rip hamilton. I think that the NBA makes a crap load if superstars get to the finals then the normal pistons spurs teams they wanna see lbron james and kobe bryant no doubt about. Watch what two team make it and ill be there to say i told you so...the refs will make sure the pistons cannot win..

Lil Southkr3w said...

aight dawg well today imma be talkin about how we aint allowed to wear hats in skool. its so gay ho the skool doesnt let us wear hats in skool. i dont get it its not like someone is gonna get offended or something. wats the worst that could possebly happen. if we where allowed to wear hats doring skool time we would be payin more attention in classes. i mean we wouldnt be worry about getting our hats taken away. many students be wearing hats and they be very important to us. in other skools they allowe students to wear hats why not us. in Oakland technical campus they be lettin us wear hats they dont be takin em like lakeland does. they dont be caring too much. The only time i would say its fine not to wear a hat is if havin the Pledge of Allegiance or something but we dont even do dat. all im askin myself is why does the school care if you use hats? well i think the rule is retarded the skools shouldnt take our hats. also they be taking our 35 dollar hats they shouldnt be doin dat stuff man.

Alan Hernandez

brandonlengyel said...

My blog is about the nfl draft and the lions new uniform.Ok here we go, the draft is comming up this week and the lions have the first round pick. Thats not so suprising since they have been the worst franschise for the past couple years now. We need more picks than just one thats why i believe that they should trade there pick for two. The can get a first round and a second round and there will be more talent on our new lions team. This year we have a new gm and a new coach. Ooo yeah also we have a new improved logo and jersey. Will our new look give us wins, and our coachs? Well i shrr hope so sine i would like to see that happen. So the lions are on the clock and we will soon find out there decision. I think im hearing SUPERBOWL bells.

JakeCastner said...

A lot of people are saying that America has gone about as far as it can. They say that we will soon implode and anarchy will ensue, and who knows? Historically, democracies tend to do that. South Asia is chock-full of failed democracies. People say that as Obama pulls the troops back into the country, riots will begin to show up on the news. I have already seen such riots on the news in London recently. These riots are provoked, put in motion by higher powers so that marshall law can be put into effect, effectively stripping us of all constitutional rights. This is a step-up from the patriot act of the Bush administration. I am not a conspiracy-mongerer, but i am also not going to turn a blind eye to the end of a civilization.

shelbybatlemente said...

This blog is about my love of the Detroit Red Wings. My family and I have always loved watching hockey for as long as I can remember. When I was younger I had a Red Wings T-shirt among other paraphanelia. My father is probably the biggest Red Wings fan I know as well as in my family. Tonight they are in their 3rd playoff game. They are playing the Cincinatti Blue Jackets and have currently beaten them the past 2 games. I really hope they go far again this year and win the Stanley Cup again. Before last year, they hadn't won the Stanley Cup since 1998. I want them to win it again this year because it gives our state something to be proud of. It also shows how well our hockey team can play! The Detroit Red Wings are very much capable of getting to the Stanley Cup Finals and I am confident that they will get that far. For now i'm just going to sit back and wait for them to get to the finals. I can't wait until the final games!!!

Stephen Manvydas said...

I am going to take this free blog to talk about the CIA torture report that barack obama has realeased. I personally have had the impression that the U.S. did use torture tactics but i did not realize how big of a suprise this news is to some people. I think that as a country we should have expected this. I think we are alot of talk but when noones looking we go and take that sneaky back route. We all know that those little lies make our lives seem easier and the leaders of our country take no exception to this. Wether it was Nixon, Clinton, or even Bush we all know they lied but why do we express so much hate twards them? All of us lie, some even every day, so i think we should forgive them for what they've done. Barack Obama seems to want to show us all the truth and I feel our country isnt ready for most of this. He should keep secrets and leave the country in their happy bliss.

ScOtW29 said...

I would like to blog about the lions new jerseys and logo. I think it is dumb how they think that a new logo would be the same lion with some white lines through it. They wanted to turn the team around says the new coach. That is why he came to the lion, to turn the organization in another direction. He would do this by getting new jerseys i guess. If he is going to get new jerseys change the whole logo. If your going to do that than you mine as well get a new team mascot because the lion sucks. It has haunted the detroit football team for years and years. I say if you want a better team you make the changes on the field rather than by new jerseys.

Anonymous said...

My blog will be about my work in OTC. Right now I just finished working on a surface grinder and now I am back on a manual mill. I just finished my projects that took me probably 2-3 weeks and it's called a 1-2-3 block. Now I am working on a C clamp, and it is not to complicated but it should take me about another couple of days. I think it is something cool because I would actually be able to use it and not just something that would be laying there taking up space. I need to finish it in the next few days so that I can send it in the next competition. The competition we send our work to is called Mits and if we get a good enough rank we would get prizes and other stuff, I'm not sure what all we could get but the teacher said it would be worth it. I like the class that I'm in because we get to make a bunch of sweet things and the training will get me a good job in the near future. I already had a job offer but unfortunately I could not take it because I'm not 18 yet but the teacher told me when I turn 18 I will be the first one out of the class to get a job. I looking forward to doing whatever I can to get the job and to do the best I can to help out with whatever I can at the school.

Unknown said...


I'm going to take this opphrtunity to vent about our "great" president. I'm sure some may come at me with things lime I'm a racist and what not. But whatever. I feel that barack Obama was elected just because he wasblack. Not for his policies. This whole thing about him promising to change thenation is bullshit. He is changing it for the worst if anything. His new policy with shutting down guanganamo bay is stupid. And now he is going to prosecute people for "torturing" proven terrorists. Listen. I don't give a shit if it's considered torture. If they will do whatever it takes to destroy America, we must do whatever it takes to get information. I feel everyone who elected him will soon come to regret it. I'll put money down.

Austen Anderson said...

well, for my free blog today i am going to talk about why blogging detentions are not worth it. i know we kind of talked about this during our blog detention today kay but i want to get more in depth with it. mainly because i dont think we should have to stay after if we miss or forget one. mainly because what if we dont have time for it? and its just like a homework assignment. if you dont do it you should just lose the points. also, can you really make us stay after for not doing a homework assignment? i know your thinking that "yea i can because i'm the teacher and i can do whatever i want" but are you really allowed to give a detention for not doing our homework? if so, why do you do this? because do you really enjoy having us annoying teenagers in your room after school? and having to keep track of how long everyone has to stay after and making sure u put up a blog every night before you go to bed or whatever. mainly waht im trying to say is what is really in it for you by making us stay after? because arent we annoying enough? or no?

Shelby Zukoff said...

Sometimes I wonder why I still have a job. I'm a klutz. I drop EVERYTHING. I talk and laugh way too much. I sing to every song that comes on. I never remember how in the world to make a BMT sub or a club SUB, or how long to put bacon in the microwave for. I HATE THE DAMN REGISTER. I never learned how to do register until two weeks ago, and I have yet to get the hang of it. I stand there screaming my coworkers names constantly asking them how to ring up a kids meal or blah blah blah. When a customer comes in, we must say, "HI, WELCOME TO SUBWAY" within 5 seconds or we could get in trouble. And i'm always the one that screams it obnoxiously loud with a huge smile on my face. I always get into conversations with the customers. I'm not the best at my job, but my manager always tells me how almost every customer comes up to her and says what a great employee I am and how friendly I am. I have a good time with everything I do and I always laugh off the bad/klutzy/dumb ass moments that i usually seem to have. Maybe a smile can get you a long way... Or just be enough to keep your job.

kirkwhitt said...

I will be blogging about snowboarding. snow oarsing is my favorite sports I have been snowboarding for 7 years and it is my life. I go almost every day during the season. I am planning on moving to Colorado so that I will be able to go year round. where as in Michigan the season is 5 months. the best part of snowboarding is working on new tricks, and hanging with friends. "A lot of people ride snowboards, but few atach them to their sole" like I have. I feel that snowboarding is a part of me that will never leave. I know for a fact that I will be ansnowboarding my whole life. The only thing that would hold me back is a phisical life changing experience that I hope I never see.

Anonymous said...

Thusly, I take this opportunity to rant on politics. You ready for this Mr. Kay? First, I'd like to start with the recent "Tea Party" crap. While yeah, people are pissed that the government is spending tax money and nothing seems to be happening, I wish people would realise something before they criticise: IT AINT GONNA HAPPEN OVERNIGHT FOLKS!!! Personally, I think that since we've all been spoiled as Americans, we're used to this "gimme now" mentality. You see it everywhere! Fast food, fast service, faster connection, faster this and blah blah blah. It all adds up to that mentality that if it doesn't fix it overnight it's not working. Things always get worse before they get better! Side note: I rate that statement as twaddle that ties with "it's in the last place you look". Moving on: so people may not be happy with the bailouts, I'm not either. While I think the banks are the only industry that should receive bailouts, the bailouts should be government controlled as to how they are spent. With so many backs being insolvent, it makes most sense to be adding it to their capital base instead of their retention payments going out to people whom they let go anyways. We just recently transferred my parents' accounts to my credit union not only because of the better rates, but because there's no CEO to provide a golden parachute for, and there are no worries about insolvency. Before I get into the next section, brief economics lesson about banks. Banks have two things on balance sheet which they need to balance. Assets and liabilities. These things are backwards from what you'd think they are: liabilities are moneys that people put in the bank. They are liabilities because that's money that the bank needs to be able to dish-out on-demand. Assets are two things: capital which the bank founders put in and loans the bank provides through the usual route and credit cards. These are assets because you pay the bank and they can squeeze it out of you whenever they need to however they need to. Now, when I say insolvent I mean that the bank owes more money than they have in their capital. Meaning that if you have an account of $100 and the bank's capital is only $90 they don't have the money to pay you off. The money they generally get through loan payments and the interest is added to the capital. So, insolvent banks are failing banks. Here's the reason for the bailouts now. Imagine if Chase bank (whose assets are 2.2tr but net worth only 8mil) went under and they could only bay that 8mil to their customers, it would fall on a little something that people know is there. The FDIC. But, the question becomes if you let JPMorgan Chase bank and another bank, let's say BOA (net worth 12mil) fail where do you get the money for FDIC insurance? Combined their worldwide assets are almost 7 TRILLION dollars. The national debt is right here: http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/ . So, where does the money come from? Now you can see why it's important to at least keep the banks afloat but still, control where the bailouts go. Personally, they should only go towards increasing their capital (net worth) so as to bring them out of insolvency. So with the tea party, all I can say is we need to give it time. It's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen. The ^DJI has already risen back to above 7,600 from the all-time-low of about 6,500 although I think that was more investor optimism than anything else. That's another thing: I hate what people do with stock. There needs to be a law governing its sale because here's how the market works: people buy stock prices go up, people sell, prices do down, stock splits everyone gets double the share, company NW does down, people sell, company NW goes up, people buy. Stock crashes occur when everyone sells a LOT of stock on a company that cant handle it and the company goes *pop* like a bubble. When that happens, investors panic, sell stock and the market indices plummet. Now, I may be wrong, but there needs to be something to prevent panic-selling or short-selling which is bad bad bad bad bad!!!!!

Next is the UN Human rights conference in Geneva. Frankly; what the fuck was Ahmadinejad thinking! He make the biggest faux-pas in history and he gets away with it. If you don't know the story, read it here: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124034888132240481.html . But that idiot needs to be shot or something. It just amazes me what people will say despite evidence. Yeah, perhaps I don't support everything Israel does and I think that the rightist-government of Benjamin Netanyahu and the previous rightist-administration of Areil Sharon and Ehud Olmert should be punished. Personally, I think that the Palestinians have a right to a separate state. I think that people in this country overlook the fact that WE demanded a separate sovereignty from Britain. If we can, why can't the Palestinians. Anyways: Ahmadinejad. There was writing on the wall of this being a fiasco in the first place. Placating the idiot by having western representatives show up even to threats from the Arab Union just caters to his fancies and strokes his ego. Frankly, I'm shocked that the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei being a progressivist, doesn't just remove the lunatic or hold a fatwa over Ahmadinejad's head to get him removed. Khamenei needs to put someone in the Presidency who's not as idiotic and a little more tactful if Iran wants anything to do with being a world player.

Not nearly as much as I wanted to do, but for the sake of not pissing the entire class of with the thing I would love to rant about, methinks that leaving it at that would be a prudent move on my part. I hope someone will read this and they'll get something to think about...

Anonymous said...

so yeah im going to follow stefans snoozefest with on that will really leave you with questions. Today i am going to ask you one simple question in a fight between a Knight and a Pirate who would be the winner. For me i would say the Knight. I say this because not only is the knight covered in armor but it has more training and better weapons. A knight has had training all of its life with weapons such as the longsword, the bow and arrows, axes, maces and much much more. All of these weapons will easily be able to take care of a pirate that is dressed in nothing but clothing. Although the pirate may carry some sort of sword and a musket pistol these clearly dont stand a chance against a knight. If the pirate wouldbe able to even get close enough to use his sword it would easily be deflected by the armor and shield of the knight. Not only that but he would risk being struck by the knights many weapons. When itcomes to the gun i believe that its only true effectiveness would come if it hit the knight in places that had very little armor or protection. True a gun is powerful but the ones back then were no where near as pwoerful as they are now-a-days. So even if it did hit the knght the chances of it penetrating the stell armor is very slim. So there are my reason why the knight would be victorious over a pirate in a battle. Who do you think would win????

Plaz said...

Aight im gunna blog about music. I love music and you know i rap and write my own lyrics. I mostly listen to rap because i can relate to it more than any other type of music. I dont listen to country because i dont know what its like to live on a farm and...do country things haha. Everytime i write a new song i usally dont like it. I probably have over 50 verses from this year that i never use because i dont like it. Every time i write i put everything i got into it. I write and rap about real true life experiences/things i have experienced. I like to write sad songs and hyped up songs the most. I like to listen to good feelin songs and sad songs. People have asked me why i do negative songs and sad songs. Well i dont know how else to get that out of my system. If i didnt have musuic in my life id probably go crazy ha. I know i should be tryin harder in school but music is my passion and me wit out music is like a bird wit no wings. Haha. Ive been writin music since i was 10 and ever since then ive been so motivated to go into the music business.
Evan E

Kevin Hughes said...

I guess for the free blog I'll talk about music. Music is my favorite medium of artistic expression, although I couldn't really say why. I think it's fascinating that some people can be more affected by seeing a painting than hearing a song. I'm not sure what the difference really is, although I think it's just that i've been conditioned to like music throughout my life. I listen to my iPod almost constantly (which is probably pretty obvious) because I always have new things to listen to that I want to keep hearing. I prefer to listen to music on vinyl though, and I have a decent sized collection of records I like. My digital music library is another story, with 11018 songs, 440 bands, or 878 albums, and I can safely say I like and have listened to almost all of it at least once. I'm also really into making my own music, i've been playing guitar for 4 years and my computer is usually a mess of microphones, cables, keyboards, etc, and usually after school i'm out making music with my friends if not myself.

Alex V said...

For todays blog I am going to talk about sports. The most recent is the cavs beating the pistons again. The cavs have been the best team for the whole year and had a 39 and 2 record at home this year. There recored at home was top in the nba. I have been a fan of the cavs ever scince the cavs drafted him with the first pick in 2003. I think they are going to win the whole thing. Its there year they got robbed when they vsed the spurs 3 years ago they should have won. I hate the spurs. Cavs all the way Lebron james is the shit.

jray said...

Todays blog will be about my passion for rollerblading. I first got into it in elementry school when one morning my dad asked if I wanted to go to a new skatepark downt he road. I've never been to a skatepark before and I had a friend over, so we both decided that we wanted to go. Ever since then I got really into rollerblading. When I was in 8th grade I won 3rd place on the "Redbull Ramp"(a 13 foot have pipe with 1 foot of vertical) in the finals. It was broadcasted on tv by the show 123sports. I haven't really done anymore competitions since then but I still love to do it.

Panos said...

My blog is about my love for soccer. I started playing soccer when I was 6 for a little team in the AYSA which stands for Anerican Youth Soccer Association. I was the top scorer inthe league but back them when we played games it was just for fun and no one kept track of the score except for me because I tried so hard to be the best. I switced from AYSA to Huron Valley Soccer Club because I wanted more of a challenge and it was. I was moved up ahead of my age group by two ages so I went from u-11 to u-13 and I have always been younger than y age group. When I started highschool I switched from Holly High to Lakeland High just to play soccer for a better team and I have been since 2006.

Janet said...

i want to talk bout music. Everyone loves music any type or a specific type. i love many different types in music. I listen to rap, r&b, not a big fan of country or rock.I even like to listen to spanish music. Music means alot to me becasuse i dont listen to music just becasue. I have a reason when im listeing to specific song. if im sad or down i usually listen to a sad song too. But i also love to dance to the music. i been dancing since i was little, i was in dance class for a while then i got out of it. N 2 yrs ago i started to dance again and that makes me happy. i wanted to learn how to play the guitar. i started to learn my uncle was teaching me but then he moved back to colorado. i have only written one full song, others arent not done they are more like journals/like diary right now.

Anonymous said...

My free blog will again be about my musical passion. Since the last free blog, I have further developed both my guitar playing abilities and my music writing abilities. When I first free blogged for this class back in the first semester, I was determined to become a professional musician. That has since changed, as I don't want to be a professional musician. I just want to get a few albums of my own music recorded so that I can give them away - yes, GIVE them away - in order to share my music and my emotions with people. Music is a language in that it communicates with people in many ways. A language is used to convey a message - a meaning, an emotion, a statement, anything of the sort. It is a tool used in order to communicate. For me, music is that language. And it is one that I am very fluent in. Prior to picking up the guitar, I had written poetry to convey what I was feeling across. Now, I simply pick up the guitar or sit down at the piano and write an emotional instrumental piece. It's nice to know that I have what it takes to become a professional musician, but the goal is unrealistic. Instead, my ultimate goal in life is to write music that I enjoy playing and that other people can relate to.

jessecovill said...

my laptop is still broke, im on another one, sorry im late.

i think ill blog about people overreacting to small things. first off, ladys...and some guys, when you see a tiny spider don't freak out and start screaming, the little thing is trying to get away from you and probably doesn't like all the attencion its getting, so stfu and walk away. second, when your in a store like wal-mart and the power goes out then some cenial old man on a hover round scoots up to the croud of people your in and says theres a tornado out side....just ignore him, one hes old, two hes crazy, and three...HES OLD!. lastly the annoying guys on tv that try to sell you stuff while yelling at you...do they think this will make you want to by the item or are they trying to scare you into buying it? and how did they get a show on the Discovery channel?