Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 22

Today we discussed the idea of irony and tragic irony. We discussed this last week but hopefully you have a better idea. Discuss, in this blog, the idea of fate. What does fate mean to you? How do you define fate? How is the idea of fate a tragic irony for Oedipus? Lastly, what do you think you are fated for? If you are not sure, why not?


ScOtW29 said...

What does fate mean to you? How do you define fate? How is the idea of fate a tragic irony for Oedipus? Lastly, what do you think you are fated for? If you are not sure, why not?

I dont beleive in fate. I think it is something people made up to make it seem like things were meant to be. Fate is the destiny for an event to happen. Fate is a tragic irony for Oepius because his fate was to marry his mother and kill his father. Both of these things happened, so i guess you could call it fate. I am not fated for anything. You make your life how you make it with the desicions you make. Fate has nothing to do with it.

ben nicolay said...

I don't really believe in fate. There was a time when people believed in ones fate as we can tell from reading macbeth and now oedipus. If everyone was on the bandwagon and believing in fate I probally would too if i saw it becoming true. I would define fate as an event that would happen in the future. Oedipus's tragic irony is that he was trying to save himself from the prophicies becoming true. He believed in what he was doing was right, but in the end the prophicies end up becoming true. I do not think I am fated for anything. I can do whatever I want with my life. Only I have the decision of which path I choose.

JakeCastner said...

Fate doesn't really have much of a voice in my day to day thoughts. Fate is something that people believe in when they can't handle their own life, and they think that there is a bigger picture that they aren't seeing. The idea that somehow, my life has already been planned out is pretty out there for me. I am living my life pretty effectively, and that is enough for me. I don't need to think about possibly just because i have not had any sort of holy epiphany or whatever. For Oedipus, however, the prophecy told to his parents when he was little caused quite a little bit of distress, and actually fated him to screw his mom and kill his dad despite his best efforts. It is tragically ironic because he left what he thought were his parents to save them from him, and ended up fulfilling the prophecy in doing this. That's just good TV right there. I can't see any benefit in asking what i think I am fated for, but since you ask, I think that I am fated to be a construction worker and have a short, painful old age.

Alix Dickson said...

fate is when something is destined to happen no matter what. I dont believe in fate however. I think you can always change your future. It was Oedipus's fate to kill his father and marry his mother. When Oedipus is sure that the prophecy didnt come true he ends up finding out that it actually did. I dont think i have a fate because i dont believe in it. I think that i have the ability to control my future and nothing is set in stone.

shelbybatlemente said...

I don't really believe in fate. What happens in your life happens based on the decisions you make. I don't think people are setup or fated when they are born. Overall the decisions you make in your own life impact what happens to you in the future. Fate is the destiny or something that predetermined to happen to someone. The idea of fate is a tragic irony for Oedipus. This is because Oedipus's fate was to kill his father and marry his mother. His fate ended up coming true. This is a tragic irony because Oedipus has no idea that Laius was his father or that Jocasta is his mother. Up until the part we got to today he had no idea that the king and queen of Corinth weren't his parents. He also had no idea that he was adopted. I don't think I am fated for anything. This is because everyone makes their life how they want it. You can either make good decisions or bad decisions. Whatever decision you decide to make can and will affect your life. Fate has nothing to do with what happens in your life. I think that everyone chooses what they want their lives to turn out like. Nobody else but you chooses what your life is going to be!

Anonymous said...

To me fate means something you are destined to do. I don't know how you would be put to a fate but that is how I see it. I would define fate as something that you have to do and you can not change that fate or outcome of the fate. I believe Oedipus has tragic irony in his fate because in the beginning he had the fate to kill his father and marry his mother. He had no idea that this would happen because he thought he had left his real parents to prevent this but turns out that he finds out that it did in fact come true. All of it ended up happening without his knowledge and that is what makes it a tragic irony for him. Lastly I have no idea what I am fated to do because there is no way to predetermine your own life. But if there were a way to predetermine your own life then I would hope I would turn out to be a good successful citizen and a well respected person.

Stephen Manvydas said...

My definition of fate is the course our lives take. Some may say its predetermined and other claim they can change their own fate. I personally am in the middle, i believe we can chose where to start but that choice can lead you down a predetermined path. Lets say you kill someone, after you do that you set off a chain of events that interfere with your life. The police will track you down, you'll go to jail, and then you will probobly live a pretty misrible life. So i guese you can change the details but the big picture stays the same. Oedipus's fate is tragic because he thaught he had this perfect plan, leave his family so the prophicy doesnt come true. It seemed pretty easy but little did he know he was adopted. I do not know what i am fated for and i do not think i want to know. If i could watch how my life i think i would feel very dissapointed. No more fun, no more suprises, no more anything.

Stefan Kegebein said...

I am not really a believer in fate. I believe that people really create their own luck so to speak. At least in the United States everyone has a chance to become the person they want to become. Unlike in other places of the world we as U.S. citizens no matter who are have all the same rights. Fate shouldn’t and doesn’t really impact people. Life is all about the choices people make. Fate to me is the belief in something that is just going to happen without any work involved. Fate also resulted in tragic irony for Oedipus. The audience knows that Oedipus killed his father and slept with his mother but Oedipus doesn’t and it leads to his down fall. I don’t believe fate has anything to do with my life. I like the fact that I can make certain decisions and control my own destiny.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Fate is something I'm not really sure of and will probably say allot of different things about(so don't call me names for having allot of different opinions). My definition of fate is like a pre destiny, like what your meant to do in the world. I think Oedipus just has a very unlucky fate, and you can see that your fate will occur no matter what. I'm not saying that we all were meant for something, this story is not a true story it makes you wonder allot though. I don't really belie in fate really, I think that you might start out with a fate but be able to change it as you go through life. I think that it would be super ridicules if you did think that. It is not that i think your retarded, you can think what you want but there should be some kind of sense of reality.

Alex V said...

What does fate mean to me. Fate is something that is predetermened and you can not change it. No matter what that thing will happen because it is fate. His fate was to kill his father and marry his mother. So he left to get away so this would not happen but what oedipus didn't know was that he was adopted and they were not this real parents. By leaveing he kills his father and marrys his mother. Fate was ediopus tragic ironey because they really happen. What is my fate right now I really don't know. But what vever it is it is already predetermend so all I can do is just live my life to the fullest and hope for the best.

Lil Southkr3w said...

well first of all we didnt have skool last week. so if we didnt have skool last week how did we discussed the idea of irony and tragic irony. i dont bealive in fate. but to some people fate means somethinng you are destined to do no matter what happens. fate to me would be something you have to do and cannot change the outcome of it. when Oedipus thinks the prophecy didnt come true and at the end he find out it did come true. well im not sure. i think i can do wat ever i want to do. im the only one that can change the fate i would have if i had one.

Lil Southkr3w said...


Alan Hernandez

kirkwhitt said...

Today we discussed the idea of irony and tragic irony. We discussed this last week but hopefully you have a better idea. Discuss, in this blog, the idea of fate. What does fate mean to you? How do you define fate? How is the idea of fate a tragic irony for Oedipus? Lastly, what do you think you are fated for? If you are not sure, why not?

To me fate is something you are destin for. For example your life falls in to place is how i think of fate. Fate is a tragic irony for Oedipus because he is finaly reilizing what his life is. His fate is finding out his life is a hole lie. Hes finding out that he killed his father and is sleeping with his mom like the prothicie. I think I am fated for the Army. Iv always wanted to go in to the Army as a kid and am fallowing that path still to day. I have been studing for my ASVAB test and have basick traing this summer for 9 weeks. That is what I think my fate is.

brandonlengyel said...

I dont believe in fate. Why i dontbelieve in this is becausei dont beleive every thing happens and what is planned to your destiney. Fate is a destiney that is for an thing like an event to happen in your life. In my fate im exposed to de in the middle class as to my parents are but im going to be in the higher class due to more schooling and getting a doctors degree so that i will survive better in the work place. Oedius fate is messed up. His fate was that he was going to kill his father and marry his mother. The funny thing is that this is all that has happened to him and he doesnt no it yet. Fate is basically how you persuae your destiney. i belive fate has nothing to do with my future. Why is that i will live my life the way i want to not by my fate.

Austen Anderson said...

fate doesnt mean much to me. the reason if this is because its not like i can change it or anything because fate is somthing that just happens. fate is somthing that is pre determined. somthign that you have no control over. fate is tragic irony for oedipus because his fate is that he will kill his father and marry his mother. and as we found out today, this is indeed true. he did not know at the time he was killing his father until now, and also his wife jocasta is indeed his mother. i have no idea of what my fate could be. it could be becoming a billionair. it could be to become famous for somthing completely random. but i have no idea, theres so many different thigns that have happened to me that there is no where i can even start to think of what my fate could be.

Anonymous said...

Fate means something that is going to happen. For example, an unfortunate fate would be to die from stomach cancer. It is the deciding moment in your life, the most important moment. That to me is "fate". This idea is tragic for Oedipus, because his fate was always to marry his mother and murder his father. He tried changing it, but only played out in to fate's hand. I think I am fated for a meaningful life. I think I meant for a life of good and accomplishment. I don't believe that I will just live life ordinarily and die. I like to think I will live a somewhat interesting, or unique, life.

Kevin Hughes said...

Fate means basically nothing to me, as I don't believe in it. I don't believe anything is predetermined. Also, I think thinking about your fate only makes things worse, as is shown in Macbeth and Oedipus. I think if you spend a lot of your time thinking about your fate, you aren't living in the present. This makes it so you aren't really living in the present, and aren't using your time to it's potential. This is why I think the idea of fate is harmful. I define fate as the belief that things are predetermined, or that things will turn out the way they do no matter what you do. Fate is tragic for Oedipus because he spends his entire life trying to escape his fate and ends up sealing it. I think I am fated to do whatever I decide is right at the time.

Anonymous said...

To me fate is something that is planned out for your specific life. This remind me of a movie named Donnie Darko, in which the main character starts to see these large jets of a clear liquid comign from our bodies. These masses would extend from us and guide us wherever we went and we had no control over it. This remind me of fate because you are being led through your life instead of living it however you want. Weather i believe in it or not is different. I think that we are all fated for something but how we achieve that something is up to us. For example if i was fated to be rich then i would probably end up being a plastic surgeon... or i could join the mafia and work my way up and become rich that way. As me for i dont know what i am fated for and i hope to keep it that way. For me ignorance is bliss on this subject. I would like to not know my future so that i can that i am making the decisions i am because i am able to not because i am being forced to.

Unknown said...


to me, fate would mean something of which we never have any oppurtunity to change. it is the inevitable outcome of our efforts toward something. personally, i honestly dont believe in fate. simply because i really feel that nothing we do ever has an agenda and what we do is our choice. the idea of fate is tragic irony for oedipus, because in the end, he did what was prophesized in the beginning. the event i am obviously referring to would be the murder of his father and marrying his mother. the fact that his mother didnt come to realize the coencidences earlier are outstanding. i do not believe i am fated for anything, because as i stated before, i feel there is no real plan for any individual alive. and if im wrong, i could honestly care less.

Anonymous said...

Yay! 'Net just came back on @ the house. Apparently, AT&T was doing maintenance on the line which caused some donwtime.

Fate has absolutely no meaning to me other than what befalls you as consequences to your actions. I don't think that fate is destiny as I like to think that we are in control of our own destinies. So, overall, fate is bupkis to me. Fate in the traditional sense is ironic for Oedipus because he tries so hard to avoid it. Everything he does, running away from Corinth, now going back, none of it affects the final outcome but instead hastens it. His fate is ironic specifically for that, he makes his fate happen. If he would have stayed in Corinth, or had his parents told him he was adopted, perhaps he would have stayed and nothing would have happened between Oedipus, Laius and Jocasta. For myself, I don't really know what my fate is. I try not to think of tomorrow, nut instead live for today. I find life to be much fuller if we don't worry so much about what might happen but instead of what we can make happen now.

Panos said...

To me fate is when you are predestined to do something or when something is predestined to happen to you. I myself do not believe in fate and think that it's something that people believe in to make them feel better when something tragic happens to them, it's a sort of scapegoat in where people blame fate instead of themselves for things that go wrong in thier lives. For Oedipus, fate is a tragic irony for Oedipus because no matter how hard he tried he could not stop the prophecy from coming true. Some people may argue that it was fate but others maya argue that it was not fate and if the adopted parents would have told Oedipus the truth all what happened to him could have been avoided and he wouldn't have left Corinth. Since I personally do not believe in fate, I believe that my life is dependent on the choices that I make and nothing else, so I really do not believe that fate has anything to do with my life and what happens in my life.

jay said...

Irony is the difference between what is said or meant to happen and what really ends up happening. Tragic irony is an tragic event or concequence that is unknown to that person. So, irony can happen and be unexpected outcome but a tragic irony is also unexpected but tragic and dramtic, usualy bad. I believe everyone has a fate or their destiny in life. I think fate is what is meant to happen, a series of events to each of us. People may not always know their fate or what is meant to happen. The idea of fate was a tragic irony for Oedipus because what He tthought was gonna happen and He tried so hard not to happen did happen. So asically We may o may not know our fate but it will probably happen anyways. I believe in the end I am fated for death just like everyone else but We all take different ways of getting there. I think I am fated to becaome a cheif in life and very well known for my skills.

Janet said...

For me fate is like a destiny. We dont know our fate unless you are told. Becasue some parents like Kings and Queens dont want their princess to get married to anyone. They choose a person for them, even if she doesnt want too. For Oedipus, it was his fate to kill his dad n marry his mother. Its inoric becasue he tired to run away so that prochecy wont come true. But in the end it came true. I dont think im fated for becasue i can choose my own fate. If i choose to do something bad then obviously im going to a bad future. But i can choose my own fate, wat i do and wat i dont want to do.

Plaz said...

I'm not sure what Fate exactly means but to me i think it means that we cant change our life. Like if we were to die on june 7th 2009 then we cant change it no matter how hard we try. Make sense?
I dont believe in fate because i think we can change our lives around if we try and if we really want to. We can be anything we want to but some people choose the stupid things. There are sometimes where i think a sprit does help us. Like if we left a minuet early from a building and a minuet later the building blew up then i think that some spirit made us leave that extra minuet early.
And i couldnt get to a computer so i stayed after school today to do my blogs.

jessecovill said...

My laptop was not working, and i have talked to you about it.

To me fate means haveing your destiony already set for you without you knowing. I would define fate as a tragic way to describe an individuals life time experinces. Fate is a tragic irony to Oedipus Because when he kills the group of people that one day he tragicly sealed his fate with out knowing it, then he went to Thebes and chilled with a Sphinx. To be honest i really don't know what i'm fated to and would rather I didn't know, because if i knew i might live an extreamly boring and cautious life.

Anonymous said...

Fate is the exact opposite of a coincidence to me. I try to think it's bullshit, but it's hard to explain a lot of the things that happen. For example, meeting the person that you are going to marry or passing away unexpectedly. I suppose you could explain everything as a coincidence, but how many coincidences can there be you know? The idea of fate is a tragic irony for Oedipus simply because he was fated to marry his mother and kill his father; what a shitty destiny. I am fated to get married, have children, and die.

Oh, and have a good time.