Monday, April 20, 2009

Cardmarking 6, Day 1

One of the themes of Oedipus was choices and consequences. Give an example of this theme in the story and how it connected it to at least one of the characters. Then, explain how this theme has been incorporated in your own life.


Anonymous said...

I would say that the biggest choice was Oedipus's drive to carry though with his hunt. Honestly, it may have been easier to have let the matter go rather than keep searching. It would have been easier on Oedipus if he had let it go, although the curse would have never been lifted, Oedipus would have never have had to go through what he put himself through. Although, I think that Oedipus would have still continued to search due to his convictions, I still maintain it would have been easier on him. For myself, many choices of mine have had consequences as have anyone's. Probably the biggest choice so far that has led to something I regret is me not taking the 8th grade trip to Cedar Point. I hate roller coasters and I wish I had gone. All of my friends went and it would have been a lot of fun. The fact that I didn't go is something I really regret. I am not good at seizing the moment, and it's something I need to work on a lot. Probably, this is the biggest reason I'm considering doing ROTC. I think it would be a good opportunity for adventure, for bettering myself and for taking chances and building my confidence. I just hope I don't chicken out.

Anonymous said...

Yay first post! And second

Plaz said...

One example of Oedipus's choices were to go blind. He went blind because he found out his wife is his mom and that he killed his dad and he wanted to kill himself but instead he just blinded himself. He chose to do that. Nobody did it to him. One example of a choice I did in my life would be how i act at school. What I mean is Im REALLY different outside of school. Im a lot more talkitive, and hyper and most of my friends I have I met them outside of school. Everybody at school sees me as the shy kid and doesnt talk a lot but my friends I hang with know me as the one who is doing the crazy stuff and always keepin everybody laughin. I guess I just see school as a more serious thing then hangin wit friends. If I were to act the way I do wit friends at school Id probably be in a lot of trouble haha.

Anonymous said...

This theme is a majorrrr part of the story. Oedipus is probaly the biggest one for this. He made the choice to get angry and kill alot of mean. He had consequnces for his actions. They may have been a little harsh buut that was his consequnce. This theme is incorperated in everyones life. Mine espeacily. If i dont do my work at school i have to deal with the conseqes buts thats because i chose to do that.

ben nicolay said...

One of Oedipus's choices was that he killed the man on the road. The man was laius and his father. Although he did not know he was his father, he still killed him and that was a choice in which he made. The consequence of killing the man was that he killed his own father. Also/ by doing this he is on the right track of the prophicies. This leads the way for him to marry his mother. This relates to my life because I have the choice of doing want I want and the consequence may be in my favor or not. One choice that I do sometimes make is not to do some homework assignments and not studying. Therfore, my grades are not as good as the could be.

Austen Anderson said...

there were many choices made in this story that had outrageous consequences. one choice was that jocasta had oedipus killed at a young age. but in fact the man who was sent to do this crime wasnt up to it so he gave it to another shepard. and this shepard gave it to the king and queen of corinth. and now that oedipus has grown to be a man he is now the king of thebes and jocasta is his mother and wife and queen. this is a great example of choices and consequences because of her choice of being not ready to have a kid makes this happen now. i have made a few bad choices in my life. for one you know of marc is my paper. i made a choice to plaguize some of my paper and i got caught for it. in the end its probally for the best this happened because if it had indeed worked i probally would have tried it again sometime later in my life. and now im paying for it by not having thsoe points.

Anonymous said...

One of the choices that decided Oedipus's consequence was when he decided not to believe Teiresias. When Teiresias told him (pretty much) that he had killed his father, he thought he was plotting against him with Creon to take over the throne. This choice determined how Oedipus turned out in the end, because ultimately, he ends up destroying himself. In the end, he could have avoided his TRAGIC consequence. This theme has affected my life in many ways. I haven't made THAT many stupid decisions, mostly because I am a smart kid who knows to not do stupid things. I do get in to trouble every now and then, like riding my bike an hour and a half in November at 2AM to see my girlfriend, then getting caught at 4AM. I suppose that this theme plays a role in my life when it comes to important things. Like right now, I can't decide what I want to do with my life when I get older, but I know I have to figure it out soon and make a decision.

brandonlengyel said...

The person i belivedwho had the mostoutrageous consequence was the herdsman. I believe he did because he gave a baby away to onther country tthat was exposed to be killed. He probley was thinking about the outcome of this situation, and that was he would grow up and fullfill his prophecie. The reson this baby oedipus was sent to death because he was given an orcale that he would kill his father and marry his mother. I belive the herdsman is regreting his decision now as this baby grew to a man and moved back into his old country not knowing who his real parents are. Now this herdsman is under life and death to tell king oedipus the truth. The time where i regreted something was just this last two mounths. I thought i just hurt my ankle and its was swolen but i still could walk. By running on it for the past mounth and half it didnt do alot of healing but making it worst. So now it is possibly broken and have possibly torn muscles. I find out tomorrow. This was a huge consquence.

Stefan Kegebein said...

The theme of consequences played a major role throughout the play. There are numerous consequences for Oedipus. One example of a decision that resulted in a consequence is when Oedipus left Corinth. The consequence that came from that decision was the killing of his father, saving Thebes, and marrying his mother. Like everyone else there are possible consequences for every decision I make. I have consequences when I choose not to study for a test. As the consequence I get a bad grade or a grade that isn’t to my capability. So most of the time, my consequences are a result of being lazy.

Alix Dickson said...

The theme of choices and consequences is expressed mainly by Oedipus. When Oedipus chooses to find out the truth about his past his consequence is finding out that he killed Laius and slept with his mother. Jocasta is also connected to this theme when she decides to have Oedipis killed when he is a baby. If she hadent done this Oedipus wouldnt have come back and unknowingly married her. This is incorportated in my life because i make tons of choices everyday that have consequences. Most of the choices i make are small so usually the consequences are to. Not all consequences are bad though like oedipus's and Jocasta's, sometimes they are good.

Anonymous said...

I think that the biggest choice that Oedipus made was leaving his adoptive parents in Corinth. I think that this choice was the one that sealed his fate. If he had taken the time before leaving to talk to Polybus and Merope then they could have possibly convinced him to stay. However this is not what happened. The consequence that followed this choice was him killing his father and fulfilling the rest of his destiny. Although the rest of his life after that point may not have been as terrible as the prohicies make it sound, it led to his tragic downfall. As for my life there is not much that i regret, but there is many things that i wish i had done differently. For example on thursday and friday i got really busy and forgot to do my blog. So in turn i lost the points and have to stay after tommorw. But now that i am staying after i now have a half hour that i can devote to studying for the AP test in a few weeks.

Janet said...

Oedipus going blind is one of the consquences. He rather be blind after knowing everything. He found out he married his mom and killed his dad. And his wife hung her self, so i think he wanted to go blind instead of dying. Also, Oedipus had a choice and he ended up killing Lauis and his father. He had the choice to not kill him but he made the choice of killing his own father. i agree with evan. This related to me becasue at school i act kinda different then outside of school. With my friends that dont live here i act sooo different. i guess im just more confortable with them cuz i know them more. I be soo hyper with my cousin she is my best friend karina we be acting so stupid but we dont do anything bad. At school im not really loud im more shy.

kirkwhitt said...

An example of this theam would be Oedipus killing Laius with out knowing he was his birth father. By choosing to kill this man he started the prathicie that was choesen for him. This relates to this theam because later on in his life he fofills the prathice by mairying his mother and screwin his mother. This theam relates to my life because I have chosen to lie to my parents. By choosing to do this I got caught and paied the punishment by be g grounded for a week. By being grounded for a week I learned not to lie to my parents. And at the end of Oedipus,Oedipus learns that choosing to kill that man was wrong but he suffered auch harshe punishment.

ScOtW29 said...

One of the themes of Oedipus was choices and consequences. Give an example of this theme in the story and how it connected it to at least one of the characters. Then, explain how this theme has been incorporated in your own life.

An example of these themes would be oedipus. Oedipus keeps making stupid choices throughout the story. The funny part is that he thinks that he is doing the right thing. First he leaves Corinth trying to avoid killing his father and marrying his mother. He though that was a good choice. He didnt know that they would both be where he went. He had to face the consequences, by leaving town. He was in denial at first though. In my life I have made choices such as not doing work in school. The consequence would be me getting a bad report card.

Anonymous said...

I would probably say Jocastas choice to end her life would have a lot of consequences towards her family and kids. By ending her own life, she had basically messed Oedipus up for life. Mentally and physically but the physical part was more on his part because he was the one that decided to gouge his own eyes out. She had also messed her kids up for life because she had left them in the world without a mother. She also left Oedipus without a wife and a mother only because she couldn't handle the truth. I have mad some bad choices that had bad consequences and they have impacted my life in a lot of ways. I would have to say my worst choice would be not to listen to one of my girlfriends and it was pretty important for our relationship and the consequence was us splitting up. So when I have to make choices anymore. I think ahead and think of the consequences that could be from making them choices.

jay said...

It was foretold that Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. Oedipus ran away from home so that wouldn't happen. While on the run He kill a guy which happened to be his birth father. He got married and later found out it was his mother. He made several choices along the way. He also had to live with all the consequences of his actions. Everyday of my life I make choices that I will have to deal with my choices. Everyone has to deal with the choices they make.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Im going to agree with Stefan and say that choices and consequences was a very big theme in this story. Oedipus made his first choice to kill the strange man on the road, he then made the choice to help out the city of Thebes. Jocasta long ago made the choice to "kill" her son, and then the the servant made the choice to save his life. All of these choices made their way into the lives of the thebians and in the ended caused a big disruption. Oedipus chose to find the truth and he ended up stabbing his eyes out. Oedipus, the trajic hero that he was, made alot of wrong turns for the right reason in his life and i think thts how it plays out for all of us. I tried to defend a younger kid back in the day and to this day i think i did the right thing. The kids older brother would bully him around all the time so i would stick up for the younger one. Even though in the end i was doing the good deed, the right thing, i alwasy got in trouble with their parents for helping the kid. I felt like i made the right choice but in the end the consequence is not always as we expect it to turn out.

jray said...

I think that Oedipus's biggest choice was to carry on with the search for the truth. He wanted to know the truth and was willing to do almost anything to get it. Oedipus was doing it for the right reasons but found out some horrible secrets. This theme is incorporated in my life because I do the same thing. I like to know the truth to a story so I don't go away thinking something else really happened. It doesn't really matter if the outcome is worse. I just feel better knowing what actually happened.

Lil Southkr3w said...

whats the theme? im gonna guess that the theme is the choices and consequences is to expressed mainly by oedipus. im also going to agree with rob. he say that the choice to end jocastas life would have a lot of consequences toward her family. when she killed herslef she messed up her sons life and her kids life. also oedipus thinks he is right everytime but he isnt. when the blind old guy was telling him that he killed his own dad he didnt belive him. he thinks that he is liying becase the old guy is blind and can see nothing. im gonna say that one of my worst choises would be not lissen to oders. if i would of listen i would probably would be a better person.

Alan Hernandez

shelbybatlemente said...

This theme pops up in this story a lot. An example of this theme in the story would be Oedipus's choice to go blind. He found out that he killed his father and married his mother. He felt ashamed and that he wasn't good enough to see anything anymore. The Chorus said that he would be better dead then blind and suffering. Oedipus said that he wants to be alive but feels he should suffer the consequences he put on his city. He chose to pierce his eyes and blind himself. Nobody else told him to do it. Oedipus chose this and now is suffering the consequences. This theme has been incorporated in my own life in many different situations. One of the biggest choices that i've made to avoid the consequences is how i act and behave in school. I am quiet and kid of secluded in school. But at home and around my friends I am talkative,hyper,and pretty much the center of attention. I don't act like this in school because I don't want to get in trouble. I just want to get my work done and go home. That's the whole reason why I actually do my work in class. If I had friends in all of my classes like I do in my math class I wouldn't get my work done. I have made somewhat good choices and now I don't have to suffer the consequences like Oedipus did when he gouged out his eyes.

Unknown said...


The biggest choice in this play, I feel was when the herdsman decided to give Oedipus to his surrogate family. This connected to everyone in this story, because if he were killed, there would he no story. Choices and consequences is a theme in my life all the time. Whether it is with my money spending, the food I eat, or hell, the music I listen to. Everyone every day faces a multitude of choices. So it is a very relavent theme. Hopefully this counts for answering the idea fully marc.

Kevin Hughes said...

The theme of choices in Oedipus is most obvious when he ignores what Teiresias says. He later does this again when his wife begs him not to discover the truth about his birth. He made a choice to pursue the truth of his birth, even though he was warned there would be negative repercussions. A different version of this same thing has also happened to me in my real life. A lot of times i'll have agreed to hang out with someone and somebody else will give me a more enticing offer to go somewhere else, and it's hard to decide. I usually stick to my word but when I do that, i always wonder if I could have ended up having more fun doing the alternative. If I choose to lie and do the alternative, I also think I would have never known if the original plan was better.

Alex V said...

An example of conseqences in the story of oedipus. Is when oedipus decideds to kill a man that is walking on the road. What he doest realize at the mounment is that it is his real father he has just killed but he doesn't know it. This is the reason way he left so that the prochey would not come true. Already one part of the prochecy has come true. After he kills his father this also leads into oedipus marrying his own mother. This realates to my life because we all make choices in our lives some choices might be better then the other. A choice I make is sometimes not comeing to school this seems like a good thing at first untill I go back to school and have all this work to make up or a test to take.

JakeCastner said...

In the story of Oedipus, choices and consequences shaped the story significantly. When Oedipus was traevelling on the highway, he chose to teach a snobbish man a lesson about manners. As consequence to this, he was given the opportunity to become king of a city and effectively ruin his life in a twist of cruel irony. Farther back than that, Oedipus chose to leave his "Hometown" and was faced with the consequences of killing his father and raising a family with his mother. Choices affected my life greatly not too long ago. I don't feel any need to go into great detail in a public forum, but i was faced with a decision. I chose poorly and was faced with severe consequences. Those consequences are all but over with now, so it's all good.

Panos said...

I would have to say that one of the biggest choices that Oedipus had made was the choice to get angry on the road from Corinth to Thebes and getting angry and taking it out on King Lauis,(even though Oedipus didn't know at the time) and ended up killing King Lauis. The biggest consequence that Oedipus had was that he was the pollution in the city of Thebes and he also made the prophecy from the Oracle come true by marrying his mother and killing his father all out of anger. If Oedipus would have made the crucial descion not to get angry and just step out of the way he would not have been thrown out of Thebes in the end and lose all his greatness in the end. This theme is connected to Oedipus himself because as we see in the end he has anger problems when he gets angry and threatens the herdsman. This theme can be connected to my own life because sometimes when I get frustrated I take it out on othwer people and get really gat angry. Some of the consequences I got was getting sent to a boot camp for my anger.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think that this particular theme of the story is ironic. I think this because he made a choice originally to escape a consequence and those things ended up happening in the end. The perfect example was his him leaving his "parents" so he would not kill/marry them. The theme though itself i haven t seen much of it. In my real life, that's like the story of life. You make choices then there will be rewards or consequences. One is example is getting my wisdom teeth taken out. I had to deal with the consequence of pain, and it sucks.

Anonymous said...

One of the themes of Oedipus was self-actualization, or rather the opposite of. Oedipus, in the beginning of the story, was a great leader of Thebes. He had saved the city and become king. He had ruled with a great leadership and his people admired and respected him, and, like Machiavelli had stated as an ideal quality in a leader so many years later, he was both loved and feared. He had reached his full potential; he was self-actualized. Then, when the second plague arises and Laius' murderer must be found, Oedipus is put to blame by Teiresias. This is the beginning of his downfall, as throughout the rest of the story Oedipus tries, despite warnings, to find the truth behind his past. Of course, he found out that he did indeed inadvertently kill Laius. This prompted Jocasta to commit suicide and, thus, Oedipus to blind himself. It's a tragic downfall, really. To be at the top of Maslow's pyramid only to plummet all the way to the bottom is very sad, and it happens often in modern society I'm sure, too. In my life, I am working to become self-actualized, to reach my peak and the peak of Maslow's hierarchy. I just hope that once I reach my potential (which is a rare thing to accomplish) that I can maintain it rather than discard it as Oedipus had.

jessecovill said...

my laptop is still broke, on another one, sorry its late.

an example of choices and consequences was at the begging when Oedipus unknowingly kills Laius, this was a choice that he could have avoided but he didnt. the consequence that came with oedipus's choice to kill Laius was that he fulfilled the first part of the pophecy and this would start the rest of the prophecy. he also didnt have to solve the sphinx's riddle and walked right on by, but he solved it and marryied his mother. this theme has been incorperated into my life by my shoice to go to a concert then not have my hearing for 3 days..but it was worth it.