Friday, March 27, 2009

Day 15

I am interested in learning more about you today. Give me something about yourself, your life, your family, hopes, dreams, etc. that gives a greater insight into who you are as a person.


Anonymous said...

I like videogames and hanging out with friends. I like going to abandoned houses with said friends and exploring them, and changing signs on the side of the roads to say funny stuff. My family has 8 people in it, and I have one brother and four sisters. Two parents, not divorced. My hopes and dreams are to tour in some sort of a band around the US, and to live a happy, fulfilling life. Music is a huge part of my life, and I'm on the track to becoming more involved with it. I create music almost every day, and don't know what I would do without it.

shelbybatlemente said...

I like going to the movies and hanging out with friends. I like going to the mall even if I don't end up buying anything. My family is a split family. I am a child of divorce. I live with my dad and my 12 year old brother. Before I moved out here I lived with my mom, my brother and my 1 year old sister. My parents are divorced and have been for almost 4 years. My hopes and dreams are to graduate from a 4 year college. I want to be a Graphic Designer in the future. I want to live a very happy, and successful life. Music plays a huge role in my life. I have no idea what I would do without my family, friends, or people around me who I love and show great respect for!

Alix Dickson said...

My family and friends are the most important thing in my life. My 21 year old sister and i are very close and we hangout all the time when shes home. I love shopping i spend almost all the money i make on usually pointless stuff. I also really like being outside. I go camping every summer which is always fun. i also play tennis. Im not that great at it be me and my friends just mess around and have fun anyway. I have absoulutly no clue what i wanna do when im older. I hate being asked what my plans for the future are because i have no idea what i wanna do.

JakeCastner said...

I'm Jacob Castner and i used to live in waterford until like 7th grade. I've found a few good people and befriended them. I don't get the grades they tell me i could, and they're probably right. Older rap is good, 60s-70s rock, funk too. There hasnt been much good music made in the last 30 years. I'm graduating next year and i dont know what to be. I'm thinking of joining the peace corps but im still checking it out. I have a sister who's 19, a mom and a dad. My dad can be cool but usually hes just a dad. Mom's pretty laid back. That's it because our little branch of the family tree is pretty small. We just got a German Shepherd because somebody tried to break in. Used to have like a four foot ball python but we gave it away. We've still got the horse and the lizard though. From the city, we moved out here to a horse ranch and its really cool. I really want it to be summer. That's what i hope for, summer. As far as dreams, like i said, i really don't know at this point. Maybe like a masseuse or just a construction worker, followiing my dad's footsteps. I'm pretty good at it, so maybe go to business school and take over the business when he's done with it. You learn pick up a lot of skills doing construction, and i have been helping out pretty much since i have been able to walk.
I got my license recently and im hoping to buy a car this summer. I'm going to work full time, so by the time school starts i should be able to just drive here. I'm looking forward to this weekend, specifically tonight, when i get to go hang out at my friend tyler's house for the night, get up in the morning, and drive to my grandpa's house to work. I'm working all weekend, so I'll be able to get some money for the car fund. See you monday.

Anonymous said...

So you want to learn more about me? Well i was raised in garden citty michigan. I am a only child with two good parents. My main dream is to become a pro golfer. I think this dream is defidently achieveable if i put my mind to it. I have been practicing every single day to accomplish this and i hope some day it will finally all pay off in the long run. My dad is a hard worker. He works hard every night to help put food on the table. My mom is also a very hard worker who works just as hard to do the same.

jay said...

First of all I love camping. I think my life without music, I would get distracted all the time. Now Lacrosse is a big part of my life. I also work at Mcdonalds and go to culinary arts class at OTC. In which I'd like to take those skills and open my own restuarant/bar. I don't know what I will call my resturant yet but it is pretty much my dream. I woud like to live in a little house in the woods and a Lambo preferably dark navy blue. That's all and I'm outtie like John Gotti.

Kevin Hughes said...

The main things I like are music, photography, and philosophy. I also really enjoy spending time with my friends, although it may not seem like it. I am actually a very social person, just very picky with who I want to talk to. My days usually consist of going to school, coming home and making music by myself or with friends, and then going to sleep. My family is pretty normal and I have a brother and a sister. My dream is to live life doing what I want to do and not have to conform to the expectation of having to get a job to consume and then die. Although I realize this is what makes the world go around, it's not for me.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes
Last one finally, fuck broke computers

Something about me ey??? I hate pointless violence. I work at burger king starting Mcdohnalds in two weeks. I life goal is to be a famous musician, status= 0%. My family and my freinds are everything to me, id die for them no matter what. I put passion in everyday, there are just different amounts. I hate others pity. I live with my girl friend. But to truly know me you have to talk to me.

Myspace about me = I'm Cody and i strive to make this world a better place for everyone. I live in the great state of Michigan and don't really have plans for leaving, but i might one day. I made the choice not to be edge and you can talk to me about it, just don't hate me. I also adore my gf, I love her to death. I'm a nice person

Austen Anderson said...

i enjoy doing many different things. in the winter, all i do i hockey and snowboard, if im not at school or hockey im always snowboarding. in the summer, im either working or out on the boat. last year i was pretty much on the boat all summer. wakeboarding in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. some of my dreams in life are to keep playing hockey as long as i can. i dont care if its just in a beer league or sumthin but i want to keep doing that. also, i would like to go to school to be either an architect or a commercial pilot. i just want to do somthing that i would enjoy. ive already got my private pilots liscense so thats how i know ide enjoy being a pilot, and also they make pretty good money. and being an architect would also be fun because my uncle is one and hes taught me many things about it.

Lil Southkr3w said...

well my life with out music would be pointless. i love musick. my favorite artist would be lil wayne and chamillionaire. i aslo like to chill and hang out with frends. alos i like to play xbox 360. right kno im just waitin for fight night round 4 to come out. that video game is gonna be tight. i also like movies, my favorite movie is blood in blood out and american me. right know im waiting for fast and the furious to come out next friday. i also want to open a pawn shop in the future. the pawn shop is gonna be BIG truste me. imma be selling all different types of stuff.

Alan Hernandez

ben nicolay said...

I like hanging out with friends and pretty much chillin. Im a pretty mellow person and I usually go with the flow. I enjoy listening to music. I also like to workout. In a nut shell one quote I live by is "Do what makes you happy".
We have 5 people in my family. Mom and Dad are still together. My sister is in 8th grade and is pretty much a bitch. My little brother is in 2nd grade and can be pretty annoying. I still love them though. We also have a dog which is a lab and her name is Roxy.
One dream I do have is to win a state championship in football. Nothing would be better than that feeling. I want that ring to put on my finger. That whole expierience would be kickass.
Another dream I have is to move to florida and live on the beach or even a nice golf community. I think Florida is a pretty chill place. I usually go there every spring break except this year because the economy is shit and my dads job is more demanding.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Well to start off in school im kinda quiet, relaxed, and just slide on by. Outside of school im more of an outoing fun person. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing video games and just having fun. I have an avarage sized family with me, my mom, my dad, and my brother and sister. My parents are not divorced and im very happy about that. I personally find it sad that most families are divorced. I love music, prefer rock/alternative songs. In the future i plan on going to college and doing someting along the lines of History.

jray said...

My family and friends are the closest thing to me. I have one brother and one sister along with my parents. I would do anything for them. I live to have fun and have a good time with my friends. I also enjoy being outside, weither it be playing baseball to just hanging out by a pool. In the future I plan on going to a trade school and start up my own business. Music is another big part of my life. I'm not in a band or anything but I could sit and listen to music for hours. I was grown up around it and it'll stay a part of my life forever.

Alex V said...

I like to play video games on my ps3. I like to play basketball out side with my friends. I also like to buy new things for my car. My dream is to one day is to open a fish and seafood resturtant in florida. I love seafood food shrimp and lobster and all kinds of fish. I live with my mom and dad and my younger brother garret. My dad owns his own construction bussiness. And in a couple of weeks we will be geting a new a dog named rasco he's a english bull dog. I can't wait well that's all that's happening right now in my life that may not know already.

brandonlengyel said...

My name is brandon charles lengyel. I like to play sports and have been playing football and lacrosse since the 4th grade. I have two sisters that are now in college and one is about to graduate. My family consit of them me and both my mom and dad. My dreams are to become a doctor and to be succesful in life. I want to enroll in medical school but not sure wat college yet. I will get a better clue as i find out my acts'. My parents are not divorced that is something that i need to state in the society we live in today. Both my family friends and teamates also are huge part of my life. Now you now a little more about my life.

Anonymous said...

My life has had a lot of things in it that hasn't really been good but I deal with them fine. I'm not going to get into detail with them though. I love to go on long drives, usually by myself or with my little brother. It's really hard to do that now because I have a piece of shit car that has many of problems. I can fix them but as soon as I do something else goes wrong with it, and I'm feed up with it. Besides that I like to hang out with friends and just chill. My family includes a little brother, a baby brother and a younger sister. My parents are divorced and my mom is with somebody else that lives here with us. I usually get along with him but there are times when I want to just beat his ass, but we get over it. My dreams in life are to move out of my parents house and get my own place, I also have this dream of owning a dodge viper because that is my all time favorite car. My hopes in life are to make sure my baby brother doesn't have a life like I have had and help him along the way. Most of my interests are in my music and concerts. My other interests are with cars. I usually work on a lot of different things on cars, including body work and motor work. There are many other things about me but I don't really feel like adding anymore, but that's just some of my life.

Panos said...

I have many dreams in my life but my main ambition is to become a sniper in either the Us Marines of the Us Army. I have already went through prepatory boot camp so I will be able to go through basic training in the summer between my junior and senior year. I also love being a leader and i think that it is a really good gift that I have. I like telling people what to do like if someone asks me where we should hang out i just don't say "I don't know" i say a place and we go there. Generally people listen to my opnion and they appreciate the qualities i have. I do believe that the relationships with my parents could be better but it takes time after a tragedy happens. I lov to play sports as you already know and so i usually am sports centered and i work out alot.

ScOtW29 said...

I am interested in learning more about you today. Give me something about yourself, your life, your family, hopes, dreams, etc. that gives a greater insight into who you are as a person.

I have a great family. My family consists of Me, my brother, sister, my mom and dad, and also my dog. I love my family and they support me in mostly everything I do. I dont know what i want to do in life yet. I know that I want to go to college, and be successful in life. Something about me is that im athletic. I play football, and run track. I have been playing football since the 3rd grade. I like it because its fun to play, and it keeps me busy.

Stefan Kegebein said...

I am a sports fanatic. I love to play all kinds of sports but in particular Hockey. I have played Hockey since I was in the first grade. There are five members of my family. I have a mom, dad, twin brother, and a younger sister. I don’t like being a twin because I have to share my birthday with someone else. My goals in life are to first go to a good college. I probably want to major in engineering. Lastly I want to have a good paying job that will make a good living for my family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marc, I'm Ryan. I live by myself, I write and record music every single day, and I have one brother. My dream is to someday be a professional musician, but that's pretty far fetched, therefore my more attainable dream is to be a clinical psychologist. I have two guitars, one of which is a Gibson Les Paul. I take great care of it and play it for upwards of three or four hours a day. I love my life. I lead - not follow - my OWN thing. I have incredible friends, and I'm always happy and smiling. I wish I had more money, though I get by just fine. Life is just peachy keen for me. No complaints here.

Anonymous said...

A little bit about me, huh? Well, here goes! I"m Stefan Pelak and I'm probably the biggest Trekkie in the school unfortunately. I also enjoy reading, having just added to my already significant library which currently consumes an entire wall in my room. I'm an avid airsoft fanatic, and being the best aim on my team, receive the honour of having the spring-operated Mauser SR with scope. Also, I work in our family's shop. We repair German automobiles and I get to learn a lot about cars and how they work. Yesterday, after school, I hav to finish replacing the 4th and 3rd gear on a 2001 VW Jetta GLX 6-sp manual. The driver decided that redlining it and then, downshifting without waiting for the revs to drop would be fine. My ambition is to become either a doctor, or to own a successful graphics company. I'm currently considering entering the millitary for the expirience, even though I'm not particularly patriotic. I vastly enjoy video games, yet find myself spending more time editing them then playing them. My biggest hobby is devoted to music, whether it be listening or creating. I'd like to purchase my own Bari Sax sometime in the near future so I don't have to lug a school instrument around, but have yet to com eup with the 17,000 dollars needed for the one I like. One of my hopes is that politicians will change into people who tell the truth for once. I do realize that this is a rather naive point of view, as democracy is founded on lies and the politicians being able to cheat the system. I find English to be a tiresome language, as it's not particularly easy to speak or spell since so many words are not spelled or pronounced how normal people would assume. I don't like to speak American, much prefer Hungarian, yet settle for Enlgish. Also, I'd enjoy becoming a humourist like David Sedaris, although my "dry wit" may end up earning me more death-threats than applause. I'm not by any means a "jock" and I hate sports. Generally, when people talk sports around me, I have absolutely no clue as to what any of it means. But, I'm OK with that since I have nothing to gain by liking sports. I'm a math fanatic and am currently hoping to get into AP Calc as well as AP Lit and AP Gov/Pol. I'm going to be joining the marching band for next year and fully expect to get my ass whupped considering the instrument I play. There's nothing really that is overly interesting about me in any other regards. I'm just a typical teen in most respects, maybe perhaps for the hatred of sports and rap and the love for Star Trek. But hey, I like what I like and that is all I can ask for.

jessecovill said...

well im a simple person, i like food and watching t.v. and sometimes hang out with my friends. my life has been...good so far, at least i think it has been a good one. my family consist of my mom, dad, sister, dog, and me, just a normal family that does family stuff. i really don't have any hopes worth talking about same with dreams. although i do want to some day get the chanceto run my parents store, i currently work for them.

BrittanyBarron said...

Well first i have an insanely long name. Brittany Jeannette Barron. Its 24 letters long. I feel like me name really makes me. I'm into music, fashion, movies, being on my lake. Music is a really big part of my life. My life is normal. I always wish that something more exciting will happen today of the next day. My family is carzy. You know that family that you give the strange looks to at Disney World cause they are being ridiulous will thats my family. I come from a large southeren family. Although many people have left or died from that family. So now it is just my mom, my grandfather, and me. In my house, but there is also my aunt, uncle, and cousin who live right down the road. My hopes, world peace, for there to be a woman persident (wouldn't be to bad if it was me), to get into the schooli want to. I only have one dream, just to live a full life. I know first hand how quickly life can be taken away. I vow to live in the moment always.

Miranda Adams said...

I am interested in learning more about you today. Give me something about yourself, your life, your family, hopes, dreams, etc. that gives a greater insight into who you are as a person.

well my full name is miranda denise adams. my middle name is after my grandpa. i was born im clare michigan. i have twin little brothers names Tristan and Devon. they are only 8 and drive me crazy when i see them. I also have a older sister who is 18 and her name is Allie she is attending michigan State. im not 100% sure what i want to do with the rest of my life. i try to live day by day.