Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 14

Today will be current event day. Please choose a current event. NO ONE CAN HAVE THE SAME EVENT SO LOOK CLOSELY TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE CHOOSING SOMETHING DIFFERENT!. As always, you need to give a brief summary of your event and focus on how this event effects you, your community, or your world. NO CITE, NO COUNT AND CITE MUST BE IN YOUR ORIGINAL BLOG.

Have a great night.


shelbybatlemente said...

Social Security, SSI recipients to receive $250 check in May

where I found the article:

An estimated 50 million Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients will receive their one-time $250 economic stimulus check starting in early May -- several weeks ahead of schedule, Vice President Joe Biden announced Thursday. Biden also announced the distribution of $3.2 billion in new funding for state and local energy efficiency programs from the Department of Energy. The $250 checks "will make a big difference in the lives of older Americans and people with disabilities -- many of whom have been hit especially hard by the economic crisis that has swept across the country," Biden said in a written statement. This event doesn't really effect me personally. It effects my grandma who is on social security though. It effects my community because all the senior citizens and others on social security will get extra money. It effects my world because everyone in the country who is struggeling even being on social security will get an extra check of $250 in the month of May. This will really help a lot of senior citizens in this country. I think it is a very good idea to give senior citizens an extra $250 in May.

shelbybatlemente said...
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Anonymous said...

At least 22 civilians were killed and 38 other people were wounded Thursday in a Baghdad car bombing. A parked car bomb blew up near a bus station and a hospital in Shaab. The bombing took place somewhere around noon and 1 p.m. Four women and three children were among the dead. Wednesday, a roadside bomb near a school in northern Iraq killed four female students. The bomb went off in Mosul. Along with the four deaths, seven people were wounded. Somewhere in the south in Baghdad on Wednesday, a bomb targeting security guards from the country's Justice Ministry wounded two guards and two bystanders. The bombing occurred along Haifa Street. A dangerous stretch in central Baghdad. The explosive had been attached to the guards vehicle. This effects my because I was thinking about joining the army in the Iraq area. The only reason why I don't want to is because that is not the way I would want to die, getting blown up by stupid people planting bombs near army stations. This effects our community by having more innocent people dieing by having bombs blown up near public places, exceptionally by a school or a hospital. This also effects the world by escalating the war over seas, which is not a good thing because more and more innocent people are being killed.

Unknown said...


in the news today, general motors stock took a drastic 14% increase due to hourly worker buyout offers. also, general motors stock has been on the rise, due to news that the automotive task force is close to a decision about gm stimulis money. about 7,500 hourly workers are reported to have taken the buyout. these numbers are not final yet because employees still have a week to change their minds. this represents roughly 12% of the remaining hourly workforce for gm. gm says that they will use current workers to fill in where they are needed. the buyout value comes to areound $45,000, including a $25,000 vehicle voucher. if i need to express how this impacts the world, our community, or me in general, i feel that everyone here needs to take a look in the mirrior. if gm fails, michigan and the united states fail. general motors is an integral part of america and the world today.

JakeCastner said...
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JakeCastner said...

A U.S. Marshal was found dead in Chihuahua, Mexico today. The Marshal's name was Vincent Bustamante, and he was stealing from the government. That is not to say that that is why he was shot execution-style in the back of the head. That could be an unrelated fact. He would pawn government property and buy it back on pay day. This does not make a whole lot of sense to me, because the pawn shop owner would sell the items for more than he paid for them, and our good marshal would eventually go broke. The pawn shope owner got suspicious when Vincent tried to pawn a shotgun. He called the ATF, and Vincent was busted. They put him on modified status, or in other words, he left his badge and gun at the office. Deputy Marshal Vincent Bustamante's death is just one ripple in the recent wave of crime and violence along the U.S./Mexico border. The invasion could be close at hand.

jay said...

I found my article at this url:
My article talks about an Applebees in New York that made 100 people sick. Seven people have cofirmed cases of Shigellosis. Shigellosis is a bacterial infection That you get from driinking water or eatiing food that has fecal matter in it. Only half of the 100 people were tested for this bacteria. The health department don't know where they got the bacteria from. They are checking into the limes and lemons. The resuarant is still open and hasn't been shut down. The health department is still investagating. The restuarant is cooperating with the investagation.

jessecovill said...

I don’t really know if this would count as a current event, but I think it affects me. In the next year the Ford motor company will release a new mustang, the 2010 Mustang GT, this would affect me because my family owns this cars little brother, the 2009 Mustang GT (convertible), this would mean that if we would have just waited on getting ours we could have at least look at getting the new one. The new Mustang has an all new body the only thing that is same as the 09 is the roof and the hood, other than that the whole thing is new. As a sports car lover and owner I really hate how the people at Ford came out with this new car, but does this mean the other car companies are going to do the same. I say I’m a sports car lover because sports cars are amazing, and if I could I would want my first car to be a 1970 SS Cutlass, with silver paint with black racing stripes.

Anonymous said...

Mike vick has just been let out of prison. In case you didnt no he had went there for one of the most cruel things you can do. Hosting dag fights and killing them. He was a nfl quaterback for the atlanta falcons. I think this will impact america. They may not let him play in the nfl ever again. So if other players around the country see this even the younger ones. They will stop and think before the do something stupid and ilegal.

Anonymous said...

Today i am going to dicsuss the drug war with Mexican cartels. I would first off like tosay that in the picture on the article some guy is carrying a 54lb bag of dope. It is HUGE!!!. Anways...this affects me for many reasons. First off all these drugs coming into the USA cause us citizens alot of truble. Its costs us precious lives, money, and drugs. OVer the last few weeks hundreds of people have been murdered because they could not pay or were talking to the cops. These cartels run a dangerous business that involves more than smuggling drugs into our country. It also costs our country alot of time and money to stop them. Now we are more focused on stopping the Mexicans than stopping the people in our own country. If we dont stop the leak then how can we be expecting to stop the rest of the flood. It also wastes the drugs. Medical weed has just been passed in michigan and many other states. BUt, when the DEA gets a hold of all this counterfit weed they destroy it. I dont see why they cant just use the weed and give it to the people that need the medical weed until it is all gone. This way we dont have to grow it in our own country and deal with all the problems that come along with that. Also we can have tighter government control so that the people that need it can get and get the goods if you know what i mean. And lastly we can stop wasting all the money and time on developing grow houses and the rest of that mess.

Alix Dickson said...

Google is laying off nearly 200 workers. This is the largest amount google has ever layed off. This shows that even highly profitable companies arnt safe from the reccession.Although it seems like alot of people it really only affects less than 1% of their 20,000 employees. Thats actually pretty good compared to what some other companies are going through.
I think this event affects the community because it shows just how bad the economy is. Google is such a big company that its scary to think even they are having financial problems.

ben nicolay said...
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Janet said...
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Stephen Manvydas said...

Like to start off by saying i should have done this earlier...

Tonight i am going to talk about the Army vetren that was charged $3,000 dollars for his war wounds. I person choose this topic because i find this ourragouges. As many people think vetrens have more love for the country then anyone else and we all feel we owe them for their duties. Especially sence someone got wounded doing somthing you WOULD NOT do they should not have to pay for this. "I just thought it was bull---- that I'm getting billed for being wounded in Iraq doing my job. I always put the mission first, and now that I was wounded in Iraq, they're sending me bills," stated the soldier, Erik Roberts. As most jobs do have health care i would think the U.S. army would also have this, its just crazy. "Why should any soldier pay one penny of a medical bill from injuries that occurred while they were fighting in a war? That's what really frustrates me."
said Erik's mother and i think that all of us in the U.S. agree with her.

Janet said...
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Anonymous said...

My current event will be something that affects my family personally: Obama's plan to relocate more troops to Afghanistan. The president is expected to add 4,000 more troops to Afghanistan in addition to the 17,000 thousand already stationed there. This means that my cousin will be entering his third tour in Afghanistan. He's being sent there as an advisor for the Afghani military officials. We weren't expecting him to go back since Obama called for withdrawal from Iraq, and that was his last posting, but now he's just going to be relocated to Afghanistan. This does make me angry, we haven't seen him in almost four years since his training. For his leave, he returns to his home in California, while the rest of us live in MIchigan. He doesn't write, call or communicate in any way since he signed up, and we're all afraid that he's suffering from some sort of depression or PTSD. He's going back to that hellhole for 'nation-building' and protecting our 'national security'. I want to know how this would be advancing any 'national security' as the Taliban haven't done anything since September 11, 2001. It just pisses me off that with all the other soldiers out there, he's being picked to go back when he barely sees us. I wish that we weren't in the war because then I'd be able to talk to him like I used to before he went off to serve.

brandonlengyel said...

Man charged with stalking Johnson

Prosecutors charged a man Thursday with stalking "Dancing With the Stars" contestant and olypic gold medalist Shawn Johnson, saying he drove from Florida in a car with loaded guns, duct tape and love letters to meet the 17 year old. The Los Angeles Country district attorney's office charged Robert O'Ryan at the age of 34, with a felony count of stalking and two misdemeanor counts of carrying a loaded gun in a vehicle with attention of harm. His bail was first at 35,000 then was raised to 220,000. This afeects us termendusliy that ther is stalkers in our world. And like ur discussion today about you talking about your childhood when you were followed by a car, this relates to that. It is amazing that threr are these lunitics in our world. Like everbody else in the world just like shawn we have to worry about our backs and be ready at any moment. This event fits in with your story that you havent finished today.

where i found this articile:

ben nicolay said...

For my current even I will be talking about North Korea. They are almost ready to launch a rocket. The U.S. and South Korea warned of serious consequences if North Korea forges ahead and fires the rocket. They say the rocket will carry a satellite, but regional powers suspect the North will use the launch to test the delivery technology for a long-range missile capable of striking Alaska. Analysts say that after positioning the rocket, scientists need a number of days to conduct tests and to fuel the projectile. I am very concerned about this topic. We don't know what North Korea is capable of even though there last missle was a dud. I think they are trying to just piss other countries off. North Korea is just like that annoying friend that will never go away and is just looking for attention. I don't think North Korea has enough technolgy to produce a huge bomb, but I believe over time they will eventually.


ScOtW29 said...

Did guard free accused killer?

Jeffrey Czechonna Miles was being held at the Swain County Detention Center. Miles is suspected in connection with a triple shooting that left two people dead. It was Anita Kaye Vestal's job to keep them behind bars. Police say Vestal released Miles from his cell, and with security cameras recording this, she walked the killer out of the jail and into her minivan. It’s believed they drove to her home where they got into her father’s truck and left the area. This events is shocking to me. You dont know who you can trust anymore these days. I doesnt make since why she would do all of that for a killer. This effects everybody because theres just another killer out there now, and you dont know who he is coming for next and what he is capable of.

Janet said...

Connie and Donald McCracken were watching CNN when they learned of the tragic death of actress Natasha Richardson from a head injury. As soon as they hear that, they thought about their 7 yr old daughter, Morgan. Morgan had a similar injuary as Natasha. The 2 days b4, Morgan, brother and her father, were playing baseball in the yard. where her father hit a line drive that landed just above Morgan's left temple. A bump formed, but the family iced it down and the swelling weent down within an hour. "For the next two days, she was perfectly fine," Donald McCracken says. "She had no symptoms. She went to school both days and got an A on her spelling test as usual. There were no issues whatsoever," Donald McCracken said. But after hearing about Natasha they started to get worried. They were givin her a kiss good nite when she complained about a headach. Because hearing about Natasha, we called the pediatrician immediately. The McCrackens took Morgan to the emergency room at LakeWest Hospital. The doctors ordered a CT scan and immediately put Morgan on a helicopter to Rainbow Babies and childrens hospital. When they arrivied at the hospital the doctors told them, that Morgan had the same head injury as Natashe an epidural hematoma. But she is doing better now, after surgery and five days in the hospital. Also, the doctor told the family that if they didnt bring Morgan the lil girl wouldnt of woke up the next morning. This does effect people in our country because people think that jst cuz it doesnt hurt anymore theres nothing wrong. Well, in this case they thought since the swelling stoped everything was gunna be OK. People should treat injuries even if they think its not that big of a deal.

Austen Anderson said...

for my curent event, i will be talking about how the english village of LINKENHOLT, England, is currently on sale. funny as this sounds, its actually true. the village only houses 50 citizens. in this village the purchaser must buy everything, he can not buy any specific house. the village is currently selling for $33 million dollars. its current owner, Herbert Blagrave says "its all anyone could every ask for. its got grand Edwardian manor house, cricket pavilion and grounds, blacksmith's forge, rectory, shooting grounds, 22 houses and grade 2 listed cottages." the person who does purchase this estate, in the future, can not sell off individual cottages, or pieces of this. they must sell it as a whole.

Stefan Kegebein said...

My current event talks about electrical problems in military bases overseas. Most of these problems have or occurred in Iraq and Afghanistan. These type of problems effect the men and women overseas that are fighting everyday to protect our freedom. They also have to be aware while in their own bases as well. There has been a total of 18 deaths in Iraq due to electrocution in U.S bases. There have been over 30,000 U.S. bases’ that have been inspected. Of that 30,000 thousand over half failed the inspection. Over 8,000 of these buildings required immediate attention. Electrical experts that have inspected these buildings have said that the electrical system has at times just been put in wrong. The army is even conducting a total review of all wiring in Iraq.

BrittanyBarron said...

Financial overhaul plan draws GOP opposition

So for my current event im going to talk about the Obama's Finacial Overhaul Plan and the questions arising with it. Obama wants strict scrutiny of hedge funds and other freewheeling investors, part of the biggest expansion of financial restraints since the Great Depression. This drawing instant opposition from Republican lawmakers and the rules targets. And skeptics are questioning whether the new rulebook would work anyway. For example, private equity investors might try to buy large hedge funds and chop them into funds that would be small enough to operate unregulated. The administration's proposals, which require congressional approval. This effects me cause both of my parents work for large companys. Both have very large investors that might try to do this and be stopped by the new regulations. This could limit the investors that are willing to investor and them and could lead to less money and jobs being cut. Hopefully Congress will see this as unnesscary and stop it.

jray said...

In Plano, Texas, A police officer was placed on administrative leave over a traffic stop involving an NFL player whom he kept in a hospital parking lot and threatened to arrest him. Houston Texans running back, Ryan Moats, tried telling the officer that his mother-in-law was dieing. The cop still wouldn't let him go and even drew out his gun. “I can screw you over,” the cop said at one point in the videotaped incident. When another cop came and verified that his mother-in-law indeed dieing officer Powel said, “All right. I’m almost done.” This effects our community today because it changes the process on how the law works. Now their are certain procedures that the officers have to go through to make sure that they don't get in trouble, even if they are doing their job right unlike officer Powel.

Alex V said...
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Alex V said...

President Obama plans to send another 4,000 troops to Afghanistan along with hundreds of civilian specialists in an effort to confront and try to stop the war. IN addtion to sending more troops the new president is passing a new bill. The president also will call on Congress to pass a bill that triples U.S. aid to Pakistan to $1.5 billion a year over five years. Obama is expected to announce new strategies for both countries Friday. in addition to the 17,000 the president announced earlier would be sent to Afghanistan, will be charged with training and building the Afghan army and police force. So it looks like good news sending more troops to help with the war effort. But why are we spending billions of dollars to help kawait when we are haveing econmic problems. It doesnt make any sence.

Kevin Hughes said...

This article talks about Obama's plan to confrot what he calls "the central challenge facing the country". He plans to send another 4,000 troops to Afghanistan. In addition to this, he is also sending in hundreds of civilian specialists. He will also call on congress to pass a bill that triples U.S aid to Pakistan. This would send the total U.S aid cost to 1.5 billion a year over five years. On friday, he is expected to announce new strategies concerning these countries on friday. These new troops are in addition to the 17,000 already announced to be sent into Afghanistan. Military officals say the Afghan government requested additional troops. The goal is said to be to "disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and destroy the safe haven that has developed in Pakistan and prevent it from rebuilding in Afghanistan".

Plaz said...

I chose the article about T.I goin to jail. He is serving 1 year and a day. He was suppose to do 30 years for havin machine guns and silencers. He sent out his bodyguard wit $12,000 to buy the guns. He did one thousand hours of community service which brought down the sentencing. T.I said he is not lettin anybody to visit him while he is in jail. He wants to be remembered as what he is now. CNN had a interviwer go to the court room and he said that T.I's words were inspirational and that he did an outstanding job."


Lil Southkr3w said...

today friday 27 of march T.I. was sentenced to one year and one day in prison for felony weapons charges. he had done community servise. he had help other kids who where doing wrong thing that could had get them in trouble with the law or get them killed. on October 2007 he was arrest on the eve of the BET Hip-Hop Awards. T.I. had to do community service and know he has 6 to 8 weeks to go to prison.

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

This article is about something that happened a few hours before i posted this. Every were in the world major business and major landmarks turn off there lights for an hour. This is to help support energy conservation, and is called earth hour. This event doesn't just effect me, it effects everyone. It is a demonstration to the united states that we can can save ton's of energy in just one hour. If we don't I might not make it my whole life time. That's same for my children as well. So, this is a very important demonstration.

Panos said...

My current event takes place in January 2009 just after President Obama took office. President Obama believing in human rights has requested that all secret detention facilities used by the government to hold terrorists should be shut down and destroyed in an effort to uphold human rights.( I believe this event does not only effect me but effects the whole US as terrorists are released which could effect the safety of all the American Citizens because a lot of the terrorists being held in facilities such as Guantanomo Bay have been proven to go back and once again attempt to attack the US and it's citizens.

Anonymous said...

Heavy rains poured down on the Gulf Coast and a blizzard put more the Plains under more than two feet of snow on Saturday. The blizzard cut power, stranded drivers, and forced governors in Kansas and Oklahoma to issue disaster declarations. So far two deaths have been blamed on the storm. Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius signed a state of disaster emergency order Saturday, saying that it was important that the state government ensured that Kansas counties have the resources they need. The storm hit parts of the state very hard, left many residents without power, forced numerous roads closed and resulted in many accidents, including two fatalities. The heaviest of snowfall hit in southern Kansas. About 17,000 customers in Kansas lost electricity.