Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cardmarking 2, Day 3

Today we reviewed for the Macbeth test which you will be taking on Friday. Hopefully along with blogging your are studying hard for this test!

Your blog tonight is a question about Macbeth:

If you were writing a book review what would you say about "Macbeth?" Make sure you use info from the story to back up your opinion.



Anonymous said...

If I wrote a book review about Macbeth, I would rate it "average". Here are my reasons. The story of "Macbeth" isn't anything revolutionary or interesting. I think that the saving grace is the dialogue. I do think it's a great story though, because we are still reading it and studying it today. I think the characters are nicely developed, but I would have liked it if we were given more time to see the characters and how they acted BEFORE all the crazy events took place. All in all I think the book is average, and I'm sure it was great for its time.

Stefan Kegebein said...

I would give Macbeth a C+ rating. I think Macbeth has some details that are very clear and there are parts in the story that aren’t so clear. An example is the great detail of the Duncan murder but it is tough to gauge how much time as gone by from act to act and sometimes dialogue to dialogue. Macbeth has many great themes that can teach you about life through the story. Shakespeare always does a great job developing his character ands the major plot of the story and Macbeth is no different. The worst part of Macbeth is probably the ending. It left readers wondering about the prophecy for Banquo’s sons. I thought the end of Macbeth’s rule came too quick and there weren’t the great detail of the final actions of Macbeth. I would give Macbeth a slightly above average rating.

JakeCastner said...

Written in old style scottish, and time tested for the past 400 odd years, macbeth is truly a classic of ours and all times. It's not great though. The language is interesting but annoying and kind of vague. You can't really talk down Macbeth without just sounding ignorant, but it really is overly complicated to read. If i were forced to write a book review on Macbeth, i would defenitely state that it is a "classically written" novel that seems to muddle the point with dialect. A gripping plot however, Macbeth truly delivers from cover to cover. It is worth a read, just get it on tape so you can read along and understand what is being said.

shelbybatlemente said...

If I was to write a book review about Macbeth, I would rate it average. This is because it was alright but not that interesting. The dialogue was pretty cool and the way they talk was cool. But I really didn't think it was all that great. It is obviously a good story, because we wouldn't still be studying and reading it. It also didn't go into too much detail on a lot of things. Some things it went into great detail. For example when Macbeth killed Duncan. William Shakespeare was very detailed about the murder plot, and the actual murder. But most things weren't detailed enough. Also I felt like the story was very rushed. It went through so many things in a short period. We didn't really get to experience the characters before the crazy and tragic stuff started happening. Macbeth's rule as king also didn't last very long. Well they didn't go into too much detail on his reign. It was like one minute he was king and then the next minute he was dead. Most of the characters weren't explained very much. For example we didn't really know a whole lot about Duncan. Then Macbeth killed him. So we didn't even get to hear anything about him. Overall it was an alright story. I would mabey rate it slightly above average. However, I believe that the way it was written is average.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Well there is allot of good thing's and bad thing's about this book. First off it had a real nice smooth story. I think it flowed really well, everything went in order. I did not like that it was really hard to understand. I think id enjoy a version that had more simple English. I just had to read over and over to get something. Id recommend this to something with a wide vocab. Or to someone ho wants to look up crazy words.

brandonlengyel said...

If i was writting a book review form macbeth i would give my review three stars out of five. This is due to that i really dont like shakesspear and his style of writting. Also due to that it is wriiten in 12th centry writting which makes it that much harder to understand. Due this inconvience of his writting the book is not a bad book. It sometimes makes you think about waht is gfoing to happpen next. From the witches prophecies, the killings, and the drama, thats were it gets my three stars. I took away the other two stars because im really not intresed in his selctions of books. So my review is a three out of five stars.

Alix Dickson said...

If I had to write a book review for Macbeth I would say its tragic and hard to understand. Many characters in the book die or go crazy. The language they use in the book doesnt really make sense to me either. There are many monologs in the book which also makes it kind of boring. Im sure there are people out there who like the book but i didnt really like it that much. It was probobly a really popular book when it came out and people could understand it. I would give this book and average rating if i was writing a book review.

jessecovill said...

If I were to write a review about "Macbeth" I would start off by saying it was a good book and then go into detail. Like the first few scenes were cut and dry then it began to get good around the 3rd act. Also that the dialogue was hard to follow and quite confusing at some points. Other than that, it was a good book and would probably make an interesting movie. Aside from all the killing, I would give this book 3 out of 5 stars, mainly because of the way the characters talked.

kirkwhitt said...

I would say that Macbeth is a very intresting character. Macbeth betrays an entire countryand ends up paying dealpy. He let's the power over come him and get to him. He murders his own cuzen to get what he wants. I would say Macbethis a very greedy person and is only in the kings thrown for his own benifets. The character Macbeth is finaly killed at the end of the book and beheaded. In resault of Macbeths death Malcom becomes king of Scotland.

Anonymous said...

Im not really sure what i would say. I would probaly talk about how at first i thought he was going to be a herioc charcter by his personality at the begining. But as the book would go on i would just learn how he just ruins his life. I would mostly talk about how once you think he cant sink any lower something else just happens. Through out the book he just changes more and more and gets worse and worse. I think he is accualy a nice person. He would make a great king if he were doing for all the right reasons. Like if he were put at king he would be great the people would love him and he would have great ideas. But of the way he got there he oculdnt focus on anyone else. He was constantly having to watch his own back at all times.

jray said...

If you were writing a book review what would you say about "Macbeth?" Make sure you use info from the story to back up your opinion.

If I wrote a review book on Macbeth, I would not rate it very well. For being something that came from Shakespear I expected something better. Some of the scenes in the play were just corny.
Also, he did a poor job putting humor in the play. Like the drunken porter. He should not tried to do that. It was suppost to be a tragedy, not a comedy. He also could have put more thought into the big turnpoints in the story and the witches prophicies.

jay said...

What I thought of the book was that it was good. I liked how Macbeth was like a hero at the beginning of the story coming back from the victoriuos battle. Shortly after He slowly started to become corrupted. Which was followed by his downfall. Maybe if He had his own thoughts instead of doing what people told him, the story would have ended different. This story was like an addiction, once you have a little you need more. The story's plot of excitement kept going up. There were no dull parts of the book.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, i don't think that Macbeth is at all my favourite. I find it lacking in several spots, most noticeably the plot line. It's an extremely generic plot from what I've always read. Man kills king, takes over and gets killed by someone else. It takes much too long to happen as well. The scene between Macduff and Malcolm is the longest scene and, while important, shouldn't be that long. It's extremely repetitive with the "I wont be a good king,"" "you will be," stuff. Tis simply too redundant and adds nothing but boredom to the entire thing. Lastly, the worst part is the overly-saccharine language. In King Lear or Henry V, the language is MUCH more to-the-point. Granted, it is still flourishy, but it's not a headache-inducing nightmare. I don't like Macbeth, didn't like it in 4th grade, don't like it now. I much prefer King Lear, Othello or Henry V. For, 'tis once more unto the breach with Shakespeare, yet this is definitely a battle that I see Macbeth loosing.

Anonymous said...

If i had to rate the tragedy of Macbeth i would rate it a B. I would do this because it is a very interesting book. It is filled with many twist and turns. It also has just what is needed to keep you interested for the duration. Alothough it is not thrilling, supensful, and riviting at every turn, it still teaches us what it is supposed to. The tale of Macbeth teaches us the negative side of power. It also tells us that ambition is great when used for good and the karma ia B*tch.

BrittanyBarron said...

I would say that Macbeth is a horrible book. First it was very hard to understand for the common person. Second the so called tardgey wasn't that tragic. Third it was very perdictable. The language it was written in was very complicated for a regular person. If it would have been less figurtive and more to the point it would have been better. It really wasn't a tradgey. Yes people died but people die everyday. It wans't Tragic at all. I know what was going to happen the moment i read the first scence. Of coruse he was going to be come king and go power hungery. And I called that Lady Macbeth would feel guilt and kill herself, and that somehow Malcom wasn't born of a woman and that soilders were going to comofage themselfs when they attacked them. Overall i wasn't imperssed at all.

Anonymous said...

I would have to say Macbeth was a pretty good book from the ones I have read. I would have to say it was a good book because it has a lot of killing in it. I like stories and movies about murder, they keep my interest. I'm not really into reading as much as I am watching movies but it wasn't that bad to read. I would probably rate this book a 3 out of 5. People murdering other people seems to me to be better then reading about other things like a love story or something like that. But I would make a good review about Macbeth because of all the sabotage and tragedy in the book.

ScOtW29 said...

If you were writing a book review what would you say about "Macbeth?" Make sure you use info from the story to back up your opinion.

If I was writing a book reveiw I would say that Macbeth is a decent book. If it had to be a letter grade I would give it a C probable because a lot of the story isnt clear. I think that for the average person it would be extremely difficult to understand. I liked all of the twists that were in it. Shakespeare did a good job with that, it kept me interested. A part I dont like about the story is at the end of the story, when we didnt find out what happened with the other prophecy. It left readers wondering what is going to happen, and how could the story be different. I think that Shakespeare did a good job with Macbeths character. He turns from good to bad and it was a good twist.

Stephen Manvydas said...

If i was writing a book review of Macbeth i would give it a 7/10. I think that it was a good book and had some interesting things. The characters were unique and varried alot from the books i have read. Macbeth goes on a fun and interesting journey to become king of scottland and on his way he kills his close friends and goes a little mad in the end. After the final battle i was shocked. The ending of the book had such a sudden ending, it made it seem as if shakesphere was not one person. Some of his seens are drawn out vastly but the ending was a short "oh i better hurry" ending. overall i think macbeth is great if you can deal with the constant switching of authers.

ben nicolay said...

If you were writing a book review what would you say about "Macbeth?" Make sure you use info from the story to back up your opinion.

I would give Macbeth a C+ rating. First off, it is very hard to understand Shakespears work. Without the lectures in class I would probally be clueless with whats going on in the story. I think someone should re write it in todays dialect. Second, I don't think it is that great of a story. It didn't really catch my attention. It wasn't one of those stories that keeps my on my heels through out the whole story. I guess its not my kind of book. It was okay, and it was probally good for its time. Its out dated and meideval. Times have change and I think it's time for a new book.

Unknown said...

Overall, Macbeth is a good piece of literature. The vernacular however takes some getting used to. To me, Macbeth isn't my choice of books as I like curent events. This is a good novel for those who like historical fiction as I feel it somewhat accurately portrays late medivel life. It holds the succession of kingship and shows how militaristic old times were. Shakespere isn't for me though. I'd give this book about a three star rating and wouldn't mind having it updated to more modern ideas.

Austen Anderson said...

macbeth is a story of a man who wants something. he is the kind of person who will go out of his way to just get what he wants. also, he wont care if something bad happens to others in the meantime. for one, he believes pretty much anything anyone tells him, expecialy the witches, everything they told him came true, so then he started worrying abotu others trying to find the witches so they could know their proficies as well. when he does find out he is going to die at some time, from being in battle or somthing like that. because the prophecy said he would be killed by a man not born of women, meaning, killed by someone who is born of a seasection.

Alex V said...

If I had to write a book reveiw on the book macbeth I would say that it is very hard to read and understand. But other than that it is a good book that is very interesting to read. The story is about a man named macbeth and he is the main character in the story. Macbeth in the begining of the story is a great leader. But certain thing in the story cause this to change and macbeth goes on a killing suprey just to stay king. So if I was reviewing this book I would rate this book 5 out of 10. Its just not the kind of book I like to read even though it was interesting

Kevin Hughes said...

I would say that overall Macbeth is a good play. It has characters that you can sympathize with, which is an element in any good piece of literature. Also, there are many unexpected events that keep it interesting. The supernatural part, with witches and ghosts is a bit tacky but adds to the story overall. Another thing is that there is clear character development, illustrated in Macbeth's rise and fall as king of Scotland. Something I didn't like about Macbeth is the fact that almost every character besides the protagonist and his wife are basically static characters. Banquo, Fleance, Malcolm, etc. all have very little personality, and never do anything of much interest until the end of the story.

Janet said...

If i was writing a book review of Macbeth i would give it a C . I think that it was interesting how people can be so ambitiuos to get wat they wanted. The characters are alot alike because many of them wanted to be king. Lady macbeth ended up dying i didnt think she was gunna die. I thought macbeth and lady macbeth were gunna get there wish, to become king and queen. Its hard to understand tho, the language they used back in the day is really differnt from our modern language.
If u like plays and old novels this would be a good book to read.

Lil Southkr3w said...

if i would ever writ a book review about macbeth i would give hime an 7 rating. i will write some resons why. the langue in the book is hard to understand. also many people die or macbeth kills. He let's the power over come him and get to him. also when he killls duncan his own cuzin he kills him to get what he wants. i gave the book an 7 out of a 10 because it was boring. and i i dont like to read.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Alan Hernandez

Anonymous said...

If I were to write a book review on Macbeth, I would give it 3 out of 5 stars. It's not a bad tale by any means but nor is it a good one. For Shakespeare's time, I'm sure the story of Macbeth was revolutionary as no one had ever read anything like it before. However, in modern society Macbeth is simply a classic that we have to read. Many fantasy novels of this day are much more sophisticated and follow overall better plots than Macbeth. The character development was the only fantastic part of the novel. It truly does detail the rise and fall of Macbeth, hero and villain of Scotland. If Macbeth had been written as a new novel today, I don't think we would be reading it in a literature class as it simply is not that fantastic of a work.