Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 16

Do you think it is always best to know the truth? Consider a time when you wanted to know the truth about something and others warned that it would be in your best interest if you did not know. What happened as a result of your push to learn the truth? If this is not relevant to you, then discuss why, at times, ignorance can be bliss and give a time in your life where this was true and why.


Anonymous said...

I think it is always best to know the truth. If you don't know the truth, you're only delaying the inevitable. I would rather know something awful, than be lied to and told something good. I can handle it better than if I was happy, "knowing" things were fine, only to find out they weren't. I can't think of a specific example, but that's how I feel. I can't think of a time when I would want to be lied to, I hate being lied to. Sure, ignorance can be bliss, for a short period of time.

Anonymous said...

Some times its best to not no the whole truth. Some people might live better lives if they dont no some things that happend like in there childhood. One time i was asking on of my friends to tell me something. And they were like if i told you, you would be mad. I oviously said no just tell me. And they did and it was some of the worst news i had heard. I had wished i had never heard it. So just sometimes you need to understand something are just better left un said.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Everyone says that honesty is the best policy, but there are not allot of people who would be willing to defend that. There are plenty of times that people have kept from me, like when i got kicked out of my band. Nobody had the balls to do it. I have had people cheat on and hold it for weeks. All kinds of things have happened to that nature. I'm going to respond to the second part just because i have nothing better to do, and it pertains more to me. Iv found that someone time's being stupid can get you out of situations. Iv been in ton's of situations were my zero facts saved me.

Janet said...

I would always rather know the truth. If u dont know the truth you dont know whats going on. You can think one thing and others know thats wrong. I for example, would feel stupid. That my friends knw wats going on and them not telling me, i luk dumb infront of them. If its something really serious like a relative death i would like to know even though i know its gonna be rough. But theres also the kind of lying in a good way. For example, having a surpise bday party. Nobody tells you anything but in the end its a good thing becasue that would ruin the surpise.

ben nicolay said...

Do you think it is always best to know the truth? Consider a time when you wanted to know the truth about something and others warned that it would be in your best interest if you did not know. What happened as a result of your push to learn the truth? If this is not relevant to you, then discuss why, at times, ignorance can be bliss and give a time in your life where this was true and why?

I think not knowing the full truth is the best way to do it. Even though it is not honest, it still protects people in a certain way. It's like how our government does not tell us the whole truth. If they told us the real truths about everything, everyone would go crazy and this country would be in ruins. The truth kind of relates to reality and in my eyes reality sucks. I would want to be lied to if the situation was going to hurt me. Sometimes the truth hurts and I would rather be lied to. It all comes down to what the situation is and what the consequences are.

Alix Dickson said...

The truth can hurt sometimes. Ignorance is bliss because the truth can be pretty bad. Sometimes people will just be happier not knowing the truth. I dont really have a specific time this has happened to me. Im sure at somepoint in my life somebodys told me something i was better off not knowing. I think i would rather just know the truth though. I wouldnt like to not know whats going on.

Stefan Kegebein said...

I would rather know the full truth. If I was working for a company and they had plans to fire me I would wan to know ASAP. I rather they tell me the truth rather then “beat around the bush” so to speak. I would like my boss to be straight forward and come out and tell me. This would allow me to update my résumé and do other things that I needed to get done. That way I am not totally blind-sided by the situation. If you want some truth, why not get the entire truth? People who don’t wan to know the truth are just scared of what may happen to them. Yeah, sometimes the truth hurts but people who are successful in life find a way to overcome their problems. I guess at times ignorance may save relationships between people, but in the long run the relationship will most likely end anyways.

ScOtW29 said...

Do you think it is always best to know the truth? Consider a time when you wanted to know the truth about something and others warned that it would be in your best interest if you did not know. What happened as a result of your push to learn the truth? If this is not relevant to you, then discuss why, at times, ignorance can be bliss and give a time in your life where this was true and why.

No I dont think it is always best to know the truth. Sometimes people lie so people wont get hurt. Thats why sometimes lying is the better thing to do. There is a saying that the truth hurt. I think that that is true. Everybody thinks that lying is such a bad thing. It is depending on the situation. You have to use your judgement on wether or not to tell the truth or to lie. One time my friend wouldnt tell me something that I wanted to know because he said that i wouldnt want to know. We argued for about a half an our until he finally told me. After he told me i said, you propably shouldnt have told me that. The point is that there are some things that are good to be kept a secret, so you dont get hurt.

jay said...

I have never had an instant when that happened to me that I recall. I think their are alot oof times in your life you really don't want to know the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts. You could find out a girlfriend had cheated on you and it was better not to know beacause she is now an ex so what difference does it make it just creates anger. Or you could find out someone you went out with you for an awful reason like a bet or something. You could find your birth parents after several years of looking for them and find out they wanted nothing to do with you or they were complete idoits. There are several instances where it is better to be just ignorant and not know. What you don't know can'y hurt you, they always say.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I do think that it is always best to know the truth but i do feel it can be harmfull. Thats the risk you take though, if you want to know the truth. I personally think that i would always like the truth. I hate it when people lie to me and i know it, and then they still wont tell me the truth. They will so stuff like "oh its nothing to concern you" and things like that but normally, well in my case, it is. As humans we have this strive for knowledge, we might not admit it but we do. We have that curiosity to learn everything especially if its a secret. We love the thrill of these secrets and letting anyone know to keep them living on. I will also agree that ignorance can be bliss and if we ive life like that it can be alot easier.

BrittanyBarron said...

I don't think it is best to always not the turth. Sometimes you have to lie to protect someone you love. As children, our your parents never would fully explain something to you and it was better that way. It kept us inoccent and unexposed to the world and its crulties. I guess the only time I could talk about when I was nto fully told the truth was when I asked my mom where babies come from. She told me that a seed is dropped into mommy's belly and then she has a baby. Its was really funny. I didn't really know what happend till I was like 7. And its cause I asked an older cousin. Sometimes it just better to lie to a child to protect them.

Anonymous said...

It all depends on what you are wanting to find out to see if the truth would be the best thing to know. For example, if you are wanting to know the truth about your girlfriend or boyfriend. Whatever the case, you found out that he or she was cheating on you, that would be something that you wouldn't really want to know but at the same time you would want to know so you could do something about it. I wanted to know the truth about something that I heard about this girl before I got with her. I'm really glad I found it out before I ended up getting with her. Turns out she got really drunk at this party and slept with this guy that supposedly had some kind of disease. I'm just really glad I found out before I did anything to catch a disease because I liked the girl but there was no way I would ever see her because of that reason. So yes I believe it would be best to know the truth about most things.

jessecovill said...

I don't think that always knowing the truth is a good thing. For example, I wanted to know exactly how long the wick on one of my firecrackers would last, and apparently not too long, it blew up in my face and I couldn’t hear anything for a few hours afterwards. Considering that what I just said had nothing to do with the first part of this blog, I’m going to do the second part. At times ignorance can be bliss, like when I first played paintball, I thought getting shot wouldn’t hurt as bad as everyone made it sound. but after the first round and not being hit by a single ball I was felling good and decided on a second round, after about five minutes of walking and stalking people I was shot in the leg...lets just say I couldn't walk for about 20 minutes. In this situation ignorant bliss was true.

Austen Anderson said...

knowing the truth is not always the best. there are many reasons behind this. for one, if its somthing bad, then you probally dont want to knwo the truth because it could either change how your going to do somthing, or you outlook on a subject. well, when i was like 4, my parents said my dog went to the zoo. but later on i found out he died so it was probally best that i didnt know at the time that he died. ignorance is also like if you do somthing, but dont know its not ok to do, like if you are in europe or somthing and the drving age is 20 or sumthin like that and you are 16, but you still broke the law. it doesnt matter if you know it or not, you still broke the law.

shelbybatlemente said...

I think that most times it is best to know the truth. But sometimes knowing the whole truth isn't a good thing. A time when I wanted to knwo the truth about something and others warned me that it would be in my best interest if I didn't know was when my friends had a secret about my best friend. When I found out they knew something I didn't I automatically wanted to know. My friends kept telling me that I didn't want to know and to just drop it. Of course I didn't drop it until they told me. As a result of my push to learn the truth I discovered that I did in fact not want to know. I was upset about it and mad at myself for wanting to know. Even though at first my friends were right, after a while I accepted what they told me. Sometimes knowing the truth is not in a person's best interest.

Plaz said...

I don't think its always best to know the truth. Like if somebody is talkin about me i wanna know what they are sayin. If somebody is keepin a secret from me i would wanna know what the truth is. There is a time where the truth isnt the best. The truth can hurt but it is what it is. I like knowin the truth. I think somebody who tells the truth about everything has a lot of guts. They also could be a snitch. Snitchin isnt good. So you just have to know when to tell the truth and when you shouldnt but i always like to know the truth.

brandonlengyel said...

I dont think its best to always know the truth . At times in your life it is best to not know it. The truth may hurt and you may not want to hear it but will always want to deap down. I find that knowing the the truth on a situation may make your head spin. One time when i was pushing one of my friends to tell me the truth on who stoled something i would of never of guessed that this person had done that. Sure this was in the 5th or so grade but the truth may hurt you and a friendship. That is why i believe that not knowing some stuff will never hurt. So on that note the truth is never to be alwasys told but sometimes to be kept secrete.

JakeCastner said...

It is usually best to tell the truth in most situations. Telling the truth keeps all channels open, and everyone in the loop. When you lie or fib, someone is mislead, and while this is usually no big deal, sometimes it can come back to bite you. Now, in certain situations, it is best to lie, and this is usually called a "white lie", but a lie nonetheless. Telling your child that their pet did not die, but moved away is a white lie. A small child cannot be expected to grasp death, and accept it willingly. Chidren are more preoccupied with television and candy. Telling them that spike moved back in with his parents in Minnesota just avoids the confrontation and talking, and basically just sweeps all the nasty bits under the rug. That is becoming what today's generation has a tendency to do. Give everyone a trophy, so no one feels bad, and don't let them touch anything that is germy. We don't want them to build immune systems and be able to go camping.

Anonymous said...

As for me i cannot really remember a time when i was put into that situation. I do however agree that ignorance can be bliss a ttimes. For example in these hard economic times children should be sheltered from the problems surronding them. Young children are not fully capable of understanding situations like this. By telling a young childs this, your filling his head with problems that are out of his control. In turn he might start to think that it is somehow is fault or that he has to pick up some slack and help take care of his family. Instead the parents should keep him ignorant until he is capable of understanding what is going on around him. By waiting this child will now understand that it is out of his hands and tht although he does not like it, it is not his fault and that he can control it. He might also be able to help a little bit by saving energy, gas, and pitching in with money that he earns froma job. But until children are old enough to grasp hold of these ideas, it is better for them to keep them ignorant.

kirkwhitt said...

Do you think it is always best to know the truth? Consider a time when you wanted to know the truth about something and others warned that it would be in your best interest if you did not know. What happened as a result of your push to learn the truth? If this is not relevant to you, then discuss why, at times, ignorance can be bliss and give a time in your life where this was true and why.

I think it is always best to know the truth. It is always best to know the truth because you deserv to know the truth. When I wanted to know the truth about one of my friends moving. I herd rumers about my friend moving and I didnt want to believe them. fianaly I talked to my friend and got the truth. The truth was that he was moving and I didnt want to believe it. The out come was I was sad and hert that my friend had to move.

Alex V said...

No I dont think it is always best to know the truth. Sometimes people lie so people wont get hurt. in some cases it is better to know the truth but some times its not. It depends on the situation. At times in your life it is best to not know it. The truth may hurt and you may not want to hear it but will always want to deap down. It is like when we were young and our parents tell us about the easster bunny we dont want to here there is no such thing because we would be sad so they lie to us to make us happy.

Lil Southkr3w said...

it is always better to kno the truth than not knowimg the truth. when ur not sure of something and dont kno the turth it would be alot better to kno the truth. like austin said i would better like to kno somethin awful than to be told a lied. i dont think it matter if the lie is somethin god or somethin bad. that way i would be happy knowin the truth. sometimes the truth maight be bad and can hurt. i dont really remember if i wannted to kno find out the truth about somethin in the past. but i say every body should kno the truth.

Lil Southkr3w said...

mr kay remember i dont got internet so i have to do em late some times so remember to give me credit for my blogs.

Alan Hernandez

Panos said...

I think that it is not always best to know the truth. There are many reasons why I believe this, first of all I think that it depends on what the truth is, like if it was about something in our country that the president has to deal with that could pose a threat to US citizens it would not be better to know the truth cause everyone would be freaking out. When I was 13 I really didn't know that I was adopted but my parents told me they wanted to tell me something, and i really wanted to know. They told me that if i heard the truth it might piss me off but I still wanted to know so they told me i was adopted and sure enough I got pissed off. As a result I have been living with regrets that I did not know my real parents and I kind of had hatred for them.

Kevin Hughes said...

I don't think it is always best to know the truth, but you should in most cases. If you're purposefully withholding information to protect people, it can still be bad. For example if you don't tell someone they're dying so they feel they have hope, you're not sure if they would want to be told. All people are different, and you never know if you're doing the right thing by 'protecting' them, evne if your intentions are good. This goes for withholding any information in any situation. A lot of the time when i've wanted to know the truth even though it wasn't in my best interest to know, it never mattered much anyway, I just don't really believe in keeping secrets. The result of this is usually more open and understanding relationships between people. I think the best example of 'ignorance is bliss' is not knowing how you will die or when, or how your life will turn out. I think it's better not to know how your life will turn out so you're not so concerned with what it will become and more concerned with living it.

Unknown said...

Sometimes a lie is better than the truth. Lies sheild people from nlknowing the truth. If the truth could hurt someone then a white lie is necessecary. The truth has hurt me when my familywas trying to hide from me that mydqd had been transferred to Indiana. And I had to move from battle creek to there. It is sometimes better to not live in reality then actuality.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I find that people do not always need to know the truth. Sometimes, the truth is too traumatic or hard for people to understand. Look at United States History for example. While I don't approve of it, children are lied to until about the 9th grade when they are deemed as "mentally fit" to handle the fact that Christopher Columbus didn't discover America, but the Carribeans and he killed and raped all the natives. For me, a pointed example is when I first heard the word 'sex'. My uncle and mom were talking about it in the kitchen, since even being a Marine, he can't land anyone. Well, I wanted to know what this newfangled sex was all about. I mean, it sounded exciting! So naturally, I whined and complained and moaned and basically asked every time I saw my mom about what this mysterious thing that adults loved to talk about yet regretted doing. Well, I finally found out in the 5th grade not from my mom, but from my friends. That's the beauty of school; taboo subjects at home aren't taboo to everyone which makes your classmates a wealth of underground and un-censored knowledge. So I found out, and all I though was, "I'm supposed to stick THAT in THERE?!" I knew there had to be a mistake, because my mom of all people would not even talk about something so disgusting. Naturally, however, as life progressed I found the subject less "ewww" and more "ooooo". It became something to do and talk about to rebel against your parents.

I'm confident that, the truth wouldn't have stayed hidden from me forever, so I wish my mother had been more forthcoming. I would have preferred learning about it from her than from one of my 5th grade friends who appeared to have "been there, done that" from his talk. My life flashed before my eyes as I realized that perhaps not everything I wanted to know I needed to know.

Miranda Adams said...

Do you think it is always best to know the truth? Consider a time when you wanted to know the truth about something and others warned that it would be in your best interest if you did not know. What happened as a result of your push to learn the truth? If this is not relevant to you, then discuss why, at times, ignorance can be bliss and give a time in your life where this was true and why.

wow this is a perfect thing for what happend to me today.. Yeah i know its not always for the best for someone to know the truth but i rather be hurt and told the truth then to be lied to. Like to day for example one of my friends ( well at least i thought she was one of my firneds) Hooked up with my ex bf. She knew how i felt and still went behind my back and did it anyways after the day b4 she promised me she dont even talk to him. then after i found out the truth she didnt even have the guts to tell me herself i had to find out form every one under the sun. to me that one of the most mest up things u can do t one of u frinds. i know i never could stabe someone in the back that bad.

Anonymous said...

I think it's best to know the truth; if you don't know the truth then you're only postponing what's bound to happen. I would much rather be told about something terribly than be told a lie about the situation at hand in order to make it appear better. For example, when my grandfather passed away I was lied to about it for a few days. My parents told me that they were going to his home to take care of him when in truth he had been dead for days. They were only going to his house to take care of funeral business. I call it bullshit. I always tell people the truth and tell it like it is. Sugarcoating things is false.