Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 13

One of the themes of this movie is regrets and what we do with them. In this blog, do the following:

1. Discuss a regret in your life and how this regret has made you a better person or has made you think less of yourself.
2. Pretend you are in Judgement City and write a letter to your judges about why you should be able to move on. In this letter, you must refer to at least one experience that shows you to be worthy of this move.

I assume that this blog will have to be more than 7 sentences.


Unknown said...


i really honestly dont have many regrets in life, and as i move on, there are less and less things i either remember, or forget. there was one thing though, that has kind of affected me over the years. i got suspended from school in 3rd grade. it has made me a better person, because since, i have not gotten in any trouble at school. no write ups or anything.

for my letter:

to whom it may concern;
i am writing to you concerning my judgement in life, and my perpetuation in the universe. everyone makes mistakes, and has fears, and as we go on in life, we learn to adapt, or conquer them. i feel that i have recieved superior knowledge in dealing with situations. i feel i should move on, based on my character, i never have really done intentional wrong. the only thing i am afraid of is consequences. i feel i should move on because i have very few complex fears left in life. and if i were to stay on earth rather than move on, i feel it is a paradoxical cycle, and only contributes to these fears and shortcomings.

Anonymous said...

I would say a regret in my life is withdrawing myself from social activity in my earlier years of life. I never talked that much and stayed that way until about sophomore year. This has changed me now though, because now I am a social guy, and like talking to most people. I do wish that I could go back in time to tell myself to talk to people and go out and do things with people, though.

"I know that I am ready to move on to the next part of life. I feel like I'm ready because of an event that has happened many times, public speaking. When I am in front of people, I am not afraid. I'm not afraid to go up and give a speech to people. Public Speaking is one of humanity's biggest fears, and I'm not afflicted by it."

shelbybatlemente said...

I haven't really had any regrets in my life. There was one time when I said something to my ex-bestfriend and because of it we are no longer friends. I really regret that because we were really close. Now I don't talk to her anymore and I wish I could take back what I said to her. This regret has made me a better person because I no longer say things to people without thinking about it first. I made the mistake in doing that before and I don't plan on letting it happen again.

My Letter:

to whom it may concern;

I feel that I am ready to move on in my life. Everyone makes mistakes and i'm not perfect. Everyone also has fears. I'm not the only one who has made a mistake or had fears. I have parted with many of my fears and I really feel like i'm ready to move on to the next part in my life. Based on my character I have never really done anything wrong. I have just had some fears that I have overcome. Public Speaking was one of my biggest fears and now from a very recent event I am no longer to speak in front of crowds. Sending me back to Earth won't do anything but keep repeating the cycle of the same fears and mistakes. It won't help me so therefore I feel I should move on!

ben nicolay said...

It's already been said, but I honeslty dont have many regrets in life. Why look back on something when no matter what you do to try to change it, its not going to effect your future. I think regretting is kind of like depression. One of the regrets I do have is getting suspended in 9th grade for fighting. I relized that being a douchebag will get me nowhere and I kind of just mellowed out.

Dear Judge,
There are many expierences that have shaped the way I think and act. You can pick and choose throughout my life. I may have not done the right things, but I enjoyed every minute of life. I understand the meaning of life. I feel I should move on because I will still have the same thought process if I was to occur as sombody else. Wheather you move me on now or send me back to earth I will still be the same. I am who I am, its never going to change.

Janet said...

i dont think i have many regrets in life. This isnt a big regret bt i do regret doing it. One time i was tlking to my cousion on the phone and my sister was in the room. Well, she heard me talking but she misunderstood me. She thought i said something else, something completely opposite. Well since she is a blabber mouth she went and told her. I was furious with my sister, cuz we stopped talking for a while. I confronted her about it, and we cleared everything up. But i learned my lesson, im never talking on the phone when my sister is in the room.

Dear Judge,
My experiance here in Judgement city has been good. You can eat all you want n not gain a pound. :] I know im ready to move on to the next step. As well public speaking is one of my fears. Its not that im scared to give a speech or stand infront of the class. Im affaird that the speech isnt good, that i did a poor job. Thats my fear bout public speaking. I shake like if i was really cold. I cant stand still, and i bit my lip. But those kind of things i can improve on.

ScOtW29 said...

1. Discuss a regret in your life and how this regret has made you a better person or has made you think less of yourself.
2. Pretend you are in Judgement City and write a letter to your judges about why you should be able to move on. In this letter, you must refer to at least one experience that shows you to be worthy of this move.

1. I dont have any big regrets in my life. I try to live my life with no regrets but nobody can do that. It is a hard thing to do becuase everybody makes mistakes in judgment. Before a situation comes up I usually ask myself a few thing. What are the positives? Will I regret this decision. If you do that before than you will spend life with less regrets. If you have less regrets than you wont be living in the past wishing you had done something different.

2. Dear Judge,

I think that with everything we have went over, I have enough evidence of me being a good person to move on. I dont have a lot of fears anymore. My biggest fear before was public speaking. I do not have that fear anymore now that i realize how easy it is to do. A reason I should move on is because I always cared for others. I showed this when I jumped in front of a bus to save a kid that didnt see it coming. After I saved him i felt good because i didnt regret not going to help the kid. I think when all is said and done, I should move on the the next level.

jessecovill said...

I can’t really think of one time in my life were I had a regret. Unless your talking about if I had done something and now that I think back on it, decide it wasn’t the best thing to do, then yes, I was 10 years old and in the woods at my old house riding my bike when I decided to ride my little bike off this huge ramp the neighbor kids made, I went down the hill thinking holy crap I’m going really fast, when I launched my self and my bike up into the air only to fall to the ground and hit my head on a rock, knocking my self out for a few minutes. I don’t know how this event has made a better person of me, but it hurt real bad, and that’s all that should count.

Hey judges
First off how come I can never understand anything you “smart” people say? Secondly, I believe I should be able to move on, as you can tell, I’m a nice person, and I’m vary likeable and a good person to be around, if this hasn’t convinced you maybe this will. When I still had a pulse I was liked very much by family and friends, if you let my move on I might get a chance to meet them again, if not I’m sure they will be bummed. Also I’ve come to like the current life I was in, frankly…I like being who I am, and if you want to take that away from me just think of when you were in this position a few millennia ago. Thank you for your time. Please consider what I have said in the past few days and in this letter.

Alix Dickson said...

1) I dont really have any big regrets that i can think of. I try not to think about bad things i've done in my past because i know i cant change them. The only regret I can think of is letting one of my friendships end with someone i was really close to. We had such a long friendship that its sad to think its over now.

2) Dear Judges,
I think i should be allowed to move on because im a good person.
I know i've made mistakes but everybody does once in a while. I think the important thing is what i've learned from these mistakes. I've grown alot and i know im ready to move on to the next step.

Anonymous said...

A regret in my life is that i didnt start golf earlier. If i would have started earlier i think i would be much better. This has made me a better person because now i try that much harder to be better than the ones that have started before me. It hasnt really made me think less of myself. Its not my fault i didnt start that long ago.

Dear judges,

I deepley think i should be able to move one. One of my greatest thing i could never oversome was talking to poeple. But ass you could all see that has changed. When i was younger i was sort of the shy type. But as i went on i learned. I have been talking and expressing myself much more. I used to be afraid to stand up in front of the class. But lastely i want to be first so i can stand in front of the class. I like being able to do that. So as you can see i have matured and should be able to move on.

Stefan Kegebein said...

1.I don’t really have any major regrets in my life. There are always decisions in every day life that people will regret. There are decisions that need to be made just too quickly and don’t give you time to play out scenarios in your head. These decisions are the ones the usually people will have more regrets. I really haven’t had any regrets in my life that had a major affect on my life. I try to take life on day at a time and live with no regrets.

2.Dear Judges,

I feel I should be able to move on. I have had my fair share of mistakes and fears. I believe I have proven to myself and others around me that I can rise up and over come these fears. One of my biggest fears is a fear of heights. I am not really a huge rollercoaster fan but when I went to Cedar Point I went on almost all the rides. I even went on the Millennium Force and the Dragster.

Alex V said...

I dont really have any big regrets that i can think of. I try not to think about bad things i've done in my past because i know i cant change them. Why look back on something when no matter what you do to try to change it, its not going to effect your future. So i have no regrets in life.

I am wiritting this letter to help you make your judgement on me. Everyone makes miktakes no one is perfect. I am not going to say that i have not made mistakes in my life because i have. Ive tried to learn from those mistakes to make me a better overall person. I feel i should be granted to move on because i tried my best to be the best i could be and i think i did a pertty good job. So i think i so be able to move on thank you for your time.

jay said...

1. I regret not doing my blogs. I think it made me a better person cause it made me realize I need to do my homework on a regular basis. But, it made me less of a person because it will reflect on my grade. In a way it benefits me and not benefits me.
2. My letter. Dear Judges, I wanted to bring up the way that no matter what the situation is good or bad, I help the incident for the better. I should be able to move on because the people I helped on Earth would transfer over here and I can continue to help them.

BrittanyBarron said...

Regret is one of my biggest mistakes in life. I fear that I regret 90% of the things I do or don't do. Most of my day is is spent thinking "Oh i wish i would had said that" or "I wish that i would have taken a change and done that " My biggest regret in life is not being more brave. Regret has most definetly made me think less of myself. I has hindered deicesions I make and risks I take. If I were in Judgement City I wouldn't even try to make an augrement for myself. There isn't one decent moment in my life that I think would save me from the chopping block. So I i wouldn't even make agurment.

Anonymous said...

The only regrets that I have would probably not taking things as serious as I should have. Like my school work because I would be a lot smarter then I am now if I had. I don't really think less of myself, I just don't agree with how I made my decisions over the past few years. Other than that I can't think of anything else that I have regrets about. If I would have took my school work more seriously then I would probably be a better person in the future.

To the judges of Judgment City,

I believe I should move on in the universe because I took life as it came. I never killed anyone and I don't plan on it. The only fear I have in life is failure and I still have a fear of failure of moving on but that will make me try even harder to make my judgment that much better. I never wanted to to hurt anyone but that pushed me to my limits and I was not afraid of them. I believe I should move on because I have had good things go on in my life too. I have helped one of my girlfriends on the side of the road by getting her car started so she could get back to going were she needed to go when I didn't have to stop. If I didn't stop to help her she would have probably been stuck there for hours on end. I believe doing good deeds for other people should help me to move on it the universe. I just hope you all look at the situation like I do, and I hope I have made the right decisions in life so that I can move on.

Stephen Manvydas said...

I dont have too many regrets either. One big one i have is how i procrastante on every single big project i have ever done. I think that eventually once i break this terrible habbit i think it will make me an overall better person. I put a good amount of effort into these project and i think if i spent more than a day on them they'd be great. Now to judgement city...

Dear Judgement City,

I think i should move on because of the great things i have accomplished. I am kind of a shy kid but i make friends and even joined the school bowling team freshman year. I do have one key moment where i put someone else above me even though i knew the consiquences. Last year i broke my ankle and i feel that if i did things differently it wouldnt have happened. As i fell of the hay stacks i noticed a younger kid below me, about 8 years old. I knew that at the rate i was falling the kid could have been seriously hurt so instead of keeping myself safe i saved him. I landed on my ankle and broke it there on the spot to save the kid. I knew that if i did this in the way i chose id feel crazy pain. I feared that i wouldnt be able to walk again and would have problems with my ankle for the rest of my life. I chose to save the kid and conquore the fear of a broken ankle and for doing this good deed i think i should be able to "move on"

brandonlengyel said...

I try to live my life with little or no regrets. I usually think things threw and judge on if or not im going to regret my decision. I go threw this process in order to be able to control my decisions so that afterwards i will have no regrets, but it is not that easy. Im just a human and like everbody else i have regrets, but they are littel ones. Why they may be not that important regrets is due to that i go threw the method of thiking the decision threw as should all individuals.

Dear Judge,
I belive truley that i should move in my life due to that i can reacher greater achievements. I am a man who is will to do anything thath i want to do with out holding any regrets. I shall move on so that i can become a better person and so that i can help others be better people to. I am a person with no regrets so that is why i should move on further in my life.

kirkwhitt said...

I would say one of my biggest regrets in life would be slacking off this year. Because now I have to make up credets by working and by plato.

Letter; to whom it may consern,
I am riting to tell you that everyone has grid fears, and makes mistakes here and there. But I deserv to move on because I can learn my lesson and am capible to learn from them. Some people don't learn from their mistakes, and can't move on. I also don't think it is very fair to be judged because every person is different. If we all had the same fears and made the same mistakes the earth would be a boring ace in my opionyon.

Austen Anderson said...

in life, there is no point in regreting anything. all this does is pull you back from whats going on to what already happened. theres no point to regret in life.

i have been a great person all my past life. i believe i should be able to go back because i have been a very brave person and have helped out many people when they lost hope. like when i was in new york last year on a class trip. we were all in our hotel and a lady fell down the stairs so i ran to the lobby and got help for her. i dont know if this is what you are looking for but i think it was a very helpful event and a brave choice, because i could have just pretended i didnt see it, but that would be a dick move because later on i heard she did somthing to her leg and was on crutches, but im not sure about that.

Plaz said...

I have many regrets in my life but some of the things i had to do and i just moved on from it. One of my regrets would probably be...stealin but you just gotta get it how you live. I really dont know if it has made me a better person or not.

My Letter:

Ay judge wud dup doe? haha. So its nice up here. You can eat a lot and you got these white robes that are soft but to tell you the truth i havent changed and i should go back to earth. I know its the right thing to do and i bet you think the same. You have seen all the stuff about me and some of the stuff was good and some of it was bad. If i stay here id probably screw up your little system thing you got goin on up here because if i see that benjamin comin out im goin to try to get that. So its good for the both of us if i go back to earth so i can try to become a better person. I'll see you another time.

Anonymous said...

One thing that i regret in life is not beine able to rescue my cats kitten.

Dear Judges.
I am wirting to you concerning my judgement. IF you let me move on i promise that i will do my best. I know that i may have screwed up on Earth, but i now think i have wha it takes to make those fears go away. Im sure that i presented with the chance of a do-over i would make the right choice. My fears no longer consume me and fionally i am free to see the world in all of is gloy and brain power. I hope that my stay here at judgement CIty has shown oyou these traits i am talking of and that you send me on to live me next life.

Kevin Hughes said...

I have a lot of regrets from my first and second years of high school, regarding other people. I thought i was very mature for my age but I did a lot of irrational and childish things. I would be afraid to confront people about things that bothered me, yet immerse myself in things I disliked. I figured it was mean to bring up things you don't like, but i've realized that you need to be open in order to be happy with people.

I think I should be able to move on because I am the sort of person that learns from my mistakes, while not dwelling on them and letting them get to me. The kind of person that never analyzes their past and realizes what they could have done better in a situation will never learn anything. And the kind of person that is always thinking about the past or future improvement will never really live in the present. One experience I have learned from was when I stole from a store when I was younger. When i got home, i was so racked with guilt that I threw away what I stole out of guilt. I don't still feel bad about this, but I haven't done it again since.

Anonymous said...

My biggest regret is probably not going on a trip to Cedar Pointe because I'm afraid of roller-coasters. I do hate myself for it because all of my friends went and had a great time whilst I was stuck at school in the cafeteria all day doing nothing. I wasn't happy the day after they got back with them or myself. They were constantly telling me how much fun they had, how great it was... blah blah blah... And I wasn't too thrilled with myself for missing out on it all. To this day, I'm still afraid of roller-coasters and I still wish that I had gone to Cedar Pointe with them all.

So, here's the letter-bit.


Um, where do I start? I think that I should move on to, well, wherever people with bigger brains go. I present this argument to you for several reasons. First, let's look at 17-1-9. I had to perform one of my solos at a concert. I hate doing solos, really really hate doing solos. But, I did it and I got over one of my biggest fears, doing thing in front of people. I now love doing my solo since that day when all the old people at the Wixom Senior Centre got up and shook their booties (I do mean this, it happened, just ask any one in the Jazz Band). I feel that getting over one of my biggest fears qualifies me to move on. If you're not convinced, here's another scenario in which I at least attempted to overcome a fear. 9-1-1; we were at Jeepers! for my 9th birthday. At this point, I still really hated roller-coasters. My friends were going on the mini Jeepers! coaster and had asked me to join. I didn't want to, but after a lot of nagging, I went on the thing and had a lot of fun. I'm still afraid of larger roller-coasters, but I believe that this small step proves that I at least try to overcome my fears. I think that it should be about at least trying. Not everyone can, because fear is a powerful thing: but at least trying to overcome your fear proves that you've overcome one of your greatest fears, being afraid of fear itself. Even if you don't overcome the intended fear, trying means your not afraid to be afraid. And I think that that should count for something.

Lil Southkr3w said...

Mr kay remember i dont have internet so i cant do my blogs on time. remember to give me credit for this blog.

i dont reallly think i had any regrets in my life.

ayy dawg i think i am ready to move on. no one is perfect every body makes misstakes some times. i am not exactly the only person that has ever mad a mistake. also my experiance in judgement city good. I believe I should move on because I have had good things go on in my life too. i also done last of good things. i had help people in the past. So i think i should be able to move on in life so i will thank you for letting me move on. thanx for your time.

Alan Hernandez

JakeCastner said...

Dear Judges,

One regret in my life that i have is stealing from meijer. It was something i did a few years ago, now. When i did it, i was really really not thinking. Now, today, though, i have paid for that crime and have moved on to bigger, better, and much more legal things. When i look back on that, though, i will always cringe because that sucked. I definitely paid for the crime, both with money and catching a lot of stuff. I no longer hear about it anymore, and i am glad because i really dont need to hear that. I'm not doing it anymore, and feel that i am definitely past that.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

To be straight up honest with you, as of now my regret score is zero. Those don't exist in my life. They are all considered to me to be learning experiences. Iv made bad choices in life, and will make more, but i regret nothing. Ill still learn from everything i do to make myself better.


Great Judges i think that i am more than worthy to move on. Early in my life i had fears of course. But i learned, and grew and learned to forget fears and regrets. When i came hear i came with no fears, or regrets.

jray said...

A regret in my life that I would rather not talk about has made me a much better person. I became careless because I though I was invincable, but I was wrong. I now realize what I was doing was just bringing myself down, and because of that I can change to turn myself into a better person.

I feel like I am ready to move on with my life. I know I have made mistakes, but who hasn't. We learn from them which helps make us smarter and a better person. Everyone also has fears. Their is nothing you can do about it. Living without fear isn't healthy. You need some kind of fear to give you restrictions. Otherwise earth would become lifeless. This is why I should be move on further in life.

Panos said...

I personally have many regrets in my life, which many of them have to do with the way i treat people. One of the bggest regrets that i have in my life is the way i treated myDad and Mom when they told me that I was adopted. I kind of went off on them and yelled at them for no reason whatsoever. This regret has made me feel like a lesser person because i realized that before i get angry i have to assess the situiation instead of just blurting things out.
In regards to the letter i would write to the judges in judgement city it would go something like this:

Dear Judges,
I truly believe that I should be allowed to pass on to the next place because of many things that have changed in my life. As you know in my previous life i have not been all that great and i certainly have not been doing what i am capable of, but there is also one experiance that sticks out to me the most of me showing leadership qualities that i did not have before. When i went to boot camp in Howell i was timid kid who didn't speak up bcause i didn't want to be wrong but when i was there i became a leader to those around me and was brave like i should be.

Anonymous said...

I live with absolutely no regrets simply because everything and anything I have done in the past makes me who I am today. Regretting anything I've done would be counter-intuitive. The only thing that I may wish I hadn't done is smoke cigarettes. I had a bout with cigarettes for quite a while, and I actually enjoyed the taste of them and liked the head buzz that I got from them. After I got addicted, the head buzzes I got from each cigarette disappeared and the taste got progressively worked. Moving in on my own has helped me quit smoking as I'm not in a house surrounded by parents who smoke a pack or two a day. I still get cravings, but I don't act upon them.

Judges -
I think that I should be able to move on; judge me accordingly, but I have incentives. For all of my life on Earth, I lived to make others happy. Never have I placed my priorities in front of another. I like to believe that I am the most selfless person that I knew personally. For instance, when I was fifteen years old I needed three hundred and fifty dollars in order to take driver's training to get my license for my sixteenth birthday. I gathered up the cash, but coincidentally just as I got enough money a close friend of mine's mother became inflicted with cancer and hadn't enough to pay for their medical bills. Thus, I donated all of my driver's training money to her bills and have never asked (nor received) repayment. Had I not done this, I would have gotten my license at age 16 and not had to wait two or three years afterwards to get my license.