Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 5

Macbeth allowed outside forces to have some control over his life. So far, these include the witches and Lady Macbeth. Often in our lives, we allow outside forces to have more control than we think they should. What outside forces do you feel control your life? Why do you allow this to happen? Does this make you a weak person? When can it be positive to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our lives?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 4

Today we discussed several different themes. Please choose one of the themes (hope you took notes), and discuss how it has progressed in Act 1. Then, talk about how that theme has been part of your own life.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 3

Today we lfinished Act 1, Scenes 5-7. As always, reread. As part of Act 1, we saw Macbeth making decisions with his life about his future. These choices include the potential death of King Duncan at his own hands. With that in mind:

Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Can you give examples of this happening in our society? Is there always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 2

Sorry I am late. You can do this one through Wednesday night. As we did vocab today it will be no shock that we will do some current event this evening. Last chance to pick something good. NO CITE, NO POINTS

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cardmarking 5, Day 1

So here we are in your last week of having to blog. I will be posting from time to time to get a feel for where people are and what they are thinking so feel free,beginning next week, to respond.

Today we listened to scenes 4 & the beginning of 5(we are going to begin moving a bit faster than one or two scenes a day). Make sure you re-read these scenes for clear understanding.

For this evening, please discuss the following:

Describe your first impression of Macbeth. What do we know about him and how do we initially perceive him? Does this impression change after he hears the witches predictions or the fact that he became Thane of Cawdor? What about his comments at the end whe he learns that Malcolm will be the next king? How does all of this tie into the idea of ambition?


Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 22

EXTRA CREDIT ALERT!! I have been informed that I can only give 5 points of extra credit per submission to scribes and then 10 points for any that is placed in the book. Also, I am giving at least 10 points for going to see Wizard of Oz next weekend so buy your tickets.

OK, not everyone loves Shakespeare for honestly I did not until I began teaching it. Yet, his stories actually are interesting once you get past the attitude. With that said, check the attitude at the door from now on and just deal with what you have to do.

We began our listening/reading of Macbeth. Please reread the first three scenes for clear understanding making sure that you follow the guidelines of the unit long assignments.

For this evening, look at the idea of Natural v. Supernatural as we have seen this already. Give an example of this in the first 3 scenes and then predict what may happen next. Also, talk about why we continue to read Shakespeare after all of these years even though it is difficult to understand.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 21

Today we continued our discussion on fate, ambition, guilt and integrity. While you all may not know that I have not led the most honest life, at time, at least I have learned from my experiences. As someone stated today, ambition can dove tail with guilt and integrity.

As a person, describe yourself within the framework of integrity. What does it mean to you? Do you choose to live a life of integrity? Why or why not? How? How important is integrity to you within your friends and/or family? Lastly, give me an example of a time you think you have shown great integrity and a time you have not.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 20

Missed seeing you today. Hope you got your discussion done within the group. We will finish the discussion tomorrow.

For this evening, you shall current event. By now, you know the drill and do not forget NO CITE, NO POINTS.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 19

Today we began looking at the concepts of fate, guilt and ambition as prevailing areas of life. We all have encountered thoughts of these one way or another. For this evening, comment on one of the following quotes:

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Bill Bradley

“There are no little events in life, those we think of no consequence may be full of fate, and it is at our own risk if we neglect the acquaintances and opportunities that seem to be casually offered, and of small importance."
Amelia E. Barr


“Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.”
Peter McWilliams

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 18

Today we began discussing ambition. Look at the following quote and respond. Include the idea of how this quote can or has related to you in some manner.

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”

Bill Bradley

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 17

Please give me your own personal definition of ambition. Based on the discussion today discuss whether you see yourself as willing to do anything to meet your ambition or ambitious but cautious. Explain the one you choose. Lastly, give an example in your life where your ambition caused a positive or negative outcome.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 16

Remember that rough drafts will be do on Friday. Some of you never even gave me the work and argument which is a problem.

For this evening, we shall do a current event. Remember that the connection to you, the community and the world is more important than the brief summary. NO CITE, NO POINTS.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 15

So, first let me rant a little bit. It amazes me that a group of juniors in high school can behave in immature ways and then never take responsibility for their own actions. While this truly does not apply to everyone, each person in a setting has some level of responsibility to that setting. We, as teachers, waste time telling people to go to the correct seat, be quiet during a test, ask for your make up work after absences or arrange to take a missed test or quiz in a reasonable amount of time.

This comes down to the conversation we had at the beginning of the semester about taking responsibility for your education. This is both the work that needs to be done and the attitude behind it. The sooner you learn this the easier it will be and the less jerky we will seem. Do not blame us for getting aggrivated when we respond to the behaviors exhibited or the lack of support we get from others.

Now for fun, you can respond to the following and indicate the responsibility to the students and the teachers.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Day 14

Today you will watch the following video:

This is a video remake from 25 years ago which can be found at:

What is the purpose of these type of videos from our friends in Hollywood? Is it appropriate that these people get involved in political statements? Why or why not? Also, why did it take 25 years to remake this video as we have had many shattering events in the last 25 years? What is it about the earthquake in Haiti or famine in Africa that gets to us? Lastly, does this type of video get you to want to be more invested in these causes? Why or why not?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 13

Today's topic is friendship. Personally, I think that nothing is more important that friendship. Please look at this quote and then listen to the cheesy song and tell me what they have in common, what you look for in a friend and the importance of friendship to you.

"Never refuse any advance of friendship, for if nine out of ten bring you nothing, one alone may repay you."
Madame de Tencin

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 12

For this evening, listen to this song and tell me what you think they are saying and how the topic effects you or your community. May also be a bit cheesy so if there is a song you would like people to reflect on that is appropriate then write it on a piece of paper and maybe it will end up here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 11

Please watch and listen to the following video:

Once you have, discuss how you measure a year in your life. What do you base this measurement on? What do you think the message of this song is?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 10

Today we shall do a current event. You know the rules so do not forget to summarize and give your reaction/response and do not forget to cite.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 9

Please respond to the following quote:

"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck

Make sure you have some kind of personal connection to your response.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 8


Overall, I thought that today went really well. The U of M staff were very impressed with how well you listened and worked during your time in the library. It seemed that some of you truly used your time wisely. Do not worry if you did not find as much information as you had hoped as we will discuss this tomorrow.

As for the ride home, you must truly begin to think about how your behaviors not only effect you but the people you are around. It is embarrasing for Mr. Pouliot and I to have to be talked to by the bus driver because you cannot sit in a seat for 45 minutes. Yes, they did not give me accurate information on the busses but that is life and if you could adapt on the way to Ann Arbor you could adapt on the way home. For people to be yelling at each other is absolutely rediculous and sad. Also, the fact that people could not wait to get off the bus by the appropriate door but open the emergency door is also disrespectful to the bus driver and to us. I should not have to hear from my bosses as to why our students cannot behave at an age appropriate level on a bus and then put into question whether or not we can go on future field trips. Writing things on windows in words and pictures is just not acceptable behavior nor is it funny in the wrong context. I expect more from each and everyone of you.

Some of you will say, "It was not me." That is the same thing the Germans and others said during World War 2when they looked the other way at the murder of 13 million innocent people. Those of you who sit by as people put things on windows that you know is not right at that time but do nothing are also responsible even if it is passive responsibility. It is time to begin thinking about who you are as an individual and how you want to be perceived not only by your peers but by others as well.

For this evening, contemplate the above with the following quote:

"How often I have found that we grow to maturity not by doing what we like, but by doing what we should. How true it is that not every 'should' is a compulsion, and not every 'like' is a high morality and true freedom."
Karl Rahner

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 7

So, I hope you will take the opportunity to re-do the personal narrative. Think about what I said when making your changes and hopefully you will get an A. In case it snows, remember that we will meet by the doors of the cafeteria after first hour on Thursday. Remember to bring paper and pen.

For this evening, we shall be doing some current eventing (yes a new verb). Remember, as always, short summary with effect. No more than two people per event this evening. NO CITE, NO POINTS

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 6

"Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything."
Mary Hemingway

Besides saying what you think this means, tell me about a time when worrying made a situation worse but fixing a situation made you feel better.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 5

First, I know that going over all this research paper stuff is not so exciting but it must be done and it will insure that you have the opportunity to do well. I hope you are looking forward to the field trip and if you have not brought the money and the consent please do so on Monday.

There was as request for a free blog this evening so I am granting the request but, for the blog, I want you to discuss an issue that is bothering you and how you could resolve the issue. You pick the issue and resolution but keep to the idea.

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 4

You have been talking about the things at Lakeland that you would change based on your Declaration. While we know that there are always areas that need improvement, there must be areas of strength as well. Discuss the top five areas that you think Lakeland does well and how they impact you positively.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 3

You are having a dinner party and can invite any 5 people to attend. Who would you invite and why? What is the significance of choosing these people.

For example, one of my people would be Will Smith. I would choose him because I would love to discuss how he went from recording artist to tv star to movie star and how it has effected his life. I would also choose FDR. He was president during a very difficult time and I have always been fascinated by his successes during his presidency. I think I could learn a great deal about the world from him. I would also have my grandfather because I have learned a great deal from him and have great respect for him and would want to share this with him. (I would add 2 more people). Overall, I would want to surround myself with a variety of people who would enhance what I think and how I act.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2

Today we shall do the first current event for the semester. As always no sports or entertainment unless it relates to a larger societal issue. Please remember to give a brief summary and then connect to you, the community or the world.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Semester 2, Term 4, Day 1

Welcome back. I promise you an exciting semester that will challenge you and push you to become more independent and self-assured as students.

For this evening, please discuss your goals for this semester and especially this cardmarking. It could be specifically for this class or it could be for all your classes. How will you attain those goals? How will you reward yourself if your goals are obtained and what kind of consequences if they are not obtained? Do not write what you think I want to hear but what you are truly thinking.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 28

For the last blog of the semester, let us free blog. Again, no stupid stories about your weekend but make it something that shows that you have some worldly insight.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 27

I cannot believe that we lost to a group of inferiors like the Pouliot/Perry team. You people should be ashamed. A group of all star monkeys could have one. I think it was like David and Goliath and Goliath got cocky. For shame. I guess there is always next semester.

For this evening, discuss what you see as the pros and cons of being in the team setting after one semester. Give some positive and/or negative experiences you have had that might not have been the same if you were in a regular room. Also, if you have any advice or ideas of things we can do to better facilitate your learning in this setting please let me know as well.

Remember that part of this setting is on you and working to your potential but I will touch on that next semester.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 26

Today we shall do our last current event blog for the semester. The key to this one is that there can be no more than 2 blogs on the same story (this way I do not need to hear about Haiti from every person as I know what a tragedy it has been). NO CITE, NO POINTS.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 25

Well, overall, the discussions went well. In theory, I should give a test on these questions to see what people were paying attention to. Timing is on your side that we do not have time for a test. For this evening you may choose from the following:

Why would drawings be good or bad for all books? How does this connect to other forms of visual media? Why do authors not use drawings for their novels in regards to the expectations of the reader? Do you get the story better or do you need to find your own images when reading?


What would the story have been like if it had been written by a child of a fundamentalist? How would that person create their judgement of Iran differently than Marjane?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 24

Again, nice job by the groups today. For this evenings blog, please choose from one of the following:

One of the educational issues that was not touched on today was what happened to post high school education after the revolution occurred in 1979-1980. Please explain the effect on this level of learning and how it may have effected Iranian society as a whole. How would you feel if this happened in this country and how could it effect your whole future?


Think about the idea of Persepolis and why people are so affected by the actions of the Islamic Revolution. Is this the same or different than if this happened in the United States? Why or why not? Is there a greater sense of patriotism in Iran than in the United States? Why or why not? What is your personal view on patriotism and how do you incorporate it in your life?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 23

Great job for the groups who went today. For this evening blog which is mandatory, please discuss one of the following:

You can discuss the Coming of Age question by building off of something specific that someone in the group brought up. If possible, please say who made the statement you are commenting on and then talk about how this idea of coming of age could be something that affects you.


Discuss the idea of religion as a political tool. Explain what was said about this and how it relates back to the uprising in Iran in 1979. Then connect the idea to something going on currently.

You will probably need more than 7 sentences for this and if your group went today you must answer the prompt about the other group.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 22

Today we shall current event. Here is today's parameter. Only two people can do the same article/topic. Make sure you look closely to not be the third person or yours will not count. As always, no sports or entertainment (not really that newsworthy that Jay Leno is going back to late night) unless you can tie it into something topical in another way. NO CITE, NO POINTS.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 21

Describe the writer’s voice. Is it appealing? Which aspects of Marji’s character do you identify with or like the most, the least? Did your reaction to the little girl affect your reading experience? Explain how or how not?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 20

Chapter 18, Kim Wilde, really shows the idea of pop culture and it's influence. If Marjane were in the same situation today, what pop culture icons and fads do you think she would choose to embrace and why? From what country would they come? What would they represent? Choose five items and explain why you’ve chosen them.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 19

Today we shall free blog. Remember, I do not want to hear a list of things you have done on a weekend or during vacation but want to learn something about you, your personality, your interestes, etc.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 18

There are several themes that run through the story of Persepolis. Some of the major themes are:

Social class
Western influences

Choose one of the above themes and tell, briefly, how you have seen it in the story thus far. Then, tell how this theme has impacted your own life at some point in your 16-17 years of existence.

My response (although not to the first part):

Social class has been a part of my life. My parents married very young and struggled for many years. At one point, we were probably lower middle class (although at the time I did not even realize this). Through hard work and education, my parents got jobs or began businesses that became prosperous. By time I got to college, we would have been classified at upper middle class. I would think it would suck to live in a country where you are placed in a social class and cannot move out of it. I also would not want to be stuck marrying someone because of social class and be restricted from someone I may be attracted to like Satrapi's maid and the boy across the alley.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 17

Think about the individuals who have helped form the individual you are today (parents, family members, siblings, coaches, teachers, etc.) Pick one and describe how this person has impacted you and the result of this influence.

For me, I would probably say both of my parents. When growing up, my mom probably had more of an impact because we were more alike and she got me better. She understood me as a person and allowed me the freedom to make the mistakes and taught me how to learn from them as well. Once in my 20's, my father and I became closer and he has impacted my later years by being a friend and a parent. He listens and gives advice when asked but never expects me to follow that advice unless it is what is best for me. My parents influence me because they have always been open and honest with me and have respected all of my choices and even supported those that they might have thought were not great. Much of the interpersonal person I am today can be attributed to both of my parents based on my relationship with them at different stages of life.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 16

So much goes on in the world each day. Some good and some bad. As it is the new year, I would like to focus on the good for today's blog. You must find a current event that shows something positive in our society. As always, give a brief summary and then tell me how this event impacts you and your community. Lastly, how does this positive event show that we do not always have to dwell on the negatives that happen around us. REMEMBER, NO CITE NO POINTS.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 15

What is an epiphany? Have you experienced a moment of epiphany? What caused it to occur, and what effect did it have on your life? Do you think that this epiphany has caused you to be any different as a person? How?

Here is my response:

I had an epiphany during a Physics exam my junior year of college. At the time, I was pre-med but was kind of miserable because I was not doing well in my science classes and was studying all the time. Also, all of my jobs that I had during the year and in the summer dealt with working with kids. While taking this exam, it hit me that I was choosing medicine for all the wrong reasons such as thinking it would make my parents happy and that I would make money. Yet, I realized that making money and making others happy was foolish if it was not going to make me happy. After the exam, I dropped my pre-med designation and began taking classes I enjoyed.