Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 22

EXTRA CREDIT ALERT!! I have been informed that I can only give 5 points of extra credit per submission to scribes and then 10 points for any that is placed in the book. Also, I am giving at least 10 points for going to see Wizard of Oz next weekend so buy your tickets.

OK, not everyone loves Shakespeare for honestly I did not until I began teaching it. Yet, his stories actually are interesting once you get past the attitude. With that said, check the attitude at the door from now on and just deal with what you have to do.

We began our listening/reading of Macbeth. Please reread the first three scenes for clear understanding making sure that you follow the guidelines of the unit long assignments.

For this evening, look at the idea of Natural v. Supernatural as we have seen this already. Give an example of this in the first 3 scenes and then predict what may happen next. Also, talk about why we continue to read Shakespeare after all of these years even though it is difficult to understand.


Tayler Chase said...

One example of natural vs supernatural is when the witches put a curse on the womens husband. They put a curse on the husband because the women didnt give them nuts. Another example is when the witches tell macbeth that he's going to be king. I think that Macbeth is giong to start being over ambitious about being king. I think that he will start doing unnccssary things in order to make this happen. I think we still study shakespeare because it was an important part in history. He changed the way poeple thought of liturature forever.

Jamie Diehr said...

An example of natural vs supernatural is when the witches told Macbeth that he wasing going to be all these things. Macbeth then has that idea planted in his head, but doesnt give in too much hope because how could the withces know what was going to happen. When he relizes that one of them came true, he starts to believe the supernatural. I think that Macbeth is going to become very ambitious to get what he wants, like become king ect. I think this will upset the balence between things that happen naturaly, or without purposely being done, adn the supernatural things, like teh withces putting thoughts into his head about what is going to happen. I think that people study shakespear because it was a huge part in history. It also has the old fashioned language style in there which is differnt. Shakespear changed liturate.

Katlyn said...

An example of natural v. supernatural is when the witches told macbeth that he was going to be king and everything else. After he hears this he begins to think about it actually happening. He doesnt have to much hope though that it will become true at first. I think he will become very ambitious and do what he can to become king. I think that we still Study shakespear after all of theses years because he changed the way that everyone looked at literature. I also think we sudy it still because it educates us about different kinds of literature in the world. Sure its hard to understand alot of the times but its still prety cool to get to learn about it.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd HOur

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

Well in Macbeth i thik there are a couple kinds of Natural vs Supernatural insidences. The first one is thw witches vs Macbeth and that Barquo guy. The witches are some what of an unknown power have the power of telling the future. Another one is MAcbeth vs Macdondal (the other leader). macbeth is look at as a man who can not be stoppped and the other guy is looked at as a weaker person. I think that the same thing in Oedipus is going to happen. Macbeth is going to become ubsessed with the profesie and some how come to kill himsefl or get killed. We read shakespeare becuase the stories really make you think and there has been nothing like them in our life time sense.
Zack RUffin

Wilbur2381 said...

For the example of Natural vs Supernatural i choose the witches vs Macbeth. In the beggining the book starts out wierd because the witches are speaking in riddle and its hard to understand. But once Mr. Kay explained it, i think that they were telling Macbeth that they already know his fate. Macbeth knows that they are witches and their predictions are probably going to turn out negative for him, so he will become very determined and ambitious to make sure that his fate isnt absolutly screwed. I think we read Shakespeare because we can relive what writing was like back then because it was a complete different style compared to today.

Will Michaels 2nd hour

Sean said...

An example of natural vs supernatural is when Macbeth ran into the witches. They told him how he would become a supreme ruler of different kingdoms. Macbeth was in awe and laughed about it afterwards. Although after the witches dissapeared, the proclamations the witches said were beggining to come true. With that said, I think all the things the witches said are going to happen to Macbeth are in fact going to happen. The reason we keep reading Shekespeare after all these years is because the way he can tell a story. He makes you think and knows how to reach into peoples emotions. Not many people these days can tell a story the way Shakespeare could.


Dan Calma said...

For my example of Natural v. Supernatural I chose when the witches cursed the womens husband for getting on the witches bad side. I think that the Weird Sisters are going to kill the man to make the womanes life hell for not sharing her chestnuts with them. Plus the Weird Sisters are evil so the tiniest thing would probably set off their rage. We continue to read Shakespeare because despite the different use of words, his stories are interesting to read. Not only that but they are easy to teach with due to the fact that they are filled with themes, as stupid as themes are. Yes Shakespeare's stories is difficult to read but when you put aside the way we use grammar and actually read his stuff, it actually makes sense. And his works are enteraining as they are always based on Good v. Evil.

Brittany Laubscher said...

Their is a lot of supernatural things in Macbeth. Like when the witches do things. They predict whats to to actually happen to Macbeth. Then when he hears this he begins to think its going to happen. The witches just disapeared which made him believe that they could be witches and are tellling the truth. The last example im thinking of is when the witches caste the spell on the lady who was rude and wouldnt give her any nuts. She put a spell on her husband. Which is obviously supernatural because their really is no such thing as magic.

Tyler McLeod said...

An example of Natural vs Supernatural in the first 3 scenes was when Macbeth encountered the 3 witches. The witches insinuate that he will be given great power. Their prophecy of the power Macbeth will have set Macbeth's greed into motion. Also, the thunder and lightening that accompanied the witches foreshadows the bad and evil that will come to Macbeth in the future. Storms give the feeling of bad and evil. We continue to read Shakespeare after all of these years because he has had such a significant impact in the literature world; he is one of the writing icon's in hisory and people are intrigued by his writings.

Cherie Stoll said...

2nd Hour
I think that the witches in Macbeth represent the supernatural in the story. They perform hexes on various people, and they disappear in midair. Right now, Macbeth says he is not going to try to get this power, but instead he is putting it in the hands of fate. Macbeth seems to realize what is real, and what is not. When he first heard his future, he and Duncan laughed about it. I think that Duncan's warning is foreshadowing what is to come in the story. Even though Macbeth is skeptical now, I think that Macbeth's future of "power" will lead him to go to the "dark side". I think that we continue to read Shakespeare so we learn the roots of our literature today. A lot has changed in literature since Shakespeare, but we do not want to forget his type of writing. Literature is a piece of history and it gives us an understanding of what times were like in history. 100 years from now people may be reading our present literature in order to get a sense of our culture today.

Samantha Tedder said...

An example of the natural v. supernatural would be the witches saying Macbeth was going to become king. At first, Macbeth has the idea burned into his head that it will come true. Then he snaps back into reality and realizes the current king is still alive, so he couldnt become king. Yet when the prophecy of him becoming Thane of Cawdor comes true, he starts to think that maybe he will end up becoming king. Therefore, he believes the supernatural. I predict that Macbeth may become king based on the actions of the witches, and then him actually becoming Thane. I think we still read Shakespeare because it was a major turning point in history. I mean, really. The guy came up with a whole bunch of words to make the already difficult English language just a bit harder. And, his stories are a huge part of literature.

Sam Tedder

Unknown said...

One good example of Supernatural vs. Natural is when the witches put the curse on the woman's who wouldn't share nuts' husband. This is supernatural because they are witches and they are putting spells on people which shows that they are supernatural. Another example is when Macbeth and Banquo are at the field and all of the sudden the witches disappear. This is supernatural because they just disappeared, and we know that can't happen. Obviously this book is going to have alot of supernatural experiences. I think we still continue to read Shakespeare because he was such a good writer. He was one of the best a long time ago, and our teachers just want us to experience first hand what a good writer is. I think it is a good idea because i have seen the type of writing that people read and it has shown me that are many different types of writing.

Alec Shoems

Emma Flynn said...

An example of Natural v. Supernatural is seen when the three witches send the women's husband across all the seas in punishment for her not sharing her chesnuts with them. It is natural for a ship to be forced out of control by natural forces. However, its obvious that these forces like wind and storms are not controlled by supernatural forces, except in this story where the witches are in control thus making it supernatural. I think that what is going to happen ext in the story is that Macbeth is going to slowly become more and more distracted from his "good boy" attitude in order to embark towards ruler. The witches predicted his fate and now I think that it will slowly get to his head. As we discussed in class, ambitions can change our morals. I am predicting that Macbeth's ambition will be to follow in the steps of the fate that the Supernatual witches predicted.We continue to read Shakespeare for many reasons. Not only are his stories deep and twisted, they discuss human's inescapable tragedies. Plus I find the language to be challenging which is important because it makes you think. I also remember my freshman teacher telling me when we read Romeo and Juliet that Shakespeare added nearly 300 words to the dictionary.

Kaleigh S said...

In the first three scenes, this idea of natural v. supernatural is already present a few times. When the three witches appear in front of Macbeth and Duncan, they fortell the two men's future. Macbeth and Duncan just view it as absurd at first to even think that what the witches are saying could be true. The witches vanish, confusing the men. They start to think about what the witches said and the natural and supernatural seem to almost mix in a way, because Macbeth thinks what they are saying could be possible. I think we continue to read Shakespeare because we should see many different types of literature. Reading the difficult works of Shakespeare pushes us to think about what we're reading much more. If we only read current novels, we would never have to push our minds to think like people did so long ago. Reading Shakespeare also helps us see a time in history that we shouldn't forget.

****** ******* said...

one example is when the witches told Macbeth he was going to be king and whatever. at first hes excited then realizes thats not going to happen just because three hairy women that vanished in to thin air said so. then when he gets back and is told he has become the whatever of the place. he starts to believe the other things could happen. i think that Macbeth is going to go to crazy for his future and try and make the things come true. not just let them come to him like the first one. then he is going to end up pushing it away.

Alanna Nagi said...

Mr. Kay,

I know this is probably very very risky, but I feel it needs to happen. As my dad and I were revising my paper over the past few nights, he said that my topic is too broad. My argument is that the Cold War was unnecessary. So, he's been helping me and since I mention the economy quite a few times in my paper, and how the Cold War was one of the factors that shaped how America is today, I need a more in depth argument. I would be changing it to about the Military spending's in the war and it would lead to our economy and such. I know this is risky because the paper is due Friday, but I do have 3 half days after the testing next week and I won't have any other homework, so I'll be able to finish it. I was just letting you know, since we turned in our 2nd rough draft Friday. MY argument is very hard to write about and I'm have a difficult time coming up with facts, so I think this will help me a lot. I'll talk to you about this Monday in school.

Thank you very much.

Alanna Nagi

Andrew Melton said...

An example of natural vs supernatural in the first scene would be when the witches talk to macbaeth and bonquo and they disapear right in from of their faces. Another example is in the second Scene when they make the wifes husband have trouble while hes out at sea because he asked for a nut from his wife. the last example of natural vs. supernatural is when the witches meet again with macbeth and bonquo and they tell them whats going to happen to them, and their future, before it even happens to them. What i think will happen in the future is the witches will cause damage by using powers against macbeth. The reason i beleive that we still read shakespeare today is to improve our language comprehension and speech.

Trevor Stratton said...

1 example would be when the 3 witches put a curse on the sailor. They did this because the wife would not give the witch what she was eating. Another would be when the witches told Macbeth that he would be the supreme ruler of the land. I think that Macbeth, now with this idea that he will be king in his head, will become very ambitious. He might start going overboard and the line between friend and foe will become blurred. He will at one point, i think, do whatever he needs to become king and fulfill what the witches said. I think we continue to read Shakespeare because it is a important part of our history. We also read them because it might shed some light into what time was like back then, or what it was like to Shakespeare. It also changed the style of literature today.

Hailey Ledgley(: 3rd hour said...

An examle of Natural vs suernatural is when the wicthes put a curse on the womens husband. They did this because they didnt give them nuts. Another examle would be when they showed up and told Macbeth he was going to be king. Now that they did that i think hes going to have a big head about being king. He'll probably go and do things that arent necessary because he thinks hes going to be king. I think we study shakespeare because its an important part of lit, and its been around forever. Its an important part of history.

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

An example of natural vs supernatural is when the witches told Macbeth that he wasing going to be all these terriable things. The witches are some what of an unknown power have the power of telling the future. Macbeth knows that they are witches and their predictions are probably going to turn out bad for him. He will become very determined and ambitious to make sure that his fate isnt absolutly messed up. Another is when the witches put a curse on the womens husband.

John said...

An example if natural vs supernatural is the witches put a curse on the women husband. The witches put this curse on the pore women because she would not give them some nuts to eat. The second example of this is when the witches told Mcbeth that he was going to become a king. I think that what the witches said to him is going to cause him to become over ambitiouis to becoming king. He will probally start doing what ever it takes to achieve this and thi will cause him to start doing unessacry things. I think that we still study shakespeare because the it is a hard context of literature and we need to familarise ourselves with this kind of thing. It aslo has a big part to do with history. Shakspeare changed the way people looked at literature.

John McLean

beattiex33 said...

In mcbeth the charectors of the with he's show the supernatural side and mcBeth in bAttle shows the natural side. The witches use supernatural wAys to make perdictions of the future. Mcbeth travels and fights for his future instead of using supernaturL ways to figure out the future. I think that we still study shAkespeare in order to understand the difrent ways that lititure is written. Even If we don't understNd shakespeare sometimes, sometimes when he writes things, he writes them in the perspective of people living back then. It gives us a glimpse of how people lived and felt through charectors. And sometimes people can relate more if they read a story then if they just learn something in a history book.

A D A M H A H N said...

Mr. Kay, I was at Ohio State for the past 2 days on a college tour, therefore I have to do my blog now.

The idea of supernatural vs natural is most easily seen with the witches. The witches were pretty difficult to understand at first, but once mr. kay explained it I think I got what they were saying. The witches show the idea of supernatural vs natural because they can foresee the future. Macbeth is just a regular old army captain who was being told his fortune basically by these witches. I predict that Macbeth is going to become to engulfed in the witches prophecy and end up like Oedipus in some way. Either way I already know that Macbeth is dying by the end of this play. I think we continue to read Shakespeare after all these years because what he contributed to literature is undeniable and unmatched by many. So basically, Shakespeare will always be a literary essential.

Jessica klave said...

I think there are a few examples of natural vs supernatural. One has to do with macbeth and the witches. The witches told macbeth he was going to be diferent things. One thing that the withches said he was going to be was king. macbeth got this idea planted into his head. He was excited expecally when one of the things that the witches said would happen came true. He then got very ambitious about becomeing king. another example of natural vs supernatural is when the witchesI think there are a few examples of natural vs supernatural. One has to do with macbeth and the witches. The witches told macbeth he was going to be diferent things. One thing that the withches said he was going to be was king. macbeth got this idea planted into his head. He was excited expecally when one of the things that the witches said would happen came true. He then got very ambitious about becomeing king. another example of natural vs supernatural is when the witches just disapeared. at first he wasnt to sure what the witches were saying but once he realized that the witches disapeared out of thin air he began to question not believing them.