Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 10

Today we shall do a current event. You know the rules so do not forget to summarize and give your reaction/response and do not forget to cite.


Anonymous said...
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Scott said...

For my current event i feel like talking about full-body scanners. The scanners give a deatailed picture that allow airport officials to detect weapons or hidden objects. Also it is a quick way to protect passengers and the flight crew from attacks such as 911. Scanning an individual only takes 15 to 30 seconds. They use high energy rays to create a 3-D image. Some people feel that they are an invasion of privacy. I feel that they are a great way to detect a weapon on passengers. Certain religions belive that they shouldn't be allowed to use this technology. The believe this because the are not allowed to be seen without their robes/turbans on. My thought is if theur don't want to be scanned then they shouldn't be able to ride on the plane!! I believe that riding on a plane is a privilage and not a right. If they are so concerned about who can see them on the 3-D image then they can drive to their destination. To me if you refuse to be scanned that is a sign that you are trying to hide something.

Anonymous said...

An interesting current event that I found was about screenwriter/actor/director/comedian Kevin Smith being kicked off a Southwest flight for being too fat. The article said that he usually bought 2 seats, but the flight was overbooked and there was just one left for him. He was seated all the way but the airline said that his size was a hazard to the safety of people on the flight. He said that it was an embarrassing time for him and felt singled out by being kicked off the flight because he has been battling his weight for a long time. I feel very bad for him and think this would be a really bad and embarrassing thing to have happen. This is a current event and relates to our world because there are events like this that happen everyday. It reminds us that everyone is different and everybody has their own struggles that they are facing and that we all need to be sensitive and understanding towards one another.

Becca said...

For my current event I would like to talk about the HPV vaccine. Qiagen NV's human papilloma virus, or HPV, test was also more effective than Pap smears or an inexpensive method that uses a mild acid to detect tumors, the researchers reported in The New England Journal of Medicine. Only 34 of the women who received HPV testing died of cervical cancer, while 54 of the women who got Pap smears died. Furthermore, 56 women visually examined using acetic acid died and 64 women who got no screening died of cervical cancer. In addition, the women who received the HPV test were found to have far fewer cases of advanced cervical cancer. This research affects my community and myself. Last year I received the HPV vaccine, and there was a lot of controversy over it. Many people in my community got the vaccine, including my sister. I'm glad to hear that this test shows that fewer women died from cervical cancer who received the HPV vaccine. This test shows that the women who got the vaccine have a lower risk of getting cervical cancer which is a good thing for myself and women in my community.

Virus Test Cuts Deaths From Cervical Cancer,2933,512217,00.html?sPage=fnc/health/cancer

Becca Need
2nd Hour

Cherie Stoll said...

Today a train collision in Belgium has left 18 dead. A rush-hour commuter train ran a red light and hit an oncoming train. Officials are not sure whether the crash was caused by human error or weather conditions. It is a tragedy that so many innocent bystanders were killed by one mistake. This is the second train collision I have heard of in the last year where someone ran a red light and got hit. I think that we can all learn a lesson from this event. Whether the collision was caused by weather or a traffic violation, we need to remember to be safe on the roads. Last year a boy tried to outrun a train and killed all the passengers inside the car. Driving is something that should be taken very seriously. Not many of us will be driving a train, but the same precautions should be taken in cars as well. This crash may not affected our lives personally, but we can all learn from this mistake in order not to repeat it. Be careful when the roads are bad and don't run red lights.;_ylt=AgaaSuXE8P.viV7kfbQw6ees0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNtb2I0MTU4BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMjE1L2V1X2JlbGdpdW1fdHJhaW5fY3Jhc2gEY2NvZGUDbW9zdHBvcHVsYXIEY3BvcwMyBHBvcwM3BHB0A2hvbWVfY29rZQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNhdGxlYXN0MThraWw-

Emma Flynn said...

As if cigarettes weren’t already awful enough, new research shows that the utterly disgusting, unhealthy habit has proven to be even more dangerous. It has been long known, that smoking kills thousands of people each year, is a direct cause of cancer, pollutes the environment, ruins the appeal, skin and smell of healthy people and is a downright repulsive habit but in recent tests, scientists have discovered that cigarettes not only effect nonsmokers through second-hand smoke, but now also through what researchers are calling, “third-hand smoke.” Scientists are well aware that the residue from cigarette smoke clings to surfaces for weeks and even months. (Gross!) Now new research indicates that the film left by burning tobacco exposed to a chemical often found in the air, forms potent carcinogens that coat clothing, dust particles and even human skin. These revolting, cancer-causing carcinogens are extra deadly because over time they only get far more dangerous. These dangerous chemicals have plenty of opportunity to develop because nicotine doesn't conveniently blow away in the wind. Instead, it hangs around for a long time on everything from walls, bed frames, car dashboards, counter tops, and other surfaces. Thanks to this research I now have another reason to hate cigarettes, but this research proves that the selfish decision smokers make each time they choose to light up has unhealthy and deadly effects for nonsmokers, like me, just as greatly.

Hunter White said...

So far there was 18 killed in a Belgian train crash. This happened early on today and the cause is unknown. Rescue crews say there may be bodies pinned underneath the cars. Emergency crews will start retrieving the bodies by tomorrow morning. I think this is a good event. This tells you that no matter where you are or what your doing bad things still happen. The people on that train had no clue there was even an accident until rescuers retrieved them. This accident should have been prevented if there was better look out at the station.

Alanna Nagi said...

Although two people have already blogged about this, I'm going to write about it once more, because nothing else caught my eye like this did. Train crash in Belgian, leaving 18 dead. The train crashed at approximately 8:30 a.m in early morning rush traffic. There was over 162 people who were injured. Those who were not injured were taken away by bus. It's very sad to hear that 18 people were killed in a train crash. Although they are not sure what caused the accident, I still think it was careless of the people conducting the train. It has to be someone's job to make sure that no other trains are taking the same route as you are to get to a destination. I feel that is very irresponsible for who ever job that was. Many people take the train to get to work every day. I'm sure many people are scared to go to work now and are trying to find alternate transportation, or may even have a new fear. If it happened once, it can definitely happen again. That's how I see it. If I were one of the people of Belgian, I would most certainly be afraid.

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Tyler McLeod said...

For my current event I chose to talk about if health care overhaul fails, premiums are going to spiral out of control. It's anybody's guess if Obama's health care reform will survive in congress. If our lawmakers fail to address the problem on health care we all will pay price. There will be more families going without insurance and people will be paying more out of pocket expenses for their care. It appears to be a struggle between the Democrats & the Republicans;with us American who need health care in the middle. I'm afaid if the two sides cannot come to an agreement, we will be paying an absorbant amount for our health insurance coverage. I think that the Democrats have made so much red tape and the health care bill so big, that people are not comfortable with what is being looked at. It is my hope that the two sides come together and hammer out a fair healh care bill that is good for the American people before it is too late.

My cite: Oakland Press- Sunday 2/14/10

ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

I would like to write about Nodar Kumaritashvilii, the luger who died in Vancouver. On a training run he was trown off the track and smacked into a steel beam. Nodar died instantly. Many people are looking down upon the olympic committee for making such a fast track. I however totally disagree. You never want a sport to take away someones life, however sometimes its the price you pay. When designing this track the committee thought of one thing, high risk for high ratings. Who wouldnt watch a race where conditions were so great that lugers were traveling at 120 mph. Yes, it is the luge so it might be boring, but however something like that can be dangerous. I think that a skilled athlete coming into the competition should have known how high the stakes were. They should have been properly prepared as well. Next, it said that the lugers were all afraid to make runs down the whistler. I think that if they were afraid to take runs down then immediately measures should have been taken to change the track. Lastly, i question why there is not protective netting around the track. The netting will not prevent injuries if someone goes off the track, but it will permit them from flying off into poles and possibly pedestrians. One of the reasons for no netting is because the fans would be restricted by it. In sports like hockey and baseball netting restrict the fans from sight, but overall they improce the safety. Just a thought im not sure if anyone thinks the same

kristen said...

The article I read was "18 killed in Belgian train crash, official says." Two trains have collided in Beligium and killed 18 people. Many more were wounded. Passangers say that it was very caotic after the crash, everyone was confused and didn't know what was going on. It also took the rescue team 30 minutes to arrive. They are currently unsure why the crash happened or what went wrong. To me, I think it was very irresponsible for them to be so unorganized. None of them seem to be on the same page. To fix this problem, I believe they need to be prepared for another tragic event like this so they know what actions to take. This affects me because I need to be prepared for anything that might go wrong and have a gameplan.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.

allyson martin said...

For my current event, i found an article about a 51 year old man from ohio who broke the world record for number of hugs in 24 hours. yesterday, on valentines day, outside the paris las vegas hotel on the Las Vegas strip, Jeff Ondash gave 7,777 hugs in 24 hours. "when you hug somebody, they all walk away from eachother smiling". i think this is really cool. It doesn't really relate to me, but i think it kind of shows that hugs can make anyone feel better. I never see people hug eachother a lot anymore, unless they're dating or married. A hug can make someone happy and i think people should do it more, even if its just to say hi.


Jake F said...

Today fer my blog I goks to talk bout Toyota recalls. A government agency said there be a spike in consumer complaints bout Toyota cars and trucks in recent weeks, following the carmaker's recall of millions of vehicles. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said it investigatin the allegations, which yet to be verified, and that a jump in complaints isn't unusual after a recall.
NHTSA said that it has received nine new complaints alleging fatal crashes caused by sudden acceleration in Toyota cars since Jan. 27. The accidents occurred between 2005 and 2010 and involved 13 fatalities and 10 injuries, according to NHTSA. I think that Toyota aint shit and best be stoppin makin rides. Fuck the Police.


Cody Kabisa said...

Guns are being bought by people with clean records for the mexican drug cartels. These mexican drug cartels are paying people to buy weapons for them, and then smuggling the weapons back into mexico. An agent from the Bureau of Alcholo Tobacco and Firearms found a trail from Houston to Guatemala littered with almost 340 guns. These guns are being used in the wars in Mexico. This is bad in so many I cant even explain. Now there is so called "innocent" people buying guns for these Mexican druggies. Now people who show up with clean records, might not really have clean records. We should be able to trust the people with clean records when it comes to buying weapons. Another negative effect of this is that lots of innocent people and civilians are being killed in these drug wars. Hopefully this can get controlled and these peolpe buying the guns will come to their senses.


Katlyn said...

heavy fighting in the insurgent stronghold of Marja carried into its third day. The number of taliban fighters have droped. About a quarter of the taliban fighters were killed when the Afghan-American operation started on saturday. Alot of them have also fled. Most of the leaders fled. I think this effects alot of people. Those people that were killed it probably effected their families. This effects us too for those of us that have family or friends in Afghan.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd Hour

Chloe Martin 6th said...

The current event i have chosen is about Kevin Smith. Kevin Smith had recently been asked to get off a Southwest airplane due to his weight. The captain of the plane deemed Smith as a safety hazard to the plane. i honestly don't really know how to respond to it. i don't believe that Kevin Smith is so large that he could fit in one seat and would be forced to buy two but the airline says he is. so what is the cut off, how big is too big? i understand that if someone is very large that they would need to buy two seats to be courteous to the people by them. no one wants to sit next to someone who is spilling over their seat onto yours. but it is still unfair. because of someones wait they are then treated differently and have to pay double the amount of an averaged size person. i'm not sure what kind of solution should be made up about weight regulations on planes.

Anonymous said...

Unemployed Ohio man, Jimmy Grey, has been out of work for over a year. And apparently, he decided he'd keep himself busy by building an igloo. This is a special igloo though: it has 4 rooms, cable TV withsurround sound and stereo. Talk about an igloo built for 4!

Not only is this the most amazing igloo I've ever heard of, it's the coolest thing I've ever heard of. An igloo with 4 rooms, cable TV, AND surround sound stereo! This would be like my winter time get away! I wish I had the time and energy to make something like that, not to mention the amount of snow he probably needed to make it.

James Richardson
3rd hour

Clare Pathe said...

Tonight for my current event, i chose to do 18 killed in Belgian train crash. At least 18 people died and 162 were hurt when two trains collided in Halle on Monday, a government spokeswoman said. The trains collided head-on at 8:30 a.m., the companies that run the Belgian railways and the train said. The cause of the accident is still not known. People were thrown against the walls of the trains by the impact. A Belgian government spokesman, Bart Ouvry, said it was snowing at the time of the crash, but not an unusual amount. This current event pertains to the communities life because there is a lot of train accidents recently. Like the one where the four highschoolers got hit by a train in waterford. You would think it would be an easy accident to get away from, but somehow there seems to be many train accidents. It is very sad.

Jake F said...

Today fer my current event I am goin to talke about Toyota cars. A government agency said that there has been a spike in consumer complaints about Toyota cars and trucks in recent weeks following carmaker's recall of millions of vehicles. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said its investigating the allegations, which are yet to be verified, and that a jump in complaints isn't unusual after a recall. NHTSA has received nine new complaints alleging fatal crashes caused by sudden acceleration in Toyota cars since Jan. 27. The accidents occurred between 2005 and 2010 and involved 13 fatalities and 10 injuries. NHTSA launched its investigation into problems with the hybrid vehicle, the agency had 124 complaints. I think that Toyota makes garbage cars and has a lot of problems they need to fix.


Megan said...

So I thought it was really interesting that this article is saying that a bond between drugtraffickers and terror groups are growing, specificly in West Africa. West Africa is also where there has been a large number of al-Qaida linked members. The link has been tied to Cocaine traded for weapons and other arms. The experts believe that the cocaine came from Latin America and is moving to West Africa, then taken from there along the Sahara desert and traded for arms. They do not know which countries are involved with the trades specificly yet. They think that the terror groups are using the money from the drugs to set up more terror attacks. In Guinea, U.N. officals found traces of ingredients for ecstasy and opium plants. This concerns me, because the officals are just now finding out about this, when who knows how long it has been going on. The drugtraffickers are bad enough as it is and now they could possibly be helping terrorist groups? I hope that the U.N. officals can track down these trade routes and put a bigger dent in trying to stop the transactions from being made. Terrorist groups do not need more help in getting money and weapons.

Megan Kastelen
3rd hour

Anonymous said...

In Clinton Township a 17 year old was shot and murdered. The worst part about this story is that he was shot by his uncle. His uncle had purposefully lashed out and shot him twice in the stomach and killed him. Can you imagine what the family is saying about this incident? This is horrible how could someone shoot one of their own family members? Its things like this this that give Michigan a horrible reputation. When people talk about Michigan they normally talk about the murders and thefts. If we want this to stop we got to stop letting bizzare things like this happen.

Katrina said...

In Santa Rosa California the police just cought a man and arressted him on various kidnapping charges along with rape and assault. They finally cought him because they got a call from a woman who had been, and currently was, tied up in his mobile home for 3 days. She had been beaten with various instruments and raped numerous times. The police also found evidence of a drug sales operation.
It just makes me wonder how long he had been getting away with this before the police cought him. How many other woman had he kidnapped? Honestly, thats one of my biggest fears, being kidnapped and raped. mainly because i dont know if or how i would survive. Not to mention if i did survive how i would deal with everything that happened. I cant imagine ever ruining someones life like that and the type of person that could do it.;_ylt=Ak2UefkHB1FrubmwtUopPrOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNwOTJuYm92BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMjE1L3VzX3dvbWFuX2hlbGRfY2FwdGl2ZQRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzQEcG9zAzEEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBHNlYwN5bl9oZWFkbGluZV9saXN0BHNsawNjYWxpZnNoZXJpZmY-

JK said...

John Kent

Southwest Airlines apologized a second time Monday to film director Kevin Smith for pulling him off a Saturday flight because of his size.
"We're very sorry for how his night unfortunately played out," Southwest said in a written statement. The airline said it "could have potentially handled our communication better," but defended "the determination that Mr. Smith needed more than one seat to complete his flight comfortably." The controversy is a public relations challenge for Southwest. The airline had the lowest rate of passenger complaints among U.S. airlines last year, according to a government report issued last week. He vowed in a recording posted on his Web site to "scorch the earth" with his complaints against Southwest. "Dude, I know I'm fat," Smith said. "That's not why I was truly thrown off that plane because I fit perfectly in the seat." Smith said he had no trouble buckling his seat belt and lowering his armrests. "I am not fat enough to eject off a Southwest flight," he said. His goal is to force Southwest to change the way it deals with overweight passengers.

Southwest said it is listening.

"We want to assure everyone that has expressed concern over the situation that we will use this experience in our customer service program when training our employees on the correct way to apply the policy," the airline said.
The "customer of size policy requires passengers that cannot fit safely and comfortably in one seat to purchase an additional seat while traveling."
"If a customer cannot comfortably lower the armrest and infringes on a portion of another seat restricted seating arrangement."
"I can buckle that seat belt and that is a hallmark for any fat person," Smith said.
Smith did purchase two seats for the flight to Burbank, but he was allowed to board an earlier flight as a standby passenger, and only one seat was available on that flight.
The extra seat is not a necessity, he said, but a luxury because "Southwest flights are cheap."

I saw this on the news and online and I could not under stand why we have to be such prejudiced against fat people. Here are a couple of comments that some people have left at the end of the article:

Big folks should not have the right to take up other folks space. The airlines should advise big people of the situation before boarding though. Clear guidelines will help. Maybe the security screening could be through a narrow passage.

This is absolutely stupid. This guy is fat. This guy should purchase two seats. Have you ever tried to sit next to someone too fat to fit in an airline seat? I have, it sucks and it's dangerous. Who cares that he is a loser actor that no one knows anymore.

He may be through with Southwest, but I don't want him on my airline! It's about time the airlines started charging for two seats or kicking these heavy people off the plane. Not only this, but they cost us all more in health insurance, etc. Fat people should pay more for flights

Americans are getting fatter. Unfortunately, comments like this come from people who are just ranting about overweight people behind their back. It would be interesting to see if most of the people who left comments about fat people would say it directly to their face. Anyway, from the picture that I have seen of him, he does not look as overweight as the people that you might see at the beginning of The Biggest Loser. I also think that the airlines are becoming too concerned about money. Last week when I was looking for a current event I saw that an airline was going to charge money for you to have a pillow and a blanket. Any how, I do agree with the people that you should by two seats, but only if it is obvious that you could never fit in the one seat. Kevin Smith did not deserve to be thrown off the flight as long as his weight did not impose on the people next to him or he did not block the aisle.

JK said...

Eric Tamm said...

A mother of a 20 year old girl was conviceted of selling her daughter when she was four for $10,000, but this was bcak in 1994. She said she needed money to pay bills. To make matters worse, the daughter was just recently sentenced for killing a 30 year old woman, along with four others. Amber Meidinger was charged with homicide and are now in the county prison. This story just shows how twisted people can be. It is bad enough that the daughter killed someone but her mother tried to sell her when she was younger. PArents are supposed to be role models to the youth of our nation. The fact that these people just don't care, and they are willing to give their loved ones up for money, just disgusts me. I think that you can't put a price on someones life. I also think that the daughter should be sentenced to life in Prison. Overall, it is just amazing how twisted people can be.,2933,586021,00.html

Unknown said...
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Taylor Wattles said...

Early this morning around 8:30 am tradjedy struck in Halle, Belgium. Two commuter trains collided causesing 18 deaths and over 150 other people hurt. The offical cause of the accident is unkonwn as of right now but further investigation is in progression. The crash was the most deadly since the Montenegro accident in 2006. I think that this accident is a very good example of why you live every minute of every day to the fullest. Unexpected trajedies like this occur all the time. Its crazy to thin that a normal every day commute can go south like this in an instant. It often dosnt feel fair that innocent people are killed like this. However i feel that god has a plan for each and every one of us. My thoughts and prayers go to the vicitms and the family's of this horrible crash.

Taylor wattles

Chris L. said...
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Chris L. said...

Its really got to ruin your day when you are arrested and jailed . . . Especially if you never committed a crime. This seems to be a pretty common case in Colorado (as well as other states). When your name is Christina FourHorn, and the person who committed the crime's name is Christin Fourhorn, it's got to feel a bit strange. She was actually sent off to jail before authorities realized their mistake. This is one kind of case that needs to be fixed. If thousands of innocent people are jailed because they had similar names to actual criminals, than this needs to be fixed. It affects these peoples lives dramatically. It is good that she has filed a lawsuit because of this arrest. This shows that people need to be more careful when finding their criminal.

Jordan said...
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Jordan said...

Today i would like to comment on the car company toyota. First of all, id like to say they are complete garbage. They have recalled millions of their cars recently. They said that their is a problem with the brakes and that they are not safe. Also, their are lots of complaints with the recent toyota prius, due to its random acceleration. This just pisses me off because they shouldnt be able to sell there crap in our country, espicially if it doesnt work. This article effects me because i worry about peoples safety and how workers may be getting lazier.

A D A M H A H N said...

Today I am found out about an Italian chef that was suspended indefinitely from the tv show "Ready, Steady, Cook" because he recommended stewed cat as a succulent dish to the viewers. The chef said that the cat was a popular dish in his home country. He said that he has eaten it himself and it is actually a lot better than a lot of other animals. What this article particularly did for me was open my eyes to just how different some people's cultures can be. This poor chef didnt think he was doing anything wrong, he was just cooking a classic dish from his country. This just shows how everyone interprets life in their own ways. For example, if a person moves to America and sticks up their middle finger, is that wrong?
In their culture sticking up your finger might not mean anything.

A D A M H A H N said...
