Please respond to the following quote:
"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck
Make sure you have some kind of personal connection to your response.
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Well i think this quote is saying that when things are going hard and you are down, you can always get passed it by believing in your self. I think it is also saying thatyou can also replenish you body with some good old you time. For example, when you wake up the morning after a huge party and you feel like shit. You dont want to do anything and your whole body hurts. All you want to do is be left alone and renew your body. You can never lose what is inside you. You can go there anytime and it makes yourself feel better. Some may do it by meditating or yoga. Others in maybe ways that are illegal. I think if you respect your self you can never stay down for long.
Zakc RUffin
To me this quote is all about having confidence in yourself.
When you feel like no one understands you or you are defeated you have to look to yourself to overcome it. I've have to do this a lot in the past. I am a dancer and when I was at a national event I fell when performing. I lost all respect for myself even though it wasn't my fault. After awhile I had to get over it and find my confidence again. Also, when I'm just having a bad day I have to look into myself to get over it and be in a good mood. I'm getting better at it as I mature and get older.
I believe that this statement is a good example of the trust that you have inside yourself. One particular example of this quote is if say you have one of those days that just "kicks your ass," you need to be able to just block out the world and re-charge your batteries. Life is like that, it will have days where nothing is going your way and if you take 20 minutes out of that crappy day to think back on all the good life has given you then you are set. Past experiences is mainly what life is about and learning from them and if you never give yourself that "me time" then you need to start because when we are adults we may not be having that good day everyone wants and you may take it out on the wrong person and you can screw yourself royaley.
Will Michaels 2nd hour
"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck
To me, this quote is saying that when nothing seems to be going your way and you're really down, just look to your inside, your gut instincts to lead you home. Always have faith in yourself and it will get you through many events in your life. Another way to put it is, when your life gets way too hectic and flooded, you need to make some "me" time. You should always have time for yourself in life. Yes, you should be self-absorbed a little bit. I think it is just healthy. You shouldnt try to spread yourself too thinly, as some would put it. I can honestly say that I have related to this quote many times throughout life. Everyone im sure has had that time when they felt like they just had too many things going on and felt really stressed out. That moment is exactly what im talking about. Sometimes you just need to set aside some time for yourself, or reward yourself even, for all the hard work that youve been doing.
To me this quote is basically saying that inside you are all alone. No matter how many people are around you or where your at no one knows exctly how your feeling. This quote is kind of sad to me because its almost like your always alone in how you feel. I dont think that is always the case though. This quote realates to me because a lot of the time people dont know how i feel. I can do a really good job at hiding my feelings when i want to. And it seems like im all alone sometimes. The second part of this quote means that if your not alone then you would have to rely on others and you may not have rooms for your inspiration and creativity.
This quote is saying we all have a place within ourself that we regroup. That place is where we find the inner strength to put things in prospective. This place never drys up because it allows us to deal with situations that come up. An example of this is when I have a bad tennis match and make stupid mistakes. After the match I have to deal with my loss and process my mistakes within. That gives me a new prospective for my next tennis match. That place within us allows us to come to an inner peace and move on. If you don't deal with things that bother you that anger has no where to go. Therefore, that place within us will always be there to deal with what ever is bothering you.
To me this quote means that you remember the person that you always are, but sometimes forget. Situations can cloud your focus on the person that you want to be in life. One decision can lead you away from everything that was your focus at one point. Spending time alone can always refocus what you want in life and how you would like to be portrayed. Everyone has a perspective and opinon on life at a different angle. When those opinions are brought to hurtful words, it's hard not to be affected by them. Staying true to yourself and remembering who you are can always get you through anything that comes your way.
i think this quote means that somtimes you just gotta sit down and think about the situation u r in "inside myself is a place were i live all alone" this part of the quote is i believe refering to ur mind and somtimes u retreat to ur mind. "thats were you renew your springs that never dry up." and this part of the quote is refering to the thinking part.renew your springs probly means to like replenish your ideas or rest.
"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck
I feel that this quote is describing that sometimes that you need renew yourself in solitude. With the hectic lives that we all lead, with school and other things, we sometimes just need to take time to ourselves to regain peace of mind. If we did not do this, we may feel overwhelmed, and stressed, and even take our feelings out on other people. When the quote states "springs that never dry up," I feel like it means that this place we have, and this time to ourselves, will always be there. We will always have this "happy place" to fall back on. We will always be able to renew our "spring," or our spirits. These spirits will never "dry up" because we will always have this time to ourselves to renew them.
I think that this quote means that inside us all is a place where we find strength. It's something that keeps us going during hard times. You won't always have someone as your rock so you need to find strength within yourself to keep yourself going. It reminds me of the quote, "Go to your happy place." I believe this place gives you hope and inspiration. One time in middle school I was having one of those days that everything just seems to go wrong. My parents were mad at me; I was having trouble in school, and two of my good friends were putting me in the middle. I felt really alone and helpless. Then I relaxed in my basement and daydreamed, which made me feel renewed and happy. Taking time out and just relaxing was where I found some inner stength to keep going.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.
To me this quote is kind of saying that everyone has a happy place. When things aren't going your way, you picture yourself in your happy place, kinda like in Happy Gilmore. My happy place is our old hunting property. I wish we never sold it but its a done deal so theres nothing we can do. But when I'm having an off day and I kinda daze off, I picture the woods and the old trail. I'd think of all the good times I had up there and all the memories. It's always a place you can go that will never leave you feeling down. When you're frustrated and just need to calm down, just picture yourself in your happy place.
I feel like this quote is saying that sometimes people loose themselves and what they believe in on the outside, but you always can go back to who you truely are because its always on the inside. It could be like when you grow up and you start to act different and loose friendships, but you always know the person you were is still inside of you and you can go back to being that kind of person. An example from my life is in middle school and freshman year I had this one friend. We were really close but then she moved and went to Milford. And even though we both have changed, when we hangout with each other its just like were going back and acting the same way we did back before she moved. I also feel like its saying that inside everyone is a place where they can be their true selves and be happy. A place where no one judges you because its just you. I agree with this quote because I feel like everyone no matter who they are has a place inside them where they are a little goofy or weird, even if they don't show it on the outside.
Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour
I think this quote is saying that at the end of the day, you cannot rely on other people to make you feel better. Only you can make yourself feel better. Other people can only say so many words of encouragement in order to help you through a rough time. At the end of the day though, only you can make yourself feel better. It's about searching inside yourself for the strength to push forward. I know this quote is true for me in teh last couple weeks after losing my grandma. It's still hard now and then when I remember her. People's nice cards and encouraging words can only do so much. When the day is over, I like to sit and have some alone time where I can reflect on life. I can break down a little if I need to and I can think of the positives to help me feel better. I am the one person who decides to keep going in life and keep a positive attitude, not anybody else.
First off, I would like to point out that why would you have to renew springs that never dry up. Second, I dont necessarily agree with this. Everyone reaches the point where they cant take something. It is that point where you can take no more stress and you crash. Sometimes, people can pull out of this themselves. They just need to let out the stress and then move on. There are other times when you need people to help you up. Personally, I think that even those times when people pull out of it themselves it is because of friends and family. I know that the hardest time of my life, when I have felt all alone, it was my firends and family that pulled me through. You cant live life alone.
"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck
i think that this quote means that you can always find strength in yourself. when things are hard and you feel like its impossible to push through the pain, you need to look in yourself to find a reason to keep fighting. for example when nick went to college it was really confusing for me. i was just starting as a junior and he moved 3 hours away for college. i knew that it would be hard for our relationship to last the distance and i wondered if it would even be worth it. but i took time and thought about how i would be fine here while he was away. and that i was capable of keeping a distant relationship. i am very glad that i did that because we are still happily in our relationship and know i have more time to hang out with my friends.
I think this quote is saying that you have to believe in yourself. When you feel like everything in the world is getting in your way, that everything is stopping you from making yourself happy. You have to look deep inside yourself and know that you can do anything you set your mind too. It happens to me all the time during marching season. When we get new music, I feel like I can't do it, because I can't really read music. I feel like it's going to take me so much longer than anyone else to get my part down. Except when I set my mind to it, I become the first with my part down. Its because I believe in myself, and I know I can do it if I try.
Sam Tedder
To me this quote means sometimes you get down. You feel all alone and like no one understands you. However at the same time he is saying no matter how down you get, theres always happy inside you that can emerge. He is saying that people are always going to feel like their alone, but if you dig down deep enough, you can renew yourself. Renew your spirits and be happy again. To me this quote is really true. Im the kind of person where I don't mind being alone. At the same time though its not always a good feeling. If I look down deep enough I can find my happiness. Realize what I love about my life and realize that Im not alone.
Taylor Dieck
2nd hr.
Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck
I think that this quote is about reviving yourself. It might be in a time of hardship or sadness where you must get back to your roots. This is somewhere where you can tell youself its gonna be okay. It brings you back to basics and reality. This is something i have seen in sports alot. In sports sometimes you might not compete as well as you should, or play to your highest potential. I see this when im not doing my best. I like to just thinlk of everything ive done to get to that point. Lastly, i think that this is a good example of people going through hardship because it is something we can lay back on. Overall, everyone has this point we just habve to find it when we need it.
There are many differnet ways this quote could be defined. I think this quote has to deal with internal conflicts or trouble. I think the spring filling up is when you figure out a soluiton to your problems. Once you or me "renew your springs" I think that you have found a certain degree of peace in life as well. This quote could also mean that there is a place inside that you could be "alone" and try to figure out everything that is happening in life. For example when i am stressed out I can relax and just think about the problem. This always seems to help.
honestly, i didn't really get the quote when i read it. So, i read other peoples to see what they thought it means. I pretty much agree with all of them. It means that when youre down and no one can help you, you just have to believe in yourself. You have to have confidence in your abilities and yourself as a whole. I think an example of this would be like when youre giving a speech in front of a bunch of people. You have to be confident in yourself to feel good about it. Just because other people say you will do well, it really all comes down to you. sometimes its hard for people to find that place where they believe in themselves, but its always there when you need it.
To me this quote is saying that when all else fails you still have faith and hope. It is telling me that I should keep doing my best in life no matter what happens to me. I think it says that when you look deep inside yourself you can always find a reason to keep driving on. For example, people who seem to always shoot for the stars seem to always be in a happy-go-lucky mood. People who meditate and do yoga seem to be able to keep their anger in control. If you can believe in yourself you can go anywhere in life.
I think this quote is saying only you know how to fix yourself when your in bad condition. Even if you just need time for yourself because your feelin down, theres always something you can do to make youself feel better. Everyone has their own thing to do that can put them in a better mood. If you dont have happiness within yourself, you cant have happiness with others. Its important to be able to lift yourself any possible. It makes life a lot easier when you have the ability to lift your spirits.
I think that this quote is saying that when you might be unsure about something, especially with yourself, you dig down inside yourself to find that hole that has everything you know and thats where you find yourself as a person. I sometimes do that when im not too happy with myself. i always think about what ive been through and who i know and what ive become as a person. it makes me realize at them moments that sometimes you can think too hard and be to harsh on yourself. and i belive before you do somethink that you might regret, always think about you and those around you because sometimes carma can be a bitch.
I think this quote is saying a lot. I think it is all about confidence and believing in yourself. When you are having a bad day you can always get back up. You always have thos springs that will get you back up. I think this quote is meaningful to me cause i know whenver i have a shitty day its alright. I know that a good day is soon behind it. I just try to stay positive about it and suck it up. The part about never drying up means that it never goes away. You just have to believe in yourself.
I think that this quote means having confidence in your self. Know one in theory can make you do anything. When you have a great dissapointment there are people who can make you feel better about it but only you can make your self get over it. If there is a problem in your life only you can fix what you feel and move on in life. I cant think of a specific time in my life where this quote pertains to it. I know that many times in my life ive had to stop myself from feeling dissapointed in myself and move on. like i said people can cheer you up but only you can work past it.
I did not have acsess to a computer until now.
"Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that's where you renew your springs that never dry up."
Pearl Buck
I think this quote is very deep. I believe it means that inside yourself there is confidence and and you can only live to where you are comforatble. when you feel that you have lost or been deafeted you must look inside yourself and say I am great I can do better next time. This will build your confidence and you will be able to overcome everything. Not only dose this quote refer to the confidence you have in your self, it also shows how much trust you have for your self. Do you trust youself to make the right decisions if you have to. To enjoy your well being you must have confidence and trust in yourself, becuase if you don't you will not sucseed and people will walk all over you. Just be a strong person is basiclly what the quote means.
John McLean
2nd hour
This quote means that no matter how upset or dicouraged you are. you will always have a place inside of you that you can go to. Its like starting over, it helps you forget about the bad in a way. And it helps you think about the positives of a certain situation. you can always get passed it by believing in your self. This relates to me because whenever i am unhappy about something i think about the good in things. Which in the end it makes me feel better about myself, making forget about the thing i'm unhappy about.
My computer is getting returned tommorow. So i will not have anymore late blogs.
I think that this quote is saying that every person has something inside of them where everything can get better. This I believe is true, but not everyone chooses to go there, or can find it. Finding what is inside of you can't always fix everything, but it's a start. I don't nessessarily think that you need confidence to go there, but strength. When something goes wrong, you always have that place inside of you that can take your mind off of things or give you guidence. I know someone who has basically hit rock bottom. The first step that they had to do was to find that place inside of them where they could build up that stregth to get better. Once they found it, they got better and better.
To me this quote is talking about only relying on yourself sometimes. There are many instances where you have to build yourself up after a failure in order to keep going. You can "renew your springs." The part of the quote that talks about the springs never drying up is that personal confidence you have in yourself to keep going and get over it. Last semester I did poorly on my math final. So, this semester, even thought I didn't want to, I took the next math course. I had go into thsi next semester with a confident air of myself believeing I could succeed in order to get that better grade. People use this strategy a lot in life; it is almost required in order to live because life isn't always perfect. You have to learn from your failures and apply what you have learned to your next challenge.
My computer has been down.
This quote from Pearl Buck is talking about the real you inside yourself. It is saying that the real you is the spring in this quote. Since the real you is the spring it will never go away, like the quote says it will never dry up. A lot of people loss themselves, but the real them will never go away. This quote is relevant to everyone. Everyone has their true person inside of them that sometimes they will only see. No one could ever let their real selves go away regardless if they show it.
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