For this evening, listen to this song and tell me what you think they are saying and how the topic effects you or your community. May also be a bit cheesy so if there is a song you would like people to reflect on that is appropriate then write it on a piece of paper and maybe it will end up here.
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After listening to the song, I think it is about different kinds of people. Its sayin that two totally opposite people teach each other lessons, and that not just one kind of person is right. Also, it saying that not everyone is perfect and that there is good and bad in everyone. Everyone can learn from each other and teach each other things. The meaning of the song can connect to myself. My best friend and I are pretty much opposite. She likes to have fun and not really think about consequences, while I am a worry wort. I always think about bad things that can happen, while she just has fun. We deffinatly balance each other out. She teaches me that I need to have more fun and not worry so much. I teach her that she could be a little more concerned about the side effects of some things.
Becca Need
2nd Hour
I think that the song is saying that if everyone cooperates and works together we could live in peace and harmony. There are alot of differences in people and that usually causes problems in our society. The song is stating that if we can learn to get past those differences then things would be much better for everyone. We live in a very violent crime infested society. Just because the area we live in is generally a pretty safe area does not mean that it is guaranteed that nothing will ever happen. Not to mention just a half hour up 696 is Detroit so we are very close to all those murders we hear about on the news everynight. So our community would be much better if everyone would look past their differences and start caring about everyone then we would not see the problems as much as we do today.
For this song i think the message is living together in harmony. Its saying that people are the same and theirs good and bad in everyone. We should all be able to live together knowing were all the same. We need to learn to live together side by side to survive. Many people may not realize but we need others to survive in this world. The topic effects my community because we need to get along to live side by side. If we didn't live in harmony then things would be bad and people would be fighting all the time. I think this song gives off a positive connection to everyone. We should all learn to live in harmony and finally get along.
I think that the song is saying how everyone is different yet the same. Everyone has good and bad in themselves and it evens out. We learn to deal with each other in order to live our lives. The song is saying that everything will be ok in the end because all the differences will balence out. Everyone can learn from one another in differnt ways and teach each other. In general, a community deffinatly has it's "piano keys". There are differnt people who come together make up the whole. The differnt keys are what makes up the piano.
I think this song is saying that people should live in perfect harmony. To me it means that if someone needs help then we should help them. When people are in need others should be there to help them. I like this idea i think the world would be a better place if everyone helped each other out. This topic effects me a lot. With out others there to help me along the way i have no idea where i would be in life. Others have helped me to succeed and they have gave me a place to stay when i needed one. I try to help other as much as i can.
When I first listened to this piece of music I thought of peace. I thought of Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement. I thought of discrimination between races and the never ending battle to keep peace among the people of the world. A need for peace is always present and all around us. To me, I don't think that in the state of our world peace is possible. Man is too selfish and power hungry to share. It is everyone's job to strive for peace.
I think that this song is saying that we are all equal. The color of your skin, the size you have, religion, or the money you make does not determine who you are. beside that the song is saying everyone has their positives and negatives, the song is saying to deal with them. its not always easy but thats what friends do they accept each others flaws and appreciate them for their positives. even when people are not friends they try to get along enough to stay alive. i think the song is hopeful but a little off. we don't really live in harmony and all get along even when it is based on survival. for example in the lord of the flies, it was essential for them to stay together for survival and they still couldn't tolerate each other.
I think that this song is saying that all people can live side by side in peace. Each person has something unique about themselves, and we can all learn from each other. People shouldn't see people for what they look like, but for who they are as a person. This effects me and my community because we all should follow this message. We are going to meet many people that are completely different than us, but we have to accept them for who they are. There is no right or wrong kind of person. If we were all to be accepting of one another, a lot less disputes would occur. My sister and I have nothing in common, but were still best friends. Just because someone is different than you doesn't mean that you can't get along with them. A lot of people are friends with people that are opposites of them, because each person has something different to bring to a friendship. Each of our differences make us who we are, and we should respect people for that.
I think their talking about how all individuals are different. They say how theres some good and some bad. I think their also trying to get the message across of two complete opposites can learn a lot from eachother. This effects me by the friends I have. Some of my friends have interests in things I dont or enjoy doing some activity that I dont. Its cool to see how unique my friends are and I can learn a lot from them just by being around them. I wish people were more open to others because they might be surprised in what they could learn from someone who they'd least expect.
I think that this song is saying that like different people live in peace together. They learn from eachother, people who are complete opposites help eachother. No one is perfect and everyone has some good adn bad inside of them somewhere. People can learn from eachother and help eachother out, even if they are different. I think this can relate to our communtity alot. Alot of people helo eachother out and learn from eachotehr.
Katlyn Twigg 2nd hour
I believe that this song means that if everyone lives side by side, then peace will be the outcome. Even though the song may have two completely different people they somehow managed to live in peace. My best friend and i are complete opposites, he would rather stay inside and chill during the summer (which is the only time i see him) and i am the one who is encouraging us to go outside but he is always a pain in the ass and gets on my nerves but i realize that it isnt just my choice what we do. I think that if everyone went around with the mentality that this song does, then the world would be better off. Im not saying that it will be perfect but what i am saying is that people will have better respect for one another and will make the world a better place to live.
Will Michaels 2nd hour
After listening to this song, i got the impression that the song was writtin to talk about blacks and whites and other races being equal. I also felt a connection with the title of the song being Ebony and Ivory or blacks and whites. The song tells the truth of equaity between all people and their communities. The lyrics state that ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony or meaning they are the same one. Persoanly i find this topic to effect my own community due to all the racism and segregation that is still being put out by many families. Broadcasting these types of songs really do show and try in help out all people of our nation and teaches them that we all are eqaul and make one as we stand together. What better to artists to do this peice as well than paul mccartny and stevie wonder.
This song is about equality. Its saying that people are all the same, no matter where they are from, what they look like, or how they sound. It doesnt matter if you came from Germany, Australia, or Mexico, we are all the same and we help to teach each other things. Its also saying that we need each other. All of these different races help each other. They all build off of each other. When we live in harmony, its a perfect society, and thats the way it should be.
I think they are saying that all people are equal and should be treated the same. They are talking about black and white living in perfect harmony. I think this is true not only for the civil rights movement but for any differences people have. People are people and there may be little things that are unique about all of us but we need to learn to accept each other for our differences. I like that he says that we need each other to survive. It makes me think that we all need to work together and rely on each other's strengths and weaknesses to get by. This affects the community because it says that we need to learn to give. That basically means that we need to learn to help other people and not live self centered lives for the good of the world around us.
While listening to this song it makes me think about different kinds of people. I think what the song is saying that two completely opposite people can teach eachother that color shouldn't come inbetween a friendship. I think that it is also saying that no everyone one is perfect and that there is good people and bad paople. You can learn from different people that you normally wouldn't ossicate with. I also think its telling you to open your self up to new experinces. I think that the ebony and ivory thing effects our community becuase there are so many differnet kinds of races and cliques in our soceity and we have to deal with eachother on an everyday basis. We need to learn not to feel uncomforatble when we are in a difficult situtation for example when your around people you dont normally ossciate with. I think this causes tention around you and people feel like you do not like them or something.
John McLean
2nd hour
I think this song is about differnt kinds of people. This is talking about the differnt colors of skin, and how we should just live in harmony, and not worry about the color of our skin. It is saying that out society shouldnt be discriminatory towards people, because we are really all the same. We shouldnt judge eachother based on being black or white. This effects the community because back in the 1950s and 60s there was discrimination and prejudice towards black people. Our country has gotten so far, and that doesnt occur as much anymore. So basically the message of this song is we should forget about the color of our skin and just live in peace and happiness.
This song is talking abou thow everyone is equal. It is also saying how we can all get along and live together, regardless of our differences. For example, Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder are ethnically different. However, the collaborated and made this song. This just shows how different people can come together to make perfect harmony. It relates to the community because it shows how all of us can just get along if we were to listen to the other side's argument. This happens a lot in politics. EVeryone is so hung up on racism too that if we just took a minute and let everyone work things out this place would be more peaceful. It relates to me because I have a lot of friends that are opposite of me, whether it be their personality or whatever. However, we all manage to get along because we understand each other.
In my opinion the song is trying to get the message across that everyone should get along with each other. Also it is about how very different people can be the same. While listening to the song it reminded me how everyon has their own flaws and sometimes you just have to ignore them. It made me think about the flaws of people I know and how their other character traits make up for their flaws. Also I thought about the flaws of my own and how people have to deal with them. The song was also about creating peace among others. Mostly I thought the song was about peace and harmony. Even though it isn't possible for only peace and harmony because if people are around each other long enough they will begin to argue and fight with each other.
I think that this song is about ending racism. Blacks and whites learning to live civilly together. They use the keys on a piano as an example of living in harmony. This song also talks about how there is good and bad in everyone. Every single person, regardless race, color, or creed is capable of doing good things for others. However, those same people could also be capable of doing harm or bad things. If we get past our differences we might realize we are all kind of the same.
I think that what they are saying is that even though we may be different we can still live in harmony. This effects our community because if we focus on our differences and tear each other apart due to them, then we won't prosper. We are much better off to set our differences aside, such as race, and and just work together. Our community would be much happier that way. This effects me because I'm going to have to work with people who may be extremely different from me but if I can learn to work through the differences then I will be much more successful. People were raised different ways and are born into different backgrounds and no way is wrong but you must find common ground. As for the effects of the community, we all learned about how blacks weren't treated equally (during the whole Martin Luther King Jr. days) and we saw how dangerous the community got and the negative effect it had. Then you see equal rights and people working together and you know our community benifits from that.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.
I think that this song is about racism. It relates to black and whites getting along in perfect harmony. It shows how people who arent the same need to come together to try to make things work smoother. I like to relate this to cliques at school. Lakeland high school isnt very cliquey, but there still is some separation. We do a good job of getting along most of the time. Even though u dont like someone doesnt mean that you should just become a nuisance and make things not work. I tihnk that when people from different freind circles are getting along it ensures for the smoothes community/school.
This song is saying that everyone is the same no matter what color your skin is. It tries to show people that you shouldn’t base your view on a person because of the way they look. In the song, they are singing about how they have different colored skin yet they are getting along just fine. This can affect my community because there is so many people who are racist against many people. Whether a person is white, black, Mexican, ect. People shouldn’t be judged just because they look different from others. This is what makes people unique which makes life less boring. Don’t judge a book by its cover; you might end up being best friends with them if you just give a person the chance.
Lauren Beattie
2nd Hour
I think the message of this song is that all people need to live together in harmony. We all count on each other to balance each other out. We all have good things and bad things in us and we count on the people that surround us to help us out. Every person has somthing of value to give to their community. Living in harmony effects myself and my community because without it there would be no peace and every person would be out for themselves. I accept people for themselves and recognize even though they are different we have one common goal of finding peace among ourselves.
Well i think that this song is saying the black and white people can live together and nothave any problems. This doesnt really effect our community now but at the time this song was made it probly did. Our community some black some white people, live fine together. This also really doesnt effect me at all becuase i dont have to live with a black person or even hangout with a black person. Now this may seem racsist but it is not. I think if i was around black people then it would probly effect me. I wouldnt mke some of the jokes i make even though that says i am racsist behind black peoples backs. I really didnt like this blog. if there was more questions for me to ask it would be easier to talk about this topic.
Zack Ruffin
I think this song is about equality for everyone of all races. Its talking about "ebony and ivory" and its a black guy and a white guy singing. I mean come on ebony is black and ivory is white. This song is basically screaming at you that its talking about racial equality. I saw a direct connection to the name, the two people, the way they were dressed, and the piano keys. This song was painting a topic that should be taken to heart in black and white, LITTERALLY. If people wern't so focused on skin color and religion everyone could live side by side and everyone would be happy.
what did we do to deserve that? they say that we should all live together and help eachother as if we were all one huge family, now obviosly thats never gona happen simply because some people just dont get this actully doesnt relate to our comunity that much at all. in the real world theres murderers,theives,etc i dont think there ever will be complete world peece unless somthing happens and everyone dies.of course im not hoping for this im just saying as long as there is crime there wont be any "perfect harmony"
I think that the video is saying that just because you are different from somebody else, doesn't mean you can't be friends or get along. We are all different in one way or another, and we need to respect that. I also think that the video is saying that by us accepting each other and getting along, we can keep peace between everyone better. This applies to my life because it seems like a lot of the adults in my neighborhood fight all the time. One of my mom's good friends/neighbors had a lawsuit against her that was filed by our own subdivision. Most of the people fighting to get her kicked out of her house were those people that just had something against her. If they had stopped to actually talk to her and try to solve their problems out of court, it could have saved a lot of time, money, and stress. Instead, they let their differences get to their heads and refused to talk to her, and it cost the people in the sub a good amount of money, yet she still lives here (luckily, because she's a great person). Anyways, I find it sad that even adults can fight like some high schoolers do. People need to learn to get along and not fight over pointless matters.
I think that when the song beggins it is telling people that there is no difference in the way people look. Like with Stevie, he is black and paul is white so they are promoting racial connectivity. But I think they put a emphasis on black and white relations. But its not just the black and the white, they want all the races of the world to come together and not fight. I think this afects White Lake because white lake is pretty much whities. I have heard the way people talk about other races and its sad that some kids hate black people just beacause of skin color. I think that a little diversity would be good for white lake.
After Listening to this song, My point of view on it is that two people can live together peacefully. Not just people but different kinds of people. I thought the song also related to its title which was ebony and ivory. Ebony is a dark color that is represented by Stevie wonder. Ivory is a lighter color which is shown by Paul Mcartney. This song shows how no matter how different people can live together in harmony. Although its 2010 im still surprised how big of a topic racism still is. Ebony and Ivory is a song that brings people of different races together. Although it is a long shot that we will live in armony and all love one another, its a very beautiful idea. I love this song and I like the concept and the artist who sing it.
Taylor Dieck
2nd hr.
I think this is song is saying that everyone is different. Everyone has different qualities. We need everyone to help survive. Everyone has a specific part in the world. Not everyone is going to end up doing the same thing that just wouldn't work. Even though everyone is equally the same, we just have different qualities. We each have our own specific thing were good at. Their is good and bad in everyone means that we have our good qualities, and we just have to learn how to live with each other.
I think that this song is trying to say that we all are the same in one way or another. Though we may be different on the outside and inside, people will always be people. We're trying to live, learn, and experience the wonderful thing called life, we just do it in different ways. How this song effects me is because the one thing I always let get to me is what other people think of me. This is not something I am proud of. This song made me realize that we are all just people and that their no different than I am. However, after listening to this song, it also made me realize that we as people don't live in harmony like the song says. We live to please ourselves, it seems like man kind has become very self-fish and it's like every man for himself. That's just my opinion though.
Alanna Nagi
2nd hour
I think this song is trying to tell how everyone needs to get together to make a perfect world. I mean all nationalities, races etc. This song was to inspire people. I think this plays a role into our community today aswell. We as a group must learn to live with each other. If we do we will "Live in perfect harmony." I also think that if we agreed with each other, maybe all followed one system we could live much easier. Thats what I get out of that.
I think the song is about tolerance. But in a way its about more than just tolerance, its about acceptance. It says "people are the same everywhere you go" but i think its saying that even though people look different, were all the same. We all deserve the same treatment. Also, its saying that we cant live in peace until we do accept each other for our differences. We all need to realize that everyone's equal and everyone deserves the same care and concern. Its really sad that in 2010 we still have racism and discrimination. Until we work past that together, we cant leave in "perfect harmony."
After listening to the song, I think it is about different kinds of people. There are a lot of differences in people and that usually causes problems in our society. Also the ones who can make our society a better place. no matter what everyone has a good and a bad side to them. Some people just choose the wrong person to be. I think the song is hopeful. We need to learn not to feel uncomfortable when we are in a difficult situation. You just need to think about what is right and what is wrong. Base your decision on what your mind in telling you.
John Kent
The topic that the song is trying to get across is that everyone should be equal. In other words we should not discriminate because of the color of our skin. It says that if ebony and ivory can work together why can’t white and black people do the same. There are not many African American people in this school but the times that I have worked with them I treated them like any one else. I am not a prejudice type of person. I think everyone should be treated equally. I agree with Martin Luther King that we should judge on the content of a person’s character and not the color of their skin.
This song is saying how people are the same no matter where you go. It just the people that are coming and going that are viewing other people differently from others. It effects more than just the community because its caused other conflicts, like racism, and people being prejudice of others. In general, in my community its effect on people is substantial, because in another view it could be known as popularity. It effects me in many ways because some people just refuse to see other people differently. An example could be those people who think that the world revolves around them, and they think theyre the best except for their trail of friends following them all ovcer the place. That person will give more attitude to one person than necessary and it makes the person with the attitude hated, by that person and more because the person theyre giving tude to is going to spread how bad of a person, or how mean they are around, and soon the moody person might realize how theyre viewing people negatively instead of positively.
This song builds on the idea that all people are capable of working with other people's differences to achieve "perfect harmony." Obviously, the song deals with the idea that there are different people in the world, all unique. The piano keys make a great metaphor to the American population (the black keys and the white keys). We may be ethnically different, but without the other, the 'music' cannot be fully played. When people are intolerant of others, they lose a big part of being a human being. I also have to note the fact that this song isn't only dealing with race. It's dealing with religion, love, work, play, and many other things as well. This is a wonderful song, and it really does say a lot with very few words.
I think this song is talking about all different kinds of people. People who are the exact opposite can learn from each other. I say this because it you think about it, If I go and do something and then watch someone else do the same thing, I can learn from what there doing to try and fix what I'm doing wrong. Or if someone does something bad, and it back fires on them, people will think twice before they go and do what that person did to get into trouble. Hopefully learning that they probably shouldn't do the same thing. Everyone can learn from each other and teach each other things. This song connects to me in several ways. Its kinda like school. When teachers are Teaching us, were learning something from someone who most likely isn't like us. When i come home and see something on T.V. I'm learning something. You can connect this yourself in pretty much everything you do. Not everyone is the same. Were all different in our own ways.
I think, after listening to this song, that it is about the different types of people in the world. This song is saying, also, that we should all be able to live together peacefully. If we could get past our differences everyone could live together and cooperate. Everyone is different. If we could get past all these differences we could stop wars, discrimination, and many other things. We should be able to count on others to be there when you need them the most. I don't think that we will be able to live peacefully for a while because there is so much hostility in the world today.
This song is plainly stating that if we all just learn to get along, things would be so much better. Ironic that they have a white and a black guy singing the song togther, which is another hint to its meaning. This topic may not really effect us on the local scale very much, but maybe on a nation scale. Just imagine if different types of people would have managed to get along throughout history, there could have been no wars. I agree with this song but I just know that it is impossible. People will always have their differences. People will always fight, it is just inevitable. A way that I believe this effects me directly is by telling me that maybe if I learn to get along with more people, I could be less stressed out. Living in peace and harmony, with no worries.
Btw mr kay, this was the first day i could use a computer this week, so i did monday tuesday wednesday today.
This song is really about the diversity people deal with in America. Its also showing that people of any race shape or color can live together and be excepted there. In are community i think that were are sheltered from the different ethnicity's that are in other places. We live in a predominately white community and aren't really exposed to other races as much as other areas. Since the civil rights movement back in the 60's I think that many americans have come a long way with dealing with diversity. There is far much racism and hatred as there was back then. However there are still some who still have strong negative feelings towards different people. I, much like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wish to see a world were different races can live together with no hatred at all, but i fear that will not happen in my life time.
Taylor wattles
I think this is saying that everyone is same, but is also different. Everyone has some good and some bad, which is why there will never be world peace. Some people want power and others want love. Theres a quote that Jimi Hendrix said which reminded me a little bit of it when I heard this song. " When the power of love over comes the love of power, then the world will know peace." I think that fits this song pretty well. If everyone could look past their differences and accept eachother the world will have peace. Everyone is too quick to judge a book by its cover and not take the time to get to know someone before they label them.
I think what this video is trying to say that all people are the same. Everyone’s the same and everyone should live in peace and harmony. I also think that this video is trying to say; even though everyone is the same everyone is different in one way or another. It is kind of like an oxymoron, everyone’s the same but different. This relates to my community because is everyone should treat people how they would liked to be treated. Everyone should live in peace and harmony. Sense people are different our society will most likely never be like it should.
I think in this song that they are saying blacks and white fit together perfectly. On a piano they are together and work perfectly together. But, in our world why can't that be as true? No matter what people do there are always rascisits out there. I agree completely with this song. I feel like everyone should be able to live together and all like each other no matter what you look like, but thats not always true. But, as the years go by, descrimination towards african americans has gotten better. I feel like its just going to take time, but even with time there will still be people out there who are set in there ways and wont change. I think that our community is pretty good about not descriminating. Although there isnt too much diversity in our community. But the little that there is I feel like people dont descriminate and they dont mind having different kinds of people live around them.
Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour
I think that this song is saying alot. First of i think it is all about being around others. If people can learn to be around each other then all is well. Not everyone is always right but things always turn out alright. We just have to learn to work with each other. I think this song is about my community in a lot of ways. I think teamwork and cooepration in a society is huge. This reminds me of 9/11 when we all banded together and were really patriotic. We all helped each other get over the crisis. That is the best example i can think of.
After listening to this song, i think they are talking about equality. Like, no matter what race you are, we are still equal to one another. There is a lot of racial issues in the world. if we all cooperate and get past it our society and eventually the whole world will be a better place for everyone. It is also talking about being descriminated about pretty much everything. if you're a girl or a boy, gay or straight, and how much money you have. Basically its saying we are all equal and its not okay to descriminate.
After listening to the song i feel that it is trying to tell us that no matter what people look like, they are all the same on the inside. Also it is telling us that not everyone is the same. There are good people and there are bad people. But there is good and bad in everyone. This song is telling us that no matter who people are, they are still people, and we all have the same rights. The meaning of the song was to tell people the you should not judge people by the way they look. I have friends of a different race, and they are the same as everyone else. So nobody should have any judgements to make about people unless they have actually gotten to know them.
Alec Shoems 3rd Hour
My computer had a virus.
Blog didn't save last time.
After listening to this song, I think that you can get that it's about the different kinds of people in the world. The song says not to discriminate but embrace people who are different. Two completely different people can learn many things from each other. Also, the song is saying that if no one discriminated with each other and worked together then we would have world peace. Two polar opposites could be best friends and never fight while constantly teaching each other life lessons.
After hearing this song, I think they are talking about differnet races of people getting along together. The song is sayin ohter kinds of people in harmony or respecting one another. I thikn that this song has a lot of meaning tot it. This songs is an example of two kinds of people coming together. I think this song has some effect on the community. Our community has some different people which get along good most of the time. The song talk about harmoony whih is another word for peace.
Jake F
To me this message is saying that everyone needs to make peace. It shouldn't matter what a person's race, religion, beliefs are. They should always be treated the equally to create peace amoung all people in a community. I believe this effects my community because people aren't always striving for peace. There is not much equality when it comes to treatment of others. Our community should demonstrate more of what peace can look like. Everyone is different, but we all can make an effort to learn from each other and grow from experiences. Peace is possible.
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