Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 5

First, I know that going over all this research paper stuff is not so exciting but it must be done and it will insure that you have the opportunity to do well. I hope you are looking forward to the field trip and if you have not brought the money and the consent please do so on Monday.

There was as request for a free blog this evening so I am granting the request but, for the blog, I want you to discuss an issue that is bothering you and how you could resolve the issue. You pick the issue and resolution but keep to the idea.

Have a great weekend.


Tayler Chase said...

An issue that is bothering me right now is the fact that i never seem to have any time. It always seems like i never have time to do anything. I get yelled at for not spending enough time at home, and for not spending enough time with my friends. I have no idea where all my time goes. I'm not really sure how to resolve this problem but lately i've been doing a good job. A good resolution is spending two days over the weekend with my friends and one night at home. Plus i spend most school days at home too. This is an issue thats really been bugging me lately.

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

The issue i am going to talk about is staying focused in class. If anyone saw me today iin class i could not stop moving and it was really annoying. I could not keep forcused for more then 5 min and all i wanted to do was go run or something. My questiioin is if anyone knows of any ways to keep focused in class. If you do please tell mee in class so i can practice them. Being focused in class is an attribute that not all people have. It is statisticly proven that guys can only stay attention for 7 min on average. We start to thiunk of stuff in our minds and lose track of whta is going on in class. I really hope on monday i can be more focused cuz todau was rediculus.
Zack Ruffin

Tyler McLeod said...

The only issue I can think of that is bothering me right now is getting used to the change in my schedule. I signed up for foods two for my elective, which I thought would be fun. After the first class, I was not very impressed with my choice. I tried changing out of it, but I couldn't. It sucks to be in a class that I can't stand already. With that said, the semester just started and I better find away to deal with it. The only way to resolve this is issue is to find some positives the class can offer and do the best I can. Since I will be going to college soon, I definitely need to know how to cook for myself. Hopefully, I will find some good, easy recipes that I can use when I go to college. Knowing how to eat healthy and cook will benefit me in the long run.

Anonymous said...

One thing that's really bothering me lately is my friend. She stopped talking to me for about 2 to 3 months. Now, all of a sudden, she's talking to me again. And she's treating it like we're still bff's and nothing happened. What's even more annoying is she keeps asking me for favors. She didn't even give me a reason why she didn't talk to me for so long. All she said is that she forgot about me, which makes me feel sooo much better. So far I haven't said anything because I'm trying to be nice.. but I know sooner or later I'm going to blow up in her face. I guess I could try to confront her about it. Maybe tell her that I don't like doing all the stupid favors for her. I just feel like she really doesn't care for me as a friend anymore or something. Yeh, she'll tell me how much she loves me as a friend, but only if I do the stupid favors she asks me. I'm just sick and tired of her bullcrap.

James Richardson
3rd hour

Jamie Diehr said...

An issue that has been bothering me is how tired I always am. It's not like I go to bed really late at night or anything, but I guess I don't sleep well. It sucks being at school and trying to stay awake when gravity is pulling your eyes closed. I feel very lazy when I'm always tired. I could try going to bed earlier than usual. I need a couple of days where theres nothing going on and I can catch up on ALL of my sleep and not be so out of it the next day. This is an issue that has been buggin me.

Anonymous said...

Last night, we discovered that the PS3, the Wii, and about $500 was missing in our house. At first we didnt really know what to think. But as my mother and I started talking about it, there was really only one person that seemed like the logical choice. You see, only a few people knew the money was in the closet. The closet was still in order, so it had to have been someone who knew where the money was. This narrowed down the choices. We came to the conclusion that it was most likely my step dads youngets son Josh. Long story short, it was. My step-dad went to the pawn shops around Josh's house and found his stuff. He then confronted Josh and he addmitted to it. This infuriates me. You know, I never really had a father. He was either alwats gone or drunk off his ass. Curt has been like a father to me. He helped teach me how to drive, how to fix things on ym car, how to build stuff. He is an awesome parent. Josh treats him like shit. I hate it. His biological son treats him like he is just a mat to wipe his feet on. Its ridiculous. In all reality, I probably dont give curt enough respect for all of the stuff he does for me. Dont get me wrong, I love my dad and he is making an effort to be better, but I consider curt a parent as well. I honestly think Josh doesnt deserve. What I wouldnt have given for an actualy father figrue when I was younger. Josh, he just throws it away. There isnt really a whole lot I can do on the Josh part, but maybe I can start showing curt some more appreciation.

Katlyn said...

An issue that i think is bothering me right now is not having enough time in the day to do everything i want to do. Night time comes so fast now days. Its like theres not enough hours in the day at all. Sometimes my homework takes me a while and then i dont have any itime to do anything else. I want time to hang out with my friends and my family. Lately i have just been hanging out with my friends. Not so much with my family. I can fix this by spending more time wtih my family. And spend less time with my firneds.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd hour

allyson martin said...

For my free blog i decided to talk about a current issue i'm dealing with. i have been in ms. houhanison's class for first semester and a couple of days this semester. I randomly had a schedule chage yesterday and i now have ms. anderson. The reason for this is because they had orginally added to many NEW kids into her class. So you'd think they'd take a couple of the new kids out, but no they take out someone who had their place there to begin with. I think that is complete bullshit. i've talked to my counsler and mrs. galleger and "there's nothing they can do". Even though i've told them i have an extremely hard time becoming comfortable with new teachers. it takes me a lot of time to open up, unless i have friends in that class. Math is my hardest subject and i have finally gotten the courage to start asking questions when i don't get something in her class. Now i'm moved to a new teacher, with no friends. So its like starting all over. I won't ask questions when i don't understand something. I wont feeling comfortable asking questions after class, and i'm basically going to do horribly. My resolution, which isn't the best, is to sit in the office until somethings done about it. i refuse to go to a class i wasn't suppost to be in because someone else made a mistake. If you put too many kids in a class you either deal with it, or take the extra person you put in out. So i should probably be put in credit recovery right now, because i won't be going to my math class until i'm switched back to my orginal class.

heather horne said...

An issue that has been bothering me a lot lately is my work schedule. I am doing the career internship program again this semester. Last semester it counted for two classes, but now it only counts for one. So instead of having to get ten hours a week, all I need is five. I work about 15 hours a week still and I feel like I have no free time anymore. My supervisor still needs my assistance because she's still training the new employee that she hired. I plan to talk to my supervisor about this and see what resolution we can come to. Hopefully I can start working two days a week instead of four.

Sean Suehr said...

You know what really pisses me off? The fact that Justin Beiber is so famous.I mean the kid is not even 16 and yet all these girls love him and want to marry him. Whats even worse is that he is so young that once he hits puberty he will start having acne issues and his voice will get deep. With the issue of Justin's music career it could simply be ended if everybody just stops buying his cds and joins the Anti Justin Beiber army. Or we could all join together as a community and shun Justin Beiber and simply put him on a plane to russia and have the russians deal with him. All of these are viable options that would satisfy the ending of the Justin Beiber era. Or let me deal with justin, im pretty sure I could find a way to deal with his bitch ass.

Jake F said...

The issue I am having right now is my classes. I have basic video 4th hour and I want to get out of it. My counsler wouldnt let me switch cause all the other classes are full. I dont think I should have to stay in a class I dont want to take. I shoulnt have to take a class I didnt sign up for. I asked if I could switch into a open class or wsitch some of my classes so I dont have to take basic video. I would rather be taking a different class. On monday I am going to try to fix my classes again.


Megan said...

An issue that has been bothering me lately is the fact that I over analyze everything. Anything and everything that happens to me I make a huge deal about in my mind and over think it. If I didn't worry so much about things and get parinoid, I could think clearly and to the point of what I really want. I just cloud things I go through and think way too much about them. This is something I have to work on, and it might take a while, but I know it is my major downfall, so it would be worth it. I have to keep sight of the things in life that truely matter. I just have to relax when I start getting overwhelmed and my head starts to spin with possible outcomes and reasons. I work myself up for what could be nothing and it is tearing me apart. I just know, if I take a deep breath and breathe, I will remember the things that truely matter.

Megan Kastelen
3rd hour

Alanna Nagi said...

An issue that I'm having now and it's going to be even worse next week, is that, I don't have any time to do anything, which really stresses me out. Being on the pom team is a big commitment and it takes up a majority of your time. I'm not complaining that poms is the reason that's stressing me out. However, we have a State competition next Saturday, the day of Winterfest. So this entire week we have 3 hour practices that don't end until 5:45, but I won't be coming home until around 6.
Another thing is, is that we barely made it to states, so the captains created a new routine for us to learn for states. It's really cool, and I really like it, but it's going to be major crunch time, because we haven't even finished learning it yet, and we have to perform it Tuesday. I'm getting a little worried, because when I'm stressed, I don't do as well in school, because I'm really upset. I honestly don't know how I'm going to complete all my assignments. Yes, there's enough time, but it doesn't feel like there is, because I really need to sleep as well. All in all, I have no idea what I'm going to do next week, if I have tests, projects, and a lot of homework. Guess I'm going to have to wait and see.

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Samantha Tedder said...

The main thing bothering me that effects me everyday is that I am scared of a lot things. Like I'm scared of growing up, being on my own, college, failing high school/not graduating, driving, living where I live, etc. They are things I have no control over and things that have to be done. As scared of them as I am, I have to stand and face my fears. Those are things I can't avoid. The only way to resolve them is to face them and not back down. I have yet to get over any of those fears, but I am trying as hard as I can. I'm just scared of things in my everyday live, and it sucks.

Sam Tedder

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

Well there is alot of things that have been bothering me lately. The one that bothers me the most would be that never seems to be getting snappy and having a huge attitude. Everything that anyone does anymore someone always has something rude to say or a negative comment. I find it really annoying like when is all the drama going to be over with? Were in high school, grow up. Why cant we just all be friends? Something i would do to solve it would be trying not to get in the middle of things. Also I'm gonna be way nicer to people and next time someone is rude ill just tell them.

Andrew Melton said...

An issue that has been bothering me is that i never have enough time to do anything anymore. This is because of being on the swim team. I dont get home until 530- 6ish at night, then i have dinner, and by the time i get situated its about 7- 730. Because of this i have little to no time doing my homework. Even when i have projects, and i start them the day they're assigned, i still cant get them finished until eleven thirty or later at night. Luckily there are only two or so more weeks left of swim and ill have way more time, about five hours or so to get all my work done, so i can be more focused on my grades instead of how im going to swim at my next meet. When swim is over i will have less stress, and more time to do my homework, and projects, and i will be able to put more time and effort into making the projects have enough information and making them as creative as possible, to make sure that i get the best grade possible on them.

Kaleigh S said...

An issue that has been bothering me in general is poms. I feel like we don't work as hard as we could and I feel like people give up at some things before they even try. It's frustrating as a captain when I show someone what they have to try to do and they freak out and say they can't do it. It's also frustrating when people sit and talk and don't listen when we are trying to get something accomplished. We have states next week, and to be honest, I'm really worried about how that's going to go. Also, I'm more worried about next year because many of the girls are talking about quitting, which means the small team we have right now would be even smaller. The smaller the team we have, the harder it is for me to choreograph decent routines, and I'm not going to have much help choreographing next year because I'm one of the only people who has a lot of choreographing experience. A way to help this would be to see what I can do to help keep these girls on the team. I want to have each person on the team fill out an anonymous paper saying what they did not like about the season, what they liked, and what they would want to change/do differently/new next year. I'm hoping if I can help change some problems on our team, then maybe I can get a few of the old members to stay on the team, and even make the team in the future better and more fun for new girls.

Rachel Kuehn said...

One issue that has been bothering me lately is just some regular girl drama, but its really getting to me. So, most of my friends are guys, and i try to keep my guy friends and my girl friends seperate. But i started to hang out with the guys and my best friend Devany together. So when she broke up with her boy-friend, who she was bassicaly dependant on, we started to hang out almost everyday. So, obviously, we hung out with the guys more. It should be understood that devany has become atuned to being in a relationship. She hasnt been single for more that a month in the past 6 years, and shes only 17. So you can imagin that once she was on her own, she needed someone else to cling to, AKA my guy friends. So now, the only reason that she is hanging out with me is to hang out with the guys, which, as you can imagine, is annoying as hell. For example, we were supposed to hang out with these 3 guys one hight, but they canceled. So she texts me and is like "well if its just gonna be us then its not even worth it to come." This has happened like 6 time now and when i finally talked to her about it, she got really defensive. Basically, this is why i dont mix my guys and girls. It always ends in drama. >:(

Trevor Stratton said...

Something that has been bothering me recently is not having a lot of time during the day to do the things I need to. I have been noticing that ever since the beginning if the school year my time seems to be devoted to school.
Yes, I do have a little free time here and there, but then I have to do stuff for my parents. I do get some free time to myself on the weekends when I will throw homework aside and do what I want, but that just doesn't cut it. There are a few things I could do resolve this problem. One, I could try to improve my orginization skills so I would know when to do stuff and how long it will take me. I could also spend some days doing one of my tasks longer, so I won't have to deal with it later. These ideas might givce me more free time, I hope.

Dan Calma said...

An issue that has been really bothering is how much time I've lost by joining the wrestling team. I never have any time to have fun. Everyday I have practice from 4:00 to 7:00 being the latest we stay, then I have to shower. Then I have to go home and do a bunch of homework. Then by time thats done its too late for any body to hang out. Or then theres Wedsdays and Saturdays, Wedsdays we have weigh-ins then meets that take forever, and Saturdays we have to wake up really early in the morning and go to tournaments that take all day. I don't know if there is a resolution to this, but I know one thing, I can't wait for the end of the season and ITS NEXT WEEK. WOOOHOOO!!!!!

Scott said...

An issue that has been bothering me is that I am kinda having a change of mind about what I want to do for my career in the future. Since I was about three I wanted to be a farmer and to this day I still want to be one. But I have a strong intrest law enforcement. I decided that law enforcement was the right path for me and I could be a farmer on the side. To add to the problem, since I started to work on boat motors and work on my car I found I had a intrest in having a career in being somesort of mechanic. The problem is that with these three choices I have to pick on to go to college or technical school. On the more I think about it the harder it is for me to make a decision. Agriculture would be at the top of my list followed by law enforcement and Mechanic tied at second. The reason for me wanting to be a mechanic is tht I really enjoy taking things apart. Also because I am good at it fixing the broken engine or what ever it is. The only way to posible resove the problem is to decide what field of work makes me the most satified.

Katrina said...

Im going to blog about an issue that im having lately that is kind of bothering me but im sure bothering my friend more. My issue is being nice to people, one person in particular, when they say or do dumb things. Sometimes i can just let it go but when they say something just completely ridiculous its hard not to let them know how dumb they just sounded. Ill admit i do it sometimes to and i feel stupid afterward, but with some people its every day 25 times a day. I know the solution should be to just try and be nicer when something like that happens, but sometimes its hard. Right now, i think i really should just stay away from the person whos giving me trouble with this. I think after some time away from them it wont be as annoying when they do or say something worthy of being made fun of. so thats my plan i guess. try and stay away from them and then when i cant, try my hardest to be nice.

John said...

Same as what I said in the lst blog I didn't have acess to a computer.

An issue that has really been bothering me is my parents. They keep on telling me I can get my license but when it comes to signing me up for segment 2 they always change there mind. It really pisses me off becuase I always have to rely on other people for rides and i feel like such a burden to people. My parents basically expect my friends to drive me around and it annoys the shit out of me becuase I inconvince them. My parents just need to let me get my license, becuase their little game is getting really old. Its always the same thing, "we'll wait and see, I dont think your ready", but how the fuck do they know if I'm ready or not if my mom wont ever drive with me. Really this annoys the absolute shit out of me. If they would just let me get my licenes I wouldn't bitch to them about it all the time to them and I would be less annoying towards them on purpose, this is how I would solve the issue.

John McLean
2nd hour

beattiex33 said...

*internet down so i bloged late.

Lately, I feel like I don’t get out enough. I am always home and I just want to go out and do something. This past week I actually did that and it turned out that because of getting out of the house, I have gotten into issues with other things. I wish that I could just go out and have fun and not worry about time or rides, or making sure that everyone around me is happy before me. I feel like I have been the one trying to make other people happy which then makes things harder for me. All I want to do is have fun and only worry about me and no one else. I think that this week I am going to focus on myself, and make sure that I take some time thinking about what I want to do and not what others want me to do.

Lauren Beattie
3rd Hour

****** ******* said...

um i dont think have anything thats really bothering me at the moment. i guess i could say im bored. haha. i had a good weekend and now im home and boerd. there is like nothing to do. im done wiht all of my homework. i think im going to resolve it by going to watch the superbowl. go colts!