Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 17

Please give me your own personal definition of ambition. Based on the discussion today discuss whether you see yourself as willing to do anything to meet your ambition or ambitious but cautious. Explain the one you choose. Lastly, give an example in your life where your ambition caused a positive or negative outcome.


Mike said...

I am ambitious but cautious. Especially when it comes to school. On the paper we are currently writing I'm afraid when it is getting proof read someone will be like "Nope, this is garbage. Why would you even say that?" and then throw it in my face. I am trying to sound all intelligent in the way I speak on my paper. However, I don't wanna really like, try to hard so I end up sounding like a complete ass. Onetime in my life where ambition has had a positive impact on my life is whenever I meet new people. I'm normally a shy kid but when I meet new people I try to come out of my comfort zone and be social. I introduce myself and I am talkative when I do so.

Anonymous said...

Ambition is a drive. A drive that pushes you to do the best you can and pushes you to work so you can get what you want. For me, there is a line. Like, I have always wanted to be a lawyer. I still do. I will do pretty much anything to get there. However, if the deciding facor was say a test, then im not going to cheat just to acheive my goal. I honestly can think of a time where ambition has really had any effect. I suppose that my ambition to become a lawyer may effect me. I do things that I know will look good for colleges becuase I know that in order for me to become a lawyer I need to go to a good college. This is both positive and negative. I obviously have challenged myself more, but at the same time, I have taken classes I didnt necessarily want to take just because it would look good on a college application.

Taylor Wattles said...

I think that ambition is a strong want to accomplish a goal. Ambitious people will stop at nothing to get to the goal they wanted for them selves. They normally do this to become a stronger or better person. Ambition is alot like desire it comes from deep down and you have to fight to get to your goal but when you do there is no better feeling. An example of this is the Olympics every athlete dreamed of being there and competeing to represent there country. Most want to win at the Olympics but just the fact that they made it shows how ambitious they are. I think that if you are ambitious you would do anything to achieve the goal. Over the summer i worked out very hard and played a lot of basketball in hopes that i would start on the varsity basketball team. My hard work and effort payed off and i have started every varsity game this year.

Taylor wattles

Katlyn said...

I think that ambitious like means you want to acomplish something very badly. I think i am more ambitious but catious then willing to do anything. Doing anything to accomplish something is a little ilrational. A time i was ambitios was when one time i wanted to get a good grade on a test. I studied alot and it turned out i did good. I was ambitios to get a good grade. The turn out of it was a great thing adn very positive.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd HOur

Sean said...

Ambition to me means setting goals as priorities which are the only things that matter and come above all other things. I usually try to do anything to meet my ambition but it never works out like that. My ambitious efforts slowly die down and most of the time I never accomplish what I set out to do. I wish i could set goals and go after them but I always feel like the goals will take to much timer to reach or some other excuse. A time when my ambition caused a positive outcome was when I didnt delay doing a project till the last minute. I knew the project couldnt be done the final days closing the deadline. So, I worked a little on it everyday and spreadout the work load. I was able to finish the project in a quality standard.


Steve Snapp said...

I see ambition as going after something that your hungry for. Meaning its something that you want to accomplish or achieve. I use ambition everyday whether its in school or for sports. This word is kinda a tool i use everyday to wake myself up and get the job done. I use it to drive for success and become the best i can be. A time in my life where ambition was applied was during my summer baseball team. We were down 3-2 in the eight guy on first, and i was up to bat. I remember telling myself before i went to bat i was gonna hit a home run. I told myself that their was no choice but to hit a home run to win the game. The ambition to do what i needed to do made me hit that game winning homer.

Wilbur2381 said...

My definition of ambition is the will to get something you desire. I am more willing to be cautious to get to my ambition because in todays world one minor mistake may screw you over for the rest of your life. My ambition is to go to college and get a marketing degree and a history major, but to get those things i must keep my grades in check because it has been an issue for me ever since i can remember. Now the only memory that comes to mind where my ambition got gave me a positive outcome was when i cheated on a final exam last year in geometry. (ironic right?) I had to do something negative to give myself a positive outcome and i learned that i needed to prepare myself better and so now these past finals we took i studied for all of them and passed them all with a respectable grade.

Will Michaels 2nd hour

****** ******* said...

Ambitious is determined. Applying yourself to do something and do it the best way you can. And stop at nothing to get to that goal. I can be ambitious it all depends on the satiation at hand. It depends on how badly I want it and what im willing to do to get there. There are some things that I would not even thing about doing to reach my goal. I can get really ambitious when it comes to me being grounded. If im grounded and I want to go out that weekend I do everything I can in order to go out. Ill cleans the house top to bottom and then once more. Ill asks if I can help with anything or do something extra. Then when it comes to like Friday or Thursday ill ask if I can go out. Ill tell them my plans and have every detail down pat like who im going with where im going where im staying who will be driving etc. then beg and say the things I have done around the house and why they should let me go out. Usually it works. It’s probably not the best thing to be so ambitious about but I am.

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

To me ambition is some what of a goal or mind state. When someone says you have a lot of ambition i thinkthey are saying you are willing to do anything to get what you want or to rech your goals. I see myself as ambitious but cautions. Im not one to do what ever it takes to reach my goal becuase some times that means hurting other people. I am cautions becuase i am more of a timid person. I have feelings and care about others so i tend to be a little more caustions looking over details and making sure i am doing the right thing. One time i was in howell and we were playing basketball at this park. We were supposed to be there all day and play. My ambition was that i was going to play all day no matter what. The problem with that was that this kid jeff was driving and he wanted to leave after like one game. I said no i am not leaving we came here to play basketball and thats what i was gonna do. So jeff left me and i had to walk 9 miles to get back to my friends house. That was a negitive example for my ambition.

Zack Ruffin

Alanna Nagi said...

Ambition is a desire, a dream, a wont that you are willing to work for. Yes, I do believe that I am willing to do anything to reach my ambition, but I do believe I am cautious. When I joined poms, I wasn't the best pommer on the team and I certainly am not right now. However, I would always let it get me down, that I wasn't as good as everyone else, that i needed the most work. When I made the competition team for poms I was ecstatic! Then once it started getting down to crunch time, the week before our competition, I was getting really stressed, thinking to myself that I don't deserve to be on the team, I shouldn't be performing, and that my team thinks I'm bad also. I was really getting upset over this, but I realized that I haven't been working this hard for no reason. I had an ambition and that was to work really hard, and show the team what I am capable of doing. A lot of the girls on the team now come up to me and say how I have improved so much and that makes me feel so proud that I achieved my ambition. Just because I have improved doesn't mean I'm going to stop working though. Next season, I will be a senior and the newest members of the pom team will look up to me and I want them to be amazed, just like I was when I first joined. In this case, mu ambition turned out to have a positive outcome, but it's not over yet! Let's hope that continues!

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Tyler McLeod said...

My definition of ambition is doing whatever it takes to reach my goals. My desire to have something that is important to me gives me the ambition to do what is necessary to make that happen. I see myself as a person that would do whatever it takes to reach my ambition. You're usually ambitious about something that is important to you and no matter what you will find the drive to have what you want. Currently getting through high school and getting a descent score on my ACT is my ambition. I need to do this to complete my ultimate goal of going to college and getting a good job. An example in my life where ambition gave me a positive outcome was winning my dad in tennis. My dad is a good tennis place and I have lost a lot of matches to him. Last summer I played a lot of tennis because I just wanted to beat him once. That day finally came, and it felt good.

A D A M H A H N said...

To me, ambition is that little voice in your head that always tells you to go harder, faster, and stronger. More literally, as anothony put it; it is your drive. Ambition is what drives me to do my best at everything. Id say that yeah, I probably am willing to do whatever it takes to reach my ambitions when it comes to certain things, like my dreams and goals in future life. An example of ambition in my life that has effected me positively is very easy to find. Like on the football field. When I am running the ball and someone tackles me sooner than I know I maybe should have went down, I get pissed. Then this fire starts inside of me(ambition). For the rest of the game that fire stays inside of me and I do whatever it takes every play to push as hard as I can to not get tackled and get as many yards as possible.

kristen said...

I think ambition is going after what you want and getting there at all costs. I'm not willing to do anything. I do have my limits and my morals. I would deffiantly say I'm ambitious but caustious. I nomally test the water before diving straight in. When I get an oportunity I think about if it would help me in the long run and if it would be worth it. If it is then I go for it, but if not then I won't go for it. One time I had a teacher that really didn't teach us anything and she gave us a packet which was going to be on the test but told us that we needed to learn half of it by ourselves. I was so frustrated because almost all the stuff that was going to be on the mid-term we never learned. I studyied so hard because my grade in the class already wasn't what I wanted. When I finally took the mid-term I got an E on it which combined with my grade in the class brought down my entire GPA. Most of the kids I talked to did really bad on it or had cheated on it. Although I had ambition I still got a negative outcome.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.

Cherie Stoll said...

2nd Hour
Ambition is someone's willingness to achieve a goal. Someone with high ambition will stop at virtually nothing to reach their goal. If you have a lot of ambition, then your goals are going to be met more quickly than others who have less ambition. I am more ambitious but cautious. I work really hard to have my goals met, but often times they are put on hold because of my cautiousness. I'm not really assertive, so when my goal involves other people, it takes me longer to reach my goal. For example, I really need a job to buy a car. I've sent in a ton of applications, but it took me a while to call the places I applied. If I was less cautious, there is a good chance I would have a job right now. I definitely think that I need to be more assertive with my ambitions. There is no reason to be cautious in achieving a goal, because opportunities can pass.

Jamie Diehr said...

Ambition is that desire or force from inside of you that pushes for what you want in life. You can be ambitionous about a dream/goal or many other differnt things. I will do what I can to meet my ambitions up to a certain point. That means I would be ambitious but cautious. It all depends on how strongly I feel toward that ambition for how far I will push to accomplish it. In general, I am ambitious into proving people wrong. Even if I know im wrong I will still try to prove that I was somewhat right. This isn't necessarily a good thing in all situations, so I try to be cautious with my ambitions.

Eric Tamm said...

Well I wasn't there for the discussion today, but I'll do my best. Ambition is the want to achieve you goals. Everyone has diferent levels of ambition. I personally see myself as ambitious but cautious. I am set of achieving my goals but I will not necessarily out peope including myself in danger to achieve them. I am definately cautious because of this. I also do not want to put others' goals or anything else indanger to get what I want. I am not selfish and I do not want to sabotage everyone else. A time in my life when my ambition caused a positive outcome is in middle school. I wanted so bad to make the basketball team because I envied all the athletes that paraded around in their jerseys and got all the attention. But I also wanted to be good at basketball. So that summer, I tried so hard. I practiced in my yard every day on ball handling, shooting, defense, and everything else. I gave it my all at tryouts and I made the team. I still didn't play much, but I was sure proud of myself. My ambition led me to do something great. I feel that I am more than capable of accomplishing any goal I put my mind to.

Chloe Martin 6th said...

i believe that ambition is the extent of how hard you will work to achieve whatever goal you have set out for yourself. i definitely see myself as abitiously cautious. yes i want to complete whatever goal i have set out for myself but not at the cost of everything. some people give up friendship and family for the bettering of their career i find it hard to believe that will ever be me. i do not believe that any job would come before my friends or family. so yes i do work hard and what i want and i will put extra time into things but not at all cost. an easy example is my school work. i want to do well in school so i take time out of my life to do homework and study for school. however i don't let school overun my life. i could never see myself as being soo ambitiuos i dont see my friends or family because i'm too busy studying, that would be ridiculous. this ambition causes a positive effect, because i actually want to do well in school its easier to get things done and get better grades. also i believe it will help me later when i am applying for colloges!

Becca said...
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Becca said...

I think that ambition is when you want to strive to accomplish something. I see myself as the kind of person who is willing to do anything to meet my ambition. I have always had the drive to accomplish what I want. I'm kind of a perfectionist and I need things to be done when I want them done. When I want to accomplish something I tried my hardest to reach my goal. I had the ambition to become a second degree black belt in karate. I tried my hardest and pushed myself past my limit, but if I wouldn't have done that, I wouldn't have accomplished my goal. By pushing myself and working hard, I reached my goal and passed my second degree black belt test. This was obviously a positive outcome, and after receiving my belt I felt so proud of myself and all the hardwork I had done.

Becca Need
2nd Hour

Chris L. said...

Ambition is something that one wants to achieve. I believe that I would do almost anything to meet my ambition. I am cautious, but like to achieve great things. One of ambitions, is to have a career that I will enjoy doing. Doing well on finals is one ambition that I have had. Sometimes I do well, and sometimes I do not. I'm not a great test taker. The time limits, distractions, the vast amount of questions, etc all make me nervous during tests. I however have prepared and focused myself, and I have done relatively well.

Megan said...

I believe that ambition is like self motivation and the want to do something in your life. Sometimes I think I am a little of both the senerios. With certain subjects and topics, I will be completely abitious and 100% all for it. Other times I will be abitious but cautious, especially if it could hurt someone or something. I think a good thing to be willing to do anything for is love. I would say that I am willing to do anything for the people I love, or the person, outside my family, I love. An example of when I would be catiously ambitious is say, planning out my dreams. I only put one thing before my dreams and that is, of course, the people I love and care about. I really want to accomplish my dreams but I am catious about them so I don't end up hurting someone I care about. A time when my ambition affected me positively was when I was extremly set on getting a good grade on a history final, and I spent so much time studying, practicly non-stop. In the end, it was all worth it, just like most ahrd work is. It takes a lot of work to accomplish dreams and you have to be ambitious about them, you have to want to do it, and then just do it.

Megan Kastelen
3rd hour

allyson martin said...

i think of ambition as striving to do a certain thing, no matter what it takes. I'd like to say i'm ambitious sometimes, but my ambition to do something doesn't last very long. i would really like to change that though. when i go for something i usually start doing anything and everything to meet that goal of mine. In the end i either get it or i dont. if i dont then i guess its not really a true ambition of mine. Last year in the summer i really wanted to lose weight really bad. i said i would do pretty much anything. and i did. working out went to binge eating to not eating at all. i could fit into size 0 pants. my whole entire body was unproportional and i was very unhealthy. i ended up having to go to the doctor to get healthy again. Now i'm a fatty again lol. but that was an ambition that ended negatively.

Audrey Beaumarchais said...

My personal definition of ambition is when you strive to be the best you can be. Whether it's stiving to get an A or win a sports game people wiht ambition are determined. They are confident in themselves. I see myself as willing to do anything to meet my ambition. I think that sometimes I may get distracted and forget though. I am the type of person that strives to please everyone including myself. If I am not happy with the outcome of my work I am discouraged. When I competed in Chicago for the first time I had ambition. I was confident and in the end it benefitted me. I won the competition. Ambition is a quality that all people should try to have. It helps people achieve their goals and dreams in life.


Hunter White said...

I think ambition is the work of getting something done right and the best you can. I am ambitious but cautious. When I try, I normally do thinks the best I can. I try to do the best I can but not over do it. I work hard as well when doing a job. I am dedicated to what I do so you could call me ambitious. The reason I would say I'm cautious is because lets say your given a task. I would do the task but nothing more. If I was told to cut the lawn on only one field I would do just that. I don't want to over do anything just in case. Well a good positive thing of me and my ambition would be my CQB training center. I worked my ass off to try to get public attention with airsoft being a business. I was young at the time too but now I have police officers that help me every game and because of my work at this I now get paid to shoot people.

Brittany Laubscher said...

Ambition to me is wanting to achieve something. Its like a big goal you have. Or even the desire to become something. I see my self as definitely going threw with my ambitions. I want to go to college and get a good job. Im not sure exactly what that might be yet. But I know for sure that Im going to college to get a good education and become something. Because these days you have to go to college to get a job and thats something i definitely need to do.

Anonymous said...

Ambition is a desire that you cherish dearly. My ambitions are to become a singer and an artist (drawer). I believe I am ambitious but cautious. I say this because I'm not literally going to do anything it takes to fulfill my ambitions. For example, I'm not about to go sell drugs or something so I can get enough money for college. An example of my ambition causing a positive outcome would be when I drew a picture of my girlfriend. When I first started drawing it I wasn't sure if she'd like it or if it was even going to look good when I was finished. Though, when I finished it, it ended up turning out to be my best drawing ever and she loved it.

James Richardson

Andrew Melton said...

In my own definition ambition is a plan of wanting to do well in something, in this case school. Its almost like motivation, because its a drive to do good, or be better, its better than just an ordinary plan because there is motivation and dedication behind it. In my own opinion i am abitious but cautious, especially when it comes to school because i dont like to redo assignments, especially papers. I just like to try my hardest to make things good, but most of the time i try to hrad, and i just pull information of of my butt and try to make it sound good and correct, and i wont try to add in anything to make it better, i just say that its good enough. An example of when my ambition caused a positive or negative outcome was last semester, when i was fighting for good above average grades. This example is both positive and negative because i got a couple above average grades and a couple below average grades.

beattiex33 said...

Ambition is a feeling that you want to do something really badly. When someone is ambitious they go toward their goal in any way, shape or form. I think that I would be ambitious but cautious. I have this annoying conscious that always makes me do the right thing or at least try to. I hat it but it’s true. It’s almost like I hear my parents yelling at me in my head as if they actually would if I did something wrong. So if I went for my ambitions I would have to make sure that I reach them with a right mind and cautiously so I don’t get into trouble. I have an ambition to go to Europe with out my parents but they won’t let me. I am going to do anything to persuade them for me to go but I don’t want to go to far where I make them not let me go at all.

Lauren Beattie
2nd Hour

John said...

I see myself as ambitious, but also cautious. When it comes to school I can be very ambitious if I am interested in the subject or topic. For example I am actually really enjoying writting this paper we are currently working on. I am very interested in the subject I chose because I am finding out so many things I did not know about the holocaust. But I am afraid that I am not doing it correctly, which is kind of holding me back on some things that I want to add into it. I am not a strong writer for the most part and it is hard for me to think outside of the box. This is why I am cautious, because I am worried that if I do not do a good job on something then people will deem me as stupid or incapable. I like to think I try my hardest, but that is not always the case, for example when I do not understand something I will chose not to do it instead of asking for help. That is something that I am not proud of though and something I need to work on not doing so much. A time where my ambitious but cautious aditude caught up with me was when I chose to smoke pot. I knew that I could potentially get into trouble, but I decided to do it anyway. The person I did it with got caught by his parents and then he ratted me out to mine(what a dick). I guess this effected me both negatively and positively because I never did it again, but I got grounded for a week.

John McLean

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

Ambition is like drive and motivation. It Pushes you to do the best you can be. It makes you work to your best ability so you can get what you want in life. Ambition is alot like desire you have to fight to get to your goal but when you do there is no better feeling. Sometimes it can get to me. If i loose at something i start to get really mad. Telling my self i can do better and why i didnt try hard enough.

Emma Flynn said...

Ambition is what motivates you to pursue a goal. Based on our discussion today, I have realized that there are certain things in life that I am more ambitious towards than others. For instance I am always really motivated to work hard in school so I can go to college and succeed in life. However there are certain things I am less ambitious towards. I am deffinently less motivated when it comes to eating healthy. I consider myself an ambitious person, although sometimes I get overwhelmed and I lose track of my goals. An example of when ambition helped me succeed was last year in lacrosse. The whole season I worked extremely hard and it paid off in all the games. I was even awarded the Coaches award. Overall, ambition helps someone reach their goals.

****** ******* said...
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J Chase said...

I think ambition is the will, want and almost like a need to do something. I think that by doing something that you are ambitious for, makes you happy. i think i am ambitious but cautious. I wouldnt be willing to do anything to get what im ambitious for. I'm ambitious to get into a good college but i would never cheat on my ACT to get there. One example of a time i was ambitious was when i went to winterfest. I'm usually shy and i dont usually feel comfortable dancing but at winterfest i was excited and ambitous. Since i was ambitious about it i had a good time and i danced.

Tayler Chase :)

Joey said...

Ambition is the desire to accomplish something. It’s what drives you and pushes you to achieve a goal. I believe that I am an ambitious person depending on the situation. Certain things I do make me more and less ambitious. I am very ambitious in things I like to do. I wasn’t always the best basketball player, but in the last couple of years I was very ambitious and wanted to get good. My ambition made me better at what I did. Being ambitious helped me out in a positive way.

Hailey Ledgley(: 3rd hour said...

Ambition is looking for achievement. Im not sure what the discussion was in class but if I want something that bad, yes I would do anything to meet my ambition. A time when ambition turned out kinda bad for me is, a little bit ago i was so into becoming a dentist. I dont know why, but its just seemed soo intresting to me. When I was told I didnt have the grades to do that, I kinda just realized I should just set my mind on something else. Something that will be easier for me. Mabye, if I all of a sudden get smarter, I can possibly be that one day.

Rachel Kuehn said...

to me, ambition is your drive to acomplish a goal. Its your will power to do something that you care about. To have ambition is to want to take the innitive to proactivly involve your self in the process of getting the things that you want to get done done. Ambition is what drives a person to do the best that they can at what they do. I'm more than willing to do anything to meet my ambitions, even if it means making a complete ass out of my self infront of my peers, or doing something that i really dont like to reach a higher goal. For example, every time i have to do a project that ends in giving a presentation, i just want to die. I get sooooo nervous talking in front of groups, even small groups, when it comes to assignments. Its mostly because of the pressure to do well, but other than that, i have no idea why i freak out so much. And every time, i end up presenting an awesome presentation in a shaky voice with a beat red face. But I'm willing to look like a complete dweeb infront of a class of kids and teachers judging me to get a good grade. And i always do, despite my nervous presentation. So, in the short term, this is a negative experience, but once grades come back, i forget about how i made a fool out of my self and am happy for my good grade.

Dennessa Degen said...

Ambitous is the voice in your head telling you not to give up and keep trying. I guess i am cautious. I get scared of the out come and my brain thinks of all the different things that could occure, and i get scared of just going for it. For example i have alway wanted to be in theater but i never really tries hard to achive it because im a shy person and never worked to come of of my comfort zone.

Clare Pathe said...

To me , i think that ambition means an eager or desire to achieve something. I think i am willing to do anything to meet my ambition. If i felt strongly enough about a goal i have, then i would do just about anything to do it. For instance, if my ambition is to become a teacher, then im going to work my butt off in college, and do whatever i can to attain that goal. A time in my life when ambition was a positive outcome in my life was when i wanted to become a dancer. I remember one day when i was in the 6th grade, i came home and told my mom i wanted to become a dancer. She was very surprised by this and thought it was random. Being a dancer was my ambition, and it turned out positive because i ended up loving dance, and will forever love it!

Samantha Tedder said...

Ambition is your drive and determination to do something you feel passionate about. I've always been a pretty ambitious person. Never really had a care about what the outcome of something would be, as long as it makes me happy in the process. On occasion I might be a little cautious, but its definitly rare. This is pretty lame, but one thing I am truly ambitious about is marching band. Not really even the competing part, but just the music aspect. I push myself to learn my music at a faster pace. The faster I learn it, the more time I have to improve it. I mean, yeah I love competing, because the thrill and emotion after having a phenomial performance is something I cannot even describe. I love playing music, and expressing so much emotion in what I play. I love band, I love band, I love band! (: It seems to be the one thing I can consistantly passionate for, and the one thing I strive to succeed at. I cannot explain why that is, because its mainly just a feeling.

Sam Tedder

JK said...

John Kent

My definition, ambition is a desire for some type of achievement, honor, fame, or wealth. I think that I am ambitious but cautious. The reason that I think that is because I want to reach my goals but I am not willing to do anything illegal in the process of what I want. An example of me being ambitious is when I work on my tennis skills. The three years of playing tennis has helped me improve from what I was once before to what I am now. Playing tennis helps entertain me better that video games do, and I need to play less of them. Being on the tennis team also lets me get new friends. So me being ambitious about being better at tennis has helped me more than one way.

Cody Kabisa said...

I think ambition is a drive inside yourself that shows how far you are willing to go. I see myself as ambitious but cautious. If I want something I dont really go all out to try and get it. I kind of take my own pace and when it comes to things like that. an example would be with the paper we are writing. I usually wait until the last minute to write my papers. I seem to work better under pressure. This time however, I spread the work out and did a little bit each day. Tonight I put all of the pieces together and it was alot easier to do it this way than to cram it in at the last second. This is a great example where ambition has had a positive outcome.


Anonymous said...

Ambition is the drive to do something, to accomplish something in your life.I am a very ambitious but cautious person. I do not believe in doing outrageous things to get what I want. Ambition is a drive, but I think there is a certain line that people should not cross to get what they want. So what I guess I am saying is i can be very ambitious but there is a certain point when I know I might be pushing for to much. Am example where ambition has been a positive for me was in sixth grade. We use to have field trips where you would have to receive all A's to go on it. I was so close to going every time, but I received a B+ in science class. Well it was the last filed trip of the year and I really wanted to go. So I worked my butt off in science and got an A. I felt very proud and I truly knew what ambition was at that moment. It was a really nice feeling.

Taylor Dieck
2nd hr.

Kaleigh S said...

My personal definition of ambition is a desire and drive to do something. I would view myself as ambitious but cautious most of the time. When I have an ambition to do something, I tend to over-think what I want. I'm not the type of person to have an ambition and just jump head-over-heels into it. I tend to take steps for achieving what I want to do. I had an ambition to be captain of the pom team ever since I was in 10th grade. I knew that if I worked my butt off and became involved in helping the team, I might have a chance at getting it. I tried to put myself out there more and present myself as more of a laeder on the team, even when I was younger than most of the girls on the team. During my 10th grade year, my teammates started coming to me for help more often and the older girls wanted me to help with choreography all the time. By the time I made it to my junior year, I tried out for captain but was dissapointed when I didn't get it. I still had the drive inside me to be captain though, and I continued to be a leader on the team. The next season I tried again for captain. The way captains are picked for our team is that everyone running for captain gives a speech in front of the team and then the team votes to decide who becomes captain. I thought for a long time about my speech and it turned out really well. I was voted captain and I was so excited that I got it. If I hadn't had the ambition to put myself out there again and run another season against seniors for captain, I would not have gotten it. I think that's one aspect of ambition: even when you fail at what you want, you still have the drive and desire to continue reaching for your goal. A failed may get you down a little, but if you are truly ambitious, you pick yourself back up and keep trying until you succeed, and I'm so happy that I did just that.

Anonymous said...

I think ambition is your choice or willingness to do something and your vision for how it will get done. Ambition is how much work and effort you put forth into doing something and how much you really care. I think that my ambition depends on the situation. I'm always up for trying new things and coming up with new ways to solve a problem but I can be cautious at times. When things involve trust I tend to be a lot more cautious and hold back a lot. But then other times, depending on my mood, I throw myself out there and do whatever it takes to solve something. An example of ambition from my life is when I started running again. I used to hate running more than anything but wanted to get in shape for lacrosse season and build up endurance so I started running at the beginning of the school year. I had a goal to be more fit and worked hard to get there. There have been so many times where I just want to stop after a lap or two but I keep going knowing its making me a healthier person and better lacrosse player. This had definently been a positive outcome for me and I'm happy to love running and be able to run a few miles without being out of breath.

Anonymous said...

I think that ambition is just an extra drive that pushes you to meet your goals in life. I really dont see myself as an ambitious person unless something really interests me. Im more of a laid back person, I do what I have to do to get things that I have to get done. I suppose this is really gonna end up biting me in the ass sooner or later because I dont really think about the future very much. During the summer time I decided that I really needed a job. I was sick of depending on my parents and wanted to be able to say I could make it on my own if I had to. So I built up ambition and didnt stop applying and calling places until I found a job. I guess the fact that I was able to find a job in two days shows you how dedicated I was to it. Ambition is a good thing and having it will really help you acheive your goals in life.

Unknown said...

My definition of ambition is when someone puts all of their effort into everything they do. For example, we are working on our research papers, and i have put everything i have into this paper. I hae gotten help searched online and asked my parents. I think that people who are ambitious always know what is going to happen with the work they put in. The thing is when someone wants to get something done and done right, they show alot of ambition. I show alot of ambition in my work and my sports.

Alec Shoems 3rd Hour

Jordan said...

I think ambition is a definition of good old fashion working hard. It is motivating yourself to do something. Alos, it can be setting goals or try to achieve something through hard work. I try to be ambitious but mot times it doesnt really work out. I will set goals for myself and then end up forgettting all about them or just saying screw it. So in other words i dont think i do whatever to meet my ambition. One time when i did be ambitious and it worked out was when I decided i needed to get a job so i could pay for things. I applied at a golf course and they ended up hiring me. It was great to have money for once.

Hannah Aittama said...

To me ambition is something that gives you the strength to do something. I usually am the type of person to do anything to meet my ambition. I usually do this when its involved with a sport. In hockey I will do basically anything it takes to do my best and try to win. A time in my life when ambition caused me to do something positive was when my team won the State Championship in hockey the past two years. I do everything I can to be prepared for states. And the past two years I would train outside of just practice to get ready. And it ended up paying off when we won.

Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour

Scott said...

Ambition is what motivates you to do something. It is basically a drive that makes you want to get a task down. I would say that I am willing to do anything to meet my ambitions. I say that because I would do anything to one day buy a farm and become a farmer. I wanted to do that since I was little. I know that farming is very hard and labor intensive work but it doesn't matter. I still want to do that. A time in my life when ambition has been a positive aspect in my life was when I bought this 62 year old boat motor with the ambition that I was going to restore it to its factory new condition. After I bought it I worked on it for about two months slowying taking it apart and cleaning and sanding the old paint off of it. It was a slow process but I kept at it. Finaly, I got the whole motor repainted and reasembled. It looked great. I was so glad I took the time and kept at it because the end results were well worth the hard work and all the time and money I put into it. I can't waint for summer so I can get out on the lake and use it.

Dan Calma said...

To me ambition means your willingness to go after what you want. Ambition is the fire that burns in your spirit making you do what you want and even need. Ambition can even be something that drives you, like for example a knihgt doing what ever it takes to get to his princess. I see my self as ambitious at times, ambitious but cautious at other times, and sometimes having no ambition at all. At times I'll go to extremes to get what I want, other times I'll go after what I want for a bit then sit back and watch the show, then sometimes I'll just sit on the side lines and watch everything and everyone pass me by. One time my ambition to mess around in class got me a pencil in my chin. And another time my ambition got me a free laptop.

ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

Please give me your own personal definition of ambition. Based on the discussion today discuss whether you see yourself as willing to do anything to meet your ambition or ambitious but cautious. Explain the one you choose. Lastly, give an example in your life where your ambition caused a positive or negative outcome.

Ambition is your push to accomplish things in life. Sort of like your will to do whatever it takes. I feel that i show characteristics of both kinds of ambition. I think taht at school and home im more cautious. However, at sports and when im having fun i get reckless and see myself willing to do whatever it takes. I think that this is a good balance in life and keeps me well rounded. A good example of ambition would be of the sled hockey teams. Theres are people who are paralyzed or not able to use their legs. they still want to be involved in a sport and they become sled hockey players. This takes a long time to master and people with disability can ahve great drive to become a player.

Trevor Stratton said...

I think being ambitious means you have a strong drive to accomplish something. I think I am ambitious but cautious. I don't want to do something that goes overboard and I end up looking like an idiot. So it is better to set goals that you can accomplish without worrying about making a fool out of yourself. You should stop and think about how you are going to approach starting to attain your goal because some people might say your to ambitious or not ambitious enough. There are a few times my ambition has brought both posistve and negative effects on me. I am ambitious at school. I try my best and sometimes it pays off and sometime it doesn't. When it doesn't that is a good example of being overly ambitious because I was trying to hard to cram everything in my brain at once and that wasn't working.

Conner said...

To succeed in life i feel the most imporant charictoristic one needs is the sense of ambition. To me ambition means to have a drive for something or the want to accomplish a certain thing. For someone to have the ambition to get good grades is where that individual thrives above all difficulty and makes any opportunity happen to get his or her good grades. Being a very competative person in sports and stuff i have noticed that to give me a high level of ambition in certain things. For example in hockey before every game i tell myself that im better than everyone on that other team, giving me self confidence.Along with the confidence comes ambition and this is the part where i now turn the mental part into physically making it happen. I step on the ice with a large amount of ambition and want to anything possible to be the best out there. Whether its winning every small battle in the corners or beating another player to the puck, i thrive to be the best. I shall also have the self knowledge once the game is over that i have skated as hard as i could have and played to the best level of hockey i can.


Jessica klave said...

to me ambition means you personal drive. I think ambition is neccacary to acomplish anything. If you want something bad enough only you can achieve it. Ambition is in your heart, your personal drive is what you make your self to do get where you want to be. if i personally want something bad enought i always know what i have to do to get there, if i want enough i will do what ever i have to do. An example in my life is soccer if i want to do good and impress my coach i have to try hard and prove my self 100 percent of the time. I have to work hard at pratices and go to condidioning to show my coach im commited if i want to get play time on the field.

Sean Suehr said...

No computer yesterday

My definition of ambition is having a driving force as a reason to do what you want. I see myself as a person taht does anything to get stuff done. I think of my self this way because I awalys need something to get dont. I will always do what I can to get that objective done. Everyday I have a negative outcome in ambition, I always bother my mom to do something so she usually yells at me. But I keep bothering her until I get what I want to done, even if it may be later in the week and I may get grounded for being so annoying.

heather horne said...

My personal definition of ambition is how much you are willing to work for something that you want to accomplish. Deciding whether to go big or go home. I am willing to do what is needed to acheieve my goals. If I decide that something is important enough to go after, then I won't stop trying till I know I've done all that I can. I mostly relate my goals to sports and grades. In tennis I told myself that I would practice my serve until I felt comfortable with it. I kept at it for a lonnggg while and now I'm happy with it. This was a negative outcome that I didn't give up trying and I achieved my goal for my standards.

heather horne said...

postive******* outcome:]

Priscilla Call said...

My computer has been down.

Ambition is the drive to accomplish a taste. People how have ambition to accomplish something as most likely going to do whatever it takes to accomplish it. I would say I am ambitious but cautious. I say this because when I have ambition to do something I won't do whatever it takes to get it done. I usually will think about what I have to do to accomplish the goal and I will pick pick the most logically way to achieve it. When I was in cheerleading in my second year of competitive season I was taken out of all my rounds and I was really upset. After I was taken out I had a lot of ambition to get my spot back. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time to get my spot back. But the last competitive season I was put in 2 out of the 3 rounds and my coach told me she could tell i was trying really hard. That turned out to be a positive outcome.

Katrina said...

Ambition would be the strong desire to accomplish something. I would say that i am willing to do anything to meet my ambition and ambitious but cautious depending on what i am trying to achieve. I think how a person acts completely depends on the situation theyre in, especially with me. If it is something to obtain with no negative outcomes other than the possibility of not obtaining it, then i am willing to do anything to meet it. If it is something that could have other negative consequences such as loosing friends or causing "drama" then i am ambitious but cautious. An example of a time i was ambitious and it caused a positive out come has been with my grades this year. i really wanted to do well to prepare for applying to colleges so i worked hard and kept all my grades up. Now i need to continue this but am having a harder time as it is the second half of the year. Hopefully i will be able to continue this.

Anonymous said...

To me ambition is working hard for something you want. You will do extra and go out of your way just for something. I dont see myself willing to do anything to meet an ambition. I am ambitious but manage to be cautious. When i want something i work for it and put in more effort than i do for other things. I dont have a good example for this because i dont have a huge ambition yet, that im willing to really reach for. I guess a example could be that i always work to hangout with my friends. Its not really an ambition but my paents getpissed because they say i will work and put effort into being with my friends more than anything else, and in that case im usually dont be cautious i just do what needs to be done so i get what i want. So they say, that if i worked that hard at school or sports look what i could do. I kinda get what their saying.