Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 11

Please watch and listen to the following video:


Once you have, discuss how you measure a year in your life. What do you base this measurement on? What do you think the message of this song is?


Becca said...

Different people measure a year in different ways. Personally, I don't measure a year with minutes or any length of time. I measure a year in how much I express my feelings and how much fun I have that year. I base my measurement on the people I spend my past year with and how I treat my friends, family, and ordinary people. You can take different meanings from this song. I think that the message of the song is to not measure your life with the amount of time you have left, but with how you spend that year. Such as who you spend it with and what you do in that year. This song does a great job of telling what really matters in life, which isn't time itself, but what you do in the amount of time you are given.

Becca Need
2nd Hour

Clare Pathe said...

Everyone measures a year in different ways. I measure my year based on how much i enjoyed that year. Also, by the people i hung out with who i love. Life is just too short to waste, so i make sure i love every second of it, and spend time with people who care about me, and so on. I am not the one to count the minutes of a year, i am i the one to live those moments , before they are gone. I think that the main message this song is giving is life is short, so spend it the way you want. Be with the people you love, and enjoy it before it is gone.

Wilbur2381 said...

The main basis i use to measure a year of my life is how much good i do for either myself or someone else and wheather i can be happy while doing it. I believe that the message of this song is that no matter how much time goes by, then if you have love and hope in your life then your year is great. The way most people spend their life isnt really put in perspective, i remember hearing that we spend 3 hours in front of a television every day which when you add up all that time lost it is remarkable what we could accomplish if we would just get off our asses from time to time. Me personally enjoy everything that life has to offer and hearing this song for the first time in a while makes me think back at what i have done for myself in the past year or so. I think i need to prioritize what i do with my life because soon i may not have that opportunity to do it.

Will Michaels 2nd hour

Cherie Stoll said...

It is difficult to say how I measure my life. I think that too often I treat each day as 24 hours, or 525,600 minutes, instead of living my life in the moment. I think that I should measure my life in good memories and the great things I accomplished instead of seeing each hour as time to pass. Many times life is wasted in that way. A year should not be looked back on as the days, but how you spent those days, and who you spent them with. At the end of the year, I like to look back on the friends I made, and the experiences I had. I want to look back on life knowing I lived it to the fullest. I think that the moral of this song is to focus your life on what really matters, the love for your friends and family. Material things come and go, but they're replaceable. The time you spend with the people you love is not.

Katlyn said...

I htink that everyone measures their years in different ways. Im not really sure how i measure my year. I guess really i dont measure it by minutes or hours or days or weeks. I measure it by what i have accomplished that year. How much fun i had that year and who i spent most my time with. I think that this song was saying that you cant really measure it in minutes or hours or anyting like that. Well you can just its better not too. They want you to stop and think like how youve spent your year and who you spent it with. wehter it was your family or friends. It tells you what should matter in life.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd HOUR

Tayler Chase said...

I would measure a year in my life by happiness. i choose this because happiness is very important to me. I like being happy becuase its an amazing feeling and it makes others feel good too. I would say that my last year has been filled with lots of happiness. So many exciting things have happened that just fills me with it. I think that this song is telling us whats important in life and what actually matter. I Think that it tells us that love is whats really important in life.

Mike said...

People measure a year in many different ways. I for one measure it based on what I can remember and what I did that year. Basically, I base it on my good and experiences. There are a many ways to interpret the song. The message I got from this song is that you shouldn't worry about when or where your gonna die. It's about how you spent your life and how the way you acted and what you did impacted other people in your life. This song is very good and expressing what I think the meaning of life is; to live.

Jamie Diehr said...

Everyone measures their life in differnt ways. Just like the song, some measure it in actual time, when others measure it in experiences and memories. I measure a year of all the things that happen. I don't keep track on how much time I have left or how much time has past. I like to live in the moment. I think that the song is trying to give out the message that life is much more than the time spent. It is who you spent it with and how you spent it. Everyones lives are differnt but we all have the same time in a year. It is up to you what you make from it.

Cody Kabisa said...

Its hard to say how people measure a year in their life. I measure a year based on how much I enjoy and accomplish in that time. I measure a year day by day and whenever New Years comes, that is my year. Spending time with friends and family. Enjoying the little things in life and appreciating them as well. I think the message is to live your life on a day to day basis. Enjoy every moment and make the most of it because you never know when you will die. You dont know if today will be your last day so make the most of it.


beattiex33 said...

I measure my life in the good times. I measure my life in the amount fun and happiness I spend with my friends and family. You only have so much time to live and if you measure it in how much misery you have had then you will dread on the bad things. That isn’t how you should live your life. You should take every day and make it as good as possible. Fight your fears, take chances, and make sure that you spend as much time making sure you make the right choices. The message of the song is to take life and live it to the fullest. This is what I think everyone should do; don’t get old and regret life. You want to wake up one day and know that you made life as special as you could.

Lauren Beattie
3rd Hour

Kaleigh S said...

How I measure a year in my life is looking at all that I have accomplished. I look at what I have learned and how I learned it. I think measuring how good a year was is also based on how much I lived. If I sat back and let little issues depress me or keep me down all the time, life wouldn't be too fun. I feel like the amount of time I have spent helping others is a good way to measure a year as well. Caring and loving my friends and family is always the best way to spend my time. I think the message of this song is basically that. There is so much going on in our lives, every minute, every second, and every year. We need to realize that the most important part of our lives is the people we love. If we love others around us, that is what will make every moment truly count.

Katrina said...

Everyone measures their year differently. Some people use time. Some use breaths, or huge events. I think my favorite way to measure a year would be in moments. Not huge events, just moments. Times that make me laugh, cry, happy, sad, nostalgic or whatever. Just the simple moments with the people you love that make life worth living. Yeah, the big moments and great accomplishments are part of it. But i think the little things are more important. Like when youre with your friends and you laugh so hard you cry. Or just driving in the car with the windows down blaring your favorite song with your best friend. Its moments like those that i like to measure my year with.

Sean Suehr said...

I measure a year in my life by the amount of fun I have with my friends. And by how often I laugh to myself when i think about what happened later on in the year. I also think about the things I do wiht my family and recolect the funny stuff wiht my brother. I base these memories on the year previous, then I my friends will talk about all those funny times and laugh. And all most of the time these events stick with us and we always talk about them. But some people measure their year to other things like in the song. I think the message of the song is not to think about all the things that happen but to think about the love you receive. Like the love of your family and friends that stick with you. Just straight up love in general.

Tyler McLeod said...

I measure a year in life by what I have accomplished in a year. I don't measure my time in minutes, hours, days, weeks. I measure my time by the experiences that I have with my family and friends. My time matters and when New Year's Day arrives I look back at the year before and think about the people I have met, my goals that I have achieved, the fun I have experienced. My time of measurement is based on everything meaningful that I accomplished in the year's time. The message of this song is that we all measure five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes in different measurements; but the main thing to keep in mind is "love". We should be living our life doing things that we love and being with people that matter. We should look back at the year knowing that our time was spent doing things we love.

****** ******* said...

I can’t watch videos on my computer because it uses up to much and goes against our fair access policy because we live out in the middle on no where and don’t get regular internet. And I didn’t do the blog yesterday. What do I do? Haha.

Rachel Kuehn said...

I measure a year in my life by how many laughs I have. I love to have fun, and I don't like to take anything too seriously. When I'm feeling down, I just have to remember that things could be worse. I just need to see the situation in a different light, and maybe even laugh at it. I base this measurement on the people I surround myself with, and the fun we have. I think the message of this song is to enjoy the little things in life, or the things that make you happy. Those are the things that really count. You wouldn't want to spend a year doing things you don't enjoy. You'd want to spend it doing things that make you happy, to make the most of your year.

Conner said...

In life many people go by the saying live life to the fullest. I personaly believe everything about this quote and find that a life of regrets and no fun is a life not lived. Based on this, i would have to say that every year in my life is truly based on the fact wheather i enjoyed the year or not. If a year has been completed yet has been nothing but mistakes and regrets, i find that year not important and could be measured very low. To sum it all up, i believe all years of one's live shall be measured in accomplishments and personal satisfaction.
Now with the video, i can not load this clip as well as some others i see so... im not exactly sure what to do but tried my hardest to give you the first part. just let me know if there is any thing i need or can do to make this up or what ever needs to be done.


Anonymous said...

Personally, I follow the quote from Hitch. I measure a year in how many moments take my breath away. Usually, because I am laughing so far. I think that moments that take your breath away are the moments that you remember forever. The moments you remember when you are 80 years old. This song, it saying that you measure a year in the love you not only receive, but give. You can measure how good the year was by how much you were loved and how much love you gave to other people.

kurtis said...

i measurements of my life are basically seasons but broken down its....7days= 1 week 3-4 weeks= 1 month and 3-4 month=1 season then 4 seasons = a year thats basically how i look at it. i just live one day after another and it all adds up so i measure by days. i believe the message of the song is kinda like wat do u do with ur life and wat do u look forward to? its really hard for me to explain but its kinda like measureing ur life with ur accomplishments thats the best way i can put it

Samantha Tedder said...

Each person measures a year in their life in a different way. I measure my year exactly like the song says, in love. I measure it by how much I express myself, and do things to help others and myself become better. I base it on pure happiness. Not the happiness you get from like, getting a present, but the happiness you get from making a difference in someones life. That genuine happiness of changing someone for the better, or changing someone to help them succeed. I think the message of this song is to become a positive person. Like, looking at life with a more positive perspective and seeing how the attitude of others changes as well once they see how positive you are.

Sam Tedder

Chloe Martin 6th said...

Once you have, discuss how you measure a year in your life. What do you base this measurement on? What do you think the message of this song is?

i measure a year of my life in the memories I've made. the good and even the bad memories. if i can look back and think of all these memories that stand out to me that was my life. The bad memories which aren't as fun to remember still define you. the experiences you go through and the way you handle situations causing yo to grow so much in one year. i think the purpose of this song is that life should be about family and friends. that life isn't life without love and thats whats important about life. its not how much money you've made, or how many people you've slept with, its how many people you can count on and they as well can count on you. someones life can only be measured in the hearts they leave behind.

Andrew Melton said...

I measure a year in laughter, wether it be my own laughter or someone else's laughter. I base this measurement on happiness, because i like to be happy and i like making other people happy, and when they make me happy. It also shows time that youve been with them. Wether it be someone close to you or just a friend, wether you hang out every wensday or your married, theres happiness in everything. If you can find it then you can share it with everyone. I think the message of this song is to find love, and keep it. To know what love is, what it feels like.

John said...

Different people measure a year in different ways. P ersonally I dont measure a year in days and minutes. I measure a year in my life by how much I have acomplished. I go by what goals I have acheived and what people I have met and become friends with. Like I said before I dont measure a year in das and minutes. I measure in the time I have spent with my friends and family, and how happy I am that I am able to do that. Once the year is over I look back on the acomplishments that I have made and strive to do better the following year. I believe that the song is reffering to never let go of something in the past. Never stop forgetting someone you have lost and never let go of the love you share with someone. Love last a life time and you should push through your problems to achive your happiness. That is the message I got from the song.

John McLean
2nd hour

allyson martin said...

I think i measure a year by how good it went for me. If i had a boring year with nothing exciting, which rarely happens, i tend to forget about it. If something amazing and exciting happens then i will remeber it for the rest of my life. also, if something bad happens i will most likely remeber it but i live life without regrets. I may mess up but i don't regret anything i've done. Even some of the really bad ones that i wish never had happened to me, i still don't regret it because i think it was all a life lesson. I think the message in the song is about peoples lifes and the heartache and the happieness they go threw, and its all happening in a year. And no matter what goes on its still worth it in the end. whether bad or good your life will go on.

Eric Tamm said...

I personally measure my life in not the events that happened in that year, but more specifically the moments and times when I was enjoying myself. I also measure it in the acoomplishments I have made. I base it on the people I associate with as well as the accomplishements I make, as mentioned above. I feel this past year has been full of meaning and it really influenced my life. I achieved every goal I set forth, and that accounts for a lot in the past year. I think the message of the song is that people should concentrate more on friends and family (love, more or less) instead of the material things. It also put all the numbers in perspective. I think this is because it tries to convey the message that time is a valuable thing and that it is how you spend that time that matters. Love is a very happy thing, and I think that is also a big part of why they put that in the song so much.

Jordan said...

I think that everyone i diffrent. For instance everyone has diffrent goals and plans in their life. I think in my life the way i measure a year is by how much fun i am having and the things that i did that were good. FOr instance, we always remember the good times weve had in our lives. We like to reminisce and tell stories about them. I think the message of the song is very simple. IT is just trying to say that we only have a limited time on earth and that we must not take advantage of it. We all have to take the time we have and make the most of it.

Anonymous said...

Everybody has their own way of measuring a year. For instance, I measure a year in how much actually happens. If I do a lot in a year it's a slow year and feels like it's very long. If I barely do anything in a year it's very short. This year, so far, seems to be going by very slowly. This is mainly because I've been doing a lot lately. Last year went by fast at first, then it was going really slow because I was doing a lot near the end of the year. I beleive the meaning to this song is quite simple: Every moment counts. It's best if you don't sit by and do nothing all the time. We should all go out and do something everyday and live every moment to the fullest. Every moment counts.

James Richardson
3rd hour

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

In my life i would measure a year probly in how much time i spend this mt friends. Friends are really importnt to me and i love luaghing. Laughing makes me feelgreat and laughing with friends is even better. So i guess i measure a year in both laughter and friedsship. I would measure a year with how many times i laugh. How many times i laugh and how many times i make someone laugh. I would alsomeaseure a year in how many times i am with my friends and how much fun i have with them. I think the message of this song is to do what you love to do. For the rest of your life do what you love and you will be happy.

Zack Ruffin

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

So many different people measure a year in different ways. I don't measure a year with minutes or any length of time. I measure it on who I act and what I do. I try to basically to just have fun and go from there. The song is telling us what is very important in life and what really matter. you should always try to do the things that matter the most in life. Dont measure your life on how many day or hours you have, just have fun. Try your best at everything to do and be successful at everything you have done.

Alanna Nagi said...

The way I measure a year in my life who I have spent it with, what I have learned, how much fun I had, and what activities I had participated in. We all only live one life and most people end up wasting their life. When we are older, we look back on our lives, the experiences we've had and the life lessons we learned from those experiences. When I look back on my life, I want to look back on the people I spent it with. Besides family, there has been four people who have been in my life for quite awhile. One, Kristen Pauly, she has been my best friend since kingergarden and I honestly don't know what my life would with without her. Second, is Mollie Smith, she also has been my friend for a while. However, recently we've started to drift apart. That's usually what happens when you go to two different schools and make new friends. Third, is Sam Pellett. She has been my best friend since freshman year and she has really impacted my life. Although we may have our ups and downs, it's still good to know she's there. Then lastly, is Andrew Melton. He and I have been dating for almost a year and a half now and I can honestly say, it's been amazing, I can't even picture my life without him. These are the things that I base my life off of. What is important to you and what really matters to you in your life. The message in this song is saying to focus on what and who matters the most in your life. The things and the people that you love and would never want out of your life.

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Dennessa Degen said...

I personaly measure a year in events that make the year worth while. The times that i smiled, and the times that made me cry for happiness. I measure a year with all the times that are worth remembering. I also try to measure a year with all the people I had those good times with. When listening to this song I think that people can get many different meanings to this song. I think that this song is about how people shouldn't waist their lifes, and how they should understand that every part of their life is important. Is about how people shouldn't take their lifes for granted.

kristen said...

Basically I measure a year by the length of time that is a year. However when I think about the quality of the year I think about what I learned and how I've grown. I believe that sometimes the length of a year doesn't mean anything though. Some people are pushed early into adulthood and others live their life as a child. So how many years you've lived doesn't always tell your real age. I think the message of the song is that just because you are going through life doesn't always mean that you're living. I think the expierence throughout your year is what really matters. If you just let life pass you by and you stick to the same boring schedual you arn't really growing or living. The way you spend your life tells who you are as a person.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.

Hailey Ledgley(: 3rd hour said...

People measure a year in all different ways. I personaly measure mine on the things I do. The times I have fun, and the times I dont. Also the people I spend it with and my family. The message couldnt have meant alot. What it meant to me is not to measure your life by how much time theres left. To measure it with how you've spent the last year of your life. What really matters in life is what you do with the time your given. Not how much time you have. Thats what i think this song meant.

Dan Calma said...

Its tough to say how I measure a year of my life. I guess I measure a year in what I had experienced. I mean it all depends on what weighs more that year, good or bad. I always try to keep a positive outlook on life, but sometimes so much shit happens that I just look at that year as crap and look forward to the next with hope. I always try to do my best to help my friends and those who I consider close. I think the message of this song is to love life no matter what. It tells you to live in the moments.

JK said...

John Kent

Obviously there are many ways to measure a year. I only really measure each year by days that seem important. In other words things that I will remember for a long time. An example is when I first learned how to ride my bike. Most of the days that I have are just the same old same old. Maybe some change in each day but still the same thing in general. I think the message of this song is to let you know that you should not think of the little things in life and concentrate on love. Which I think is true, because it seems that everyone could use a little love.

Anonymous said...

I can't really say I measure a year in particular. I do however measure my experience in that year. I can never determine whether I had a bad year, or a good year because I have so many experiences. Some are good events, some were not so great events. They are factors that play in to my year like my family, friends, and how I personally thought about myself in that year. To measure a year in just one way is a waste and a bias point of view. People need to look at their year from all different points of view. I think the message of the song is to just love life. No matter how you judge your year, take something out of it that you enjoy. Live life and and learn from your experiences.

Taylor Dieck
2nd hr.

Chris L. said...

How do I measure a year? This is an interesting question. I believe that I measure a year in seasons. The "year" has started when snow is no longer a common occurrence, there are buds on the trees, and a fresh smell in the air. Time passes quite quickly between this time and the scorching hot periods in summer. When the warm air has cooled, and a new vibrance of warm colors sets in, we have passed our halfway point in the year. Finally, we finish off the year with a layer of snow. I believe that the message of this song is to not bother counting the days of our lives, and to focus on living every day with a new beginning.

Anonymous said...

I measure a year in my life bases on little memories and all times I remember from that year. The big moments in life will always be remembered and are important, but I think the little moments are what really make life big and worth living. The little moments can be crazy times with friends or even the bad things. Overall, I just want those little moments to be something worth remembering so when I am old and looking back on life, I'm not kicking myself for missing out on anything. This song reminds us that life is short and love is the most important thing. We only have so long here and it is important to make your limited time worthwhile. I like the line where it says, "Lets celebrate, remember a year, in the life of friends". That tells us to celebrate life with your friends and to view the world positively while in the love from friends of family.

Taylor Wattles said...

I measure a year in my life through sports. Sports help me get through the year because i enjoy them very much. I enjoy playing and watching many different types of sports. The seasons that the sports are played in help me keep track what time of year it is. i also think that sports are a great way to bring people together for a common goal to play hard, get better, win, and have fun. Sports are a lot more fun when you are with people you like and having fun with. This has a lot to do with how it is explained in the song. The song is saying that no one measures there life through actual time but they measure it by how they spent it and who they spent it with. This song is also saying live life how you want to because the only one who an control how you live it is yourself.

Taylor wattles

Trevor Stratton said...

People measure a year in life different ways. Most people i'm sure live life by minutes, hours, etc., etc. I measure my year by what I have accomplished during that year. Whether it be good or bad, or spending time with family and friends. This song does a good job explaining that life is short. I think this song says you should live life in the moment and not worry about the future. So make the most of life during the time you have left.

Unknown said...

Different people measure a year in many different years. Personally, i dont measure a year by time. I measure a year by how much iv really lived in an amount of time. I base my measurements on what i do in that time period. how much i hang out with my friends, how much i do things that take work and dedication. I think that the message this song is trying to send is that a year is not measured by time but by the values you experience in life. This song does a great job on telling what really matters in life, which is not time itself but what experiences you have during that time you are given.

Alec Shoems 3rd Hour

Steve Snapp said...

I measure a year in positive things i have done and accomplished. A year passes quicker then you think, and you have to remember the positives. When you think of all you have accomplished in a year it makes it seem longer and more efficient. You can appreciate the goods things in life. Theirs always something positive you can take out of a year whether its big or small. Sometimes the little things in life should be looked at more positively. I think the message in this song is to remember each year differently. Just remember when your in a moment that you want to cherish and hold close to you.

Audrey Beaumarchais said...

I always think about how fragile life really is. The fact that Icould lose anyone you know in a second really makes me really value life. Because of this, I tend to make the most of life always. This does sound really cheesy but it's true. In anyway I can I try to make every experience I have positive even if it begins negative. The message of this song is simple, love. Love others; that is what life is about. It isn't about how much money you have or where you live. It's about spreading love and joy to others. I love the musical RENT by the way.


Brittany Laubscher said...

Their are so many ways you can measure your year. I measure mine by the experiences I go through. Each day its someething new. I just live day by day not thinking about time. I base this measurement on what i go through with the people that matter the most. Like my family and friends, Each experience I go through is with them, because they are the most important. I think the meaning of this song is to ask you and make you think how can you really measure each year? Their is no right or wrong way, its just how you measure your life experiences.

Megan said...

I don't measure a year in minutes or days really, I guess technically speaking, it is based around the school year but that has to do with time. I think what I really measure a year with is the people I spend it with or things I have done. When I think to myself, "that was a good year," or something, it usually has to do with what I did and who I spent the majority of it with. I guess in so many words, I measure it the same way in the song, with love; love for my family and friends. I think the song's message is that the only thing that matters about a year is the love you spread and got in it and not so much the little insignificant things that went on during it. The song is saying that a person's life should be perceived by love and not by events, being if they were good or bad. I think the song was beautiful, and I love the movie it is from. It has a strong message of what is really important in life. I have come to the conclusion that nothing could be more important than love.

Megan Kastelen
3rd hour

Hannah Aittama said...

I would say that I measure a year based off of different experiences I have had. Around New Years every year I look bad on the year and look at things I have done well and what I have accomplished. I also look at the things I want to improve on or do better in the new year. Another way I measure a year is in hockey seasons. In a year one season ends and another starts. I look at what the team before accomplished and then try and get the new team to that level. I think that the message of the song is that you can measure time in your life with different things other than just minutes or hours.

Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour

Emma Flynn said...

Basically, what this song is trying to say is that life can be measured in two different ways. One way could be through the days and the minutes in a year. The other way is to live for the moments in a year. I measure a year by looking back and remembering those moments that come together to create memories. These memories are not always great memories, they can be the tough times. I think about how much I've grown and what I have learned. I think about the experiences I went through, the people I became much closer with and in some cases, the friends I've grown apart from. I try not to live a life measured in minutes, but instead I chose to live for moments.

ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

Once you have, discuss how you measure a year in your life. What do you base this measurement on? What do you think the message of this song is?

Everyone hass a different view on their life and how they measure a year. Personally, i measure it in the amount of success and fun i am having, not love. Yes we love family members, but at this stage in my life, im not out looking for love. I like to have a good time and enjoy myself, making good choices at the same time. This measurement isnt very easy to control or rate. I think that too often i just conform to a 24 hour day, and 365 days in a year. I think i need to look at the memories that i will always have to live with forever. Therefore i believe the message of this song is to cherish the time you have and take back all the memories from it.

Jessica klave said...

I think that people measure a year by what means the most to them. Personally I measure a year by memories I make with my friends and family. Friends and family means the most to me. I think its hard to specifically measure a year. I think the only way to measure a year is if you live it to the fullest and regret nothing.
I think that no one can tell you how to measure your year. So i meausure mine by having fun and making good memories.

A D A M H A H N said...

Everyone measures their life in different ways. To some, a year is counted in seconds, whereas to me it is measured in events and memories. I know whenever I am with friends you dont hear someone say, remember back in 2002 on the 22nd of june?? No, you here people say, remember that party that one summer? I kind of think the message of this song can be interpreted in many ways. It could be seen that it is just asking you what way do you measure a year in your life? It could also be seen as saying that when looking back on a year and judging it, you should remember how much love you got/had in that year and base your judgment off that.

Joey said...

Everyone measures a year in different ways. I measure a year by what season it is. Summer, fall, winter, and spring are all measurements of my year. Some better then others, they still all add up to one year. What I think this video is trying to say is, live a good life. Living a good life is important but also don’t regret anything. It is also trying to say that having a good time throughout your life is essential.

heather horne said...

To me this song is saying don't measure your life by the minutes that go by, but by the experiences that make you, you. It's about living the time we have to the fullest. I measure my life by how far I've come from the year before. Whether it be how much I've improved in tennis, or how much german I have learned. I always want to keep moving forward in life and enjoy it. Life is short and we all need to figure out what it is that we love. Were not going to be able to move as well when were older, so nows the time to live.