Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 8

Remember that your individual research is due on Tuesday. We will not have any more lab time for this portion of the assignment. Next weeks vocab is at the end of the blog.

You have discussed Hamarrabi's Code in World History and some have read it in my class as well. He talks quite a bit about the idea of consequences and really lives to a certain degree with the idea of an eye for an eye. Think about the idea of the death penalty. What are the pro's and con's of this idea in today's society as compared to back in the day? What is your personal opinion on the death penalty and why do you feel this way? Are you more like Hamarrabi or more liberal based on today's world?

Vocab words for next week:

1. alacrity
2. analogous
3. apathy
4. arbitrary
5. avatar
6. baneful
7. beguile
8. beleaguer
9. bolster
10. boreal


Grant said...

The death penalty. There is only one positive thing that come for the death penalty, that is the murderer can not escape from jail. I think the death penalty is wrong. Why should the government get to kill someone because the other person did. My parents always said two worngs dont make a right and i think that applies here. Nothing is right about the death penalty

Dan Calma said...

I think that it's a good idea for today's society, due to the fact that we can prove who it was that commited the crime better than they could back in the day. The pro's are that we don't just kill people to kill them like they did back in the day. And there aren't really any con's because now we can tell if someone is innocent or not. I think the death penalty is a great idea but I think people who murdered someone else should be killed the same way the victim was killed. I feel this way because I strongly believe in Hamarrabi's idea of "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" and karma. I am definitely more like Hamarrabi.

Anonymous said...

The pros of the death penalty are that some people who were a threat to society aren't a threat anymore. It puts people's minds at ease that killers and people like that that could escape from jail won't be doing that. The cons of the death penalty are that its really not right to kill people. I guess people can change and even if they deserve it, they're still getting killed. Back in the day everything was much more severe and the ways that they carried out the death penalty were different. My opinion on the death penalty is that its bad and not the right thing to do. If someone is going to be in jail for the rest of their life, then let them do that because they're the ones that have to live with themselves and what they've done. I beleive that two wrongs don't make a right.

Conner said...

I feel the death penalty is somewhat harsh but at the same time fair, giving it its pros and cons. Some of the good things or pros is the fairness as i said. If someone is to kill someone is found guilty i personally feel that the equal way and how it shall be dealt is to make that person suffer by killing them as well. Maybe people who are very nice and such find that the killer should either get a second chance or even be orgavenbecause it was a mistake. The thing is im sure if someone whom the person that doenst like the death penalty were to be killed, im pretty sure that person would now support it and want all hell on that killer. Then again there are some cons to this. One major being that if you were in the family of the killer or were close friends, you would not want that person to have to suffer the consiquences but maybe just be in jail this way you can still keep in contact with them. Personally, i feel the death penalty whall be enforced everywhere. I feel this way because i know that everyone i hang out with and love would never make a stupid decision like that. But if someone i loved were to be killed i would want that person to suffer as well. If you think that the death penalty isnt right because you question your trust with your loved ones actions, you really need to seek out new friends or get your family help. Comapared to back then, i feel more liberal due to the fact that some of the death penalies and rules were wither very wrong or to strict.


Rachel Kuehn said...

In today's society, the death penelty has become somewhat of a necesity in my mind. I actually think that we are to liberal in that matter. With Hamarrabi's codes in place, people acted civil, and respectful due to the looming fear of punishment if they acted otherwise. In today's society, people aren't afaraid to do terrible things because there is no fear of death because the death penalty is loosing strength. It's all about punishment and reward, or classical conditioning. People will act a certin way based on the natural instinct to avoid punishment and recieve a reward. With no threat of a severe punishment, people will commit sever crimes. Our crime rate would drasticaly decrease if we incorporated the death penalty into our law system more. I am much more like Hamarrabi that i am a liberal, especially in this matter.

Clare Pathe said...

There are many pros and cons for the death penalty. The pros are that people who were a threat to the society will not be a threat anymore. Another pro is that people wont be afraid of that particular person anymore, and are more calm that that person is no longer around. A con is that the persons family has to live with the fact that their son/daughter is no longer around. Also a con is that no one deserves to die, or can get a second chance at life. Back in the day things seemed much more severe and grusome. If someone did something as simple as cheat on their wife/husband then they were put to death. My personal opinion on the death penalty is good in some situations but also bad. Its good because someone that did something really bad, like murdering several people shouldnt be a threat to society anymore. Its also bad because i could never live with the fact that i put someone to death. Im definetly more liberal. I cant ever imagine coming up with the grusome laws that Hamarrabi came up with, im much more nice hearted than that.

Cherie Stoll said...

The pros of the death penatly today are that we don't have to pay for someone to stay in jail their whole life when they are just going to die in prizon anyway. I think that is wasting tax payers money if the penalty is prizon for life with no parole. Also, with the death penalty, there is no chance that the criminal can harm someone else. However, there are also cons of the death penalty, such as the moral wrongness for commiting the same crime as the criminal. The idea of an eye for an eye is kind of hypocritical. We punish people for killing by killing them. As for my personal opinion, I think that the death penalty should be allowed. You have to give a lot of thought on it because it is a very serious matter, and we are dealing with someone's life. When I think about the death penalty, I think about someone I love getting murdered. If this happened, I know I would want the murderer dead. I think that if a person decides to murder or rape, that they make that decision knowing the penatly. When it comes down to it, I think I may be more like Hamarrabi because I think that people should get what they deserve. If the person didn't want to lose their life, then they should have thought about it before they commited the crime.

Tyler McLeod said...

Pro's of the death penalty would be that the person that committed the crime will not be able to take the life of another innocent person. How many times have we seen a convicted killer get out of prison and take another person's life. Another pro of the death penalty would be all the tax payors money that would be saved in housing a convicted killer. Con's of the death penalty would be the taking of a person's life. It seem's cruel to take someone's life; even if they have done something wrong. Someone that has lost a loved one at the hand of another might feel like justice has been served if the killer has been put to death. I would consider myself to be more liberal than in the ancient days of the Hamarrabi. The H. Code's did provide laws that kept society in line; but they seemed to be to harsh. I don't believe an eye for an eye; however, I do believe in just punishment. If a person takes the life of another person they should be in prison for life with no chance of getting out.

Katrina said...

Today, the death penalty is a very controversial topic. Some say that if someone kills another, they should be put to death in return. Thats fair, right? But what happens when someone is put to death under the death penalty and two years down the line you find out they were innocent? That you just wrongfully ended another human life? I know that its rare that this would happen, but it has. I would feel much worse knowing that i put an innocent man to death than have him spend time in prison. So, personally, i dont believe in the death penalty mainlyfor that reason. Overall, i would say i am more liberal based on todays society.

kurtis said...

If you look around todays society isnt that great. i mean we have people stealing cars, breaking into houses, murdering, raping now that the punishment isnt as harsh people like this think they can get away with everything and sometimes they do. now i dont agree with harobi or how ever you spell his name but the harsh punishments he used definently kept citizens in line. If i was to be put to death for say stealing somthing theres no way i would do it. I can garentee the crime rate was way down back then.

Anonymous said...

The death penalty, right or wrong? It's both in my opinion. I say this because while it has a lot of cons it also has a lot of pros too. Like for instance: while it makes sure that the guilty are punished it may also punish the innocent at times too. Those that deserve it should get the death penalty, but the innocent should not. It's a faulty system but it does have some merit. Today's world is much different. We put people on trial and put them in jail depending on whether they're innocent or guilty. Sometimes we put the innocent in jail and let the guilty go free. So, in a way, both systems are faulty, but then again, isn't a lot of things in this world like that?

James Richardson
3rd hour

Hannah Aittama said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hannah Aittama said...

The death penatly is a very serious concequence. The pros of it are that if they used it more frequently, some people might not do some crimes if they knew they were going to die if they got caught. But some cons are that it is so serious and you would have to make sure the person is 100% guilty before using it. I agree with Hamarrabi in one way, and thats if you murder someone, I think you should have to do the death penalty. I think its unfair when people kill other people but they still get to live even though they ended someone elses life. I just feel like in that case peoples punishment for their action should be more severe, because its not like a little crime like stealing something. And thats why I think that if someone murdered someone they should have to serve the death penalty.

Hannah Aittama
2nd hour

Wilbur2381 said...

the death penatly has been a very controversial topic for as long as i can remember. people belive that America is on a second chance system but i believe that for certain people that it is not. some of the pro's to the death penatly is that i gets people who did horrific things out of the prisions acrossed America, which in return might help because there has been an increase in crime in prisons for the past ten years. some of the con's to it are that the so called "system" is not always right and sometimes unfortunatly the innocent are excecuted. i feel that the death penalty should be enforced on people who have murdered, or raped a child, or have been convicted with DUI manslaughter. i chose the death penalty because i believe that the world should be safer than it is today. we always here these amber alerts, and stories on the news about 2 teens being gunned down and it is rediculous because on the news we never here anything good about this world. i think that i am kind of in between the two ideas because on one hand i feel if you do something wrong then you deserve a second chance, but on the other hand if you do something that is unforgiveable than you should be punnished to the fullest exstent.

Will Michaels 2nd hour

ehhhkatieeex said...

The death penalty is a hugh deal. The pro's of the death penalty are the people who killed another person can never do it again. The con's of the death penalty are that they might not catch the right criminal. The pro's and con's have changed alot since back when Hamarrabi made the rules of what happened to people. I think the death penalty is a good idea. If someone kills some one else the criminal shouldn't be able to live either. Just like eye for an eye, they should be killed too. The criminal should not be sentenced to life in prison. If people knew they would be put to death then maybe the number of murders would go down.

Katlin Gotshaw
3rd hour.

Anonymous said...

I beleive that with everything going on in the world today, the death penalty is a good way to punish certain people. Now the death penalty is not always warranted. If there is someone who kills one person whether it be intentional or not then that person does not deserve the death penalty. I do however, beleive that mass murderers, serial killers, and serial rapists, do deserve the death penalty. I beleive that the death penalty is something that is necessary some of the people that are around today. I beleive that if somebody has it coming, to give it to them. Think about it, if a man who killed 5 or more people, and one of those people happened to be your close relative or friend, would you still want him to be alive? I think that the death penalty is a nescessary punishment and really helps our society

Samantha Tedder said...

I don't believe there are any pros of the death penalty. I am completely against it. The gov't has no right to kill a guilty person. Once someone dies by the death penalty, it would make you think it causes a circle of deaths. A person murders someone, said person gets sentenced to the death penalty, then the person that kills the person sentenced gets a free ride to legally kill someone. Which, I believe, it totally wrong. Everyone has their own beliefs of it, and thats mine. The death penalty is wrong, and should be illegal in all states. So, I guess I'm liberal in todays society.

Jamie Diehr said...

Personally i don't believe that there are any pro's to the death penalty. Although, if anyone is put under the death penality in today's society, it is because they really deserve it. Back in the day, the death penalty was used for the most silly things. In the present, we know ways to deal with those problems that could have happend in the past a more mature and understandable way. I think that I am more libral based on todays world because most consiquences are reasonable in some way or another. It could also be the fact that I grew up in this society and that is how it has always worked for me. Im pretty sure that if I grew up in Hamarrabi's time period, then I would think differently than i do now.

Hunter White said...

I like the idea of the death penalty. There are some really screwed up people in todays society. Now that we have all this technology it's easy for us to solve cases. I highly think killing someone for killing is perfectly right. I would not rather pay a murderer to live in jail the rest of his life. I also would have to say they need to be killed because there such a threat to anyone. Pros: The murderer is off the street.
We don't pay for him to live out his wrongfull life. Cons: Two wrongs don't make a right. There could be a slight chance he was innocent.

Alec Shoemaker said...

I think that the most positive thing about the death penalty is that the mass murderer is done after one. He is done after one because instead of being put in jail and have only serving for a while, he will never come out. I think the death penalty is wrong, they shud not be allowed to just execute someone because they made a stupid choice. I have to completely disagree with having a death penalty. It is dumb.

Anonymous said...

I understand the concept of "An eye for an eye", and sometimes I agree with it. However, this is not the case when it comes to someones life. No one should have the right to take anothers life, even if the accused have killed someone. In my mind, when it comes to death or jail, death is the better option. Would you rather die, or spend the remainder of your life in a 9 by 5 cell with a guy named Bubba. Or worse yet, spend it completely alone. It is in my opinion, that the people who commiit murder should spend the rest of their life in solitary confinement. They should not be allowed to have any humna contact whatsoever. Just a room to themselves for the rest of their lives. How horrible would that be? No human contact what-so-ever. Back in the day, the death penalty may have been considered fair, and I can see why people think that they should lose their life, if they take anothers. That is just not the way I think. In all honesty, I think my punishment for those who have commited murder is worse than death. People trapped with only themselves to live with, would literally go insane. It would drive them crazy. Maybe its harsh, but I dont think so. Let them lose their minds. They deserve it. That should be their punishment. Not death. Death is to nice.

Steve Snapp said...

The death penalty is a lot different then it was in the past. Throughout history different consequences have been a lot more brutal then todays penalties. Some pros for the death penalty is that people that deserve it get it. Some crimes today deserve the death penalty just as some crimes in the past. I agree that the death penalty is right for todays society because if you take a life as a crime you should have to give your life. Plus some people don't learn and just do it again. So to prevent them from hurting anyone else's families they should either be locked up for life or given the death penalty. For the Hamarrabi code i really don't think they deserve that brutal punishment so i would have to go with the urban day death penalty.

Cody Kabisa said...

I somewhat agree with Hamarrabi in todays society. Some of his consequences are a little extreme, but the eye for an eye is one that I agree with. I mostly agree with the death penalty in todays society. I think the death penalty can be a bad thing because if someone is charged with murder, but they actually didn't commit the crime, then it is just killing an innocent person. For the most part, I think the death penalty is a good thing. Instead of letting a murderer sit in prison and get fed, he should be killed. If the person he killed didn't get the chance to live, then neither should he.

Cody Kabisa
2nd hour

Andrew Melton said...

Pros of the death penalty are that the person receiving the death penalty gets what they deserve. Wether for murdering someone or causing a great deal of pain to someone. Cons of the death penalty are that the person doesnt get all of what they deserve, i beleive that they should be put through exactly what they put other people through, so that they can feel the pain and suffering they caused other people. But compared to back in the day, the pros and cons are completley differnet, because the laws were mostly based on rank. So if someone such as a slave were to argue with the highest rank like a scribe, or preist then the slave would be given the death penalty. In my personal opinion i dont think the death penalty is a good effective way to take care of justice. I mean its a good way to teach the person a lesson, but not one theyll learn. I think that they should have to go through exactly what they put others through, so they will get set straight and never hurt others and make them suffer. Im more liberal based on todays world.

Audrey Beaumarchais said...

The death penalty is a very controversial topic in our world today. There are many different view points. Some say the death penalty is completely necessary because they think it is the only fair puishment for someone who commits a homicide. Others have a very different side. They say, why do it? What is the point? It doesn't bring the victim back to life. I think that the death penalty should not be used as a punishment for our law community today. For one, if a criminal is put to death for commiting a homicide and five years later is found innocent, how could we pay the victims family/friends back for their loss? Another reason is I think that life in prison is a worse punishment. Although you are still living the conditions are harsh and you have a lot of time to think; maybe about your crime commited or your past actions. I know laws have been changed over the years, but our Constitution does not state that if a man kills another he should be killed. It just doesn't make sense. Killing is wrong so why would the government choose to kill someone after they commited the homicide. It's like the government is breaking its own law. I am more liberal than Hamarrabi and stand for fair punishment with proper choices.


Alanna Nagi said...

There are many pros and cons for having a death penalty. Some pros are, it'll make people think before they do. If there was a death penalty and it was broadcasted to the country, people wouldn't want to die, so it'll stop them from doing something wrong. As for the cons, I agree fully with Cherie. Killing people for killing someone is hypocritical. It's like saying "Since you chose to take one's life, we chose to take your life." I don't think it's right. Even though they killed someone, I think that they should be sentenced to jail, so they have to live with themselves for the rest of their lives. As for my personal opinion, I'm in between the Hammarrabi, and today's liberal world to a certain extent. I believe that you should only be sentenced to the death penalty if it's absolutely necessary. This is because if our society kills someone for killing another, were making us look bad, and it's seems like were just trying to get back at them for what they did. If the murder was like a mass murder then they should be sentenced to death, because they could have killed possibly over 10 people.

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Sean said...

The idea of the death penalty, to me, is not a good one. I agree with grant that two wrongs dont make a right. I believe their are no pro's to this idea compared to back in the day. As for the negatives, I dont think anyone shoud get killed for a wrong doing, no matter how severe. I think the person should just get a life sentence over the death penalty because then the person would have to live in prison all their life. Hamarrabi not only loved the death penalty, he was creative with it. He used the death penalty on things like breaking an entry. The punishment was that the theif were to be killed and laid to rest at that persons home. Im more liberal based because I believe a person should never be killed for their sins, but they shouldnt be granted their freedom back. Freedoms a privilage and should be taken seriously.


Tayler Chase said...

I think the death penalty is good but only in some cases. If someone kills someone else I think they should be killed themselves in the same way they killed the other person. The pro's of this is that it might help reduce violence. Some of the con's are that you never know if someone is telling the truth these days. Everyone would try and lie to cover everything up. I'm sure they did that back then too but it would be easier to get the truth out of them then. Also a lot of people would protest that, they would say it was inhumain and not right. I think people should get what they deserve. So,i agree more with Hamarrabi's code.

Priscilla Call said...

There pro's about the death penalty. If someone does get sentenced to death, then they are no longer a threat to society, and no one has to worry about them breaking the law again. There are also many con's about the death penalty as well. When you are killing someone for killing someone to show people that killing someone is wrong, it doesn't really make any since. It's like the saying "two wrongs doesn't make it right". If you want to show someone that what they did was wrong you don't just kill them. In my opinion I don't agree with the death penalty. To me it just seems like a never ending circle. I would consider myself more liberal based on today's world, in the sense that I don't believe in harsh punishment.

Joey said...

I believe the death penalty could be good or bad for our society. One pro about the death penalty is, killing people that are a harm to the society. Another one is, to show people that the death penalty is a serious thing. One con about the death penalty is that if you kill the person they don’t really learn from there mistake. Also they don’t have to suffer like people today going to jail. My personal idea of the death penalty is that I believe our society needs it today but only for specific crimes. Crimes that people need to be exucuted for.

beattiex33 said...

The death penalty is given to those who have done a bad crime that deserves death. Do they really deserve it? I don't think so. The time period we live in today still goes with the saying “An eye for an eye”, but only with certain crimes. I think that they should not put anyone to death unless they die from natural happening. “Two wrongs don’t make a right”, so, if you kill someone because of a crime, what did they learn? They died, therefore they didn’t learn anything. That goes for anyone else set up next to the plate. I don’t think that the death penalty is right. Compared to the past, I think that we should have learned from it. People kept doing the crime and still got more and more body parts chopped off, so what did they gain with the death penalties? Really, the only plus to the death penalty now, is that it’s cheaper for us to give someone the death penalty compared to a life sentence because it comes out of our taxes to pay for that person’s life sentences. I, defiantly, am more liberal based on today’s world.

Lauren Beattie
3rd Hour

Katlyn said...

I dont really thinhk the death penalty is right at all. Why should they get to decide if the person dies or not. I think the only thing thats good for that is if it is a mass murderer.My parents also have always told me that 2 wrongs dont make a right. If someone like did something really bad then i guess the death penalty is ok to use. Back in the day they had the death penalty for really stupid things. I tink that is just wrong.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd HOur

Emma Flynn said...

The death penalty is a very tricky subject with many pros and cons. One pro of the death penalty is that crime rates will be very low because its such a higher punishment than going to jail. One con might be the fact that people make mistakes and sometimes blame the wrong person for committing the crime. My personal opinion on the death penalty is that in certain situations the death penalty should be allowed. I believe this for many reasons. One is that people have to pay tax money to keep people in prisons. The prisons are getting really full and people could escape and be a danger to the world. I kind of believe in the theory of an eye for eye because if someone kills someone you love, they should die too. To some degree, I am more like Hamarrabi where I believe in an eye for eye instead of liberals who think that people deserve second chances.

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

What are the pro's and con's of this idea in today's society as compared to back in the day? What is your personal opinion on the death penalty and why do you feel this way? Are you more like Hamarrabi or more liberal based on today's world?
I think that the death penelty should be in effect in this society. If u murder some one then you should be killed. If you kill someone by accident you should not be kill. The pros are that it gets the scum off the street. The cons is that if you are innocent you get killed anyway. I like the death penelty. If you dont like it then dont kill anyone. Duh! I am probly more like Hammorabi cuz i like things to be equal. I know he wasn set on men and wemon being equal but still. I like equality cuz things in my life are not always equal and i would like them to be.
ZAck Ruffin

JK said...

John Kent

The death penalty seems to have been around since the early human societies, and it is still here today. The modern day death penalty has changed from the barbaric communities to the more civilized societies. There are pro’s and con’s to the death penalty in this area. A con of the death penalty is that if you are wrongly accused and years later it is found that you didn’t do the crime, your dead, they can’t say sorry and let you out of prison. Another is that it takes so long to execute someone because the list is so long it would be several years before it happens. The only pro that I can think of is to intimidate people from not committing such crimes that would be put on the death list. My opinion on the death penalty is to be on a organ donor list and you would be on the list until you die, so you are serving humanity.

A D A M H A H N said...

The death penalty of today's society is much different than Hamarrabi's death penalty. Some pros of the death penalty in today's society are that it is done by lethal injection usually, so the person being put to death dies peacefully instead of painfully. Also, the death penalty today is better because you dont just automatically get sentenced to it, you have a chance to be proven innocent before being thrown into a river. Personally, I still feel that the death penalty is just wrong period. I mean is it really going to teach a person anything if you just kill them for killing someone else? Probably not. But, put them in jail for 3 life sentences, and Im sure that will teach them something. So in my opinion, I am definitely more liberal based on today's world.

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

i would think that the only thing good about the death penalty. That woule be, if someone got cought doing something bad. Or bad person they would be locked up in jail and you would have to worrie about they doing anything to you. Its not like how it used to be. people dont just kill people for a small thing. now we invesgate it find out the real truth and then that person will get punshied. I think the death penalty is wrong unless you killed someone yourself. i would think i would be more like hamarrabi.

Anonymous said...

The death penalty today is much different then it was in the past. The pro's and con's of the death penalty today compared to back in the day, havechanged alot in some ways. The pro's of the death penalty are that if someone commits a murder which is taking sumones life, they should have theirs taken as well. This prevents criminals from getting out from jail and repeating their offense, because many don't learn their lesson. Another pro of the death penalty is that it puts the victims family to rest knowing that the person who killed their loved one won't be back. Some con's to the death penalty is that two wrongs don't always make a right. Sometimes i believe it is truely a mistake or something, tey should be put to death as well. I think i am more liberal based on todays world because Hamarrabi's rules were so harsh.

Mike said...

I think the eye for an eye technique is a pretty good idea (to an extent) in today's society. If someone else commits murder on purpose, they should be put to death. However, if it was an accident, then they should only server jail time/whatever the judge see's fit. Another example is if someone steals something and sells it or breaks it, they should reimburse the owner of the item to the full price and what he sold it for. I am kind of in the middle of Hammurabi and liberal. I think I lean mostly towards Hammurabi.

mikki said...

Religous people believe its wrong to kill anyone no matter what. Even if the murdered was a murderer. Its the morals, also the fact why should we kill to prove killing is wrong. I believe that the death penalty is a fair punishment, depepnding on if it was premeditated, also details and amount of murders. A murderer doesnt have the right to live after taking someones life if you ask me. The person being murdered had no choise to die, we should let the murderer feel the same way.

Mikki Nosek