Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Day 16

We continue to try and understand the inner workings of Lord of the Flies. Make sure you have read through chapter 6 by Friday. If you are doing Post Its, make sure they are completed on Friday as I will not give points for Post Its past Friday.

For this evening, ponder the following and answer the questions:

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence."


What does the quote mean? Give me examples in your life or in world history where this may be true. What is the problem if we do not rally against this type of thinking?


kristen said...

This quote means that when we do something that is morally wrong, we lose a part of our inocence. When we are born we have a clean slate. However, as we grow up we do more and more evil things. When you are young, you don't just jump into murdering someone. They are gradual steps that we take. As we take these steps, we lose more and more of our inocence. At the lecture at the beginning of the year, we talked about how no one would lock their doors and children can play wherever. Now things have changed, we must watch our every step. People now are willing to steal, murder, and kidnap. You can see that we made this change gradually thoughout history in America. It's kind of like America lost its innocence. The problem with this though, is that America is still loosing its innocence. More and more crimes have been going on and it makes it seem like it may be extremely dangerous in America.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.

Anonymous said...

This quote reminds me of another saying that every one has heard, "Two wrongs dont make a right". I believe that when you are a young child, you are innocent, you never mean to be harmful in anything that you do. As we get older, we realize that there are certain situations were it is necessary to retaliate against people that do us wrong, or we may think it is necessary. As we grow older, and more things that aren't right happen to us, we start doing things that aren't right, and the innocence that unified us as children slowly dwindles away. A serial killer dosent just emerge from the blue, he knows what he is doing and that it is wrong. As a child a serial killer is innocent, he helps his parents, always means well, and never means any harm. As he grows older, things happen to him and he feels the need to get revenge, and there goes his innocence. As more and more people emerge like this in America, America is losing its innocence. Everybody in the world does something morally wrong at some point, its when people start doing these things and knowing that what they are doing is wrong, that they lose their innocence.

Wilbur2381 said...

This quote means that revenge is not the answer and it will bite you in the ass if you commit something in retaliashion. A prime example of somebody losing their innocence because of revenge is the United States because back on 911 we immedietly retaliated against Afganistan and Iraq. After we sent our troops into Iraq the US immediatly was criticized and we loss our innocence when we tried to take control. An example that happened to me was back a couple of years when some kid egged my house after an argument we were in. So the next day i beat the hell out of him and thought i fixed the problem. What ended up happening is i did what i wanted to do but ever since i beat his ass some parents around my neighborhood have looked at me the same, i think i loss some of my innocence after trying to get revenge. If we keep believing that revenge is a good solution to most things, then our society is going to suffer dramastically. I think that the true moral of this quote is that if we do not change our mindset when it comes to revenge then the world will absolutly go insane.

Will Michaels 2nd hour

kurtis said...

The quote means revenge is not a good thing. When we take our revenge we lose our innesence because revenge is a form of evil,i believe. I use revenge all the time i guess a good example would be like if my little brother does somthing that gets on my nerves i do somthing back to get even , but somtimes it can backfire.the quote wen we take revenge against another we lose some of our inecense. i think its just like saying to wrongs dont make a right. but when we are surrounded by these feelings we dont think about the consequence

Dan Calma said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence."


I think the qoute means if we do something that may feel right but is morally wrong our reputation is damaged and we lose some of our sanity and humanity, in a sense. For example I was always made fun of in elementary school, so I took revenge on the kids who made fun of me. As I started doing that I started becoming more and more desensetized to myself and my surroundings. And in history when people started to become desensetized to an extreme point they started doing morally wrong things that got worse and worse untill they lost all of their sanity and humanity. And in times of depressions just as we have now people become desperate and do morally wrong things but they feel like its right. When people are in bad situations they get desperate, and when they get desperate they do anything to support themselves and their family. If we don't rally against this kind of thinking more people will still take those steps that eventually leads to someone becoming a criminal or worse.

ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence."


What does the quote mean? Give me examples in your life or in world history where this may be true. What is the problem if we do not rally against this type of thinking?

This quote means that if someone does something to you, and you seek back at them your wrong. You lose that innoncence when you strike back with something thats normally against your morals. No matter if your following the eye for an eye, your still wrong. It relates to the quote two wrongs dont make a right. My example of this was very recent, as of last year. A few people were messing with me and getting on my nerves. Once i continued to seek revenge and retaliate, i was at fault as well. Now, i think for whatever they did, i shouldnt have done what i did. I probablly should have brushed it off like it was nothing, but sometimes thats gets really old.

Cherie Stoll said...

This quote means that when you take revenge on someone else, that revenge takes away some of your innocence. Revenge involves anger, which taints someone's innocence who has never had these angry thoughts before. It puts destructive and sometimes evil thoughts into a mind that once was free of these thoughts. An example of this in my life is when I get angry with my sister and want revenge. When she does something bad to me, I want to get revenge so she does'nt get away with what she did to me. This takes away some of my innocence, because I was not forgiving of my sister and instead used anger. Another example of this in history is when someone uses revenge against another and it results in death. These types of thinking taint our minds of what is the right thing to do, untill we no longer know right from wrong. If we do not rally against this type of thinking, then revenge will taint all of our thinking, and we wont fight against what is wrong.

beattiex33 said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence" by Patrice Redd Vecchione means that sometime when you take revenge against someone that you might do something to loose some of your innocents. In some cases, people don’t even mean to loose innocence, they just do out of anger. In history, wars have caused this quote to be true. When wars began, people sometimes did things that caused them to look less innocent and more dangerous to the opponent. With WWII, countries that would be considers “neutral”, sometimes took sides and did things that caused them to loose their innocence through the war. If we do not rally against this type of thinking then we couldn’t realize that sometimes loosing your innocents happens. Loosing your innocents could be prevented if you act smart and not take revenge against someone in a negative way. All, in all, I think the quote means that loosing your innocence can happen because of the ways people take revenge against each other.

Lauren Beattie
3rd Hour

Hunter White said...

I think this quote means that if we use our anger to be vindictive we will loose a part of our true selves. I think this also means don't be revengeful to others because it's just wrong. An example of my life would be if someone punched me or hit me etc, I would do it in return to be equal with them. This quote states that if I was to do this I would loose a bit of my innocence. A time in history where this happened was in the war in Iraq. Most enlisted soldiers went over there to get there revenge on the Iraqi people. Most of them still try to. I think the major problem would be trying to get people to stay on track if this was not stopped. I think most people would be constantly hurting others just because they have a reason.

Jamie Diehr said...

The quote by Patrice Redd Vecchione is refering that once you take revenge on someone else, you no longer are the good guy. Most of the time revenge is caused by anger or determination in a negative way. This can trigger emotions to take over and cause damage some way or another. By doing so, you lose some of your innocence. Once you become like the one you are getting revenge on, it makes you just like them, therefore, you lose your innocence.
For example, in the movie Mean Girls, Catie becomes exactly like the girl she hates while getting revenge on her. At the end of the movie she relizes that calling someone stupid doesn't make her any smarter, and calling someone ugly doesn't make her any prettier. This movie may be nonfiction, but the concept is very true for everyday life.

Tyler McLeod said...

This quote means that we are all born innocent (without guilt of any wrong doing). As we go through life we get angry at situations that we come across. When we decide to deal with our anger with retailation we lose our innocence. Ex. On the bus a kid kept saying mean things to me and making fun of me; out of anger we got in a fight. Fighting because I was angry made me less innocent. Ex. When the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. This act of retaliation harmed a lot of innocent people& the U.S. lost their innocence in the eyes of other nations and people. If we do not rally against this kind of thinking our societies morals will come into question. Acting on anger and causing hurt & destruction has a high price to pay. If we are not able to channel our anger in other ways people get hurt. If the U.S. doesn't stop this way of thinking more and more countries will not stand by us when we need help defending ourselves.

Grant said...

For this evening, ponder the following and answer the questions:

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence."


What does the quote mean? Give me examples in your life or in world history where this may be true. What is the problem if we do not rally against this type of thinking?

To me this quote means that when we if something that is wrong, now we guilty and cant take it back. As we grow older and older,we keep doing the worng thing. As we do more of the worng thing we lose more of our inocence. The problem is that people don't know when to stop. People will kill, steal, and sell drugs for a single dollar taking our country inocence away.

Becca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clare Pathe said...

This qoute means when you seek revenge against someone, that revenge is taking away some of your innocence. Revenge is involved with anger and being vindictive. Basically what it is saying is that revenge is no good, and nothing good can come from it. Revenge destroys inncocence because the individual is seeking angry thoughts against someonelse. An example i can think of in my life is if a friend does something mean to me, then i am quick to seek revenge against them. Because of this, i am losing my innocence for wanting something bad to happen to them in return. Same goes with history, if someone seeks revenge against someoelse, like in wars, and it causes death, than that persons innocence is gone. The problem with this is, is that if we dont rally aginast them then it can get way out of hand and we couldnt controll it.

Becca said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence."


The quote above is telling us that when we take revenge on someone else we are hurting ourselves as well. This quote can be true in many different circumstances. For example, if a person were to kill someone else, somebody might want to get revenge on that person by hurting them. If that person were to get revenge, they would most likely feel guilty and not be as good of a person as they were before. Another example would be 9/11. The people behind it held the belief that they were
wronged by the US presence in Afghanistan so they planned revenge against the US
in our territory. Now, no one would believe those men had any innocence left in them.
Then it was our turn to exact revenge- hence the Iraq War. Now they are exacting
more revenge in the guise of roadside bombs. Revenge can go on forever. Losing your innocence can also mean losing a good part of yourself. If we do not rally against this type of thinking, the problem is that more and more people will lose their innocence and hurt others as well. In conclusion, taking revenge on someone else not only hurts them, but you also hurt yourself.

Becca Need
3rd Hour

Conner said...

When i read this woute i understood it like that due to this being a big thing in my life. To broudin this quote, i feel it means that when we feel that someone maybe our own friend decides to spark an argument putting one in the place of trouble, the other feels the need to bring other things up. Things such as dirt on you may be brougt up if you are to accuse someone of something, giving the argument a turn. Knowing this you always want to becarful of what you say because the person you are arguing with may know things about you and are afraid to say something.

In my life, as i said before, many situations have come up were i open my mouth and i get turned on. For instance with my brother. I have been into argumments as simple as a figth over a video game were he wants to play it and my stupid mouth opens and says no. From here i regret that, giving my brother the opportunity to say something like well how come conner can say that when he didnt do his home work. i know its stupid but i just need to learn to keep my mouth shut and give no one a reason to say anything.


Cody Kabisa said...

I think this quote means that when we take revenge, we are just as bad as the person/thing that sparked the argument/conflict. Even if someone does something horrible, if you seek revenge, then you are just as bad as they are. This is a hard thing to overcome for everyone. When someone pisses us off, its a natural reaction to get fired up and want to insult them. Insulting them feels good at the moment, but you might regret it later. This has happened many times in my life because I dont think before i open my mouth when im pissed. When I'm in an argument with my sister, I'll sometimes say things that I dont really mean and feel kinda bad later on.

Cody Kabisa
2nd hour

Chloe Martin 6th said...

This quote is saying that anger can lead us to do things, that normally we shouldn't be doing. Also a part of innocence is being naive and trusting, when something leads you to take vengeance your already losing some of your innocence. your already putting walls around your self to protect yourself. Also a part of innocence is being forgiving, if your seeking vengeance on someone, you obviously didn't forgive them. For example back in like middle school when i had a friend talk about me behind my back, well it pissed me off. And in a sense i had vengeance i would talk about how big of an ass that person was. Eventually my friend apologized but i still haven't fully forgave him. this is something to rally against because revenge keeps fights going on longer than they need to be, because your holding on to something, you should have forgiven(most of the time)

mikki said...

This qoute means that no matter how mad someone can make you, you should not stoop to thier level. When you get to that point you begin to lose your morals and act just like them. You start to become more like the people you want revenge on and lose your innocence. At one time in my life i had the best friend ive ever had. She did something very messed up and for a few months i would get revenge over and over again. After awhile i was just like her. Go figure i became bestfriends with her for a following 2 years. We were just alike and we i guess could say, were the ones not to piss off (not proud or bragging.) I lost all my innocence being her bestfriend. Were not friends anymore lets just say. That qoute is saying that getting revenge just drags you down, not make you happier. If more people would realize this there would be less problems. It wouldnt solve everything but help majorly.

Mikki Nosek

Alanna Nagi said...

I believe that this quote means, when we do something that is going against your parents, the law, and the school, you can never get it back. Like how Kristen said we are born with a clean slate, we are born with a clean start, and if you drink, do drugs, steal, kidnap, murder, and other adolescent stuff, there's no turning back. However, this just doesn't happen in one day. Usually people gradually work there way up. They start with something small like stealing, or cheating on a test, then eventually work their way up to something big. Although people may never reach the point of something huge, they could just stick with the little stuff, but even the littlest things count. I'm not going to lie, I have cheated on a test, quiz, and homework before, but even with doing that, I lost some innocence, because I wasn't honest. Even though it's just cheating, it's wrong because then I didn't get the grade that I deserved. The problem with losing the innocence though is that, still to this day were losing it more and more as a country. With all the crimes, kidnappings like the girl who was kidnapped for 18 years, and the incident at Virgina Tech with the student killing many his peers, we've lost innocence. Were not the country that we used to be when our parents, and grandparents were growing up. Times have changed drastically. Everyday, our country America, is becoming less and less safe.

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Eric Tamm said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence." This quote is saying that if you try to get revenge, you may be doing something wrong or sinful, so your perfect innocent record is going to be ruined. Therefore, you lose some of your innocence. An example in my life is if my friends take something of mine, I will want to take something of theirs. However, this is wrong becasue it involves stealing, and you should never steal, even if someone else does it first. In history this can happen when someone doesn't agree with someone else's moral and they try to kill them. They will lose some of their innocence if they do that. If we don't rally against this type of thinking, we will all be not so innocent and the world won't be as good of a place to live for all of us.

Sean Suehr said...

The quote "When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence.", means that when we exact revenge on somebody then we lose part of our innocence. By taking revenge on somebody we are stooping to their level, and that is just as bad as being the person that harmed you in some way. Back in elementary school there was always a kid that picked on me because i had huge ears, so one day i straight up punched him in the face; nobody wanted to talk to me because of that because they were all scared that I was going to hit me. So while i did get the bully to stop bothering me, I became feared and lost friends. Now if we do not rally against this behavior, we have people with no morals that go around punching people in the face. Which could pose as a potential problem.

Anonymous said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence." I believe that this quote is true because revenge can be a very bad thing, and once experienced, you can never go back. It means that once you take revenge on someone or even feel revengeful, then you can never be in that innocent frame of mind where everyone is a friend. Revenge is a form of evil and can really affect other people around you. An example from my life is when me and my brothers are in fights and take revenge on each other. Everything will be going just fine until we piss each other off and then its like a war. Were trying to do things to get the other one into trouble. It really a bad thing because although its not as crazy as some things going on in the world, we are still hurting each other and wishing bad things on one another which is not good. If people don't rally against this type of thinking, bad things like violence and crime can happen. When you hate someone so much that you want to see them hurt or have bad things happen to them, the feeling can overcome you and make you do something really stupid like killing or another serious crime.

Steve Snapp said...

This quote express that if we do something wrong we lose the sense of innocence because we know its wrong. To want revenge is something everybody has deep down. Some people choose to take action against revenge in which it is wrong. People that have revenge but don't retaliate becomes the better person. An example of revenge in life could be a person that does something that effects you life badly and you do it back your just as bad as the person that did it to you. If we were not to rally about this type of thinking then its basically letting people know that its o.k. Its o.k take action towards revenge when its really not.

A D A M H A H N said...

This quote is saying getting revenge on someone, makes you look just as bad as the person that you are getting revenge on. This quote relates directly to me very recently. If someone on the football field gets a cheap shot on me, and talks crap to me, I usually make sure the next play I kill them and talk some smack back. So, I too am at fault for taking revenge and doing something wrong back. The problem is if we dont rally against this kind of thinking, people will start to get out of hand with their retaliations. As each person tries to one up each other and get better revenge on the next, they get more and more carried away from their innocence and become machines focused on only revenge. This kind of thinking can change people completely, pull them away from their morals, and make them do things they normally wouldn't, things they know are wrong.

nicole k said...

his quote is saying that revenge doesn't get you anywhere except into more trouble. that you lose some of your innocence. we when are younger we are innocent and as we grow we can mess that up. a murder is innocent as a child and as they grow they start to do bad and wrong things and relies what they are doing is wrong. they slowly lose it till they end up losing it all. it starts with him getting hurt by others and wanting to get back at them, feeling the urge to get revenge. things have changed in the world and people are losing their innocences because they can be forced into it. they can be forced into it by stealing because they dont have enough money to buy things. the world isn't as good and innocent as it should be anymore and we need to start to change that.

Trevor Stratton said...

This qoute means that if you want revenge no matter what kind, whether it be a small prank, to a murder, you will no longer be innocent. Once you commit a crime of any sort, no matter how innocent you were before the crime, you are no longer innocent.Whe you are younger you are innocent. You can get away with certain things because you don't realize it is wrong. As we get older though we are able to distinguish wat will make us evil. If we don't learn to control our anger we will be driven to get revenge on every little thing. We need to control our rage. If we don't how will we be helping to fight all the anger in the world.

Andrew Melton said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innnocence," means that whenever a good person takes revenge or acts our of revenge they lose innocence. Its almost like whenever someone gets picked on and they stoop down to their level. When i was younger and someone made me mad or made fun of me, i always tried to get back at them, which made me look worse. Most of the time it was because the other person wouldnt get caught. If we dont rally against this type of thinking then there will be many problems because there wont be consiquences for those who make decisions out of revenge. There wont be consiquences for those who cause others to make decisions out of revenge. This quote could also relate to karma. People who act from revenge make themselves less liked and seem like a worse person every time they do it.

Jake F said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence."


This quote revenge isnt doing the right thing. Revenge is not a good thing, revenge involes anger. I think this quote means that when we take revenge, the innocence isnt there, the conflict is on you. Just because someone oes smething that hurts you doesnt mean revenge is the right thing to do. Revenge is never there right thing.

Jake F 2nd hour

Jessica klave said...

You lose some of you innocence because revenge is vindictive. Revenge is a conscious act of maliciousness, and if you purposely seek to get back at someone, you lose a sense of innocence. A real life example of revenge could be, if someone teepees your house and you figure out who it is, you would want to get back at that person and do something back twice as bad. Two wrongs don’t make a right. If someone isn’t going to step forward and be the bigger person to stop the vicious cycle, then our world would be filled with hatred.

ehhhkatieeex said...

The quote "When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence." By Patrice Redd Vecchinone means in doing so we most likely break the laws. Without law to protect us society would break down creating total choas in the streets. Lynch mobs of the old west would reappear. People woild shot each other for stupid reasons. No one would be safe to live their lide as the like. Crime rates would skyrocket out of control. Innocent people wpwould get hurt and even killed if we allowed this to happen. If no one had innocence then no one would be safe.

Katlin Gotshaw
3rd Hour.

Chris L. said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence." by Patrice Redd Vecchione can be interpreted in several ways. I however believe that what the author is trying to say, is that when we are young, we are innocent. We have no sense of right or wrong, and when we have issues with other people, we can get right back up, and start playing with them again. When we start to ponder revenge against another person, we start to think in a different way. We no longer think that we both made a mistake, but that THEY made a mistake. When I was younger, I remember that kids got revenge on others quite often. One kid would get another into trouble, and the next day, they would be hurt by the one who they caused trouble with. The problem here is not caused by anything but the human brain; A person gets angry, they want to get revenge. This is something that will never change in us, but we must try our best to control our emotions.

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

Well I think this quote means that tOeing revenge is just doing what had been done to you. It makes you no better thatn the other person. If you were innoccent and you got punched by this bully and he knocked you out. You didn't do anything but you still got punched. If you go and knock him out for revenge you are no longer innoccent. Like when my friends brother broke his my friends iPod for know reason, he just Chucked it on the ground. So my friend was innocent. Then he wanted revenge so he went and broke his brothers Ipod. He no longer is innocent wen he desired to retaliate. I really don't get this part. I think it is trying to say if we look at things in the way of revenge then we will never be the only one at falt.
Zack Ruffin

Brittany Laubscher said...

I think this quote means that taking revenge is wrong. Innocence means being without moral wrong, and pure. If you give revenge you lose your innocence. Even though someone might have done sothing to you, you dont have to get back at them. For example, two wrongs dont make a right. If my family or friends hurt me by doing something unnecessary, that doesnt give me the right to do the same. Everyone eventually does something that takes away their innocence. But you can always avoid most wrongful situations by thinking before acting.

Unknown said...

This quote means that when we do something that is wrong we lose innocence. When we are born, we start with a clean slate. However, as we grow up we have evil thrust upon us. When you are young you don't just come into this world wanting to kill someone. There are guidelines and rules that we must follow in order to learn to do the right things. As we take these steps our innocence starts to fade away. Everyone always talks about how they didn't lock their doors when they were younger. These days people check a million times to make sure their doors and windows are locked. It may seem like people are losing their innocence but we as a whole are all losing our innocence. More and more crimes are being committed and that is bad for people visiting America. It seems like to other people that America is a dangerous place to go.

Alec Shoems 3rd hour

Dennessa Degen said...

I believe that this quote is very true. I think that it means if someone does something agianst you you shouldnt always take revenge and do somthing back to them, because when you do that you sink down to their level, and it make you look like a fool just the way they looked. Revenge happens everyday expeccialy in high school, poeple will talk about their firends behind their back and then you think that you have to do the same thing and say worse. I was tought and believe that if someone does something agianst you, you should just let it go, then you look actually look like the better person, and you less to worry about. Iv been living up to that and i dont really have any drama or revenge i have to worry about. i dont really think there would be a problem if we didnt rally agianst this type of thinking, sometimes it just makes matters wosre than they already are.

Tayler Chase said...

I think this quote means that if we try and get revenge on someone then it makes us look bad. Revenge just makes you a bat and makes people look at you differently. Maybe someone thought one way of you, and getting revenge would change that, it would make you loose some integrity. I have this EXTREMELY annoying immature friend and I often wonder why im friends with her. Sometimes she will get really angry and just freak out and she will say stupid things and do stupid stuff. If I do the same thing back to her, which I sometimes do then it probably makes people look at me different. Like I'm just as immature as her. The problem if we don't rally against this is people will just keep trying to get revenge and no one will be happy. People will just constantly be angry.

Katrina said...

"When we take revenge against another, we loose some of our innocence." In my opinion, this statement is completely accurate. When someone does something wrong and it effects us, its human nature to feel the need to retaliate. The question is, do we retaliate? When we do, we deffinitly loose some of our innocence. If you think that the person who wronged you did something immoral and you take revenge and do the same to them, youre at the same level as them. Youre just as bad as you thought they were. For example, my sisters and i love to get revenge on eachother. If one of them has something and they come home to find it missing you can bet that something of mine will be missing when i get home. They want to make sure that i have the same feeling they had when something of theirs went missing. Thats what revenge is all about and if we do not rally against it, revenge can get out of control.

JK said...

John Kent

This quote means that whenever we take revenge we are then becoming less civilized. When we are born is the highest amount of innocence that you will ever have, because we all have some evil in all of us. When the U.S. took revenge against the 9-11 bombings we got ourselves in one heck of a mess. Instead of preventing things like that from happening again it has provoked people that hate our county because we took our revenge. Now we have heard of terrorist groups in the U.S. targeting us more directly then in other countries. If we don’t rally against this type of thinking the thought of revenge will continue to spread through out the generations. Eventually turning us into a cruel type of people.

Sean said...

This quote means that when we get revenge on someone else, it shows how your lack of sensibility can ruin your identity. An example of this was in 6th hour last year. In mr morhs class, we watched a lot of movies and took notes on them. So, one individual thought that if he would unplug some wires from the tv, we wouldnt have to watch a movie. When mr morh tried to play the video, he quickly found out it didnt work. He immediatley declared for an explanation, but didnt get one. Finally, the guilty individual fessed up and took the blame. He lost a good amount of points in the class, and recieved a zero on the notes. The problem is that when people we know do something that is out of the ordinary, we question them. For someone you know pretty well to do something immoral makes you wonder.


Hailey Ledgley(: 3rd hour said...

This quote is VERY true. this quote means that if you do something bad to get back at someone your not so innocent after all. "Two wrongs dont make a right." This relates to my life by a little bit ago, someone was messing with my best friend. So we all decided to get back at her and do the same thing she did to my friend, but much worse. If we dont rallt against this type of thinking things are going to get out of control. People are going to do things that may physically hurt someone.

Katlyn said...

I think that this quote is saying that when you do something to get revenge, something thats bad it takes away some of your innocents. When you are younger you have innocents. Your ont going around hurting people and getting revenge. When you are older you have that want to get revenge sometimes. This takes away some of your innocents. An example of this is like how in some countries they have kids fighting. They make them kill people. This takes away alot of their innocents. The problems with this is that alot of americans are still losing their inncents. They comit crimes and do alot more.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd Hour

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

I think that this quote means that when you do some bad you lose a part of you inocence. But when you grow up you tend to do more bad and bad things. The older to you get they worst things are. like when you were ten you didnt try to kill someone. Or even do anyhting bad. well im not gonna say what but a few weekends ago myself and my friends did something really stupid. Got cought, and had to pay the consequences. If we didnt get cought we would probabaly go do what we did again. lets just say we got in alot of trouble and not only with our parents. It really scared us all, and nothing like that will happen again.

Anonymous said...

You are born with innocence, and it is up to you what to do with it. That is one of the many gifts we are born with and it is up to us to keep it. However as we grow older we tend to see our innocence slip away. This is not intentionally. The older you get, seems to be the less important your innocence is. Innocence slipping can be as small as maybe just a rumor being started. Like saying some girl is cheating on her boyfriend, just because that girl happens to be your ex boyfriends, former girlfriend. Losing innocence seems to be a depletion of your moral character. Maybe once of twice you slipped, but eventually your whole sense of innocence could be lost. If people do not rally against this sort of thinking, all of societies innocence could potentially be lost. If your seeking revenge, who could possibly think of the innocence being lost at this point?

Taylor Dieck
3rd hr.

Megan said...

What I believe the quote "When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence," by Patrice Redd Vecchione, means is that when we start to do things out of spite of revenge then we loose the innocence of being and turn into something inhuman. It means that you can't be innocent when you are aware of what you are doing. To be innocent is to be pure and have a clear conscience. When people start taking revenge we are loosing that sense of being clean, at least I would hope most people would. We all know revenge is wrong, but people still do it anyways. For example, something as simple as getting back at someone for makeing you look stupid, to causeing a war like World War I. I think the problem is that, people do not like to look stupid and they do not like being jealous. In order to get rid of these emotions they take it out in "revenge." When you do something that is not right, each time you loose a little bit of your innocence. The world seems to be looseing its innocence, the more evil that goes on the less pure everything is in life.

Megan Kastelen
2nd hour

Scott said...

The quote "When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence." by PATRICE REDD VECCHIONE means that when you get revenge that youloose a little bit of your good nature. In ohter words if you try to get revenge on a person who does somthing to you and you do the same thing to them, when thinking about the quote, you are not any better than they are. For example, if someone come up to you and robs you and somehow you figure out where they live, and you go tot there house and steal from them, you aren't making the situation any better. I think this only applies to certain scenarios. For example if you are a parent and a person kidnaps your child and rapes and kills them, they get off with a minor defense and that pissies you off. How would you feel? I would be angery, I would get my revenge and give him what they deserve. Sure I would loose my innocence because I got revenge, but I would feel better knowing that person got what was comming to them.

Taylor Wattles said...

I think this quote is saying if we retaliate we are just as bad as the people who started it. I think if you don't take revenge we shall be seen as weak. But if we stand up for are selves we won't get pushed around. For instance if a army from a neighboring city/ state attacked your city/ state and you didn't do anything you would be allowing other city/states to do the same. But if you stand up your your city/state and fight to protect it you are showing dominance and nobody will want to mess with you. Like in the book lord of the flies Piggy always gets picked on and even though he is very intelligent and qualified for the leadership role no one listens because he doesn't stand up for himself. I think this quote also leads to the fact that to be dominant you can't be innocent.

Taylor Wattles

Jordan said...

I think this quote is basically saying everyone is viewed by the mistakes we make. For instance, when we are born we are all perfect, at least for a split second. Then, as we grow up we all make mistakes. For some people it is huge mistakes, while for some its just small. Also, I think that it is how we make up for our mistakes too. On the other hand though i think this quote can also say that revenge can come back to haunt someone. It is kind of a dual meaning quote to me. I think the example that comes to mind about revenge immediately is bullying. It takes me back to columbine and the kids who decidied to get revenge by taking lives. In the end they took their own lives. I think if we dont rally against this thinking then more kids will think revenge is okay. Ninety Nine percent of the time revenge will come back to bite you in the ass.

Anonymous said...

The quote "When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence" is basically saying every mistake we make it takes away innocence in some way. When someone does something to you, you want to get back at them for revenge but you should just be the bigger person and just continue like it never happen. Yeah, its hard, Iv'e had times where i had revenge/retailiation because someone did something to me, i did it back... and maybe worse. When i think of it i guess it did take some of my innocence. Revenge doesn't get you anymore, but most likely into more consequences. If we do not rally against this type of thinking, it would be crazy. Everyone does something wrong every now and then, and if each peson that it happened to had revenge this world would be a mess and probably alot higher crime rate. Revenge is not the way to solve your problems.

Anonymous said...

This quote, means that when we get take revenge, we lose some of what makes us good. Typically, when someone gets revenge thay are hurting someone else. In doing so, you lose some of that pure childlike innocence, because you take pleasure in the pain of others. For example, when someone hurts me and I want revenge, I am basically saying that I want to hurt them because they hurt me. I want to see their pain. Seeing that would make me happy. Kind of makes me seem evil huh? Enjoying the pain and suffering of others. Thats exactly what revenge is though. Enjoying the pain and suffering of others. People have a drive, that seeks revenge. It has to do with pride. When someone does something to hurt you, it hurts your pride. Naturally, you want revenge, you want to regain what pride you lost. Its a sub-concious drive that effects us all; although I think more so in men than women. If people beleive in the idea that each time we seek revenge we lose some inocence, or that we are evil; than everyone in the world would be considered evil or without inocence. I am not afraid to admit that I have sought after revenge several times, as I am sure others have. Its natural. Is it right? No. Does it make you evil? No.

Kaleigh S said...

This quote means that when we choose to take revenge on someone, then we lose some of our innocence. Seeking revenge never ends well; it's like fighting fire with fire - the fire only gets bigger. I know that my brother has problems with this idea of dropping the problem rather than seeking revenge. When I'm in the car with him and somebody cuts him off, he generally feels obligated to speed past them, get in front of them, and drive slow enough next to a car in the next lane so that the car who cut him off can't pass. Even small revenge-seeking acts such as this can make matters worse. One time we had a guy follow us to the school because he was angry at my brother, so we had to almost run a red light to lose him. If we don't try to go against seeking revenge, then problems that we have now will continue to get worse. Revenge does not seem to solve anything, so we need to try to quit it.
2nd hr

John said...

"When we take revenge against another, we lose some of our innocence."

I believe that this quote is referring to when you seak revenge on someone you go beyond what you would normaly consider doing. Taking revenge on someone takes alot of skilled thinking to get them back in way that they will never forget, and when you do this you lose your innocence as a person and become more vindictive and are over come with hatred towards that individual. During my life I have only taken revenge once, which was on my girlfriend. She broke up with me for no reason so I just acted like nothing happened and started not talking to her and always haningout with girls to make her jealous. It worked great and now were going back out. I knew it was a dick thing to do but I still did it, I don't think that there is any problem thinking this way, because most of the time it will work to your advantage. When I want something I can be very manipulative and mean... so I always get my way.

John McLean
3rd hour.

This is late because my sister was useing the computer so I just did it in first hour. Sorry this wont happen happen often.

allyson martin said...

I think this quote means when we do something wrong or take revenge on someone, we become different in a way. We arn't so innocent. When we are younger we may do things wrong and not know that it is actually wrong. Because we are to little to realize. So we arn't really losing our innocence. but once we get older we know whats right and whats wrong. We know when we've done a bad thing, some feel quilty, others don't. Either way we lose our innocence. When i was younger, in preschool, some little girl pinched me. So i decided to bite her back not knowing that a bite would hurt munch more than a pinch. I wasn't aware that i was taking revenge on that person so to speak. But about a week or two ago some girl that i really don't like teepeed my house so i decided to do it right back only i didn't just used tiolet paper. i knew what i was doing was very wrong, but because i wanted to do what she did to my house i really didn't care. And thats how most teens my age think. They don't really care if somethings bad until they actually do it. Which is why we lose some of our innocence.

allyson martin said...
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allyson martin said...

^ and to johns comment, he didn't get his way. i never got jealous. all the girls were ugly. so in the end he just made a fool of himself.

Rachel Kuehn said...

This quote means that when we do something purely in spite of somebody and to hurt them, we loose part of what was good in us. When we start to do things for revenge we start to forget our original values and get blinded by our anger. I've looked for revenge when people have hurt me, and i can say from experience that it never really turns ou how you want it to. As much as you dont want to care that you just hurt the person who hurt you, eventually end up caring, so it comes back to haunt you. Thourghout history countless men have sught revenge. Today in world history we talked about the Trojan war, which elegidly started so that the Spartan king could get revenge on Paris. He gets all of Greece to got to war over his need to get revenge on the man who stole his wife. Obviously that didnt turn out how he wanted and i certinly hurt his counry in the end. If we don't try to rally against this type of behavior, we will all begin to loose more and more of our innocence and people in future generations will think of this type of action as common practice. Revenge is never the answer, and if we don't stop letting ourselves seek it, it may end badly.

Hannah Aittama said...

You told me to remind you that my internet was down for the past few days.

This quote means that when we do something mean to another person just because they weren't necessarily the nicest or did something mean to you, you loose a piece of your innocence. I think that revenge isn't always the best thing, but everyone does it at one point or another. An example from my life is that when you retaliate in hockey you get a penalty, and then your entire team has to suffer for it. Another example could be road rage. When ever people make other drivers mad and then they do something stupid back to them is really stupid. In a situation like that someone could get killed. Revenge is not a good thing but people just keep on doing it no matter what happens.

Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour

bree: thompson said...

This quote means it is far worse to have evil done to you and be just as evil back than to have evil done to you and act mature and brush it off. Everything workks out on its own. If someone decides they can handle karma and take it into their own hands, they will just keep the cycle going. I did something really mean and disrespectful to my boyfriend and i have been paying for it for a year and a half. Just recently he decided to get back at me by doing the same thing. It bit him in the butt because I do not trust him anymore and I am going him hell for it. :) The point being, I look at him different now. The fact that he tried to hurt me or maybe just get back at me made me see him in a different light. I lost some respect for him.

Samantha Tedder said...

I think the quote means that anger, or hatred can lead people to do bad things based on a feeling, or prior action. I think this is saying that taking revenge on someone for doing something, doesnt mean you have to do something back. "Two wrongs dont make a right." For example, if you hear someone talking shit about you, or one of your friends, you dont go and do the same thing to that person. You just make an ass of yourself anyway. Honestly, I don't believe much would change if poeple rallied against this type fo thinking. People try to make changes in much larger, and more extremes ways, but sometimes they don't get very far. Revenge is just a way of thinking, and everyone has a right to their opinion. I, personally, think revenge is a stupid way to solve your differences, but everyone is entitled to their own ideas.

Sam Tedder, 2nd hr.
You said I could make this one up, we talked in class about it this morning! (:

heather horne said...

This quote is stating that when you take revenge against another, you loose some of your innocence. Revenge is negative and angry thoughts about another. Innocence is harmless. So once someone thinks about revenge, they become less harmless, making them less innocent. In history revenge has caused death and hurt upon another. No matter what the situation is revenge always has a negative effect. If we do not rally against this, revenge will become more distinct to the next generations.

Joey said...

This quote means that if you take revenge it makes you look bad and lose some of your innocence. Getting back at someone just makes it worst for you. The expression "two wrongs don’t make a right” is taken into consideration. Revenge is not needed if something bad happens to you. Say you get in to an argument and you get jumped by some people, it is not alright for you to just get revenge and get someone back by jumping them. Doing this would take away your innocence because you’re hurting someone else for absolutely no reason. When people take revenge they are not just hurting the person there taking revenge on but they are also hurting themselves and there innocence.