Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 5

Macbeth allowed outside forces to have some control over his life. So far, these include the witches and Lady Macbeth. Often in our lives, we allow outside forces to have more control than we think they should. What outside forces do you feel control your life? Why do you allow this to happen? Does this make you a weak person? When can it be positive to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our lives?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 4

Today we discussed several different themes. Please choose one of the themes (hope you took notes), and discuss how it has progressed in Act 1. Then, talk about how that theme has been part of your own life.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 3

Today we lfinished Act 1, Scenes 5-7. As always, reread. As part of Act 1, we saw Macbeth making decisions with his life about his future. These choices include the potential death of King Duncan at his own hands. With that in mind:

Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Can you give examples of this happening in our society? Is there always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 2

Sorry I am late. You can do this one through Wednesday night. As we did vocab today it will be no shock that we will do some current event this evening. Last chance to pick something good. NO CITE, NO POINTS

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cardmarking 5, Day 1

So here we are in your last week of having to blog. I will be posting from time to time to get a feel for where people are and what they are thinking so feel free,beginning next week, to respond.

Today we listened to scenes 4 & the beginning of 5(we are going to begin moving a bit faster than one or two scenes a day). Make sure you re-read these scenes for clear understanding.

For this evening, please discuss the following:

Describe your first impression of Macbeth. What do we know about him and how do we initially perceive him? Does this impression change after he hears the witches predictions or the fact that he became Thane of Cawdor? What about his comments at the end whe he learns that Malcolm will be the next king? How does all of this tie into the idea of ambition?


Friday, March 5, 2010

Day 22

EXTRA CREDIT ALERT!! I have been informed that I can only give 5 points of extra credit per submission to scribes and then 10 points for any that is placed in the book. Also, I am giving at least 10 points for going to see Wizard of Oz next weekend so buy your tickets.

OK, not everyone loves Shakespeare for honestly I did not until I began teaching it. Yet, his stories actually are interesting once you get past the attitude. With that said, check the attitude at the door from now on and just deal with what you have to do.

We began our listening/reading of Macbeth. Please reread the first three scenes for clear understanding making sure that you follow the guidelines of the unit long assignments.

For this evening, look at the idea of Natural v. Supernatural as we have seen this already. Give an example of this in the first 3 scenes and then predict what may happen next. Also, talk about why we continue to read Shakespeare after all of these years even though it is difficult to understand.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Day 21

Today we continued our discussion on fate, ambition, guilt and integrity. While you all may not know that I have not led the most honest life, at time, at least I have learned from my experiences. As someone stated today, ambition can dove tail with guilt and integrity.

As a person, describe yourself within the framework of integrity. What does it mean to you? Do you choose to live a life of integrity? Why or why not? How? How important is integrity to you within your friends and/or family? Lastly, give me an example of a time you think you have shown great integrity and a time you have not.