Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 18

Today we began discussing ambition. Look at the following quote and respond. Include the idea of how this quote can or has related to you in some manner.

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”

Bill Bradley


kurtis said...

ambition is the path to succes meaning ambition is what drives you to succeed. persistance is the vehicle you arive in so like ambition and persistance are feelings that work together to make sure you complete your goals. a recentgoal of mine that i was very ambitous about was making a purchase of a ps3. i had no job yet i managed to earn 300 dollars in anly 2-3 weeks.

Anonymous said...

This quote is very true and I think it relates to me too. Ambition is a very important thing to have in life because without it, nothing would get done. People have to have vision to get things accomplished and to be good leaders. Success comes with that and seeing the path to what you want to get done. Persistence is important because without the desire to accomplish the goal and act on you ambition, it will just be forgotten. Ambition doesn't always work without persistence and they go together. This quote relates to me because when I want something and won't give it up, I am very persistent. Especially when asking for things from my parents, I don't give up easily.

Dan Calma said...

I strongly agree with this quote. Ambition is only half of what makes you successful. Persistence is the other half. Ambition is the gas that fills you with the drive and persistence is the way you drive towards your goal. Your ambition means squat if you are not persistent in trying to reach your goal. With me I have ambition but I'm not very persistent. If something doesn't work the first try I start to get frustrated and I'll try a couple more times an if it still doesn't work I give up. I really need to learn to be more persistent.

Cherie Stoll said...

2nd Hour
This quote is stating that you need ambition and persistence to succeed. I think that ambition and persistence tie together. If you are very ambitious, you are going to keep trying until you succeed. Your ambition is what clears the path for your persistence to continue. If you don't have ambition, then you are not going to be persistent. A time I have ambition is at dance conventions. Whenever you go to a dance convention, there are auditions for scholarships. There are hundreds of people at conventions, so you really have to stand out from everyone. My first few years on the dance team I was so frustrated because I would try my best, but I would never get a scholarship. However, I continued to try my best every time I went, and it payed off. I got a scholarship to go back to the convention the next year free of charge. (They cost a few hundred dollars.) I was so happy that I was persistent and never gave up. If you really want something, and you don't stop trying eventually you will succeed. I think being persistent and having ambition is helpful in reaching your goals because when you never give up, you get stronger at what you are trying to accomplish, and people take notice. If you want to get better at a sport or make a team, being persistent makes you better. My sister didn't make the basketball team last year, so all summer she practiced and made the team this year. If you really want something, not even failure is going to stop you.

Steve Snapp said...

This quote is a good example of how ambition is used in life. Like it says, ambition is the path to success and persistence is the vehicle. This meaning that persistence is what gets you to be ambition. Persistence means repeating your success, which is your ambition. So overall the quotes means you have to continue to ambitious to follow the road to success. Their was a time in my life where ambition was the key to my success. Back in 6th grade my football team was undefeated going into the last game. Now ambition wasn't only applied to me but every person on my team because it take hard work to finish with a undefeated season. It took persistence to end up where we were. We continued to be ambition, winning every game we had.

Katlyn said...

I think that this quote is very true. Without persistance youor ambition is nothing. This quote is saying that you need ambition adn persistance to achieve a goal. The ambition is just like gas for a car wtihout it you wouldnt get anywhere in your car. Persistance is like the car you drive to get there. You cant have one and not the other or else youl never get anywhere. One time that i had ambition adn persistence was when i was younger i was ambitious to learn how to ride my bike. I tried everyday, i was persistent with it. If i wasnt persistanti would of never been able to ride my bike.

Katlyn Twigg2nd HOUR

Sean said...

Without having persistence, you cant be ambitious. When your tryng to reach a goal, it might not be as easy as you think. There are always obsticals and hardships along the way. Persistence is what gets you through all the obsticals and is what keeps you going. This quote can relate to me in many ways. With whatever I want to accomplish, I have to be persistant. For example, highschool is helping me reach the college level. I have to get through all my classes with good grades if I want to be a success. Although highschool presents a lot of challenges, its up to me to to keep going and overcome those challenges. Being persistant is what will get me where I want to go.


Taylor Wattles said...

Ambition is how you pursue your goals, most goals are goals that help you better yourself or make you a stronger individual. If you accomplish your goals then you are a successful person. Persistence is being reliable or steady meaning you can be counted on. This quote is saying that to be successful you must be ambitious towards your goals and you have to be persistent to reach your goals. I think this quote is very true, Just about all successful people in life had a goal and did all they could to accomplish it. For instance athletes, Some athletes came from being a nobody and living and growing up in a rough neighborhood to being a superstar who lives in a mansion. They had to work hard everyday and bust there ass to get off the streets and projects to better there lives. Ambition may be the most important trait in a human being because you see who will just throw in the towel and quit and who will work hard and do everything to accomplish there goals.

Taylor wattles

Becca said...

The quote is saything that ambition is wanting to accomplish something and persistence is doing whatever it takes to make it happen. I had the ambition to be on the honor roll at school. To accomplish this goal, I had persistence by trying my hardest in school. By working hard and getting help, I acheive my goal in getting on the honor roll. After getting on the honor roll, I see how ambition and persistence are key to accomplishing want you want. As long as you have the want to do something and work hard to accomplish it, you will succeed.

Becca Need
2nd Hour

Chloe Martin 6th said...

What Bradley is trying to say is that ambition is the key to getting what you want. without ambition and drive for something you can many times give up. persistence plays a large part in ambition. if you are willing to be ambitious to meet your goals you have to be persistent. that even though things many get hard you need to keep working at it and keep going. for example a goal of mine is to get into Michigan State, and I've been working at it since the beginning of high school. I make sure that i complete my work and study for tests and quizzes, i've also taken a class for the ACT. it's annoying to care about your grades this much, and it would be a lot nicer to just give up. but i'm persistent! so I'll keep working at it even though it pisses me off!

Brittany Laubscher said...

To do anything really in life you have to have ambition. If you don't have ambition to do anything then you probably won't do anything productive with your day or even your life. You have to push yourself to do what you want. Like even though I don't like school I have to persist myself to go day to day. And if I didn't then I wouldn't go anywhere in life. Ambition is a key to your life is the way I see it. You need ambition to do anything. All you have to do is keep persisting yourself everyday to get to that point in life you want to be at.

Anonymous said...

Ambition is the path to success, meaning tht if you have ambition you can accomplish many things. To do so, though, you need to be persistent, if you are not persistent then your ambitions just fall at your feet. In other words: you never see your ambitions finished, they end as soon as they take off if not later. This quote relates to something I did today. My friend was sitting alone and she looked extremely sad, so I decided I was going to make her happy no matter what. So I walked over to her and started talkin to her, she didn'treally talk at first and I wasn't sure if I could make her feel better. I almost gave up, but I was persistent. I started making jokes and telling her everythings going to be alright and that she shouldn't be sad all the time. After a little while she started smiling and laughing and it made me feel good to see my ambition accomplished.

James Richardson

kevin wardlow said...

This quote is saying that ambition is what every person has inside themselves to drive them to there goals. Persistance is what gets us to that goal. persistance is what drives us or keeps us going to accomplish our goals. I can relate to this quote very closly. Recently my goal has been for school. I've been striving to get A's and B's in all my classes for that past two card markings, but because i havent been motivating myself and being persistant, i havent yet met that goal. But like it says, persistance is what drives you to be ambitious.

Megan said...

The quote is saying that in order to be sucessful in someting that you want to accomplish, you have to be ambitious about it. You have to want to do it, and the "path" you take to it is pure ambition. Persistence is like abmition but it is what creates and keeps ambition going, just like a vehicle. The two go hand in hand with one another. As long as you remain persistent with someting and keep trying, never giving up, it will lead to success eventually. This quote relates to me in a very personal way. There was a time when I lost someone's trust very close to me. Trust is a very hard thing to earn in the first place, and it is twice as difficult to get back once you have already lost it with someone. I wanted more than anything to get back said person's trust so I never gave up. I kept trying, I was persistant. I had ambition to get their trust back. I am still actually in the process of doing so, and it will take a large amount of time and patience to get it back, but I am not about to give up. If I reamin persistent and show that I really care, I think and hope that eventually I will earn it back. You just can't give up. Persistence is your car. Without it, you don't move forward, you don't go anywhere. It takes effort and it takes time.

Megan Kastelen
3rd hour

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

Well i think that this quote is not really accurate. According to tdayin class, when you told us that story of you having the ambition to steal books and sell them. If you would have gotten caught then you would not have been successful. The second have of the quote is stupid cuz it is not very realistic. The idea of ambition to me is a little different then wat other people think it is. Ambition to me is more of the actions you take toward your everyday happenings. So it does relate to me. I need the ambition to wake up every morning and go to school. I also need the ambition to do well in school everyday. So as you can see you need to have much ambition to get through life.

ZAck Ruffin

Sean Suehr said...

I think this quote has a very significant meaning. It means that your ambition will show you to the goals you want to achieve. But persistence will actuall take you to your goal. Because you wont be able to reach your goal without the persistance of trying to get there. For example I want to have an A in language arts, I have the ambiton to do that because I know it will help me in the future. But its the persistance that will keep on the path to my goal and eventually I will succede.

Clare Pathe said...

This quote is saying that ambition is key to success. Ambition and persistence are in the same terms, they pretty much mean the same thing. You have to have persisitence and ambition to succeed. If you are motivated enough, then you will do whatever it takes to get the job done. A time when i had ambition was in chemistry last year. I struggled with that class from the beginning. I wanted to succeed in that class, but no matter how hard i studied, i always failed the tests. I had ambition to do well, and did whatever it took to succeed. Sure enoungh, i stayed after school and got help from the teacher, and little by little i started to do better on the tests and quizzes. That was a time when ambition was my path to success.

Tyler McLeod said...

This quote is very true. In order to be successul you need to be ambitious. You need to set goals and accomplish them. To reach your goals you need to be persistent. Being persistent is doing whatever it takes to reach your goal; no matter what, you keep doing what is necessary. So the vehicle that you use is persistence. These two things go hand and hand; you need persistency to be successful and reach your ambitions. Last summer I needed to safe money for my car. There was some lawn mowing job's in my sub; the problem was another person was already doing them. I kept watching and checking to see if the lawn's were being done. By the middle of the summer I was able to take over 2 of the jobs. Persistency paid off.

Cody Kabisa said...

This quote is saying that ambition alone will get you no where. Persistence is what will keep driving you to reach your goal. Having ambition and persistence will lead to success in your life. If you are missing one of these things you cant and wont achieve your goal. This can relate to me because my goal this summer is to get a job. I know that I have to be persistent and fill out more that just one job application if I want to get a job. Filling out one wont get me anywhere because chances are that one application wont get me a job. Being persistent is what will ultimatly help me reach my goal.

Cody k

****** ******* said...

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”

Bill Bradley

I think this quote is saying that when you have a goal you are determined to reach it. That the goal is what leads you to success but the determination and ambition is was gets you there. With out either of these things a lot wouldn’t get done. People would be slacking. One way I can relate to this would be when I am set on something I will keep on it. I wont give up ill keep going until I get what I want. I don’t know how far id go for something’s but there are some I wouldn’t to that goal.

*~ Mr. Kay i think you put my vocab #3 quiz in twice. i think you out it in for #4 quiz.

Eric Tamm said...

This quote is saying that ambition is more or less the thing you want to achieve, and persistence is the things you do to have ambition and attain your goal. In a way, ambition is the noun, and persistence is the verb. This is what this quote is describing. It is saying how it is great to have ambition, or that want to achieve goals, but you need to do something about it to achieve them. You need to persist and keep trying to move forward and never give up. That is what persistence is. These two words go hand in hand, because without one, you will not have the other. It relates to me because when I have a goal and I am feeling ambitious, I will actually work for my goal. I will be persistent, where a lot of people will say they want to achieve their goal but they are too lazy to do anything to get there. I do not give up, especially when it comes to lacrosse. I feel that I am very competitive and I persist to try my best. I want to win, and therefore I try my hardest.

ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
This quote means that working at something is whats taking you to your goals. You need to hop on the bandwagon of doing what it takes to happen. I think that this is a part of my life with sports. I think that becoming good at something you have to work hard. This is a part of becoming a good athlete and a competitor. I find this true with hockey. I have worked hard at hockey for 5 years. I have been training, and working out doing extra since then. Its a lifestyle that i have become a part of. I dont see myself jumping off any time soon.

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

Ambition drives you to what you really want to do in live. It makes you sucessful and try ten times harder than you normaly would. I think that ambition and persistence kind of tie together. If you are very ambitious, you are going to keep trying until you get what you want and how you want it. With out ambition i think it would be very hard to be like one time when i tried so hard to get my grades up so i wouldnt be introuble i did it. they may not be the best but i tried so hard and i actually did it. without ambition i really dont think that would have happened.

allyson martin said...

I think that this quote is kind of true. I guess if know one was ambitious enough than nothing would ever get done in our lives. It says that ambition is the path to success. I think this is kind of implying that ambition is what drives you to do things. It also says the Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. I think that this means that ambition and persistence go hand and hand and in order to be persistent at something you must first be ambitious to go beyond what you would normally do. I honestly cannot think in anyway how this quotes relates to me at all.

Allyson Martin

Jamie Diehr said...

I agree with the quote that Bradley said. A person can have an ambition, but that ambition won't go anywhere unless you have persistence. Without persistence, your drive will keep driving around in circles. You can know what you want, and that's great, but it's how you get there that makes it work. Ambition and persistence work together. Having only one or the other won't get you very far. One ambition is to get in shape for summer. What I needed was to know was how I was going to achieve this. Without me knowing what I was going to do, just kept me at the begining, and not moving forward. I now know what I need to do, I just have to stick with it.

Anonymous said...

Ambition and persistence go hand in hand. You cant be ambitious without being persistent. Sometimes you dont always get what you want right away. You have to wait and keep working to reach yoor goals. It is because of this that you must remain persistent. One thing that I have been stiving for, for about three years now, is a consistent serve. Sure, I could always get it in with some pansy tap it over the net shot, but I never had a good consistent serve. I have worked on it for countless hours every year now. Yesterday it finally payed off. I finally got the last peice of the puzzle and my serve is getting much more consistent. I get at least 80% of the balls in with a fair amount of speed and usually a lot of spin. I strived for the goal and reached it because of my persistence.

Jessica klave said...

I think that thid quote is saying that you need both ambition and persistence to succeed. Ambition is what gets you to the road but persistence is what keeps you going down it to get where you want to be. Without persistance your ambition is nothing. persistance is your drive. I know that in my life i have goals that i dont neccacarly think im going to achieve but its nice to have them. On the other hand there are goals that i know i want. There are goals that i know i have to achieve in my life. I nees percistance in my life to get me through those goals.

Tayler Chase said...

I totally agree with this quote. It takes a lot to be successfull and two major ingredients are ambition and persistence. These to things will get you far in life, they will make you become who you want to be. I think in oreder for me to be successful I'm going to need to get a little more of both of these things. I sometimes have a tendancies to just not care or forget about things, but thats not going to get me far. I need to be ambitious about my future and i need to be persistance.

Alanna Nagi said...

I agree, having ambition is the path to success. Ambition is striving for something. Most likely something you want or need. Also the key to having ambition is to never give up. It wont come easy, but that's part of working for something that you want. A time where I had ambition is being on the pom team. The pom team is separated into two teams, the competitive team and the performance team. The competitive team is the team that goes to the competitions such as high kick, regionals, and states, as well as Varsity games. The performance just performs at JV football and basketball games. My first two seasons I was placed on the performance team and this upset me. I already don't have a great deal of confidence, so when I was placed on the performance team it really degraded my confidence. However, the second season of poms I got moved up to the competitive team, which made me feel great. Then my third season I was demoted onto the performance team, and it really hurt me. I felt like I wasn't good enough. Then this past season came and I made the competitive team and it felt great. Also, one day my coach pulled me aside and said that I work harder than anyone on the team and she has seen all the improvement I have made and she was really impressed and proud of me. That made me feel amazing. The moral of this story is that all throughout this four seasons of going back and forth, I never stopped trying me hardest. It ended up really paying off in the long run. Once again, ambition really is the path to success.

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Joey said...

I agree with this quote. Ambition is the path to success; it’s what drives you to do better. I believe that persistence and ambition go hand and hand with each other. You can’t have one without the other. This quote relates to me in many different ways. One way this quote relates to me is my ambition to do well in basketball. Being ambitions helps me become a better player. Overall having any ambition or persistence will help you in the long run to becoming more successful.

Kaleigh S said...

Ambition is one of the biggest traits you need to have in order to have success. If you want to get yourself further in life, you need some type of ambition to push yourself towards it. Along the path to success generally comes with failure. If you do not have persistence, then failure will knock you down. You need to keep persisting in order to to move forward. You can only achieve a goal if you have ambition and persistence. For me, I am an ambitious person. Sometimes I have a great ambition to reach a goal, but then after a couple failures, I might start to give up or just think the goal isn't worth going after anymore. For other goals, I have the ambition, and then even though there are some failures along the way, I still keep trying. If it is something I truly have ambition for, the persistence seems to follow and I can accomplish my goal.

Andrew Melton said...

This quote is saying that persistance is the key to ambition. Without persistance, reaching your goals is not possible because you wont have the drive to achieve. This quote also says that if someone is ambitious and has the persistance to attain their goal, then it will pay off because theyre are most likely willing to do anything to reach that goal. This quote relates to me because its my exact definition in smaller words, and has been the basis of all my goals throughout my life, and most in my sports. An example would be last year in swim, i was ambitious to break the thirty second point for a fifty yard freestyle and i worked harder than ever, and i achieved my goal. Later in that season near the end, i started to focus on earning my letter instead of getting it for attendance, so i became more ambitious and persistent to get a first year varsity time for the fifty yard freestyle. On my last couple of meets i worked even harder and i got the varsity time exactly, and i knew i had earned my letter.

Chris L. said...

I find that I can relate to this quote. Just because you are ambitious, you don't necessarily possess the need to hit that goal. I believe that persistence has shown that I can do well in class. I do my homework, listen in class, etc. I don't have to do these things, but I won't have a grade that I am proud of. In the future, I will have to be very persistent if I want to get into a good college. I must be able to show that I am a worthy student.

Emma Flynn said...

Mr. Bill Bradley is one smart cookie. I couldn't agree more with this quote. In life, it takes ambition, which we learned is the motivation that causes us to do nearly whatever it takes to follow our dreams. This ambition can most certainly be seen as the path to success. However, it takes more than ambition, it takes persistence in order to arrive to success. This quote has related to me in many ways. One example is last year when I was in AP U.S. History. The class was really challenging but thanks to my persistant ambition to succeed, I was able to pass my AP Test, thus earning college credit.

Jordan said...

I think this means a lot of things. I think though that ambition is like the ability to set goals. It is the thought that i have to do this thing. It is the idea that a certain thing has to happen. In contrast, i think that persistence is actually following through with your goals that you set. It is acting on what you planned out because it is important to you. I think this relates to me a lot because i am ambitious a lot with my school work, but not always persistence. I set goals for myself and dont always follow through with them. I need to change that.

JK said...

John Kent

I think that this quote is completely true. You can’t have ambition if you don’t have persistence. It is the driving force to fulfill your ambition. An example of how this quote relates to me is when I made a project for a science class. But it would not work. It kept working at it until a week later I finished it. Though I could have given up on the project I did not and my ambition for finishing it got me an A on the science project. This quote is not only related to me but to everyone who has a goal that they will strive for.

Conner said...

Looking at a goal, i personally feel ambition is the key to reaching it. Based of this quote it seems as if there is more to success than just having ambition and thats persistance. With the placing of the word persistance in the quote, i would have to believe that persistance means to go on or continue with something. In the quote, ambition or desire is the path, while persistance is the vehicke. Reading this, i believe that the quote is trying to say that one may have ambition for something but it takes more and thats where persistance comes in. For example, if one wants success in school, they can talk up all they want and say how much they desire to. Yet for that person to say that doesnt show anything. Persistance is the follow up or the stage which that person shows it.


Anonymous said...

The quote “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in." by Bill Bradley is so true. I really like this quote because i really understand what its saying and its completely true in how things work. When it says ambition is the pathto success its saying that when you want to be successfull at something you haveto be ambitious or work for what you want. Its not just handed to you. Also in the quote when it says that persistence is the vehicle you arrive in, its saying that in order to be ambitious towards your goal you must be persistent. You have to want it the whole time, not choose when your going to work hard or when your going to give up. This quote is very true. An inncident where this has related to me is when i have wanted a puppy for forever, to be just mine. So my parents made me a deal, they said if i got my grades to all As and few Bs i would get a puppy. When i first started i was ambitious and persistent, i did all my homework and studied for test. But my grades erent going up fast enough for me because i wanted the puppy now, so eventually i kind of gave up because i thought it wasnt going to happen. If i continued being ambitious and persistent with it, it could have led to success.

Audrey Beaumarchais said...

The quote to me is simple. Ambition requires persistence or work. Obviously ambitious people have good work ethics or else they wouldn't have the drive to get anything done. They wouldn't reach their goals either. Even if they are attempting to reach a negative goal it still requires effort. Today Mr. Kay talked about his almost felony. He also talked about all the stress involved, and the careful planning. Even though it may not have been positive work it was still effort being made to achieve a goal. I have used persistence to achieve a good grade in the past. Math has never been my subject but for some reason I'm in the advanced class. I always seemed to get C's in it. Finally, last year I swore to myself I would never get lower than a B. I have not since. I work my butt off when it comes to math homework and I still can't get an A. My brain just isn't wired that way I guess. The persistence I took in order to improve my grade was my ambition.


kristen said...

I really wanted to do well in Spanish because my first semester didn't go too well. I was so behind since I didn't learn much my first semester. In my second semester I was determined to do well get a good grade. So I was ambitious and persistent. I was willing to study way more then I normally do and worked much harder in class (ambition). Also I did this througout the entire second semester (persistence). I believe that those key elements are what made me do so well in the class. You need both and one without the other is powerless. You can be ambitious and do whatever it takes, but without being persistent you won't get anywhere. You can be persistent on working towards something but without ambition you won't give it your all which sets you up to most likely fail.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.

Samantha Tedder said...

I think this quote is saying to have ambition you must have persistance as well. Ambition is half of it, and working to get what you want is the other half of succeeding. You have to want to work for a goal. I think this quote could come in handy to remind you to push yourself to succeed. When you feel like you're about to give up, like you just cannot go any further, this may be the little push you need. I know that if I were to get to that point, and I have before, that if I read this quote I would feel like pushing myself. I would need to accomplish what ever it was I was working at to get. In the end, I would feel so much better.

Sam Tedder

Trevor Stratton said...

Ambition, as stated in this quote would, in my opinion mean, the thing or things that drive you to succeed. Persistance is what you need in order to reach you goals. No matter what happens you will always keep trying. It is kind of like the saying "if you fall get back up and try again." This means that if at first you don't accomplish your goal, don't worry just keep trying until you succeed. This quote can relate to me in a few ways. I am, for the most part, very persistant. If I want set a goal to do something and at first don't succeed I will keep trying until I do.

Mike said...

I forgot to blog yesterday, sorry!
To me this quote says that you will face obstacles on your way to your goal but you need to be persistent and follow your ambition until you reach your goal. Right now, I am trying to do really good in school. It's really hard and I don't ever want to do my homework but I have made a strict rule to not do anything else at home until my homework is done. I am face with many temptations but I am persistent and I do not give in.

Hunter White said...

I agree with this quote 100%. Without ambition there would be no success. If you are ambitious you need to be persistant. Thats the only way you can get what you want. Arriving on persistance basically means thats what you used to get you there. I know in my life to get what I want I need to be persistant. This is just like me trying to get another job. I always apply multiple times. Even though I have not been hired YET, it will come eventually. This is becaue I am persistant. My ambition for a job will soon land me with one.

A D A M H A H N said...

I like this quote very much and think it is really true. Ambition equals success. Basically, ambition is the thing that drives you to get to all your goals. It is the thing that makes sure you reach your goals, or succeed. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in because persistence along the whole way to a goal is the way to get their. The way you reach a goal is you have to be ambitious and be persistent. You can never give up, never back down. This quote is pretty straight forward. This quote relates to me in snowboarding for sure. When I want to land a certain trick I keep trying it over and over again until I land it. In other words, I have ambition toward reaching the goal of landing that new trick and I am persistent by trying again and again until I finally land it.

heather horne said...

This quote is very true and I agree with it completely. Ambition is not always a good thing, like we discussed in class. To me ambition is the motivation to achieve a goal. I'm not saying that the goal is always a positive one though. The quote relates to me because I believe I am an ambitious preson. I have postive ambitions for a high percentage of the time also. When it says persistence is the vehicle you arrive in, it's saying that how you achieve your goal is as important as getting there.

Scott said...

To me this quote is completly true. I think that because ambition is what starts your motivation to achive a goal. Persistance is what pushes you to continue doing something. Persistance is that push when the going gets tough. For exapmle, I wanted to restore my classic boat motor. That was my ambition to achieve. To achieve that goal I would need persistance to make sure the job got down.

Priscilla Call said...

It's obvious that ambition is the key to success. Persistence is what leads you to achieving whatever you are ambitious for. This quote does relate to me. I was every ambitious this year at gymnastics. Everyday I would try and try to get my back handspring. However, my nerves kept eating at me and making me to nervous to do it. When my nerves would hit me my consistence would go way down and my back handspring would look really wimpy. I still do not have my back handspring because of my lack of persistence.

Hannah Aittama said...

Mr. Kay I just wanted to remind you I am doing this blog because I couldn't do Friday's.

I agree with Bill Bradley's quote
“Ambition is the path to success Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in”. Without persistence you will never achieve a goal. When you dont work at something you most likely wont achieve it. This reminds me of the quote " When you fail try try again". The only people who keep trying are the ones who will succeed most of the time. An example from my life could be with poms. I tried out freshman year but I didn't make the team. I stayed in dance and tried to get better. Then when tryouts came up sophomore year, I tried out and made it.

Hannah Aittama
2nd hour