Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Semester 2, Week1, Day 1

So, I gave my speech about pride. With that in mind, give me your goals for this semester both in school in general and in my class. Tell me how you are going to take my words about pride and put them into action. Then, tell what grade you would like to work towards during this first cardmarking. Be realistic with all of these but most importantly, be honest.


Unknown said...

Pride is a very important aspect of society. Not only does it motivate individuals towards a goal, but it helps maintain ones image among others. For this semester, I would like to maintain a 3.0 or better. I feel I have been doing better academically, and now have more positive feelings toward school. For lit I would like to get another a. If I work hard enough I feel confident in my work. I would also like to overcome my dread of math and get at least a b-. Even though I find that class minorly depressing.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

This semester, my goal is to get at least a C- in Algebra II, a class I have not done too well in in the past. In World Lit, I know I'll do fine, so my goal is to not slip behind and get below a B-. I would like to work towards a B+ or an A at best.

Anonymous said...

if you need my name, austin snell ^^^^^^^^

kirkwhitt said...

So, I gave my speech about pride. With that in mind, give me your goals for this semester both in school in general and in my class. Tell me how you are going to take my words about pride and put them into action. Then, tell what grade you would like to work towards during this first cardmarking. Be realistic with all of these but most importantly, be honest.

My goals for the next half year and next year is to graduate, that is my biggest concern. My goal for your clas Mr. Kay is to be a better student, work hard, and achieve the grade i know i can get. I am going to take your words and put them to action by taking pride in doing all my blogs and homework. My goal for this card marking is to get a B in your class. I need to step up my work etheck and put more effort into my work. More pride in my work will also help. I am going to crack down this semester and prove to my self and to you that I have what it takes to pass your clas with a grade better then a D.

Janet said...

For this semester i would like to have better grades in Math and Lit around B's would be good. I know i struggled in Math last semester but thats my goal this term to do better. Also, i know if i really try and focus on my grades i know i can raise them up. Pride for me is being proud of what you have, proud of what you are or have done. So, i know i'm going to have pride when i see that my grades are good.
Janet Velazquez

brandonlengyel said...

My goals for this semester is to get at least one 4.0. No joke, I have the capability to do so. In my previous semester I got 3.4, 3.3and a 3.7. I have to reach this goal by doing a little better in both history and anatomy. For this class I’m hoping to get an A as I have previsoly in literature. I feel I do better academically when I’m active, meaning, lacrosse is coming up for me and I feel my 4.0 goal is reachable.

Unknown said...

I think you forgot to say 7 sentances for these just to let you know

Miranda Adams said...

To me pride has many aspects and comes in defferent forms. I like to take pride in spending time with my family because of how much the truly mean to me. Yes i know i dont spend as much time with them as i should but when i do its always fun. The goals i have set for myself this cardmarking are to pass all my classes with at least a B or higher. i know i havent worked hard at all in the start of the year. I think its time to turn myself around and show just how much i can accomplish. If i put the time and effort i can do a lot better then i have done in the past. some ways i will accomplish my goal is insted of worrying about everything going on around me i will put all my mind on my work. well this isnt going to be easy for me i can tell you that, but its truly something that i have to do for myself to be able to make it somewhere in life. I also know if i do well in school i wont only bring pride to me but it will also bring pride to my mother and my dad, and right now after how i did in the past right now i know for a fact they most deffently arent proud at this time. So like i was saying pride comes in many forms because something you do that give you pride might give someone other then you pride as well.

~Miranda Adams

jessecovill said...

For some one to take pride in something they do means they don't care about bad opinions from other people. This semester I would like to get at least a B+, an A would be great though. I would mainly like to graduate next year and not have to take another class over the summer. If I were to put your words into action they might make me a little bit more social.

Panos said...
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Panos said...
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JakeCastner said...

If I'm not mistaken, pride is a deadly sin or some such nonsense. If you ask me, however, pride is the glue that holds our society together. Each individual's goals and personal pride are what makes this country great and makes it possible to go from rags to riches. I have some goals for this semester. I am going to try not to build up a bunch of missing assignments in math class (pre calculus this semester) and i am going to work harder overall in school. If i can manage to accomplish these goals, i feel that i am fully capable of achieving a 3.5 or higher! I was not in class today because i am very sick, so i don't know if i missed your speech or not, but i did the blog nonetheless.

ben nicolay said...

So, I gave my speech about pride. With that in mind, give me your goals for this semester both in school in general and in my class. Tell me how you are going to take my words about pride and put them into action. Then, tell what grade you would like to work towards during this first cardmarking. Be realistic with all of these but most importantly, be honest.

I am going to try harder and take pride into my work because I really don't. Like last semester, I had the oppurunity of re-doing my research paper which I didnt re-do because I am lazy and didn't care so much. I was reassured by my parents that I am lazy because you emailed them Mr. Kay. Thanks by the way. I think that your intentions are good and you are trying to make us better and I like that. I think i could get all A's if I really put forth an effort. I need to actually learn the assignment and do it correctly instead of just half-assing it. I guess the future is in my hands and what I do with it who knows.

Alix Dickson said...

Pride is very important. Pride is what makes us ambitious. I realize now that i need more pride in my school work. This semester i would like to get all A's and B's in my classes. Lit has always been easy for me so hopefully i will be able to keep and A in this class. I just hope i dont get lazy during the fifth card-marking like i usually do. I would like to be able to show more pride in my work from now on.

ScOtW29 said...

So, I gave my speech about pride. With that in mind, give me your goals for this semester both in school in general and in my class. Tell me how you are going to take my words about pride and put them into action. Then, tell what grade you would like to work towards during this first cardmarking. Be realistic with all of these but most importantly, be honest.

My goal for the cardmarking is just to improve my grades. Whatever grade I had before I want to at least boost it up 1 letter grade. I think what you said about pride makes me think of how I have spent this year. I regret a little bit me not taking more pride in my work, and just getting the work done to have it done. For your class my goal will be to get an A. With what you said about pride I think that now I will actually put more effort into my work. This whole school year I have had oppurtunities to get my grade up in classes by doign extra credit, and easy stuff, but most of the time I was to lazy to do it. For the new cardmarking I plan on improving my grades a lot, and spending more time on assingments, and also putting more effort into it.

brandonlengyel said...

here is an add on to my first entry. I frogot to talk about pride. For this semester im going to take more pride in studying for tests then just going in cold. Im hoping by taking more pride in studying for tests i will recieve my straight As goal.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to have seven sentences, continuing where I left off...

I feel like I do not apply myself to school. I know I could be averaging all A's if I TRULY put effort in to my work. I will not say that I don't take pride in my work (I rarely let people copy my work), but I just do not feel motivated to get out notebooks or books and do homework or whatever. It's something I need to work on, but there are other more immediate pleasures I like to fulfill (music, friends, videogames, etc.)

Lil Southkr3w said...

pride is somethin dat alot of people have. many people define pride as u feeling good about somethin u did or some thing like dat. pride to me is feeling good about wat you do. also achieving your goals. my goal for dis class is to pass it. and my goal toward skool to pass all my classes so i dont have to take plato no more. also i need to do better in my math class. dats how i define pride and mygoals.

Alan Hernandez

Stefan Kegebein said...

I believe that pride is one of the most important aspects in life. If everyone took pride in everything they do that would make the world a better place. Pride is a great motivationally tool and helps individuals and groups achieve their goals. As for my goals this semester academically, I would like to achieve the goal of a 4.0 GPA. I am a 3.75 student average and it has been a few assignments here and a bad test there that haven’t allowed me to achieve a 4.0. My goal for this World Lit class is to get an A. Taking pride in my school work will only make it easier to achieve my goal. When people take pride in their daily activities (school, sports, work) they will find results that will have increased significantly.

Stephen Manvydas said...

With the current semester i plan on stepping it up a notch and earning a grade that i know i can get. I plan on Acheiving an A in your class, and hopefully an A or B in all of my other classes. Last semester i think my work, overall, lacked pride tremendously. I did the bare minimum just to get the grade and at many times i felt very crapey for doing so. Im kind of ashamed of how much time and effort i put into school last semester and i plan on switching gears for the current one. For the first cardmarking i dont see getting an A to be a hard challange for me. If i acctually take the time to put effort and pride into my work i could do it easily. I missed a bunch of opertunities last semester to bump up my grade and for this time around i know im not going to be that lazy. Also hope to get my blogs past 7 sentances, got a little lazy there too.

Anonymous said...

Ah, this is a topic that I personally find very difficult to discuss without sounding too saccharine. With your speech on pride recently in my head, I will attempt to put forth as much effort as I am personally able. Also, I'll try not to be such an ass all the time, because I realize that I am one and find it hardly palatable. Naturally, I would love to be able to achieve a 4.0 as my over-all GPA, yet I do realize my limitations as a human being and understand that I'm incredibly lazy. It's not that I don't find homework or classwork to be beneath me, I just find other activities much more appealing. In your class, I will try my best to complete (and not lose) assignments as well as complete them to the degree that I know I can complete them to. For my realistic grade, I would be happy with a B+. I know I am able to get a higher grade, yet as I stated, I am lazy to a point where it constitutes character flaw. So, taking that into account, I would shoot for at least a B+ but naturally, would settle for anything higher.

Anonymous said...

To me pride is needed in every acpect of society. If no one took pride in what they did then our country and the world would bea piece of crap. For me i plan on getting a A in all of the semester and missing no more than one blog per term. I would say none but sometimes stuff happens so i left room for that. In my other classes i feel pretty confident that i will get arond the same grade. Whn it comes to AP however, my goal in there is to have a B all semester. For some reason this class is harder for me, i think this is because it is mostly about religion and ideals than actual events.

Austen Anderson said...

Pride is a very stong thing to have in life, because if you dont put pride into your work, then you cant say that you did your best. As well as you could have done better. My goal this semester is to get atleast a B in world lit. Writing isnt my strongest subject in school but i do try my best. some other goals in other classes is in Geometry to pass with atleast a B also. I'm usually pretty good with math, but geometry just doesnt come to me.

BrittanyBarron said...

"Is pride a fault or a vriture?" Elizabeth Bennette ask these question to Mr. Darcy in Jane Austen's timeless classic "Pride and Perduijce". I have and I'm sure many people have asked themsels this question. I belive in most cases it is both. It can either help or hurt peole in a very sigificant way. My goals for this semester are very simple. First (only cause it is the easiest) is to get a lead in "Your a Good Man Charlie Brown, next is to make it internations for DECA, and last but most important is to get a least a 3.5 GPA for the semeseter. Incraseing my GPA is most important. I can fully admit that I have been severly slacking of this year when I came to doing homework. ALthough this weekend I found out that the college I want to go to incresed the required GPA for all out of states admissions. I deiced that i reakky need to gt my act together. Going to inertnationals for DECA is purely for shelfish reasons. I want to go Califorina and party for a week, but it does also look pertty good on college appilcations. Landinga lead in the musical is just really a lifelong goal and abmition. These goals have really have't changed over the last semester. They have just incresed in difficality. My main goal in this class to better my writing techinques. And i really ope to get an A at least one term.
-Brittany Barron

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I didn't hear your speech today but ill answer this blog. My goals for this class or any other class are the same as theve always been.

-C or higher
-On time to class
-Do my h.w
-Get a b or higher on test/quizzes

Pride has never been that huge for me. I think i should have. I'm now paying for it due getting killed in your class grade wise. But iv still learned a lot. I have to get in the habit of working on something for my own good, not just to get it done.

I'm not going to be at school tomorrow either, Iv been sick. You can send my H.W at my email.

Anonymous said...

My goals for school and for this semester are simple. Get over a 3.0 and get atlesast a B. Im going to take the pride in my work. Im not going to half ass my way through it im gunna do the best i can and achieve my goal. For this first cardmarking i would lke to earn atleast a C+. I think that in very reachable if i aply myself. I am being completley honest im goin to do my best this semester for a good future.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, Marc, people actually blog this time around. Last semester there were far less responses. Anyway, here goes my ridiculously, infamously long blog entry for this evening:

Pride is an abstract thing of beauty and it's a shame that such beauty is hardly embraced in the high school environment. As a junior at Lakeland High School, I've noticed the apparent trend that seems to have swept the student body that is to gradually put in less effort and, as such, less pride in the work that we complete with each passing year. As a freshman, I was devoted to my schoolwork and made no excuses to not do my homework (though, looking back, if I was able to go back in time and see myself as a freshman through the eyes of the person that I am now, I would probably punch my younger self in the mouth). Then, as a sophomore, my work ethic slowly waned increasingly as the year's end drew nearer. Now, as a junior, my work ethic fucking sucks to put it plainly. I am entirely capable of achieving whatever grade point average I set my mind to however I simply lack the motivation, organization, and strive to do well in school anymore. I desire to do well in school but my more immediate desires simply put my educational focus out of proportion and priority. Your speech on pride hit right at home with me, Marc, and jump-started my motivation for the new semester. This semester, I will not only desire to do well but I will also strive to do well. My dream of going to the University of Michigan is essentially crushed with my 3.0 grade point average last semester, so I will now work to maintain my cumulative GPA of a 3.5 and try to make it into Michigan State University, pursuing a degree in psychology and eventually - after ten years of college - becoming a clinical psychologist. More immediately, I will strive to get the A's that I know I am capable of achieving. Last term my pursuit of music sharply prevailed in my conscious over my schoolwork and thus my grades suffered severely. If I put in the time and effort then I can achieve that 3.8 that I know I can. This term, I will let my other priorities take the backseat until my schoolwork is completed.

- Ryan Moore.

Yeah, my blogs are to god damn long.

kaitlynfrantz said...

I Forgot to do my blog last night; but better late than never I guess. This semester my goal is to have more pride in my grades. If i work up to my potential I believe I will acheive my goal. I do not always enjoy school, so I don't put forth the effort that I should. Trying harder in school to recieve better grades should hepl me to like school a little more, so this is my number one goal. Another goal I have set for myself is to get at least a B in math. I struggle in math and haven't gotten over a B- this year yet, but if I give more effort in the class I know I can do better. My goal for this class is to achieve at least an A since I always get A's in Lit. My final goal is to have at least a 3.7 gpa. If I take pride in my work I know I can accomplish my goals.

Anonymous said...

Pride is like a feeling you have about something you do. For example, I have pride in my work at OTC and most of all I like what I am doing there. My goal for this semester is to maintain a 3.0 or higher. I have not done to well in any of my lit classes so I would like to get a B or better. I think the highest grade I've gotten in one of my lit classes was a C- but I feel I can do better. Last semester my GPA was like a 2.9 and I would like to have it higher.

Robert Sheetz

christina newman said...

My goal is to try to get a c or higher in all of my classes. Which didn't happen last semester. If I get higher than a c I can take drivers training. My main goal in life though is to become a vet tech. I wanted to be that since I was a little kid. I would take a lot of pride in that job. I would take pride because it’s been something I wanted to do and it is going to take a lot of time.

p.s. I was sick and I just found out we did blogs today

Kevin Hughes said...

My goals in general are to get the same grades I always have, and for world literature specifically, my goal is to get at least a B, like everything else. I am going to exemplify pride in my actions by living up to what I say now, so that at the end of this semester when grades come, I won't have to make excuses as to why I didn't achieve my goals.