Thursday, January 29, 2009

Day 3

Tried to get the blog up earlier but had to rush out of school and have been carpooling since then.

Today we discussed the concepts of fate, guilt and ambition as prevailing areas of life. We all have encountered thoughts of these one way or another. For this evening, comment on one of the following quotes:

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Bill Bradley

“There are no little events in life, those we think of no consequence may be full of fate, and it is at our own risk if we neglect the acquaintances and opportunities that seem to be casually offered, and of small importance."
Amelia E. Barr


“Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.”
Peter McWilliams


jessecovill said...

McWilliams makes a great point. Once you tell a lie or do something that makes the guilt set in, you might fell a little angry or just fricken pissed at your self. I don’t think we can be mad at the person we lie to because they proved us wrong in some way and we don’t want to admit it right away, what I’m trying to say is when we fell guilt we either get angry with our self or the person next to us.

Panos said...

I fully agree with the quote by Bill Bradley because everyone has ambition in them, the only problem is that most people give up on there ambition before they completed there goal. I believe that without persistence there is no need for ambition because you will probably give up. For example: If your goal is to get all A's in school, when you start out you are ambitious and really want to get all A's, but after a while you get tired of doing all thte homework and you quit being persistant, and then your grades start to fall. That is why I fully agree with Bill Bradley says regarding Ambition and Persistence.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't really think guilt is anger directed towards yourself. Guilt is more of a feeling of wrong doing. Say somebody did something wrong and they felt guilty about it, that person isn't really going to feel angry with their decisions, they would feel more upset or sad about what they've done. But on the other hand, they could feel angry because they did something wrong, but I believe guilt means a lot of things. Don't get me wrong or anything, I'm sure people get angry with some of their decisions. There is a lot of things that make people feel guilty, like if they do something wrong or even not doing something at all. It's hard to explain the feelings people get when they do things, so it's kinda hard to say if its anger or a sad feeling.

Miranda Adams said...

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Bill Bradley

Ambition is the dive that gets use to make something out of ourselfs. I agree with this qoute because i truly believe that if i didnt have the ambition to do something or get something then i wouldnt try at all, i pretty much know for a fact i wouldnt. Ambition causes you to have Persistence. But with out either one of them then it just wouldnt work. When you have the ambition for something doesnt mean you going to just get it handed over to you. No it means your going to have the drive to fight for what you want and thats where you are going to have the Persistence coming in. So you need to not sit back you need to keep trying even if you fail the first time.
It may not be easy and you'll probley want to stop but you cant give up.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy this first quote. This quote is very simple and makes me laugh. What he is saying is you need both of these to strive. If you are just ambitious and not persestant you wont really get far. But vis versa is the same you cant be persestent with no ambition. But with both is a great sucess. If you want a goal you just cant dream about it. You gotta go out everyday and try to persue and accomplish it. It is the only way to strive in life.

Lil Southkr3w said...

"Guilt is anger directed at ourselves."

i think guilt is not anger toward ourselfs. i think dat guilt is a feeling of da things u do wrong. when u do somethin wrong u might not feel good about it or feel bad about urself. i dont really think dat if u have guilt u will be angry at yourself.

Alan Hernandez

brandonlengyel said...

“Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.”
Peter McWilliams

I really do believe that this quote is very true. Guilt does lead to anger witch effects noboby except ourselves. When one is feeling guilty they tend to hold it to themselves witch builds anger. Feeling guilty can lead to geting in trouble in the long run or may lead to harm of self or others. As people make decisions they tend to stick with those decisions. Those decisions may led them up guilt and telling them selves they have made a wrong decison. They can always fix that guilt and relse that anger by making up the action they have done, either by talking to someone or if stealing return the item.

BrittanyBarron said...

"Guilt is anger we put on ourself." I do not agree at all with this quote. Guilt is remerse that we feel, not anger. Yes we may be angery with ourself for something that we did but that's not all guilt is. Guilt eats away at us when we do something we know is wrong. While anger makes you turn you anger out on someone else. It can lead us leashing out oon other people. Guilt can makes us harm ourselfs. That's why I don't think that guilt is anger we have at ourselfs.
-Brittany Barron

Janet said...

“Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.”
Peter McWilliams
I dont agree with the quote because when we feel guilty, we usually never get mad at ourselves we take it out on someone else.Atleast i do, when im feeling guilty i dont get mad at my selve i end up being mad at other people. but the truth is always going to get there and we dont admit it rite away but when you cant take it no more you tell da truth and you feel better, but you still have to deal with the consequences.

ScOtW29 said...

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Bill Bradley

I agree with this quote because the only way you can achieve success is by being ambitious. What the quote is saying though is that it is hard to be ambitious day in and day out. Part of being ambitious is being persistant, otherwise your wont be successfull. Ambition alone will not get you success. Persistance is the key to success because you have to be persistant. Being ambitious is a hard thing to do because while you are doing it there will be challenges on the way. This is where persistance comes in. You have to fight through the tough spots, and know that when you achieve success that there is no greater feeling.

Unknown said...


“There are no little events in life, those we think of no consequence may be full of fate, and it is at our own risk if we neglect the acquaintances and opportunities that seem to be casually offered, and of small importance."
Amelia E. Barr

i feel this quote embodies all of the topics that we have gone over. not just fate, but guilt and ambition as well. i believe what barr is trying to say is that every event, no matter how insignificant, has the potential to affect us. you must evaluate what you want to do. ammbition plays into this, because if you are ambitious, you must evaluate, and then sieze the oppurtunity to succeed. fate is also major. this quote mainly centers around it, because it is saying whatever you do will affect you in some way. and finally, guilt. the guilt in this case centers around the idea that if you dont make the most of oppurtunities, you will only have that to look back on; the fact that you didnt take it and make the best of it.

Alix Dickson said...

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Bill Bradley

I think this quote is true. i think you need ambition to reach your goals. Persistence is what helps u to be ambitious. Persistance is like determination. Its what keeps you from giving up. So ambition and persistance are very similar. Thats why i think this quote is true.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

“Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.”
Peter McWilliams

Guilt is a simple punishment on ourselves. We guilt because we did something we think is morally wrong. It's like a mechanism that corrects you. So are things like pride, self ambition, being afraid, motives. Those are all things that form a kind of fate and what choices you make in life. Guilt is not something that just angers us, it moves in a certain direction. That one direction will lead to our end goals or something different.

Stephen Manvydas said...

i chose to talk about the quote "Guilt is anger directed at ourselves." and i completly agree witht his quote. If someone went out and commited a crime, stealing for example, and they get away with it they feel guilty. When you feel this guilt you feel bad and even angery at yourself. You feel bad that you have crossed your moral code and dont somthing against you. Somthing against your belifes and morals. We take the blame for things we do alot, and as we should. We sometimes take it to a high level as to hate ourselves. I know that if i stole somthing and felt guilty later i would be so angrey with myself for going against what i beleave in.

Anonymous said...

Tonight i am going to comment on the first quote because it relates to what im doing right now. The first says that in order to get where you want to you need to have the ambition and the persistance to see it all the way through. This relates to me tonight because i have homework in every hour, plus a snowboard meet tonight with a practice following it. now most people would just do the meet and some of their homework and not do the rest. But in order for mew to do good this semester i have to do it all. As i am writing this blog i already have 2 of my subjects done as well as my meet and practice. If i wanted to take the easy way out i could, but my drive and ambition will keep me going until i finish. Mad props to me for being able to relate.

P.S. I am going out of town tommorw after school so i will try to get the blog done before i leave if i have time, but if not i will do it when i get back on sunday.

shelbybatlemente said...

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Bill Bradley

I agree with what Bill Bradley is saying. Ambition really is the path to success in most cases. Ambition drives you to succeed in something. This may not always be a good thing but in most cases it is. When people are persistent they don't give up after they started something. For example, if you have a job that you don't necessarily enjoy or like, you are persistent when you don't give up and quit. I believe that everyone has ambition in them, but most people give up on their ambition. This is when people stop being persistent. As long as you stay ambitious you will be lead to the path of success. If you are persistent then you will arrive at your path to success. If you are not persistent you will end up giving up and you will never reach that path to success. In other words Bill Bradley made in excellent point on everyone needing ambition and persistence.

Anonymous said...

The flu sucks. I'll be back in school tomorrow.

Guilt, ambition, and fate are all related but I don't think that they are the three prevailing areas of life; happiness, sadness, and anger are the most prevalent emotions that we feel and they are the cause for everything that we do. If we are happy, we are generally friendly, optimistic, and an all-around better person to be around. If we're sad, then we generally tend to stick to ourselves and make small talk with others. If we're simply pissed, then we like to be left alone. Also, guilt is an emotion whereas ambition and fate are not. Anyways, here goes:

"Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in."
- Bill Bradley

Bradley is spot on in his assessment of ambition. Our ambition and persistence can be measured with a shitty metaphor that I came up with upon reading the quote: Michigan's roads suck while Ohio's roads are fantastic. Applying this to Bradley's quote, the former would be a lazy ambition or lack thereof and the latter would be an ambition which one steadily tries to fulfill; wouldn't you rather drive on a road that is smooth rather than one filled with cracks and crannies? As for persistence, wouldn't you rather have that brand new 2010 Chevy Camaro rather than a 1990 Dodge Omni? Of course you would, and applying this to Bradley's quote the Camaro that we drive on that road of ambition can lead us to success much faster than the Omni can. I think that our path to success isn't measured solely by our ambition to achieve it though. Other factors include the work ethic of a single person and the possibility of the goal. We've all desired to obtain unobtainable goals, and, as their name suggests, these goals are simply impossible to fulfill no matter how much ambition we may have to achieve them.

Being sick blows. See you tomorrow, Mr. Kay.

- Ryan Moore.

JakeCastner said...

“There are no little events in life, those we think of no consequence may be full of fate, and it is at our own risk if we neglect the acquaintances and opportunities that seem to be casually offered, and of small importance."
Amelia E. Barr

I think that Amelia's quote is very true, but is not catchy enough to be remembered for very long. It is quite long, and is rather halting. I find it true however, that we never know what events will be very pivotal. Every moment could be our last, so watch out! As for neglecting acquaintances, we all do , but we shouldn't, because now is the time to make as many friends as possible and to keep them for life. Personally, though, I like to get a few very close friends and stick by them, with a group of people who i spend the days with. The few that are closer, i am much more comfortable with.

kirkwhitt said...

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Bill Bradley

Ambition is the path to success is absolutely correct. If you want to do good at something it is a lot easier if your ambitious about it. Your goal go's bye a lot faster and you seam to have fun wile doing it. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in is a great way to but it. The more precise you are the better. The more persist you are at your job or goal helps you go farther in life, because people notice how good you are at what you do. Persistence is a key role in life.

Shelby Zukoff said...

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Bill Bradley

Bill Bradley makes an excellent point on ambition. Everyone has a want for something in their lives, no matter how little or big it could be. Whether it's finding a job or taking over the world, people will always strive for something they don't have. The reason that society does not achieve their goals, is the fact that slowly they give up on what they want if it is too challenging. If a person wants a job, they need to get up and start applying at places, and keep applying till they find one. Giving up because the first couple places did not hire them will get them nowhere. Or a small time criminal that has the psychotic dream of taking over the world. If the criminal starts taking out a few politicians and gets caught then thrown in jail, and gives up, he will never achieve his dream. He must either not get caught, or find someway to get out of jail so the criminal can slowly corrupt the world as we know it. Persistence is the only to key to achieve what your heart truly desires. This is why I believe that Bill Bradley makes an excellent point.

christina newman said...

Ambition is the energy to your goal. It is the road that you want to be on to make it. Persistence is what willing you to make it that far in your life. Persistence is your will power that is going to make you go for something you want. Both of them together make you achieve goals that you always wanted to. It what separates people and make other people go on farther in life. If you don’t have ambition and persistence then most likely your not going anywhere in life.

Kaitlynfrantz said...

I liked McWilliams' quote the the best. At times we may feel the guilt but blame others because of our anger. Once a person comes to their senses and is intelligent about what really occurred though, the person will realize it was their fault for feeling the guilt of their wrongdoings. Not all people may have the same feeling about guilt because some people cant accept what they did as wrong and admit that they are angry with themselves for what they did. Also not all people are that hard on themselves to feel anger toward themselves. This quote is very debatable depending on who you are I guess.

Anonymous said...

“Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.”
-Peter McWilliams

I find this quote to ring true the most. Guilt truly is what we seem to hate in ourselves. If we do something bad, generally, it's not the person who talked us into it that we get mad at, it's ourselves. We always ask, "why was I so stupid" never, "why was he so stupid". Perhaps though, instead of anger, it's more of a disappointment. As humans, I like to think that we at least know what kind of a person we are and how we act, and perhaps guilt is a disappointment when we don't act in the manner which we find to be our usual way or the way we truly are. So, again, it's this disappointment or anger which we throw upon ourselves in its entirety to make us feel guilty, not so much regret at what we did, but regret that you acted like that. At least, that's what I think.

ben nicolay said...

"Guilt is anger directed at ourselves.”
Peter McWilliams

I agree with the Peter McWilliams quote "Guilt is anger directed at ourselves" because when you feel the guilt it is directed within someone. Guilt is like a bad concious. Having guilt is like thinking twice before you should do something. It's like you know you shouldnt do something bad but you still do it. I personally do not like the feeling of guilt.Guilt punishes yourself and sometimes make you tell the truth. I feel bad and end up wanting to tell the truth or set things straight.

Stefan Kegebein said...

“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.”
Bill Bradley

Mr. Bradley’s quote is absolutely correct about ambition and persistence. The only way to achieve success is to continue and develop and work hard at what you do. Persistence goes hand in hand with ambition. People who are persistent will never give and keep moving forward. People who are ambitious always give hard work to reach their goals. Therefore, ambitious people are kind of persistent in achieve the success of reaching their goals. This quote just reminds all of us the most times success can only be achieved through work day in and day out.

Alex V said...

I agree with this quote,“Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” Ambition is what drives you to do something no matter what. If everyone didnt have ambition how would anyone every suceed. Without it everyone would just be fine with what they have and not try to better themselves. When you have the ambition for something doesnt mean you going to just get it handed over to you. No it means your going to have the drive to fight for what you want and do whatever it takes to get to where you want to be. Ambition everyone needs it.

Kevin Hughes said...

The second quote seems like it is either incomplete, has a lack of morals, or is deliberately ambiguous. While it's true saying guilt is anger directed at ourselves, this seems to demote having values at the same time, like saying having a conscience is not necessary. While I suppose it isn't, really, without it our society would be a much worse place.