Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 2

Please give me your own personal definition of ambition. Based on the discussion today discuss whether you see yourself as willing to do anything to meet your ambition or ambitious but cautious. Explain the one you choose. Lastly, give an example in your life where your ambition caused a positive or negative outcome.


shelbybatlemente said...

Shelby Batlemente

To me ambition means the drive that you have when you really want something. I see myself as ambitious but cautious. I will say at times I am willing to do anything to meet my ambition. But I am cautious when doing things to meet my ambition. I also always think things through before I make a decision with ambition. I once wanted to join the cheerleading team at my middle school. I wasn't as good as some of the other girls so i just kept practicing. I had the ambition to keep me from just giving up. So I made the team and I didn't give up! This is an example of when ambition caused a positive outcome.

Anonymous said...

i think that ambition is a combination of drive and want. When one is ambitious there is always something they want, but in order for them to get sych thing they must have the drive to do so. I do not see my self as the person who would do anything to achieve ther ambition. I would do whatever it took as long as it did not interfere with my integrity and moral code.If i had to crush someone else dreams to achieve my own then i would if that was necessary, but i would do it in a fair way. It was always my ambition to get a job doing what i love. Although teaching isnt exactly where i was going its as close as i can get to having snowboarding as a job other than going pro.

brandonlengyel said...

What ambition means to me is first the want then the result. when somebody is ambitious there are usally wanting something, but never think to them self what the result maybe. I as an individual look to see where my ambition is taking me and see if its to the best of my advantage. If somebody else was holding me back on an oppurtunity, i would fight my hardess to beat that individual so i can achieve my ambition. In 9th grade i decided to play lacrosse as to keep in shape for football. It was down to the last day of tryouts when the coach sayed we need another goalie. So as a 9th grader it was to my ambition to play goalie due to i had 4 years left of high school. So i thought it threw and my ambition led me up to now starting on the varsity lacrosse team.

Miranda Adams said...

Please give me your own personal definition of ambition. Based on the discussion today discuss whether you see yourself as willing to do anything to meet your ambition or ambitious but cautious. Explain the one you choose. Lastly, give an example in your life where your ambition caused a positive or negative outcome.

Ambition means that you have the strive for something that you really want or would like to accomplish. i personaly could seeing myself doing whatever it takes to get something that i would really like. but then again i wouldnt go to far. I couldnt see myself willing to brake the law, killing someone, stealing or anything like that. If i had to go that far for the thing i wanted i dont think it wouldnt really be worth it. one thing that i had a ambition about was hanging out with my friends as much as i could get away with, but in the end it had a neg. outcome because my grades droped and my family became unhappy with me. So now im not aloud to see my friends and i dont have good grades and my family still isnt happy. But on the bright side a good anbition i had was wanted to make a sports team. i work hard and i do my best and when i dont do well one day i work even harder the next and when it comes down to try out it helps you show how much effort you put into it. So in the outcome i made the team and was really happy.

KaitlynFrantz said...

I think ambition is a very strong desire and drive for something. I am ambitious but cautious with my ambitions. I will not always do anything to fulfill my ambitions because some things are not called for in certain situations. I have always had the ambition to do well in volleyball. My fist ambition with volleyball was to make the varsity team as a freshman; which I accomplished. I now have been on the varsity volleyball team for three years and a captain two of the three years. My first ambition in volleyball then led to higher ambitions, once I learned what I was capable of achieving. I am now aiming for a full ride scholarship for volleyball. So far my ambitions in volleyball have been very positive and hopefully will remain on the same track.

jessecovill said...

To me ambition is something that you would strive to achieve with or with out taking risks. Everybody is capable of reaching their goals or ambitions, but I would most likely be cautious in reaching them because I don’t want to kill or be killed for something I might never achieve. An example where one of my ambitions affected me in a positive or negative way was during a baseball game, I really wanted to play third base, I got my chance and the first thing to happen to me was a baseball to the face and a broken nose. So I’m gonna say that I was affected in a negative manner.

Anonymous said...

Haha, scott. you weren't first >:D

I am a little of both. I am ambitious and cautious, because I am afraid of failure, but I also can be willing to do whatever it takes to get what I want. I have quite a story as an example, too. I chose to be in between because I feel like it's a good fit for me. A good example of ambition is when I rode my bike from my house in White Lake (a subdivision off Pontiac Lake Road) to Clarkston to see my ex-girlfriend (who was my girlfriend at the time). I rode at around 12AM in late late November, and I rode about an hour. I saw her for three or so hours, then I was caught by my parents and got in a lot of trouble. It was a negative outcome, but it was also a time I'll never forget. Riding down dixie highway with no cars on it and dead silence is a pretty eerie feeling.

Anonymous said...

My personal defntion of ambition is going the extra effort and trying to strive at something you want countinously. I can see myself doing what ever it takes to achieve my dream. Even if it may have to hurt some people on the way how harsh that sounds...In golf i want to join the tour so if i had to leave my family in doing so i would in a heartbeat and im sure my dad would want me to anyways. But sometimes me taking it so seriously people think im blowing them off but i really am just trying to practice. I want to get better but its hard when your frineds would rather have you hang with them and get mad if you dont. So this is the problems i have sometimes trying to achieve my goal.

Anonymous said...

In my eyes ambition is what makes you do something or own something. My ambition in life is to be successful and own a nice house and a nicer car than what i have now. I know now that I wont go out and commit crimes to get money to become successful or I wont kill anyone for their money. But I know my ambition is to go and get a good job that I like and that pays well. I had an ambition to get into OTC and in the class that i wanted. That class was full so I couldn't get into it but that didn't stop me from trying to get into the school. I got in this class that I found to be more interesting to me than the other class. That outcome has yet to come but I'm sure it will be positive.

Rob Sheetz

Anonymous said...

My personal definition for ambition is my desire to achieve or have something. I would include desire have something as part of my ambition, because we are all consumers, and when that new iPod comes out who doesn't want to get their hands on it? Personally, I wouldn't do anything to get something. For things or goals that I want to have or succeed in, I try to get it up to a point. If I realize that I personally can't obtain or reach it, then I stop. I'm a realist and realize that I can't have everything (unfortunately) and what I can't have, I don't cry over. So, I would consider myself ambition but cautious. I'll try things up to a point. I'll lie to my mom if it gets me somewhere, but I won't shoot my mom in my sleep or steal from her panty-drawer; (because that seems to be where all if not most women keep their cash). A perfect example of ambition getting the better of me is when I want to constantly get a 4.0 GPA. While it's not necessarily a bad consequence, I've never achieved it and feel like a loser and a lazy-ass for not doing so. No matter what I do, or how well I do, I've never managed it. Generally, it's because I have terrible memory and can never remember assignments. I have a planner, but I forget to write it down. Thankfully, though, I can remember my SSN and any password I type into a computer. So, I guess my not ever achieving a perfect GPA has the negative consequence of causing self-esteem loss, self-pity and realizing that I'm not perfect. Just damned close.

kirkwhitt said...

Please give me your own personal definition of ambition. Based on the discussion today discuss whether you see yourself as willing to do anything to meet your ambition or ambitious but cautious. Explain the one you choose. Lastly, give an example in your life where your ambition caused a positive or negative outcome.

My personal definition of ambition is having the will to do it. Any one can do any thing if they want, but if your ambitious about it the chances are your going to accomplish your goal with better effort put into it. I know I can do anything if I put my mind to it. I also find it easier to succeed if i am ambitious about it. I am willing to succeed at my ambition depending on what it is. A example of a time when my ambition turned out to be making the baseball team. Freshman year I didn't make the team. The next year came around and I was more ambitious than I had ever been. I was in the weight room lifting weights, and on the track running getting in shape. When tryouts came around when I was a sophomore my ambition paid off I made the team.

Panos said...

If I had to give my own definition of what ambition is, I would defenitly define it as: The force inside of you that motivates you to do good or bad and the motivation in you that gets things done. Before the discussion I knew that I would not do anything to meet my ambition but to be cautious. I learned that because through military training you learn that you must be careful with how you meet objectives cause one wrong or stupi move and your whole operation is messed up. I believe that I must be careful in all my goals and have ambition but not to much. An example of my ambition at it's best is in November, I went to a military boot camp in Howell. I have to ay that it was one of the most challenging things that I have ever been through, doing push-ups in the snow at 1:00 in the morning. All the way through I told myself that I would keep pushing and would pass the boot camp. In the end I kept telling myself that I can do it and I would not show weakness to the Drill Instructor. In the end I passed with an 8.3 out of 10.0. If it was not for my ambition I probably would have failed. My ambition definatly produced a positve result. That is my definition of Ambition and my example of it.

christina newman said...

Ambition is your energy to set a task and achieve your goal. My ambition when I was little I wanted to be like my brother and play softball. I worked hard as my brother taught me how to play. I finally made a team and I played for eight years. Then I got a bad knee and I had to quit playing. The positive outcome was that I finally got onto a team like i wanted. The negative was I had to quit playing softball. If you keep trying you came make your goals you wanted to make.

Anonymous said...

Wow, so I had like a 45 sentence blog coming up, but the god damn website simply didn't add it. Son of a bitch. Here we go again.

Ambition is the drive that one has to achieve something for their actions, be it a reward or a simple satisfaction. I think that anyone is willing to do nigh anything to get what they want depending on how great the reward or satisfaction would be. I am generally ambitious yet cautious, or more aptly ambitious yet lazy. I oftentimes lack the motivation to fulfill my ambitious strives. For example, in my fourth hour AP Euro class we are assigned ten or so pages to read nightly for homework. In the beginning of the year, I read the assigned pages each day and, thus, did extremely well on each quiz. However, I think it has been nearly two months before I have opened the book and read what we were/are assigned to read. Prior to this new card marking and semester, I had a system to go about the class: I would listen to the lectures, take the notes, and simply focus on what Mr. Beacome was saying. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that finding a system that works is great, and when we do find a working method we rarely ever change it. With said system, I did well on the tests but not as well as I could have had I done the assigned readings, and for a while I was content however I had absolutely no honor or pride in my work whatsoever; my ambition was to maintain great grades in the class and that ambition was fulfilled, but an ambition filled with empty pride is hardly a great feeling. It was monotonously strenuous to sign onto Skyward hoping that I had a decent grade, only to be relieved when I saw that my grades were slightly higher or lower than I had expected. Many would be happy with the grades that I received last semester, and I was for a short while, but this semester I'm through bullshitting my way through a class. I am going to do all assigned work and finally have a sense of decency in pride in school. I'll be honest, for the past eleven years I've bullshitted my way through school. I found a glitch in the system, so to speak, and exploited it to receive good grades. I rarely copy work, but I never have to try to get decent grades. It comes naturally. However, this semester I could careless what grade I receive in a given class as I'm going to give each course my all, and that's where the honor is held. If I have a C in a class that I actually try in and do each and every homework assignment and such, then I will be happy knowing that I did my best. It's nice to see that A show on the report card, but it fucking sucks knowing that you had to bullshit your way to that A instead of trying to get it.

Marc, you've inspired me.

- Ryan Moore.

Janet said...

To me ambition means doing anything that you can to achive your goal/dream. I think im ambitious but cautious, becasue i'm not willing to kill someone, steal and going to prision for it. When i want something really bad, i try really hard for it, do what i have to do without hurting someone because there are ways to reach for your ambition without hurting people. An example in my life that i was ambition was when i was in 2nd grade, since english is my secound language i needed to learn english. By the end of 3rd grade i already knew english perfectly. I would be in school and not understand that much, i had a lady that would help me all the time. So, that was my ambition to learn quickly. I most deffentily struggled and had many obstacles but i found a way through and i learned!

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

A ambition is another word for goal, or something you push towards. Yes i work to get to my ambitions even though I'm not always successful. A ambition that i have is to pass all my classes. That is something I'm good at seeing as iv never failed a class. I can do this because i work hard and do all my work. The next level is to actually do better in my classes and that will be my new ambition. Ill achieve this by putting pride in my work, and spend more time on it. For my example, i made a life long ambition to be straightedge[not doing drugs/smoking/drinking.etc]. This has been the biggest ambition iv ever made. It has filtered the people i talk to and helped me make better decisions with my life, and not being influenced by addictions.

ScOtW29 said...

I think the ambition is just life desire. It means that you want something you are going to do whatever it takes to get it. I think that it depends for me whether I am ambitous or cautios. It depends on the situation that its about. If it is something that I don't really care about, than im probably not going to be ambitious about it. If it is something that I like to do than i will be ambitious. Sometimes even though you don't like to do something you still have to have ambition. An example would be going to school everyday. Most people who go to school hate school because you have to do work, including me. But it is to important to not want to get good grades. You future depends on it, which is why you have to have ambition towards school.

Alix Dickson said...

I believe that ambition is what pushes you to meet your goals. With out ambition nobody would do anything but sit on their butts all day. I see my self as ambitious. Although im not willing to do anything like kill to achieve my goals. I had ambition when I joined the tennis team. I'd never played before but I practiced because I had ambition to get better. This ambition caused a positive outcome.

BrittanyJBarron said...

Ambition to me is the will and the want to stirve to succeed at something. Weather it be getting an A or getting a job. Ambition is what drives people to cheat on testes or at a game and to kill the people who stand in they're way. Hitler killed anyone who didn't meet his ideal race (Aryians), because they stood in his way. People are forced everyday to do what they think is right or to day what they need to do to succeed. I find myself ambious but cautious. I don't tend to do things that good prove not to turn out the way I like it. I didn't want to tried out for the school musical but my mother made me. Once I adutioned I was very ambious to get a lead. But in the end I didn't. I changed my goal to making the musical a success. As I'm sure you know it was. We sold at all three nights, and as over $15,000 in ticket sales, consesions, and doations. This was a very positive ambition.

Lil Southkr3w said...

ambition to me means to achieve something u really want. my ambition in life is to achive my goals. sometimes im willing to do wat ever it takes to get wat i want. i dont take it dat far to like kill some one or still or stuff. i wanted money, so i sold candy and made lots of money. and goods.

Alan Hernandez

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think of ambition as ones struggle to achieve what one wants. Along with this struggle is consequences and paths that one must take and not all of them are good. I personally think that i can be very ambitious at times but always cautious. Like if i wanted a car very badley i would do anything to get it but cross the line. My personal line would be along with stealing/killing to obtain what i want. I think ambition in my life has been weighed more on the good side. It helps me keep out of trouble and get the grades. It helps me earn the things i want to earn also. I think in the end ambition has caused a positive effect on my life.

Austen Anderson said...

ambition can mean a few different things. one big thing i believe it means is to achieve somthing you want. and second is the drive to meet that standard. one ambition i have is after school, go to a college that i can become a great architect. the reason i want this is because my uncle does it and i just love the kind of stuff he does for work, hes not stuck inside all dya everyday. one time when ambition has drove me was to get my job i have. i wanted a job i love doing, and would never get bored of, and that was being a snowboard instructor. so i got to know the people who work there and what do ya know, i ended up gettign a job, and i have a few friends that also work there, and the outcome is that i can say i taught that kid that, and he will always remember me for teaching him that.

Unknown said...


Please give me your own personal definition of ambition. Based on the discussion today discuss whether you see yourself as willing to do anything to meet your ambition or ambitious but cautious. Explain the one you choose. Lastly, give an example in your life where your ambition caused a positive or negative outcome.

christ, people are actually blogging now. ill give it two weeks.

to me, ambition is the root of the desire to succeed. ambition is quite literally, what gets you up in the morning, gets you through school, extra carriculars ect. i find myself ambitious but cautious. you see, i dont feel like i should completly commit myself to things, for fear of them either a) falling apart, or, b) not gaining anything out of it. because to me, setting yourself up for success is also setting yourself up for failure. sure, call me a pessimist, or what have you, but i dont see myself as either a pessimist or an optimist. rather a realist. i feel i see things the way they are, and to me, that is what people should. one instance in my life where ambition has caused me a positive otcome was back in my favorite time. i loved the sport of paintball, and still do. everything about it was exciting and new for me. so i put myself out there to become sponsered and play on a good team. it happened. then my funding got cut off and atomix closed.

ben nicolay said...

My definition of ambition is a persons wants or needs to succeed in something. I guess I would say I am ambitous but cautious. Why do something if your not going to be able to reach it. I am ambitous when I think the goal or task is accomplishable. One example I in my life of being ambitious is when I didn't make a travel team. I could've just quit or played house but I continued to work hard. By being ambitious I made another travel team which made me better.

JakeCastner said...

So, ambition to me is basically what makes people get up in the morning and go to their jobs. They believe that if they keep going, they might make a little more money every now and again. We have ambition to be rocket scientists and models, but we end up just being burger flippers and waiters. Currently, I don't have much ambition beyond just pulling grades that won't get me bitched at. I know that i should try to find something more, but i just don't know right now. It's late, and I'm not even keeping track of what I am typing. I think that i could be a lot of things, but i think that i could also mess it all up and be nothing. It also worries me that I'm not that worried about failing. Maybe that means im not gonna fail, maybe it means that im screwed, i dont think so but who knows?

im not really that pessimistic but i got to rambling.

Stefan Kegebein said...

To me ambition is the willingness of a person to go the extra mile to improve something. People who are ambitious work very hard at what they do to achieve personal goals set by them. I see myself as a person who is ambitious but cautious not to over step any boundaries. I want to work toward my goals in life without comprising another’s rights or beliefs. People who are corrupt and harm others to reach their own goals are really taking a step back with their life instead of achieve full success and taking steps forward in life. An example of ambition in my life is overcoming my size and lack of weight in Hockey. You can be one of the more talented kids on the ice but it is tough to go against kids that are twice the size of you. I have had to focus on only the things only I can control and just going out their and working harder than everyone else on the ice. Being ambitious and preserving you can do anything you want to do in life.

Shelby Zukoff said...

Ambition to me is the passion you have for either a short or long term goal that you long for. I've always been spoiled. And when things do not go my way, i will do anything and destroy anything to get what I want or need. I guess i'm not really cautious because i'm always caught up in the moment and don't think of the consequences. I always have the best intentions, but sometimes i don't think of others. If I like a guy, i do what i can to be with them, and in the past i have hurt friends that liked them too to be with them. This is an example of how my ambition got the best of me and became negative because I hurt my friend. Which was pointless because the guy turned out to be a prick anyways. Ambition is something that will be in everyone, it just depends on the person if it can be a positive or negative thing.

Shelby Zukoff said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alex V said...

To me ambition means the drive that you have when you really want something. Ambition is your drive to do something. And no matter what happens you will suceed. A ambition for me was when i got my car. I had to work all summer to get it. It was hard but then i thought after all it is done it will be worth it. After the summer i got my car. That was an ambition for me working to get my car.

Kevin Hughes said...

To me, ambition is both and instinct and a developed feeling that has two functions. First, our basic drives could be a form of ambition, such as wanting to go to sleep when you're tired. These are natural responses for our body. If you start wishing to sleep on a giant bed made out of gold (however uncomfortable), then you get into the second manifestation of ambition, which can also be seen as greed, depending on your intentions. An example of when my ambition had a positive outcome was when I signed up for a class in school I thought I'd actually enjoy, Photography, and it turns out if you try hard it's possible to take some cool pictures, as i'd hoped.