Sorry this is up later than I wanted but the site was down for a bit this afternoon.
Try this quote on for size:
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.
I think its saying that adults cannot always give the things they want to give to their youth or what the youth wants. Just because they dont give us want we want doesn't mean that they don't want us to have it. They can build the youth to be smart and control the future. Its like the adults now will expect us to take care of them one day. The adults now are taking care of their parents from their generation. They want to build us up so we can take care of them. I think this quote kind of relates to social security.
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Now, here's a D.A.M.Q.T.A.M.S.A.H.S.R. and one that I really like. To me, this quote means exactly what it says. We can't shape the future for our posterity, but we can adapt our posterity to the future that we have created. I think that the meaning behind this quote has fallen into a state of neglect. The government and specifically Bush enjoys his constant rhetoric about changing the nation and what it will be, but doesn't say very much about educating us and making sure that we're ready to live in the "new tomorrow" beyond his No Child Left behind legislation, (which makes no sense in my opinion). While we can't always predict our future, and we likewise can't always prepare our children, I think that the government and people need to start trying to make a concerted effort to do so.
One of the biggest issues is going to be the transition to an eventually oil-free world. It's not going to be around forever, and the rate that we're going, it's going to come as a damned huge shock when the Mobil, Shell and Valero on the corners are suddenly dry. We should be transitioning the world in a more effectual way towards renewable energy and not stuck in a barrel of oil. And then, where will we all be? Up a creek without a paddle and without map.
What this quote means is that we cannot prepare a future for kids but we can prepare them for what is to happen in the future. This is why parrents send their kids to school to prepare them for colledge. Also parents tell kids things to prepare them for what might happen in the future. Many parents prepare their kids for the future so that they are ready for what is to come. They prepare children so they dont make the same mistakes their parents did when they were young. Another thind they prepare kids so that they dont fall to peir pressure and do drugs and other things. If many of the adults todays parents had prepared them for the future many of them would have a better life than they do now.
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
i think this quote is trying to say that people cant make the future perfect. things happen and it depends on how you deal with what happens. but when our youth comes we can show them the way to a better future. we can show the youth the way because we have been there and we have handled simmiler problems they will/have gawn through. i think this quote ses a lot about helpin the youth out. right now the future isent looking very good with all the global warming, and the economey as bad as it is. we need to do every thing we can to help our youth have a better future. that is what i think this quote is trying to tell us.
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
quite simply, the world is an ever changing place. we cannot shape the worlds youth with closed minds to grow up in a world similar to ours. however, we can provide the tools to cope with the world of tomorrow. it displays the concern for global integration, and the ever changing international, for lack of a better word, "game" of sorts. providing an open mind, and the ability to cope. without this ability, humans would still be living in small, isolated communities, waring with one another about personal ideals. technology has come a long way since then, and will continue on into the ever distant future. we have technology that our ancestors would have never dreamt of even a mere 50 years ago. and just think of what we have in the future. we must prepare the wold's youth to collaborate in harmony, while competing with one another to better the world.
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
This quote is saying whatever happens in the future happens. You cannot control what happens in the world. There are some things that you can control. You can show the youth how to be successfull. You can do your best to prepare the youth for the future because you never no what will happen in the future. I think this is also saying that the future depends on our youth which makes it kind of confusing. Preparing the youth for the future because it can shape the future, and the youth will be much more ready for anything.
I think that Franklin D. Roosevelt is saying in this quote that we cannot predict the future for the youth, but we can prepare the youth. To prepare the youth for the future it is important to instill values, and wisdom with them. The future is unknown to everyone, especially to the youth because the future holds things of great expectations. It is important that the Youth all over the world is educated...better yet just able to make it to the future. Just getting to the unknown is the first and foremost part, rather then overachieving like most of our Youth is expected to. I think that people are often ignortant and oversee the fact that the youth is the future and we need to be ready to take on whatever comes our way. Something that is really going to affect my generation specifically is going to be technonogly, and we are all going to have to be knowledagable on it.
=]rachel duelo.
This quote is saying that we cannot prepare the future for the youth. Instead, we have to prepare the youth for the future. Just like we cannot prepare the future for the oil shortage, we must prepare the youth for it and have them make some new technologies that do not require oil. We can try out best to try to prepare our kids for the future, but things are going to change no matter what.
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.
this quote is saying that are youth are better prpared for the future than hte future is for them. i thik that we have a good idea about the future so we are prepared more. it also is saying that our youth provide the future. If someone invents something it becomes a part of the future because it is new. kids go to college to learn about the future. the future can not learn about our youth. one bad thing about that though is that we arn't positive at what the futre holds for us. this is one thing know one will ever know, in any generation. they might have an idea but know one will know for sure.
First off i think that this quote shows how bright a man FDR was. This quote is very true, sometimes you are just not the right person to change what the future will be like. Maybe sometimes your just not high enough up in society to do anything at all. One thing that you can do though is to prepair your kids for the future. You have already gone into the world and now live everyday so you know what your child need to do. You can "teach them the ropes" so once they grow up and take on the world they can survive. While we all know how hard it is to change things and get very far with, we do have an ability to help us survive. We can adapt, and make the best out of a future we have no control over.
I think the quote is saying that adults can’t give the future to the kids, but they can’t prepare the kids of the future. In other words you can help your kids start out there lives. You can help them find a job and get a car. You can’t do everything for them. They have to find out what its like to live on your own. That is a big step from living with you parents. Once you live on your own your parents aren’t there to help you out that much no more. That is what kids need to learn these days
- Christina Newman
It is up to us children and teenagers of this generation to build the futures for ourselves. We cannot rely on our parents and our elders to do the work for us. One day they are not going to be here and we need to be able to continue on with the future as ir needs to be for generations to come. But what we can do, and our parents can do for us is prepare us and educate us to the best of their abilities so that we are so ready for what is going to come in the future. Our parents are building us into the strongest people we can be and sometimes we don't understand the morals or lessons to what we are being taught at the moment, but someday in our future it will all come in handy. We will all look back and realize, we were being built and prepared for what is about to come in the future to our lives.
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
I believe that Franklin is trying to say that you can't predict what is going to happen in the future. But, you can be as best prepared as you can be. Somethings are going to happen in the future that you have no control over. The idea is to be the best you can be now. All you can do is take responisbility for your life and your future will turn out right. Are youth is the focus on the future. We are and Roosevelt beliefs that the best is to prepare ourselves.
I think the quote means that we do not have to bulid the future for our youth. We have to let the youth build the future. So you can't always bulid the future for them you have to let the youth bulid it for the rest of the world. Why do you think we go to school to prepare us for the future and or college. Just like if there is rules at home. This teachs you responsibiltey and that is also prepareing you for the future. So this is what I think the quote means to me.
I think he was trying to get many points across in this moving quote. One aspect is that you really cant make the world around you perfect. There are two many factors in life that conflict with making a flawless society. You cant control how other people behave or manipulate their actions. On the other hand, you can always make a difference in your childs education. There are several ways parents (And dont forget about the government!)can get involved with the children to make their schooling better. Those are just a few of the reasons why I think that is a great quote.
this quote means one thing and one thing only. its up to the youth of the world to build their future. we have to stop relying on everyone else to do things for us and start doing it for ourselves. if we had to fend for ourselves tommorw we would seriouslybe screwed. i dont think that many people have realized this and it truthfully scares me. if we stopped reling on everyone else and started taking more responsibilty we could make thingsmuch better. i believe that this is the only and only way to intrepret this quote
Tom Hall
I think in this quoute he is saying that you cant always change how the world is running right for our kids but you can change our kids to how our world is running. I think this quote is very well thought out. Some peolpe try changing everything for the kids. When people should be teaching there kids how to live in the world we have now. If we had to try to change things for our kids it would be a mess. We should teach our kids how to respect the world and how to live and adapt into the real world. So that is what my opinion is on this quote.
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
this took me awhile yo figure this out but, i think this quote means that we shouldent build our future to make the youth more comfortable for whats ahead we should build the future and let the youth get use to whats ahead. it seems like a lot of things are set up for us and handed to use so life is so easy. to "build our youth for the future" is saying that what we want our future to be thats how we should build our youth. good education, good moral support ect. i wonder what my kids will be like in the future.
This is saying that sometimes we can't shape the future ourselves. Sometimes we need to shape the youth to make the future better. Since we will be gone when the youth are ready to change the future, we need to shape them so that they make it better and not worse. We can't shape the future ourselves since we won't be there to see and change it. However if we raise the youth to follow our beliefs, then maybe they will change it to our liking. The youth are always the best option since they will listen to just about anything you tell them. We can't shape what we can't see, but we can give instructions for those who can see it.
-Dick Nehring
Cody Dykes
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
This is saying that the future is not known and cont be controlled but we can get the youth ready for it. I completely disagree with this. First of all the peoples actions control the future. And how are the youth supposed to be ready for something totally unexpected. I would agree with this if was turned around. I could understand if it said get the future ready for the youth. But in all i think if anything we should be fixing our problems now so that the people of tomorrow wont have to worry about it.
Ah, good ol' Delano Roosevelt. Franklin was an amazing president, and the best of them all in my honest opinion.
Roosevelt is explaining to the reader that our posterity's future can not be determined, or built, by us. For example, a student spends eighteen years in school to prepare him for a great future, but that student may neglect the chance to go to college. According to FDR, all that we can do is to create the youth for that future. We can, like Stefan stated, adapt our posterity to the future that lies ahead. Roosevelt had to have written this quote during The Great Depression or the second World War, and it easily parallels the time at hand. If it were indeed written during World War II, then he may be referring to that fact that a future for the youth is unattainable, or uncertain as the United States was in a major crisis, however the youth will be prepared for such an event in the future due to the fact that they were able to witness such horrible times, and as such may counter them in later years.
"We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future."
Franklin D. Roosevelt
I think the qoute is stating that are parents arent always able to give there youths what they want. But in the other hand i think it is saying that parents cant build there kids futures but can help them the best they can to follow the right path to buil there own future. My mom always tells me she cant make me who i am but she can help me be a better person by showing me how. personaly I am the typ of person that has to make my future for my self. i dont think i would like it if someone made it for me. I deffently dont think i would like it if my mom or dad made my future for me. Becuase she doesnt know eveything about me and she might of made it something she wanted her life to be like. So i think it for the best that adults cant build the future for there youths but just help them get the best of what they are capabel of.
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