Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 7

So, I sit at conferences bored and blogging. I hope that your research projects are going well. Tomorrow, I will be giving you an outline form to use for your outline. I also will be meeting with each group set to make sure you understand the job you have in your group.

For today, respond to the following:

In our current political climate, how does culture impact the person we should be choosing for our next president? Make sure you talk about the importance of America in the world when answering this question.


Unknown said...

In our current political climate, how does culture impact the person we should be choosing for our next president? Make sure you talk about the importance of America in the world when answering this question

our country is so culturally diverse, and yet, our presidents havent been. historically, our presidents have all been christian men ranging in age from the 30's to the 70's. but now we face a new choice, on one side of the ballot we have a black man, while on the other, we have a lady for vice president. either way it is a first. but we must look deeper. to what really makes up the individual. what they believe in, and if they mean it, or are just bullshitting to get a vote out of us. in our culture, we need a strong political leader, to carry the image of the united states as the supreme world power. we also need someone who will listen to our needs, and will carry out the will of the majority of american people.

alissa welling said...

I think whats important in our next election is what each candadiate is saying is true and if they are really wanting to make a change. Each candiadate has different views and we ourselves need to listen to those views and decide what would be better for our country. culture impacts this a lot beause when we our culture thrives on different needs then other countries. Other countries and worried about starving children, dictators or canabalism. Our country is worried about gas prices and money. So when choosing our next presient we need to choose someone who can help us for the better and not someone who wont listen to the people or wont care about the needs adressed by the people.

Anonymous said...

our country is a wolrd full of cultures mignling togather. on the other hand our past and present president have all been from the same one. they have all been white males and mostly all the same religion. i think that culture in politics isnt as important as the politics itself. a canditacs culture should have no effect on who you like or how you vote. sure they might have different practices and holidays and skin color and stuff like that. but other than that they have the same view on politics that we have just different ways to fix it. if they were qualified enough to get that far and they have ideas that people like then thats what matters. if people didnt like obama for his planks then he wouldnt be running for president right now because they would have canned him a long time ago.

ScOtW29 said...

In our current political climate, how does culture impact the person we should be choosing for our next president? Make sure you talk about the importance of America in the world when answering this question.

I think culture is a big impact on who the next president is. When I hear culture and presidents I think of skin color. All of our presidents in the past have been white males. There are some people that want to keep that the same. Some people just want a good president and they don't care about keeping things the same. The important thing is that both presidents are qualified. Both presidents want to make change in the economy. This is what I think.

Stephanie Zach said...

I think that that culture impacts the person we should be choosing for our next president because we have a black man running for president and a woman running for vice president. I think that they did a great job getting as far as they did, even if neither one of them wins. Culture in the past has said that you have to be a white male, Christian, and in the age range of 30s to 70s. We have also hardly ever thought about having a female president. No matter how that presidential election plays out, history will be made! This is one of the most exciting elections yet!

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

I think to alot of people the race of the people running will somewhat matter. Alot of people are racist and of course obama is black. I don't think
Obamas culture is that big of an issue though. Alot of people in the south i think will vote for McCain for the soul purpose that hes white. I don't think that this should make a difference on who you vote for. I think that its more important to look at the issues. I just think when people are choosing who to vote for they should look at who the person is and what they want to do for the country.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Our cultures have a big effect on who we will elect to run our country. We as americans base alot of who we vote on by how they look, but also how they can "sweettalk" you to make them think they are better then their opponent. I think that some people will not vote for John McCain just because he is old and happens to be in the same party as our current president. Other people may not vote for Barack because of his race or what people close to him have said. Our culture is shown in many ways in the election. what should really be important in who we vote for is the issues. We should not vote for someone because of race or how they will make america look, but for how they stand on the issues of our country.

Anonymous said...

Culture impacts the person we should be choosing for our next President because people base who they choose to elect by their cultural tradition. For example some people are culturally against Obama's relgion or race, so they will choose to vote for McCain just because of that fact. It's time for people to look beyond the obvious like skin color, and choose to vote for bigger issues. Tough, tradition stands in the decision factor for many American's in this election. This is a huge election becasue there is a black male running for President, and a white female running for Vice President. Personally, I believe that it is time that this has happend and it's the right timing for it to happen.I think like Barack has said it truely is, time for a change. Hopefully this time there will be real change instead of only talk of changing things in the United States.
-Rachel Duelo.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a really loaded and risky question to ask in my opinion. Personally, I think that the most notable cultural difference when selecting our new president is the region of the country you live in. For example, if you live in what's known as the "BIble-Belt" you're probably more inclined towards voting for the more-conservative Republicans who make their mark by flaunting their religion and using it as an advantage. On the other hand, more economically-viable parts of the country and much more "progressive" states are more likely to vote for the more economically-minded democrats who, while their religion isn't as big an issue in the poll box, their concern for the economy is. Then, you have sheer demographics and cultural background. Recent studies show that however impolitic it may be to say, blacks are more likely to vote for Obama as are Latinos who appreciate the lack of the Democrat's hard-line on immigration, as well as people who are in the lower-to-middle class or "Main Street" as current coinage goes. Likewise, white people are more likely to vote for John McCain and the Republican party if they're in a religiously conservative area or in a state with little to no immigration, or (up until recently) part of a historically "military" family.

Whatever the outcome, I especially think that given the economic importance of America as a world-player, the next president will have a huge impact on the world economy. In my opinion, I think that the Democrats will institute a better policy and therefore a stronger economy as they historically have, and that the Republicans will focus more on the perceived "threat" to the United States and be more argumentative and trigger-happy as they historically have been.

Probably my biggest worries is that the conservative and ultra-conservative Republicans will try to impress religious dogma on people as they did in Kansas or Kentucky. They've played hardball with this before and, if Bush was any indication, McCain will make a hard effort to place restrictions on the school system for what he and his cabinet will see as "un-Godly" teachings. For what concerns me about the Democrats is that their tendency to pad the stock market and spend waaaay too much will backfire and whiplash the country into a recession.

However, as I said before, culture does make a large impact on the outcome of the vote, but, whatever the outcome we still get a big fat liar sitting in the oval office, because, at heart, all politicians are just that. Kiss-asses until they have to do something, then, they turn into lazy-asses who enjoy the trimmings and trappings of an office which has evolved into nothing more that a [deep breath] placating figure-head position for the overly reactionary American public to calm them down and make it look like the government is doing something for you, because, remember, Big Brother is watching....

Chelsea Gray said...

I do believe that culture affects the person we will choose for are next president. This election is going to be life changing. Culture is important because you can relate to the leader, if they share simmilar culture ideas. This is a huge election because for the first time a black male is running for president. Some people don't agree with the cultural belief of McCain, and other's don't believe in the cultural belief of Obama. This election is going to be very interseting to see who is the next president of the United States. I believe it will show what America's culture is.

ben nicolay said...

In our current political climate, how does culture impact the person we should be choosing for our next president? Make sure you talk about the importance of America in the world when answering this question.

I think that the culture should impact because we would choose based of their beliefs. You would see if the person and you had anything in common. You would usually like them or accept them if you have the same beliefs. I think that our country expects to much from the government. Other places around the world cant afford things like we do. I dont think that a president can change the economy in a year. Its going to take years for it to get back going again. We need someone that has leadership, devotion, responsibilty and courage.

christina newman said...

I think our culture impacts our choosing for the next president by it all depends on how high of class you are in. If you have a high class and make more money you would probably choose McCain. He is going to tax the lower class people and tax for health care. If you are a middle/lower-class and don’t make that much money you would probably choose Obama. He is going to tax the higher-class people. If I was able to choose a president I would probably choose Obama because I think its not right to tax the lower class people. I also think it not right for McCain to tax health care because people need that when they get hurt. If he taxes it and people don’t have enough money I think more people will die.

- Christina Newman

Anonymous said...

Culture has a big impact on people choosing our president. Obama like some said is african american. Some poepl wil not vote for him even though they agree with his political views they just cant get past the race. And depending on who is elected america has a big deal in the worlds economy. Some say that we dont but we accually do with buying gas and other things as of that sort. Also some poeple are only voting for macain because of obamas beliefs. I personaly do not think his beliefs have anything to do with the way he will run the country. And if you think it will then that is your opinion and i will not argue with it.

Anonymous said...

Our country in my eyes could really use some help. Its is important when chooseing our next president to know who we want to lead our country forward in the world. Culture impacts this becuase we want our country either to stay the same or get better depending on the president. However right now imflation is threw the roof and our country is headed for a major devastation if somthing is not fixed soon. America was bulit on great men and we should keep it strong with great men not the way we are headed right now which is for the pits.

Scott Roteman

Anonymous said...

In our current political climate, how does culture impact the person we should be choosing for our next president? Make sure you talk about the importance of America in the world when answering this question.

I think culture impacts the person we choose for next president because what they believe is what this country will be ran by. It seems like when someone is set on what they believe in is what they feel is the "right way" which isent true or right. i feel like a president shouldnt really have a clutural point of veiw and should believe in everything to understnad everyones point of veiw. being a president is a big part of america and to be able to satisfy everyone is very VERY important.


Anonymous said...

Culture affects our decisions on our next president, I believe, mainly through money issues. Most of America is low on money right now. Because of this, they are going to pick the president that they think will save them money, of course. A specific issue is the rising gas prices. This affects our entire culture. Presidential candidates may be giving false hope to resolve this issue, as former presidents have done with different issues. This is a good tactic to trick citizens to vote a certain way.

cody sulla said...

sorry kay internet was out last night.

i think that culture has a big effect on the next president, they are so different. i think the biggest difference that every one notices is that they are different race. another difference is who they choose for vice president like Mckain chose palin and obama picked biden. i think that there are many people that are completely racist and are going to go crazy if obama wins. i think those kind of people will think that obama will make America a complete wreck. there are also the people that hope mckain wins because his running mate is female. in this case they realize that if anything happens to mckain she will be the first female president.

Unknown said...

"If Obama gets elected, he'll get assassinated!"

"If McCain gets elected, we'll have a woman VP who could possibly take head of office should something happen!"

I've heard both of these claims so many times from each candidate's respective supporters. This year's election is the most diverse we have ever had. The Democratic party's nominees were a black Muslim man and a woman who happened to be the wife of a president who is unaccepted by society because he had an affair? This is already unheard of! But wait, John McCain's vice president is a woman, also? What?! This is blasphemy!

This year's presidential election has truly captured every single American's attention, even those who were previously uninvolved. There's something for everyone, really; feminists and Alaskans can hope that Palin takes office; Republicans and white supremacists can vote for McCain; Democrats, African-Americans, and other "minorities who've been discriminated upon" (for lack of a better phrase) can vote for Obama.

What do I say? Fuck all of the facades. Vote for the best candidate, regardless of color, ethnicity, gender, or party. If you are a Democrat and vote as such simply because you are a Democrat, then you are corrupt. If you are Caucasian and vote for McCain simply because you are racist, then fuck you. If you are an individual who weighs both sides' planks and decide which follows your beliefs more, then good for you. You are a model citizen. This election is going to be overrun by those who are racist or sexist along with the past "overrunning" of those who are Democrat and Republican who vote a straight ticket.

Miranda Adams said...

The culture we live in is cultully diverse. But im not sure if the country is ready for our president to be anything different from what we are use to. Yes we may say that the united states is ready for anything and is diverse in evey way. But really i think it will be a shock for the country if we have some one other then a white christian man between the age 40and 70. I think that it should really come down to what the person is standing for. But i know for a fact thats not how every one is going to look at it. We shouldnt care about what the person looks like or how old the person is. But what the person is trying to successed for the country and how it will help make the country a better place.