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On to today's thought:
We are so lucky to live in a country where we are not worried about being forced out of our cities or states. Imagine for a moment being persecuted because of your beliefs or values and having someone tell you that you have to move away from all your friends and family because of this. How would this make you feel? How do we create a world where this is not a reality?
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I believe the way people are forced out of their homes is completely unfair. I believe the United States' economy is too advanced for this to actually happen. If that actually happened to me, I wouldn't stand for it. I'd try my best to get a public protest, or something like that organized. We could create a world where this doesn't exist fairly easily. The largest and most powerful countries could come together and make this act illegal. I don't know how possible that would be, but it's a thought.
I think it is completely upsurd to even have the though of kicking someone out of their home, or their city. I couldn't even imagine it happening to me because I don't even know what I would do with myself or where I would go. This does not go on in our country because the United States is all about freedom, and being able to live where you want, speak what language you want, practice what religion you want, etc. Unfortunately, this does still happen in some other countries around the world because some governments are so strict they would rather just kick people out than let them believe what they want. I am so thankful our country is so diverse and let's us believe and do as we please without punishing us to that extreme.
I would be really pissed off if someone said that we had to move out of our houses. I wouldnt know where to go or stay. I would probally walk the streets. I would fight back or at least try too. I dont think that we would ever be kicked out of our homes like that in america, although it could happen, who knows? It does happen in other places around the world but that is not under our control.
Were thankful that we live in the country we do.
I would feel many things if I was forced to leave my village because of my beliefs. First I would feel angry because I have to leave my home and move away from my family and friends because of my beliefs and values. Also sad because I am leaving my home that I have lived in for a long time and have many memorys in pluse all my friends are going away and I probably wont see them again. We create a world where this can not happen by our constitution has freedom of religion and speech which says you are allowed to have your own beliefs and values and the no one can tell you to leave because of them. Also many people would get angry if that were to happen and take it out on the government and the government wouldnt want that. This is why many people come to our country.
if i was getting kicked out of my country i would be pissed out of my mind. i dont think that this is right or can be justified in any way shape or form. i believe it is every persons right to choose where they want to live (within reason of course). i think that although we have a pretty good hold on preventing this here in america, if the right pieces fell into place i could see that being a possibility. during world war 2 somethign very similar happen to the japanese people living in america. after japan joined the war against us many japanese americans were forced to move and put into camps for fear that they were not loyal to the US. even though the situtiation was different than in the movie the result was very similar and with all the terrist attacks coming from the middle east if it progress i can definatly see something similar happening.
Tom Hall
Cody Dykes
I think its a good thing that we don't get kicked off our land. I'm very thankful that we don't. I know some rural country's do that. Like country's in Africa and rural Russia i bet. If i got kicked out of my country id be very upset to say the least. I would sue America. I think the only way to prevent this fate is to not discriminate against other people.
I would feel like I really was not important in any way. It would make me feel like killing myself. We create a world where this is not a reality by having a constitution. The constitution allows free religion. It also allows anybody who gets enough votes to be a part of the government. Besides, all of this, there are police officers making sure that this isn't happening in private places.
I think it is unfair how someone can force you out of your home for no good reason. I really can not emagine just being kicked out of my home and being told to leave. And if I was told to leave my home and go some where else I would be very angerey and I just would know what to do. Just leaveing your home just like that and going somewhere else it is like you are starting your life all over. Even know that this is very hard to believe this happens it does in so countrys. It is a good thing that these kind of things don't happen here or a lot of people would be in troble. But I really don't see this kind of thing happening here.
i think it would be wrong to kick someone out of their home. i don't think it would ever happen in America. we have to many people to do that to. i don't think that it will ever come to that. i wouldn't move. i would stand for my right's. i don't think people should be kicked out of a place unless their not paying rent. i think it should be against the law.
If I was forced out of my house because of this I would be pretty mad. Just because you have different beleifs than other people they make you move. You have to leave behind all of your friends and family. Moving would not be easy at all. It wouldnt just make me mad but it would make me kind of sad as well. If someone came and told you that you have to move out of the place that you have built so many memories, and have had so many good times in. The good thing about America is that you cant be kicked out of your home based on your beleifs or religion. I think overall being kicked out for your beleifs is unfair.
I think it is very wrong to force people out of there own country. I dont think this would happen because of our army and our allies. If anything we would be the ones doing the forcing. But if this did happen i would feel very insecure. Just knowing that someone would come in and force use out like that would be very un assuring. So that is what i think about that topic.
I couldnt comprehend getting forced to leave my city, or even get persecuted. I would be very angry at the people who forced that upon anyone. People should be able to feel safe living where they want to live. The American government does a great job of defending its borders. Also, we help other countries into freedom.
America is always showing its presence in almost every conflict. That shows that we have an interest in whats current and wanting to help.
I think it is not right to force people out of there home. I am very glad the United States would not force me out of the country. I don’t know what I would do if I had to move from my friends and family and start out new somewhere. But if this did happen to me I would fight with everything I got to make it not happen. We created a country to have the constitution that gives us that freedom. That is why some people move here from other countries because they don’t have that there.
- Christina Newman
While I'm grateful to others for not being forced out of my house for my beliefs, I do think that people in this country are far from not persecuting others due to their beliefs. It's a rather common occurrence in this country unfortunately, and has picked up against certain groups since the events of September 11th. Many, many, many Christians persecute Muslims because being Muslim has become synonymous with being a terrorist. There is also rampant discrimination and persecution by Christians of other groups. Why knock Christians so much? Simple, that is the leading denomination in the United States, so they have the largest believer base. For example, in the "Bible Belt" states, Atheists are persecuted all the time. In fact, Atheists are not able to hold public office, are not able to conduct fund-raisers without a tax and are not allowed to hold rallies promoting Atheism. It is written in their state-level constitutions that Atheists are not allowed to do the aforementioned activities, simply because their perceived immorality. Religion is, unfortunately the biggest difference between people that isn't obvious. Religions are associated with their accompanying stigmas and stereotypes; Jews are cheap, Muslims are terrorists, Christians are murderers, and that's the biggest divide between people.
If I was forced out of my community for being an Atheist, I would hate it. Although, it is rather hard to live here still. I have a bumper sticker on my car, and multiple people have keyed "God loves you", "go to hell" and things like that on my car. I had to remove it and re-paint my car because of it. While it's not being forced out of house and home, it still shows that this world is still intolerant of anything outside the "norm". (In this case the "norm" is Christianity, with it holding 72% of the population in it's grasp, Judaism 15%, Muslim 8% and proclaimed Atheists a mere 5%.) So, again, as for being forced out of house and home, it's hard to imagine that , but being uncomfortable because everyone hates you for you belief, or lack of thereof, is still bad enough.
I think that to all get along, first, we need to learn to respect other's religions. More people have been killed/forced out/persecuted in the name of god than for any other reason, and I think that if we learned to accept what others believe and NOT FORCE OUR UPON OTHERS, it would be the first, largest step towards global unity. Secondly, racism would need to be eliminated. Is this possible? Realistically, no. We are all biased in some way towards one another, whether it be we think less of black people because we think they are too loud or we hate whites because they seem to be taking or the world or whatever, racism needs to go. Eliminating that would be the next larger step. I mean, if you look at it, racism (the hatred/dislike of another person based on stereotypes of their culture) has gotten just as many people killed as the "in the name of god" BS that people tout as justification for genocides and other murders: look at The Crusades, the Inquisition, the witch-hunts, the Red Scare of the 1950's, Kashmir, Northern Ireland, Nazi Germany, the Communist pogroms and others to see religious intolerance and racism showing their ugly faces. While I do realize that eliminating those factors are totally impossible, it's still something to go for. There will always be strife if someone believes - or doesn't believe - in any other god than the one you believe in.
Next, a single global government and state should be created so we would all have to live under one flag and put up with each other in some way, shape or form. Last, George Bush and his policy of cowboy diplomacy needs to be ousted, because that gets us nowhere.
Those are only a small sampling of what we need to do to really get anything close to liking one another for what we are. While it's totally utopian and we all live in a dystopian society, it's still nice to dream about change... No?
BTW, Mr Kay:
Have an easy fast.
Perhaps it's more accurate to say:
May you have had an easy fast.
I can't even imagine being kicked out of my own home. I would feel so confused and lost about the whole situation. being punished for something you beilve and was taught to do is ubsured. Knowing that this was the way you were raised, and all of a sudden you had to change. It is pretty crazy to think that really happened. We have made sure that this can not happen in are country today for many reasons. Are constitution and rights as people of the U.S.A. have stopped all this unfair treatment. We have many laws that keep are safety.
Stephen Manvydas
I am very greatfull that we do not live in a world like that. I am glad that in our country we have so many rights. I feel that america has a governemt they want to show off to the rest of the world so they will not do outragous things like seen in the movie. I think that americas reputation is too important to deniy people of there belifs. I feel very very luckey to live in such a great country. I dont know how i would live my life if i could not live like this.
i think that people being forced out of there homes is unfair. being kicked out because of there religion or beliefs is out of the qustion. people come to America so they can believe what they want, and fallow what they want. if i were kicked out of my home and my home town i would be furious and not know what to do. i would feel like doing the same to the people that did this to me and my people. i think that sence the olden days when this took place we have dune a lot better at keeping this from happining.
We are so lucky to live in a country where we are not worried about being forced out of our cities or states. Imagine for a moment being persecuted because of your beliefs or values and having someone tell you that you have to move away from all your friends and family because of this. How would this make you feel? How do we create a world where this is not a reality?
If this were to truely happen I belive it would be really unfair. I mean how do you tell someone that you have to move because you are forced out or your family wants you to. Sadly we are in a world today where sometimes people are forced out of where they live becuase of foreclosure....sadly that happened to me but luckly we were able to find a place still in the area. Truly if I had to move becuase of my famillys beliefs I would feel terrible. In todays world we create an atmosphere by this not happening because our country is a free country meaning you can do just as you please as long as it is within the laws of the land.
I believe that it would be very wrong to make someone leave their house because of their beliefs and actions. I wouldnt think it would happen anywhere around here because most people accept peoples choices and let people make their own choices for themselves. I dont think i could stand being kicked out of my house. It would be very depressing and i would be very upset. I would want people to except my choices and differences and not judge me as a person. Im very glad that the US has rules against that kind of stuff and that our country is free and lets people live their lives how they wanna. Im glad that i live in the US and not anywhere else so i wouldnt have to worry about my freedom and my rights and i can live happily.
We are so lucky to live in a country where we are not worried about being forced out of our cities or states. Imagine for a moment being persecuted because of your beliefs or values and having someone tell you that you have to move away from all your friends and family because of this. How would this make you feel? How do we create a world where this is not a reality?
No one has the same beliefs as others and i think that its unfair to be forced out of your own homes just because others dont like what you feel or what you believe in. im extremely thankful that we do not live in a society that does this. if i were to be kicked out of my home or my town because of what i believe in i would be a reck. i would feel as if i do not live in a free country and im not aloud to be my own person. To make this a reality would be tough but would be worth it at the same time. freedom is one of the most important things in this world and i thank god everyday that we have freedom here but what about other countrys? imagine how they are feeling...
Being forced out of your place of living is cruel, and downright asinine. I can't really imagine having a person tell me that I have to move away from my home, especially having to move away because of how I believe and think. I would feel so enraged, and threatened, if this were done. Fists would probably be thrown, and lawsuits settled, and jail time served. I don't think a world where this is not a reality is attainable. People will always discriminate and persecute because someone simply thinks differently than they do. For example, I am Agnostic. I am unsure whether a God exists, and I do not believe in the afterlife. And when I tell people this, many of them don't wish to be around me anymore. What kind of bullshit is that? Just because I have a different thought pattern than you, you can't be around me? People are screwed up.
If i was told i had to move away from my friends and family i think i would be extreamly sad. I would be so lost and hopeless. I think its wrong for people to be forced out of there home lang just because of what they believe in. I personaly would never be able to do that to someone. People that do that to other have know hearts. Everyone has different beliefs so they should just lear to deal with it. What would you do? How would you feel?
To think of being kicked out of a city or state just for thinking or believing in a certain someone is horrible and unjust. In America we are so lucky to have freedom of religion, as many countries are not granted this gift. I truely value the fact that everyday I can wake up and pray to God, without hesitation. To think of being persecuted becuase of my belief in God, and being moved away from everyone and everything is so sad. Everyone should have equal rights in believing what they want to without being punished. I would feel completely weak, and hopeless if this would happen to me, but I know to live happily I would have to have hope for the future and things would change. We create a world where this is not a reality by getting the strongest countries, strongest people together to make this happen. I think this would be an extremely hard thing to pass in the world because people feel so strongly about Religion.
-rachelllll duelo. :D
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