Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Day 2

It was great to get back today. Thanks to all who used their time wisely while I was out and got your work completed. Tomorrow, you will have time to finish the peer edits and then begin work on the final draft.

Here is what you need to think about and remember any less than 7 sentences and you receive no credit for the blog:

How can people be so beautiful on the outside, and yet ugly on the inside? Why do we as American's value outer beauty more than inner beauty?


Anonymous said...

I believe America is a pretty shallow country in general. For the most part, people are judged on their physical appearance. A lot of people don't take the time to judge people on their character. Instead, it's sort of become a custom for people to form their opinions on someone's looks. Some of the most attractive people can be complete jerks. I also think people obsess on their physical appearance too much, in fear that people won't accept them if they don't look good. America has pretty much become a competition to make themselves look better than others.

Nick Brouillard said...

Many people think it is better to be beautiful on the outside than on the in. People are ugly on the inside because they think because they are so beautiful that they are perfect. Thinking this they make fun of other not beautiful people and it makes them bad on the inside. We value outer beauty because that is what people pay more attention to than inner. Most people do not see the inner beauty but only pay attention to the outer. But people with inner beauty usually are very nice people and most dont pay attention to that. America would be better if most amereicans pay more attentiont to inner than to outer beauty.

ben nicolay said...

How can people be so beautiful on the outside, and yet ugly on the inside? Why do we as American's value outer beauty more than inner beauty?

I think that alot of americans think they are better than others. People judge people on the outside. It's like the quote "Dont judge a book by its cover". You wont know a person by just looking at them, you have to get to know the person. I think people care to much about what people think. I don't really care how people view me. Im going to live my life and try to be happy. America tends to give more attention to the outer beauty and people want that attention.

Miranda Adams said...

How can people be so beautiful on the outside, and yet ugly on the inside? Why do we as American's value outer beauty more than inner beauty?

I think people can be beautiful on the outside and ugly on the inside because eveything is about image now a days. But the poeple who care about image only tend to be really shallow. Image is all they care about. So when someone dont look as good as them they are mean about it. I think Amaica has become competitive with the rest of the world. It always has to be the best so why not have the best looking people as well. I also think its because amarica is such a big country and people come from around the world to live the amarican dream and the look must keep up to the expectations. So what do you thing about it.?

ScOtW29 said...

How can people be so beautiful on the outside, and yet ugly on the inside? Why do we as American's value outer beauty more than inner beauty?

I think people can be like this for a few reasons. The first reason is because a lot of people just put on a show and try to act like somebody that they are not. These people are so worried about what other people might think if they showed who they truly are. Like Miranda said, everybody just cares about their image now. Or you could call it reputation. This is how other people see you. You always try to act differently so that you get a good reputation. We americans value outer beuty more than inner because everybody can see on the outside, but only you know what is on the inside

kirkwhitt said...

wow this is an easy one :P. i think that as Americans think outer beauty is more inportant because of all the t.v. shows we see and belive in. and i also think that selebretys play a big roal in people beliving in outer beauty. people see selebretys as big roal motles, and think they are perfect. when some of the most famis people are really pricks on the inside and out of the spotlight. i personly could see some one very atractive on the out side, and once i get to know them and i see that they have a horible personality its almost instant that they become ugly. its not whats on the out side that counts it about whats on the inside but... having outer beauty dosnt hurt :P

Chelsea Gray said...

People can be so beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside because of they way they act. They can be the rude and self-centered on the inside. In America we do value outer beauty more then inner. In Hollywood image is everything you need to succeed. And we look at that and act the same way. We see what the world does around us and pretty much copy what they do. I feel like image can be so important to people, that they truely loose who they are inside. They can be so wrapped up in one thing that they forget who they truely are. I also feel like some people are afriad to show who they are because of rejection. They are afraid that they will not be accepted by there peers.

Anonymous said...

I think you can be beautiful on the out side and ugly on the inside in many different ways. One is that you have been treated nice your whole life and that you think you are better than everyone else. Another reason is that you are so stuck up you have to have everything you way. Last reason is that your insecuritys are bad so your mean to everyone else. Us americans value outer more than inner because we are shallow and cant see through people and are not people who are down to earth like that. Also someone could be ugly with great inner beauty but we just cant see through that. So that is my blog for today.

Alex V said...

People Vaule outter beauty because that is all they see and if they dont know them they will not find their inner beauty. Most people do not see the inner beauty but only pay attention to the outer. It is hard to see someones inner beauty unless you get to know them. But outter beauty is alot easy to see beacuse all you have to look a someone and you know. Sometimes people need to look for inner beauty and not outter. People that just look for outter beauty sometimes find out that inner beauty is better. You cant always judge people on there outter beauty.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

People care about what they look like more than how smart they are. They get smart and popular and let it control them. That's one of the biggest problems with America/world culture. It doesn't matter here how smart you are, or what your do, looks beat smarts. I think that the world would be a whole lot different if looks did not matter to people. People value looks over brains because if you look good you are on top. America is just that way and is probably one of the worst when it comes to this.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Stephen Manvydas: not sure if username says it or not changed from before..

I have to agree with this quote. way to many people worry about how they look and not what makes them a good person. i feel that if you spend $100s of dollars on clothing but are a jerk to everone around they dont diserve the clothing. people care too much of what others think. i beleave that its better to treat others kindly than worry what they think of you on the outside. if you treat others with respect they will like you much more thaan if you look good.
people need to be less superficial and live life alot nicer.

Unknown said...

this quote really strikes a chord, and it really brings up a common idea. that for people to be beautiful, they have to look the part. and those who just look the part, but have nothing to back it up presets the true ugly. america, for the most part is a materialistic country. and we are a society of "1 uppers", we compare everything to what someone else has, and dont think what we really need to be happy. and coming back to the original question, everything is relative. and what i mean by that is, if you are very good looking, but dumb as hell, what are you worth to society? and if you are smart, but not attractive, you are overlooked, you are scum to our society. this is truly what america sees beauty as.

Anonymous said...

We as Americans value outer beauty more for, in my opinion, a simple reason that is the largest evil in our existence. Money. You can make money off the way someone looks, but not what someone is like on the inside. Secondly, outer beauty takes no more than two seconds to gauge. Inner beauty, takes time, (perhaps a lifetime,) to decipher and fully appreciate. Lastly, it's easier to put up a false outside than a false inside.

That last statement, in turn, leads me to my second opinion. It's possible to put up a facade on the outside, but not the inside, which leads one to be beautiful on the outside, yet ugly on the inside. Anyone can look good, but not everyone can be good.

“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”

- Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

cody sulla said...

i think that us Americans are to concerned about how we look. that's why i think we shouldn't be known as one of the most obeast countries. i think Americans concern more about the out side than the inside. i think people being called ugly on the inside is just explaining how bad of a person they are. most people think that if they don't look good that people won't accept them. i think the people that think they are supper attractive are stuck up. they think they are better than everyone.

Anonymous said...

I believe this is a very true statement about Americans sorry. Most people exspecially teens worry about their outside apearance more than their inside atmosphere. People on the outside always try to make a good impression I belive and that is why I think people try to be beutifull on the outside. As is the case with a few people their outside says nothing...most people judge a book by its cover (person) and dont even take a second to think about how much of a nice person they could be on the inside. Not everyone in this world is hot and we all should take a step back and stop being stuck up and realize that. I believe Amercians value outer beauty so much becuase we are worried about what people think of us. Its pretty sad that is how we are but I bet if you took a survey you would be shocked by the results!

Scott Roteman

Anonymous said...

i think that in America people look more at how a person looks or acts than really getting to know them. for instance you could know a person that always acts happy but is really faking it. you could also meet people who actlike they are so depressed but really are happy on the inside. as a whole our country tends to take what they see even when it may not always be true. i myself sometimes put on this so called "mask" of happiness. although i dont do it very i often i still do it when im in a bad mood so that i dont have millions of people bugging the crap out of me to find out whats wrong. i think that if we took the time to get to know people for who they really are not just what mask they wear we would have a much better society.

Tom Hall

Anonymous said...

How can people be so beautiful on the outside, and yet ugly on the inside? Why do we as American's value outer beauty more than inner beauty?
People can be so beautiful on the outside but not on the inside because of what they think or how they treat others. i know many people who are GORGEOUS! and then when i here them talk, especially about how that person is fat or that person is a bitch about this or all they talk about is there outter appearence makes them ungly on the inside in my opinion. american values outter beauty more then inner beauty because people understnad that the first thing people see is your outter aperience before anything else. america feels as if people will be your friend and like you a lot more if your attractive and many people lives their lives this way, i see it everyday. the fact that we choose to live for our outter appeirance is sad but its reality.


Alyssa said...

I believe that that is God's way of showing is that beauty comes in many different ways, but it isn't noticed if you do not have a beautiful heart or soul when there are people that are so beautiful on the outside, yet so ugly on the inside. Being a beautiful person on the inside is much more important than just looks on the outside, because looks can only get you so far in life. But your heart and personality and love for other people can take you further than you could ever imagine. I think that America has become to obsessed with beauty, and we have completely forgotten what inner beauty even means. Our society is so judgemental which also plays a major role in why people strive to be beautiful, but only on the outside. Beauty has come to be obsessive for many people in this country and most of the time the most beautiful people are the ones you just cannot stand to be around because they treat others so horribly and have absolutely no sympathy or respect for those around them. Our soeciety will never stop striving to be beautiful and changing themselves physically to be better than others, but what people can do is stop being so judgemental so that we can start paying more attention to what is really on the inside and not just the image that we see on the outside.

Unknown said...

Americans are the most shallow, closed-minded simpletons of them all. Physical appearance is the basis of most any judgment in American culture. Go to a job interview wearing every-day, regular clothing, unkempt hair, and an unshaven face. Be the nicest, most open, honest, and qualified individual for the job. You won't get it simply because you didn't look the part. I smell bullshit.

American, in general, are very Ameri-centric; we think that we are superior to any other competent nation, and on a smaller scale our people think that they are superior to any other competent individual. I, being a part of such an awful way of thought, too believe that I am better than many other people. I won't say "And I'm not", as that would be contradictory.

Our shallowness is not justifiable by any means. I think that each and every American is two-faced in that they will say one thing to one person, and another to a different person just to please them; in this sense, who really knows what someone's true beliefs are? For example, I know quite a few people that have told me that they support Barack Obama or John McCain (a handful of both), but when I hear them speak to others about it who are more favorable to the other candidate, they quickly change their bias.

We need to cut the bullshit, myself included.