"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." James Allen
It took me a minute to understand this quote. It means that every achievement was just at dream at first. The oak and acorn analogy is kind of clever. I think it means that every acorn is dreaming to someday be an oak tree. I believe this quote can be very inspirational. As cheesy as it sounds, it's saying to follow your dreams. If you stay dedicated, your dream may come true.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." James Allen
Dreams can become a reality. Dreams always have potential to become more than that. Dreams will also never come right away. Great things come to people in time, is basically what this is saying. I disagree with that though. The oak sleeps in the acorn is just metaphorical for everything i just said. The oak was the dream, acorn was before the dream.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." James Allen
nothing can be achieved without dreams. or, ambitions. sure, someone might create something out of pure incidence, but anything significant has come about as a solution to a problem. take for example the compact disc; a problem of storage and data quality plagued many intellectuals for years. it might seem simple now, but in the 1980's, data was stored on large cumbersome tapes; or in the case of music, vinyl records. these were large cumbersome items that required specific and equally cumbersome equipment to read. presenting a problem. the quality overtime degraded, because everything had to be read by a physical means, meaning that something had to be touching the data to retrieve it. with the compact disc, it uses a digital means (the laser) to read it. and without a need for a better means, this would have not happened. language is also important in this way. people couldnt effectively communicate withot a means to do so. the civil rights movement spread as a way to equalize america, no longer an all white country, legal segregation was eliminated by way of action. without the dream of being equal, we would still be separatist america.
This quote is saying that every accomplishment must start off being a dream. You must put off effort for it to happen. Every acorn want to become an oak tree, and so "the oak sleeps in the acorn." Follow your dreams! If you work hard enough and stay dedicated, your dream might come true. Nothing in the world would have ever been invented if nobody dreamed of having that thing. Dreams are important. Follow them!
I think this is saying that you are not born great. You have to work hard to become great. You can't just say im gonna be great, it takes time. The oak is inside the acorn and one day will be the oak tree. You won't just have a oak tree pop up in the middle of somewhere. It will grow and grow till it can't grow anymore. If you believe in yourself, your dreams will become reality.
every goal we have always starts out on the drawing board, and only in our heads. Once we gain enogh confidence and enough understanding of what it means to reach that goal we start to dream it. Those dreams will turn into a reality as time goes by before you even know it. This quote is saying every acheivment we reach in life starts out as just a dream, and pregresses from there. If we want to acheive something bad enough for ourselves, and we are willing to put forth the effort, those dreams will come true into reality. The Oak is just the part of the tree before it reaches its full potential of producing acorns. Which is saying our goals all start out as something very small but one day, they will burst into their fullest potential and you can achieve whatever you believe!
The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." James Allen
This quote by James Allen mosty talks about following your dreams. You have to start somewhere in life and dreams can be your starting line. All big things can happen from just a little dream. To dream is too set yourself up for the future. Dreaming helps you to set goals and achieve them. If you belief then you can do something about it and reach your goals. The "oak sleeps in the acorn" quote is explaning how the acorn dreams to be the oak one day. It talks about how they really go hand in hand because to have an oak tree, it first starts with a acorn. I really agree with this quote and i think it is very wise.
That quote makes complete sense. Most of the worlds best ideas start out as ideas or dreams. You have to start from somewhere, so why not the most creative palce, the human mind. You can dream or think up anything you want, its all up to you. Everyone has dreams that they one day want to achieve, but without those dreams where would we get inspired. Dreams are what I think inspire people to do things. "The oak sleeps in the acorn" explains that little ideas can turn into big ones. Any idea is a good one, so stick with it and see what you get.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." James Allen
i was really confused when i read this quote the first time, and the second and third. i think it's saying that we all start out small. we eventually grow strong. wether it's phisically or emotionally. thats how i understood the part about the acorn. the first part is saying that only you can make dreams come true. i also agree with dan that every achievement was just a dream at first.i also agree that if you stay dedicated, your dreams will come true.
This quote means that dreams can become reality. This is also saying that dreams do come true. Most peoples dreams have come true like becoming a profetional athalete. Also it says if you follow your dreams it is possible that some will come true. Also the second half says that your dream will come true but in time though. The greatest things do not always come in a single thought it takes time to come or a dream to give people the great achievements or ideas. People should always follow there dreams because when they do good things happen.
I dont really understand what this man is saying. But once i re-read it a couple times and think i understand what he is trying to get across. What he is saying that everything starts off small and eventually will be developed. Also this could be about someones dream turning into a reality. Like for example microsoft. This started as a small company and turned into a huge multi million dollar bussiness. This is back to about the acorn and oak tree. So this is my opinon about this qoute and how i interpreted it.
The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." James Allen
This quote means everybody has dreams. For some people its hard to turn those dreams into reality. The greatest achievement is doing something that you dreamed to do. Never quit your dreams becuase you never no what will happen. If you work hard enough dreams will become realtiy. When your are a kid you always have dreams. When you become older you forget about those dreams you had, and you give up on them.
this quote makes a lot of senceto me. everyone has dreams everyone in the world does and many people abandon them for many reasons. but the people that dont they strive everyday to achieve those dreams and dont give up until they do. when thomas edison made the light bulb it wasnt by accident. he dreamed of being able to make and after many thousands of trys he finally achieved and made one that worked. just as an acorn dreams to become a might oak tree as the likes from which it fell. everyone has their dreams and for you to achieve them you must not give up and complete them
After talking to you about this quote for a while after school I realized that this actually is a pretty meaningful quote because it goes much deeper then just an acorn coming from an oak tree. James Allen is saying that though the acron(seed) starts out small, it one day aspires to become an oak tree. This is like dreams because it needs a starting place, which often, is small. Small, but over time, become bigger dreams that take perserverance to achieve. To achieve great things in life you must pace yourself with smaller, and easier to achieve in the now dreams. This way you can lead up to bigger and bigger things and it will all be worth the hard work of all the petty little things you may think have small significance in the time. I think the way you obtain dreams is also like how you should build your character, because you have to work up to both of them.
This quote is simply saying that the greatest achievments always start out as dreams. Just like giant oaks start out as acorns giant achievements start out as dreams. Always try to achieve your dreams because thats what they are meant for. If dreams weren't meant to be accomplished then we wouldn't have them. No matter how impossible it seems or looks, never stop trying to achieve your dreams. The qoute is saying that most achievements are not spontanious or lucky, but rather dreams being achieved after hard work and determination. Never believe that a dream can't be accomplished.
While this quote is kind of confusing i think i understand it. I think that it means while your dreams may seem far off anything is possible. If a tiny little acorn can grow into a massive oak tree what cant be done? If you have a dream then go for it. All that it really takes is your abillity to beleave in yourself. The path to get your acorn(or dream) to grow into a giant oak may be a long one, but if you keep at it anything can heppen. Dreams are not just dreams, and do not exist in only your mind, they can be a reality if you set your mind on it.
The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." James Allen
I dont really understand this qoute. But im goin to tell you what i think it means. I think it is saying that to achieve something you have to have a dream or goal. You must put some effert into achieving the dreams because it wont just happen on its own. if you look at the achievements people have made they all start of somewhere. So you have to start at the bottom and work your ways up. Thats the way life works.
I think this quote is saying that every goal in life starts as a dream and when you want it bad enough you work hard till you achieve it. Its saying that the only way to achieve anything in life in by starting with a dream. You have to plan your whole life around it and you have to make your life worth living if you want your dream to come true. You can never give up or let your dreams fail. You must always follow them and work your hardest every day of your life to achieve them. Life is important and to make it matter you have to set goals for yourself. Everything starts with a dream even the greatest most amazing things in this world. You dont realize the importance of them until you achieve one yourself.
I think the quote is trying to say that even though you may dream of something u want to achieve. And even though it is a dream it may take time for it to happen. just like it takes time for a acorn to turn into a oak tree. Even though that seems impossible with time any thing can happen. This qoute also shows that dreams can comed true. Some times you have to just give it time. Good things can come from your dreams. That is what the quote means to me.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." James Allen
i agree with dna. every one has goals, and are goal is are dream and what we want to achieve. the oak in the acorn symbolizes youth. a oak tree starts out in an acorn. later the oak is a huge strong tree. youth is the kids (us), we start out little and as we grow and learn we become tall and srtong. every achievement starts out as a dream, as you start realizing your dream, it slowly becoes your goal. to achieve your goal you first have to become strong.
I think the quote means have fun until you have to start to get ready for what job you want until you are happy with your life. When you still are kid do kids stuff. When you are at the end of junior or senior years. Then you need to think of a job you want. Then decide if you want to go to college. Then once you are happy with whatever you want to do. Finally after all that you can settle down.
I think this quote means that lifes smallest things can become great things in life. It also means that a small dream can become a major thing in life. There is also a phrase called great things come in small packages. In life you never know what can happen so your dreams could become your greatest memorys or your future life, you never know. Everyone has a dream of the future now we should make our dreams become reality.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." James Allen
This is interesting because it dident make sense at first and then i started to think how there is something bigger inside something smaller and less powerfull. i dont really understnad the begining but the last part is what caught my eye. the acorn was just an acor but grew into a beautifull oak tree, the catipiller was just a catipiller till it grew into a beautifull butterfly. i feel as if there is something great inside of EVERYTHING! and i believe this is even true with people. you are as great as you let yourself to be. follow your dreams and you can do anything!!
The greatest achievements were, and still are, dreams. Think: we dream (figuratively and literally) of great things, things that we often won't achieve in the real world due to impossibility, lack of motivation, or some other confounding variable. Our dreams, according to Sigmund Freud, are the express-lane to our unconscious mind, that is things that we don't thing about because they are morally incorrect or simply not on the top of our minds. Freud believes that our dreams unlock those unconscious thoughts, hence why we have sexual dreams and dreams of murder and fighting and other such things. Often our dreams consist of greater things than we are capable of doing.
The oak sleeps in the acorn; the acorn wishes to become a great oak tree one day, thus it is "sleeping" inside of the acorn. Said acorn dreams of becoming this wondrous oak tree, and as such strives to fulfill that dream. A fantastic metaphor.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn." - James Allen
In my opinion, this quote is one of those cheesy, inspirational quotes that we all find in the pages of agendas that make us roll our eyes and sigh in supplication. While, that not what it means by any remote means, I do think that that is a good summary of the emotion which it solicits in me. Now, the meaning of the quote is quite straightforward and simple: we all need to crawl before we can walk, especially when it comes to dreams. It's a parallel in most ways to "Rome wasn't build in a day". Much like that, dreams don't come true overnight. One needs to wait patiently, work diligently and keep striving for what we eventually want to be to finally get it. Most of us wish now that this wasn't true and that we could get what we wanted when we wanted, but, alas, life isn't fair and we do unfortunately need to put in effort. Remember; shit in, shit out.
The acorn being the seed, same old chicken and egg analogy, but if you really take it into context you sow to reap, seedlings being your thoughts and fruits being fruits
It took me a minute to understand this quote. It means that every achievement was just at dream at first. The oak and acorn analogy is kind of clever. I think it means that every acorn is dreaming to someday be an oak tree. I believe this quote can be very inspirational. As cheesy as it sounds, it's saying to follow your dreams. If you stay dedicated, your dream may come true.
Cody Dykes
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn."
James Allen
Dreams can become a reality. Dreams always have potential to become more than that. Dreams will also never come right away. Great things come to people in time, is basically what this is saying. I disagree with that though. The oak sleeps in the acorn is just metaphorical for everything i just said. The oak was the dream, acorn was before the dream.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn."
James Allen
nothing can be achieved without dreams. or, ambitions. sure, someone might create something out of pure incidence, but anything significant has come about as a solution to a problem. take for example the compact disc; a problem of storage and data quality plagued many intellectuals for years. it might seem simple now, but in the 1980's, data was stored on large cumbersome tapes; or in the case of music, vinyl records. these were large cumbersome items that required specific and equally cumbersome equipment to read. presenting a problem. the quality overtime degraded, because everything had to be read by a physical means, meaning that something had to be touching the data to retrieve it. with the compact disc, it uses a digital means (the laser) to read it. and without a need for a better means, this would have not happened. language is also important in this way. people couldnt effectively communicate withot a means to do so. the civil rights movement spread as a way to equalize america, no longer an all white country, legal segregation was eliminated by way of action. without the dream of being equal, we would still be separatist america.
This quote is saying that every accomplishment must start off being a dream. You must put off effort for it to happen. Every acorn want to become an oak tree, and so "the oak sleeps in the acorn." Follow your dreams! If you work hard enough and stay dedicated, your dream might come true. Nothing in the world would have ever been invented if nobody dreamed of having that thing. Dreams are important. Follow them!
I think this is saying that you are not born great. You have to work hard to become great. You can't just say im gonna be great, it takes time. The oak is inside the acorn and one day will be the oak tree. You won't just have a oak tree pop up in the middle of somewhere. It will grow and grow till it can't grow anymore. If you believe in yourself, your dreams will become reality.
every goal we have always starts out on the drawing board, and only in our heads. Once we gain enogh confidence and enough understanding of what it means to reach that goal we start to dream it. Those dreams will turn into a reality as time goes by before you even know it. This quote is saying every acheivment we reach in life starts out as just a dream, and pregresses from there. If we want to acheive something bad enough for ourselves, and we are willing to put forth the effort, those dreams will come true into reality. The Oak is just the part of the tree before it reaches its full potential of producing acorns. Which is saying our goals all start out as something very small but one day, they will burst into their fullest potential and you can achieve whatever you believe!
The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn."
James Allen
This quote by James Allen mosty talks about following your dreams. You have to start somewhere in life and dreams can be your starting line. All big things can happen from just a little dream. To dream is too set yourself up for the future. Dreaming helps you to set goals and achieve them. If you belief then you can do something about it and reach your goals. The "oak sleeps in the acorn" quote is explaning how the acorn dreams to be the oak one day. It talks about how they really go hand in hand because to have an oak tree, it first starts with a acorn. I really agree with this quote and i think it is very wise.
That quote makes complete sense. Most of the worlds best ideas start out as ideas or dreams. You have to start from somewhere, so why not the most creative palce, the human mind. You can dream or think up anything you want, its all up to you. Everyone has dreams that they one day want to achieve, but without those dreams where would we get inspired. Dreams are what I think inspire people to do things. "The oak sleeps in the acorn" explains that little ideas can turn into big ones. Any idea is a good one, so stick with it and see what you get.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn."
James Allen
i was really confused when i read this quote the first time, and the second and third. i think it's saying that we all start out small. we eventually grow strong. wether it's phisically or emotionally. thats how i understood the part about the acorn. the first part is saying that only you can make dreams come true. i also agree with dan that every achievement was just a dream at first.i also agree that if you stay dedicated, your dreams will come true.
This quote means that dreams can become reality. This is also saying that dreams do come true. Most peoples dreams have come true like becoming a profetional athalete. Also it says if you follow your dreams it is possible that some will come true. Also the second half says that your dream will come true but in time though. The greatest things do not always come in a single thought it takes time to come or a dream to give people the great achievements or ideas. People should always follow there dreams because when they do good things happen.
I dont really understand what this man is saying. But once i re-read it a couple times and think i understand what he is trying to get across. What he is saying that everything starts off small and eventually will be developed. Also this could be about someones dream turning into a reality. Like for example microsoft. This started as a small company and turned into a huge multi million dollar bussiness. This is back to about the acorn and oak tree. So this is my opinon about this qoute and how i interpreted it.
The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn."
James Allen
This quote means everybody has dreams. For some people its hard to turn those dreams into reality. The greatest achievement is doing something that you dreamed to do. Never quit your dreams becuase you never no what will happen. If you work hard enough dreams will become realtiy. When your are a kid you always have dreams. When you become older you forget about those dreams you had, and you give up on them.
this quote makes a lot of senceto me. everyone has dreams everyone in the world does and many people abandon them for many reasons. but the people that dont they strive everyday to achieve those dreams and dont give up until they do. when thomas edison made the light bulb it wasnt by accident. he dreamed of being able to make and after many thousands of trys he finally achieved and made one that worked. just as an acorn dreams to become a might oak tree as the likes from which it fell. everyone has their dreams and for you to achieve them you must not give up and complete them
Tom Hall
After talking to you about this quote for a while after school I realized that this actually is a pretty meaningful quote because it goes much deeper then just an acorn coming from an oak tree. James Allen is saying that though the acron(seed) starts out small, it one day aspires to become an oak tree. This is like dreams because it needs a starting place, which often, is small. Small, but over time, become bigger dreams that take perserverance to achieve. To achieve great things in life you must pace yourself with smaller, and easier to achieve in the now dreams. This way you can lead up to bigger and bigger things and it will all be worth the hard work of all the petty little things you may think have small significance in the time. I think the way you obtain dreams is also like how you should build your character, because you have to work up to both of them.
-rachel duelo.
This quote is simply saying that the greatest achievments always start out as dreams. Just like giant oaks start out as acorns giant achievements start out as dreams. Always try to achieve your dreams because thats what they are meant for. If dreams weren't meant to be accomplished then we wouldn't have them. No matter how impossible it seems or looks, never stop trying to achieve your dreams. The qoute is saying that most achievements are not spontanious or lucky, but rather dreams being achieved after hard work and determination. Never believe that a dream can't be accomplished.
-Dick Nehring
While this quote is kind of confusing i think i understand it. I think that it means while your dreams may seem far off anything is possible. If a tiny little acorn can grow into a massive oak tree what cant be done? If you have a dream then go for it. All that it really takes is your abillity to beleave in yourself. The path to get your acorn(or dream) to grow into a giant oak may be a long one, but if you keep at it anything can heppen. Dreams are not just dreams, and do not exist in only your mind, they can be a reality if you set your mind on it.
The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn."
James Allen
I dont really understand this qoute. But im goin to tell you what i think it means. I think it is saying that to achieve something you have to have a dream or goal. You must put some effert into achieving the dreams because it wont just happen on its own. if you look at the achievements people have made they all start of somewhere. So you have to start at the bottom and work your ways up. Thats the way life works.
I think this quote is saying that every goal in life starts as a dream and when you want it bad enough you work hard till you achieve it. Its saying that the only way to achieve anything in life in by starting with a dream. You have to plan your whole life around it and you have to make your life worth living if you want your dream to come true. You can never give up or let your dreams fail. You must always follow them and work your hardest every day of your life to achieve them. Life is important and to make it matter you have to set goals for yourself. Everything starts with a dream even the greatest most amazing things in this world. You dont realize the importance of them until you achieve one yourself.
I think the quote is trying to say that even though you may dream of something u want to achieve. And even though it is a dream it may take time for it to happen. just like it takes time for a acorn to turn into a oak tree. Even though that seems impossible with time any thing can happen. This qoute also shows that dreams can comed true. Some times you have to just give it time. Good things can come from your dreams. That is what the quote means to me.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn."
James Allen
i agree with dna. every one has goals, and are goal is are dream and what we want to achieve. the oak in the acorn symbolizes youth. a oak tree starts out in an acorn. later the oak is a huge strong tree. youth is the kids (us), we start out little and as we grow and learn we become tall and srtong. every achievement starts out as a dream, as you start realizing your dream, it slowly becoes your goal. to achieve your goal you first have to become strong.
I think the quote means have fun until you have to start to get ready for what job you want until you are happy with your life. When you still are kid do kids stuff. When you are at the end of junior or senior years. Then you need to think of a job you want. Then decide if you want to go to college. Then once you are happy with whatever you want to do. Finally after all that you can settle down.
- Christina Newman
I think this quote means that lifes smallest things can become great things in life. It also means that a small dream can become a major thing in life. There is also a phrase called great things come in small packages. In life you never know what can happen so your dreams could become your greatest memorys or your future life, you never know. Everyone has a dream of the future now we should make our dreams become reality.
Scott Roteman
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn."
James Allen
This is interesting because it dident make sense at first and then i started to think how there is something bigger inside something smaller and less powerfull. i dont really understnad the begining but the last part is what caught my eye. the acorn was just an acor but grew into a beautifull oak tree, the catipiller was just a catipiller till it grew into a beautifull butterfly. i feel as if there is something great inside of EVERYTHING! and i believe this is even true with people. you are as great as you let yourself to be. follow your dreams and you can do anything!!
The greatest achievements were, and still are, dreams. Think: we dream (figuratively and literally) of great things, things that we often won't achieve in the real world due to impossibility, lack of motivation, or some other confounding variable. Our dreams, according to Sigmund Freud, are the express-lane to our unconscious mind, that is things that we don't thing about because they are morally incorrect or simply not on the top of our minds. Freud believes that our dreams unlock those unconscious thoughts, hence why we have sexual dreams and dreams of murder and fighting and other such things. Often our dreams consist of greater things than we are capable of doing.
The oak sleeps in the acorn; the acorn wishes to become a great oak tree one day, thus it is "sleeping" inside of the acorn. Said acorn dreams of becoming this wondrous oak tree, and as such strives to fulfill that dream. A fantastic metaphor.
"The greatest achievements were at first and for a time dreams. The oak sleeps in the acorn."
- James Allen
In my opinion, this quote is one of those cheesy, inspirational quotes that we all find in the pages of agendas that make us roll our eyes and sigh in supplication. While, that not what it means by any remote means, I do think that that is a good summary of the emotion which it solicits in me. Now, the meaning of the quote is quite straightforward and simple: we all need to crawl before we can walk, especially when it comes to dreams. It's a parallel in most ways to "Rome wasn't build in a day". Much like that, dreams don't come true overnight. One needs to wait patiently, work diligently and keep striving for what we eventually want to be to finally get it. Most of us wish now that this wasn't true and that we could get what we wanted when we wanted, but, alas, life isn't fair and we do unfortunately need to put in effort. Remember; shit in, shit out.
The acorn being the seed, same old chicken and egg analogy, but if you really take it into context you sow to reap, seedlings being your thoughts and fruits being fruits
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