Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day 6

Today we discussed the country of Nigeria and how it appears to be different than we originally thought. One of the most unique issues in Nigerian families is the respect issue they have for their parents. How do you think you respect your parents and why do you or don't you show them respect? Also, comment on how you would feel if your parents had control over who you dated and when you started dating.

Remember to read the story and complete the questions. Have a great night and see you tomorrow.


alissa welling said...

Unlike Nigerian children I think I respect my parents sometimes. But not as much as I should. My parents do a lot for me like pay for my stuff, and help with all my problems. But i dont think i give the same in return because I think with the way our culture is, its not very common to see children obey their parents and appreciate parents like they should. If our parents chose who we were to date, I dont think we would be too happy. We are used to being free and choosing who we want to be with. Having our parents choose for us would be really hard and upsetting. I think our society needs to be thankful for the kind of lives we have and thankful for our parents because we could live like the people in Nigeria with different ways of life.

Miranda Adams said...

To me i belive that i dont give my parents the respect the should be getting from me all the time. They do pretty much anything for me and i just do what they ask well i complain about it. The kids in Nigeria i think show much more respect to there parents for all the different things they do fot them. On the other hand i think its a little over bored with the dating thing in Nigeria. I would hate it if my mom or dad had to go on a date with me. I would feel like im being watched 24/7 and i wouldnt be able to really get to know the guy.

Stephanie Zach said...

I think that I should respect my parents because they are really nice. They give me lots of freedom and money to do what I want to do. I don't show them respect when I feel that I should have a freedom that they aren't giving me or when the house is a mess and they won't help me clean it. I would feel really stupid if my parents had to choose who I dated and when I started dating. I really would not like it in the slighest!

Good Night,
Stephanie Zach

cody sulla said...

i think that sometimes i don't respect my dad as much as he deserves it. he does a lot for me. even though i don't respect him as much as the Nigerian kids do to their parents, i still think i do a lot for him. In America things are a lot different than Nigeria. I think that a lot of kids our age don't show their parents as much respect as they deserve. We don't realize that life could be much harder. You could have to have your parents go on dates with you , and i think we should respect our parents for not going on dates with us.

Cody Sulla

Anonymous said...

I don't think I really have respect issues with my parents like the Nigerians do. I don't respect my parents as much as i should, but I do try. My parents give me a lot of freedoms. Because of this, I think it would be very annoying if my parents had control over my dating. I don't think I'd be able to deal with that. I do show my parents respect by doing them favors and whatnot. I don't always listen to my parents though, and I could show more respect by doing that.

imnewandur2 said...

my step mom gets really annoying sometimes. i have to show respect to her because she has been with my dad for 10yr. and she has given me alot of freedom. if i was to disrespect her. i would be like in deep trouble. because if i disrespect her. it is pretty much saying fuck you tracy i dont care what you say. that is how my dad puts it at least. btw my dads in iraq >alex warner: fifth hour:<

Unknown said...

The respect I show to my parents is sort of split down the middle, as I tend to show my step-father the slightest bit and my mother the utmost bit. I don't respect my step-father as a person whatsoever; he is the epitome of pessimism, the definition of negativity. Being around him puts those nearby in a similar, negative mood. My mother gets nigh all of my respect, simply because she is my best friend. I can relate with her - no pun intended - on many different issues, and I generally explain all of my problems with her. My real father does not receive an ounce of my respect, but that's a story for another day.

Upon discovering the chaperoned dating in Nigeria, my initial reaction was a very shocked one. One day later, my reaction is still just that. At seventeen years of age, I feel it is not my parents' obligation nor their business to attend my dates. If my parents disapprove of who I am dating, then so be it; just because they disapprove doesn't mean I must, also. I suppose you could consider this paragraph disrespectful in a way, but I assure you the intent is of a good-nature.

- Ryan Moore

Anonymous said...

Cody D

I think i could respect them better than i do, but i still do. Its just sometimes i forget them. Im usualy set on my own agenda and forget about them alot. If my parents had control over who i dated i wouldent be with anybody hahahaha. I don't think that its fair that there parents have control over what they do.

Nick Brouillard said...

Nick Brouillard

How I think I respect my parents is well. Most of the time I do what they say. Also I never mouth off to them and give them much respect. I give them respect because they supply me with most of the things I have today. Also because they are my parents and I have to have respect for them.I would not feel good if my parents had control over who I date. Most likley they will pick someone who I do not like. Nigerian kids have it hader than we do in the U.S.

ben nicolay said...

I usually respect my parents. For the most I do what they want me to, but most of the time it isnt a big deal. There are sometimes that I argue with them but that is because I think I am right. I wouldn't like our parents to choose who we date. It's our lives, not theres. They had there chance to do what they wanted, we should do the same. In america, we should be happy that we get to choose the things we want to do.

Ben Nicolay,

Chelsea Gray said...

I belive that I do respect my parents. I probably don't show it as much as I should but I really respect them. In Nigeria the children are raised that taking care of your parents is very important. I really respect my parents for doing everything for me. In Nigeria there parents choose who they date and when you can start dating. If my parents did that i would really hate it. I feel like you should be able to make your own decisions.

Chelsea Gray

prettyricky said...

I don't think I respect my parents nearly as much as the Nigerian children. I still have respaect for them. I just test them and take them into question when I shouldn't. Sometimes I think I make them feel like I think I'm superior to them when I'm really not. Most children obey their parents when the child has been punished just enough but not to the abusive point. Children respect thier parents when they clearly know who is the head of the family without question. I think I have questioned my parents too much and that is why I don't respect them enough.

Anonymous said...

Which parent I respect is a very heated question and depends on who you ask, my mother or my father. I do disrespect them sometimes, but I, unlike my father and mother, believe that parents should also earn their respect and not automatically 'have' it. For me, respect is best explained through the late George Carlin, a hero of mine not only for his interesting thoughts on life, but also his staggering sagacity. As he said:

"Respect is not automatic, it should be earned and based on the parents' performance, parents' performance! Some parents deserve respect, most of them don't, and that's that."

While my mother and father would say I don't respect them as much as I should, I feel that my parents get as much respect as they deserve/earn. Don't take me wrong on this, I draw the line on certain things such as threats, and violence, which no child should do in their respected right mind anyways, (I MADE A FUNNY!!!!!.) But I will admit I sometimes do tell them a prudent place where they can stick various objects depending on my respect towards them at that particular moment. What can I say? I'm such a friggin' smart-ass it's not even funny, (although on occasions, it can be).

Now, on to dating. First of all, if I could even get a girl, I probably still wouldn't go on a date because I'm not the affectionate type, (or the loaded with wads of cash type either.) However, if I was to somehow go on any type of excursion with any woman, (let her be brainy, witty and somewhat voluptuous please,) I would probably have some isty-bitsy annoyance at having a chaperon. Alright, I'd probably hate it. Now, my parents controlling when and who I date isn't an issue, they do that anyways. They're mountain-folk from Europe. Old-fashioned, you know? So I'd be shot at dawn if I dated before I left college anyways.

Anonymous said...

Today is seems in America the lack of respect for parents is pretty disgraceful. Although, I cannot be a hypocrit and say that I am the perfect child and am always respectful to my parents. Then I would just be lying. Being respectful to my parent's is something I know I need to work on. Sometimes I notice myself getting a really big attitude but my parent's do alot for me and I try my hardest to show my graditude when I can. If my parent's had control of over who I dated I would hate that. I would feel so retricted all the time and voiceless.

-Rachel Duelo.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Stephen manvydas:

I respect my parents, but not as much as the kids in Nigeria do. i feel like they are to controlling sometimes, which leads me to disobey them. i refuse to do things they want because i feel i have better things to do. i do eventually feel bad for upseting my parents. if my parents decided who i dated i dont know what i would do. i wouldnt want to disrespect them but i may not like their choices. i feel in ways im like the nigerian kids but different in many ways.

christina newman said...

I think I do give my parents respect. If they ask me to do something I will do it. Sometimes i think they are not fair but i still listen to them anyways. They return my respect by if I do have money at the time and i need something they will give me it at the time. I would hate my parents to choose who i would have to date. Me and my parents have different tastes. So i wouldn't think i would like the person they picked that much

- Christina Newman

Alyssa said...

I believe that children in Nigeria and most other countries around the world show their parents much more respect than kids do today in America. I personally know I do now show my parents nearly the amount of respect that I should. But I would also say that it definitely isn't always one sided. Our society today seems to struggle a lot, and more than ever, with respect, and being respectful not only towards family and friends, but also just strangers. I really have a hard time when my parents say no to me, so that's usually when I get very disrespectful and rude to them. I think that if my parents had to choose who i dated it would really suck, but I guess I would probablly get over it, well I would pretty much have to. Also I do trust their judgement, but I just think that is part of life and growing up, and if they were choosing everything for us, we would not only be unhappy, we would also not grow as much or become stronger people.

Unknown said...


i think respect that i have for my parents and they have for me comes and goes. we have power struggles all the time. we argue, and they think they are always correct. if i dont show them respect, it is related to how they treat me. if my parents controlled my dating, i would freak out. the have different ideas than i. we dont see "eye to eye".

Anonymous said...

When it comes to my parents I really think I dont show them the respect they deserve. My mom and I seem to always have something to biker at in some way. My dad on the other hand I think I show him the most respect because without him i wouldnt even have a home. Even though most of the time our parents are only looking for what it best for us in there way sometimes i think we all should take a step back and really think about what they are doing for us. Some of us get alot of added things provided such as a car then to see yourself giving your parents hell it doesnt show any respect at all.

Scott Roteman

Alex V said...

I respect my parents but not as much as the children in nigeria. Maybe sometimes I should show them more respect because they do so many things for me. If my parents have to choose who we can or canot date I don't think I would trun out well. And I don't think I would like haveing my parents go ever where I went. I think we should be able to make our own decision. And live our lives the way we want too.

Anonymous said...

Tom Hall

When it comes to respecting my parents i fell that i do a pretty good job of this most of the time. Although there are times when i dont i never happens more than once at a time. I would not like the fact of not being able to date openly because then you are always being watched. Even though this may be a good thing for some people, it could also be a bad one for others because if someone is feeling like they are being watched they will usually act in a way that isnt them so that they make the watcher happy. When it comes to arranged marriages i feel that this is a custom that needs to be forgotten. With today;s divorse rate there is no point in marrying someone that you do not love because all that will end up happening in the end in most cases is that lives are going to be destroyed and people are going to lose what they have. However if people marry out of love then they will have a greater chance at happiness and a sucessful marriage.

Anonymous said...

The respect the nigerian children have for their parents is amazing. Wne it comes down to the respect i have for my folks is slim to none sad to say. i love them with all my heart but due to them letting me do what i want and them not punishing me has made my respect go down for them a couple notches if you know what i mean. i have never been grounded and dont plan on being grounded anytime soon. when it comes down to who i date or the age i date it they dont really have a say in that. they have always been there for me to support my decistions and my feelings. As of right now i am in a three month relationship and my parents support that 100% :)


kirkwhitt said...

My parents and i dont always see eye to eye, but for the most part i show them respect. My parents see things there way and i see things my way. if my parents controlled my life things would not be pretty. my parents would see a lot more disrespect if that were the case. and if they had controle of who i dated and when i would absolutley hate my lif. i like where i live and how my life is lived i dont want it to change.

kirkwhitt said...

My parents see things there way and i see things my way. but for the most part i show my parents respect. but for the most part we agree on every thing. if my parents controled my life things would be differnt. I would show them little respect bc they dont show me any respect by controling my life. and if they controled who i dated and when i could date i would absolutley hate my life. that is why i like where i live.

kirkwhitt said...

My parents see things there way and i see things my way. but for the most part i show my parents respect. but for the most part we agree on every thing. if my parents controled my life things would be differnt. I would show them little respect bc they dont show me any respect by controling my life. and if they controled who i dated and when i could date i would absolutley hate my life. that is why i like where i live.

ScOtW29 said...

I have a lot of respect for my parents. One of the main reasons is because I have to. I have to ask my parents if I want to go somewhere just like a lot of other people. If I get mad at my parents I just remember all the stuff they have done for me. I don't think that I could live with my parents having control over me like the kids in nigeria. It would be so gay if my mom or dad came and watched me and someone else go on a date. But I think overall the kids in Nigeria have it probably harder than kids in the U.S.