Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 2

Today we began looking at the idea of cultures. We discussed the definition of cultures and then read an article about a specific culture which is very different than ours. Remember that we often view culture as where we live but that is not true. Each area of the world and of our nation has it's own unique cultural aspect.

Today, please discuss what you consider to be unique to your culture. This could be your own religious culture, culture of your family, culture of friends or school. Think before you start writing about how your culture defines who you are as a person and add in a response to that as well.


cody sulla said...


i think that my culture is very unique. My family is from differt places around the world. So there are different cultures all in one place. when you come from different places there are different beliefs. There are also different languages too. My great grandma was from germany so she spoke german. My uncle is from mexico so he speaks spanish. so my culture is unique cause its from many places.

cody sulla

Anonymous said...

This is Cody D

Well my culture surrounds alot My religion and my freinds and family seeing as im not really that unique. My religion is something that define my culture and also myself and me still being my own person. Im a Christian and have been for a few years now and what iv choose to live alot of my life by. Next my freinds probably and shaped me into the person i am today and will still shape me till theres nothing left of me.

Miranda Adams said...

To me my culture is very unique in many different ways. My mom and my dad come form two very different back grounds. My mom is italian so i get to see how her family is really stricked with religion and what they have brought over for italy. With my dad he is mexican and his family back ground is also very into religion. But its really different they dont alway have to go to church or anything like that and they have a lot of defferent holidays. So to me its nice growing up and haveing the different cultures in my life.

-Miranda adams

alissa welling said...

believe that my culture is mostly based on my religion and the background of my family. I am catholic so most of my beliefs come from that. My dad's side is from Italy. So most of the food i eat and customs i have come from there. Also the Italian language is often spoken with us. My mom's side is mostly from Malta. So many holiday traditions come from that. I like my background and culture and i think it plays a big part of my life.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Stephen Manvyds:

I find that my culture is very important in my life. I have family from all over europe. lithuania is where my dads side is from and we do alot like my grandparents useto do back in the day. they are very religouse people and that is another bases for how i act and what i do. its a little different when my family gets toghter, to see who is still following the old ways like guidlines. my culture isnt to unique but it is my own.

Unknown said...

I got a feel for how the American culture in general, and my own personal culture is different this summer in london. Personally, my culture is based around religion, ethics and things I like doing. Americans are different as a whole. First, we celebrate certain holidays, allow all forms of religion, and think we are the best in the world. Next, we do things democratically, unlike monopolistic, beaurocratic countries of the world. We also have our own forms of past times, food, language, being accent and slang, and hobbies. Hence the terms "american as apple pie" or "American as football". I am defined by the activities i do, how i dress, speak, and even act. thats my culture

ben nicolay said...

I think that I have a normal culture. Theres things that I believe and things I dont. I go to church but just because i do, doesnt mean i listen or do everything that they have to say. I believe that your surroundings make you the person that you are. My family doesn't really have any unique traditions. Both of my parents ancestors came from Germany, therefore I dont know how other people's traditions/cultures are.

Ben Nicolay.

Stephanie Zach said...

I think that I am a part of many cultures. I am part of a culture at church because everyone shares the same religion. I think that my school has another culture because we are hear of the same movies, music, sports drinks, food, etc. I am part of a climbing culture, we all love to climb! My family is another culture. The list keeps going on and on.

My culture defines who I am because I have beliefs that are different from anybody else's.

Stephanie Zach

Chelsea Gray said...

My culture is very important to me. My mom's side is from mostly Poland and my dad's side is from England. During the holidays we celebrate a sort of special way by the foods we eat. Around Christmas is the time where we eat pierogi's and share grace. Like for easter, ham is an important part of are meal. Although we don't speak polish my grandparents do teach me a coupe of words. I was brought up to be proud of my cultures and I truely am. My culture defines who I am because it is a part of me. Passed down from generation to generation and I plan to keep it going. Our cultures make up who we are today.

Chelsea Gray

Anonymous said...


My life consists of many a group of cultures, but I think the largest, and arguably most important, is the culture of all of the people who live in the United States. We are quite unique in several ways, such as our freedoms, our democracy, and our commercialism, but the most significant way in which we are unique is our instant gratification and access to things. We can afford such luxuries as attending the movies, going out for a drive, talking on the telephone for hours at a time, and purchasing a great many things that we want when we want to purchase them.

My culture helps define who I am as a person due to the customs and routines and every-day occurrences
that happen in society; seeing these traditions allows me to, either positively or negatively, adjust and react and use them as I will.

- Ryan Moore.

christina newman said...

I think I have a unique culture. My mothers family background is Slovakia and my religion is Roman Catholic witch many Slovakians are. I got my first holy communion at a young age and I beleive strongly in our beliefs. My mother makes Slovakian food on certain holidays such as halupke (pigs in a blanket) and sauerkraut and pork for New Years. When i would ask my mother what was for dinner her reply would be "usta stella met las" witch i found later on meant bednobs and broomsticks. My fathers side is German and Irish and my great grandmother still lives at the age of ninety-one. This is my culture and it defines who me and my family are.

- Christina Newman

prettyricky said...


I think my culture is unique because I feel strongly about a lot of things and a lot of people can't say that. My family beleives strongly in God. We also believe that family comes before anything. My family has many different beliefs but they are all tied to together just like the rest of the world. Just like each country we wanna make money and so does everyone it's part of everyones culture. But when you feel strongly enough about it you become unique. That's how my culture is unique.

Anonymous said...

It seems that so-far, from the content of the comments, I am alone. I'm a Polish-Hungarian mix of which there is no explanation as my mother, (the Polish one,) can tell you that the Polish don't associate with the Magyars. One of my favourite traditions that I find is different from most people's is the celebration of the first day of harvest. Traditionally, one would find a fresh pig, kill the pig and collect the blood, place some of the blood in a frying pan with eggs and make a sort of omelette. Now, that may seem nasty, but if you've never tried it, then you have no idea what your missing.

On the more Polish side of traditions, is the fact that my mother never uses store-bought or prepared foods. She considers it her privilege to cook from scratch and a joy to impart that knowledge to me. Which, for all useful purposes explains why I love to cook so much. That is what I get from my culture, not only a sense of belonging somewhere, but skills that make me a unique and better person.

Anonymous said...

I think our culture is a very unique culture. Our culture is very different from most cultures around the world. In our country many different lauguages are spoken. When I think of my culture I think of my friends, familly, and the religion which i believe in. My culture is complex and consists of my mom and my dad who are two very different people. American culture is very different from others because our culture consists of many different groups which make up Americans. Some people overseas dream of living the American dream.

Alyssa said...

I believe that our culture is very unique compared to ones in other countries, and even some that are in this country. Reading the article today really made me realize it the most. That our beliefs are all different and we all have different backgrounds and familes and religions. But our ways of life in this country between the different cultures are very similar. Killing and canibolism is so foreign to us and it is so wrong in our minds. But places like Liberia things like that go on daily and it is such a normal thing to them. My culture is based a lot around religion and morals and very friend and family based. I am a christian and have been my whole life. Not only religious values and morals are part of your culture though. The way I have been raised and where I have been in my life also have much to do with my culture today. I see it as we are all part of one culture and our beliefs are so different but yet, very smiliar, which makes us all very unique individuals all sharing smiliar cultures in this country.

Alex V said...

My cultur is very interesting to me. Because my family comes from all over the world I have family from Italy and Spain and germany. I am very proud of my culture. My grandparents are both from Italy they both speak italian and spanish. That is why my culture is very interseting because it is from all around the world.

kirk whitt said...

I would say i have a normal culture, i dont go to church but i belive in god. my family is non denominational (which means we dont follow any ethnic religion) both of my parents are from America and same with all my recent ansesters but im not to shure about further back. but still we are very unique.

Anonymous said...

I believe the way I personally live is unique, as well as almost every American citizen. Since the United States is often known as the "melting pot" as a culture it seems to me that we are the most different. We all have rights that are too often taken for granted such as simple things like freedom.
The thing that makes me most unique i think would have to be my religion because it defines my life, and the way that I live. I have grown up my entire life in a very Christian setting. I think this makes me unique mostly because it's becoming rapidly more rare for a teenager to voluntairly go to church weekly. Aside from religion, both sides of my family are very different. My dad's father was born in Cuba, as well as all of the rest of his family. Therefore, most of my dad's side is spanish speaking or living in Cuba still. My mom's side is very big into Christianity and the true "american lifestyle".
My family, religion, and amazing friends have made me the person I am today...and I wouldn't change it for the world.

-Rachel Duelo.

Anonymous said...

To be honest when someone mentions the word "culture" i have no idea where to start because i feel as if my life doesnt surround around my cultural background, where i came from, my religion. Mt culture would have to be the people in my life and what i do with everyday i wake up i suppose. my Moms side of the family is 100% Italian and i respect that dearly, My GREAT Grandmother came over on the boat to the United States to live a better life and thats exactly what she got out of it. My Grandparents had eight kids including my Mother and therefore, Im Italian due to her. No i dont know how to speak Italian or know much about the background but, i respect it to the fullest. My Dad on the other had would probably be called a "mutt"... the last time i talked to him and asked him about his background he named of way to many countries to remember. In the end i just like to think im Italian and thats how i will always think. not only does my background make me who i am today but my friends, family, and every day life makes me who i am as a person and thats Lynsey.
