Monday, September 8, 2008

Day 5

As we discussed our first culture, Mexico, it is clear that our perceptions may not have been our realities. This is a very tight knit culture with traditions that go back many centuries. This is why we may think some of their ways are strange, such as Tita having to remain unmarried to take care of her mother, but to them they are not so odd. Continue keeping an open mind as we delve into more cultures.

For today's blog, please respond to the following quote and how it relates to you:
"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko


Chelsea Gray said...

"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko

This qoute is saying make the best of life and live everyday to the fullest. Why go on life worrying about the day your gonna die. Instead make the best of the time and be happy. You control your own life and you can choose how you wanna live it. The qoute relates to me because i feel like i try to live every day to the fullest. I make my own decisions in life and i choose to be happy. How we live life is are decisons.

Chelsea Gray

Anonymous said...

Cody D

This is a quote i apply to my life everyday. With my life nothing every really works for me to well. Most people would ask when they will die but i on the other hand ask how im going to live until the next day. Alot of people i live longer i think if they focused more on living than dying. Dying is just a negative thing that shouldn't be worried about. I think that this is simply saying stop worrying about when you wont live worry about how you will make it to the next day.

cody sulla said...

"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko

i think this quote is saying live life the way you want. If you life live trying to figure out when you will die it won't be fun. If you live life to the fullest you will forget everything and dead won't be a worry. we all know we will die eventually. What we don't know is how we will spend our time here. So don't worry about dying. Worry about the time you have.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Stephen Manvydas:

"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko

I think that this qoute wants you to live life to its fullest. We are all going to die dont focus on it. You should live a happy life. Even though life isnt easy you should do what makes you happy and not always look to far into the future. i feel that i have follow what this quote trys to say. i make sure my life is fun and dont look far into the future. Live life to its fullest, or you wont experence half of it.

Anonymous said...

I literally live by this quote. I believe that all happiness is determined by how we choose to live our lives. The quality of our lives is far more important than our deaths. Every life comes to an end, so you have to enjoy your experience while you can. In my opinion, death should always be the last thing on your mind. Worry about the ride through life rather than how it ends. If you keep death on your mind, it will do nothing but bring you down.

Unknown said...


"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko

How we live life dictates how we will be remembered. By our family, friends, teachers, co-workers, and so on. And how a person acts effects how people think of them. if you live for yourself you will be truly happy. but if you live it for others, you will be miserable. and if you live for yourself, you will be satisfied with life. worrying about death will put a damper on your joy.

ben nicolay said...

The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko

I think the quote is saying that we shouldn't worry about dying. It's talking about how you spend your life with the time you have. You should make yourself happy. Your in control of your life and it depend's how you want to spend it. Your time should be spent the way you want to. I live my life they way I want to. I have no regrets. I'm generally happy.

alissa welling said...
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alissa welling said...

I believe this quote is saying that you need to live your life to the fullest. You only get one life to live and its not going to last long. As long as you do what you want and have no regrets you will live the life you want to live. I think too many people focus on the negative things in life when we should be living everyday like its our last. You should always be positive and make good decisions. You should live the way you want to and never follow the crowd. Make you own decisions and follow you heart.

Anonymous said...

"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko.

This quote immediately reminded me of a similar quote by Greek philosopher Epicurus; "Death does not concern us, because as long as we exist, death is not here. And when it does come, we no longer exist."

Obviously the two can be paralleled; Borysenko is explaining to us to pay no attention to our death-day, and rather focus on how we wish to make ourselves successful, to make ourselves happy, and to make our life as full and complete as we can. Epicurus is telling us that the day of our death does not concern us because when it happens we are no longer here to notice.

This quote is a sort of "Hakuna Matata" thing for me (yes, I did just make a reference to The Lion King), as I oftentimes tend to live my life one day at a time, worry-free, cherishing the time I've been granted to spend each day. Living for tomorrow is a gamble, as the word 'tomorrow' is an uncertainty. I choose to make my life what I want it to be, following rules as they come and I go - and this isn't to say that I'm the rebellious, angst ridden teen that goes against his elders. I enjoy what I make my life, and this is what Borysenko is implying that one do; take the pieces that you have, work with them, and create the puzzle. Sure, a few pieces may be lacking, but it's what you made it to be. It's your creation, yours. Make life what you want it to be, and don't trouble yourself with death or grieve over the things that are bound to happen.

- Ryan Moore.

Alyssa_541 said...

"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live."

This quote is something that I can really relate to, because it is something that is similar to saying that come up in my everyday life. This is something I talk a lot about with my dad, and my family. I think this quote is basically saying that you cannot live your life in fear and waiting for something bad to happen. You have to always look on the bright side of everything and live your life to the fullest possible. I think that too many of us are constantly living in fear, and with this mind set that everything is dangerous and we care so much about what other people are gonna say. If you do that, before ya know it, half of our lifes are spent with regret that maybe I should have done this in a different way, or took a chance. Because life is too short and you will only live once and die once, so don't spend your time dwelling on the past or waiting on the future. Just live in the moment and live every moment to its potential.

prettyricky said...

The quote is saying to think about what you are going to do with your life before you die. It tells you that you need to think about how you want to live not how you want to die. It gets you to think about how dying only takes a second but living takes a lifetime. It asks you whether you want to think about that one second or the whole lifetime. Living is a lot harder than dying but it gives you greater rewards. It's more pleasing to think about having 100 years of fun rather than one second of no feeling at all. I think we need to look at the long part of the quote not the moment.

Dick Nehring

Anonymous said...

"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
- Joan Borysenko

To his quote, I would like to respond first with a quote that has passed into the vernacular of my family due to my father:
"In life, only three things are certain: taxes, using the restroom every day, and death."
This "quote" from my father explains Joan Borysenko's quote halfway. Death is certain, while whatever we believe surrounding death may or may not be the truth, death is one truth.

The other half of the quote is a warning. A warning stating that we mustn't waste what little life we have, for it passes quickly in the grand scheme of things, and that we should make something useful out of ourselves.

This quote relates to me on a very personal level. After thinking about it, I've come not to fear death as we all die eventually. while some of us may not want to die, there's nothing we can do about it as of yet. Knowing that I can die at anytime, and will die at anytime, I choose to make the most of the time that I have left, because when I die, I'll have wasted that opportunity and won't get another one. I can accept the fact that eventually, I'll just wink-out of what we perceive as existence and not exist anymore, and I'm alright with that, but I do enjoy life and would like to keep enjoying, even realizing that I eventually wont be able to anymore.

- Stefan Pelak

Alex V said...

What the quote is trying to say is that we must all not take life forgranted. We should live our lives to the fullest. We can't just keep worrying or thinking about dyeing. All we can do is live out our lives the way we want to. We have to live life to the fullest and some times not think about what we are doing. We just have to live our lives day by day by day.

Anonymous said...

"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko

This quote has a true deep meaning that I really do appriciate. Dying is inevitiable. Everyone dies. No if's, and's, or but's about it. How we live our life is what defines us as people. It's what we are doing day in and day out to become a better person. Life is about living it to the fullest and making the most of everything. Since no one is perfect, I believe life is about growth and the gaining of wisdom. To me, that is beautiful.

-Rachel Duelo.

Anonymous said...

"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko

I love quotes like this, it really makes me think about life and what am i really doing with it you know? in senior comp. we are reading tuesdays with Morrie and this quote reminds me of this. So many people worry about what are we wearing and what college am i goin to go to, what job will i get after that, what car am i goin to drive to my amazing job but, when you really think about it how are you really living your life. Are you trying to make yourself happy by all of this materialistic things or are you trying to make everyone else happy...?

-If anyone gets a free moment PLEASE read Tuesdays with Morrie it will change your life


kirkwhitt said...

"The question is not wether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko

I think this qoute is trying to tell us to have now regrets and make life as great as we can. live life as best we can and never look back. dont dwell on any thing bc life is to short.

ScOtW29 said...

"The question is not whether we will die, but how will we live." Joan Borysenko
This quote means to live everyday to the fullest. Live like there is no tomorow. You can't go through life worrying about dying. Try to become a better person everyday. Dying is a natural part of life. You don't have any control if you die or not because it is going to happen. Don't spend your life worrying about dying, focus on what is going on in your life NOW.