Monday, September 29, 2008

Day 20

I hope you have been working hard on your projects as this is a 100 point assignment. I hope, even more, that you are learning something about your country and not just putting information together. When you present, I will be looking at whether you know the information versus just reading from your PowerPoint. Also, as this is a group assignment, you should be aware of what your other group members are doing thus, if I ask a question about their work you should be able to answer.

Today, please give me thoughts about the following:

What does stand and be counted mean to you? You may use a personal experience to explain.


Anonymous said...

what stand and be counted means to me. I think it means to express your opinon. And while expressing it to also be heard. If you are expressing but no one is listening than you are not being counted for. When i am not counted for i feel very much left out and down. I think you should always try to voice your opinon no matter how embarassing it is. And you should also always give someone a chance for theres.

Anonymous said...

I practically live by this quote. To me, stand and be counted means people will only notice you if you put yourself out there. If you don't, you'll just be another face in the crowd. I like to put myself out there, and not be afraid to bring attention to myself. Some people over-do this though, and crave the attention. I believe I have found a good balance in this subject.

Stephanie Zach said...

To stand and be counted means to express your opinion. If you don't tell your opinion nobody will know. Don't be embarrassed to state your opinion! Make sure that you listen to other people's opinions besides your own. When nobody listens to my opinion, it gets me really upset. I do not like it.

Miranda Adams said...

What does stand and be counted mean to you?
I think stand and be counted means that you have to make your self known. You cant just sit back and hide in the shadows. You have to put your self out there and so eveyone the person you really are. You are who you are people may not always like you for it but you cant let that spot you. I am not going to lie i have put myself out there and let people see me for who i really am some people like me and others dont. I guess you are the one that has to do this no one can do it for you.

-Miranda Adams

Nick Brouillard said...

What stand and be counted can mean many things in todays world. To me it means to let people know what you stand for or believe. So if you believe Mcain should be president then you should stand up and tell people why you think he should be president. My personal excperience would be when people say hunting is a bad thing I say no it is not and give them reasons why it is a good thing like it helps stop over population of animals. People are sometimes afraid to tell what they believe in they dont speak up and just sit and take it. The world would probably be a better place if people would stand up for what they believe in. That is my opinion on what that statement means to me.

kirkwhitt said...

what does stand and be counted mean to me. well to me it means stand out and be herd. you dont want to just lay back and just fit in and not do any thing. like in football coaches ask for "scout o" or "scout D". i dont want to sit back with every one and just watch. i want to go out there and be noticed. that way they know who i am and what i can do.

ben nicolay said...

What does stand and be counted mean to you? You may use a personal experience to explain.

I think this quote means thats you have to give your opinion. You need to exspress yourself for people to understand you. Theres a few things that came to mind when I thought about this. First, I thought about our country. When 9-11 happend everyone came together no matter who they were to be "united we stand" together. I don't really see that anymore. Second, I thought of another quote, "Hero's are remembered but legends never die". I dont really know why I thought of that quote but I think it kind of blends in with the whole concept. I dont know if its just me, but I think my thoughts are really random today.

Alyssa said...

Stand and be counted for, is a real good moto for my life. I am probablly one of the most outgoing people out there. And I have always been the type of person who is not just going to sit back and watch. It is never a goal of mine in life to be just another face in the crowd to people. I think think saying is very important for kids our age as high school students, because sometimes with so many people and so much going on it becomes very easy to just stand, and sometimes not always be counted. It always sort of goes along with the whole everyone is equal, which is completely true, and that because everyone is never going to be treated equally in our society we have got today, it is so important that you really speak your mind and get out there and be counted in the crowd. I think that the only way you are going to gain other peoples respect is by putting ourself out there and really not be afraid to be the person you know not everyone is always going to like, but you are going to look back on life and say, wow! I lived my life to the absolute fullest, and never missed an opportunity to put myself out there and live on the edge. When I die, that is what I would love for people to remember me for, or even for me look back on and remmeber life as, that I really stood, and was counted for!

Chelsea Gray said...

I belive that standing out and being counted is putting yourself out there. You wanna be heard and noticed. You wanna be yourself, not something you pretend to be. Don't pretend just because you are afraid of what others will think. You have to commit to yourself and show who you are. Other wise you are nothing but fake. In dance you have to stand out and ve noticed if you are trying out for an audition. They look to see who stands out and just can have fun.

Cole H. said...

I believe that stand and be counted means to do something in your life that makes a change for the better. Someone would have to make an opinion about anything that would make a difference. If you dont stand up for what you believe in, than how strong are your beliefs. I truly think that to be "counted" you would need to do what your heart truly desires. People who dont work where there want to have lives that are missing something. They dont get the feeling of doing something they truly believe. In the end we all deserve the feeling of accomplishing something they never thought they could, because I belive thats the way people should satnd up and be counted.

Unknown said...

to stand and be counted to me, tells how you feel about things. if you support something, you should stand up for your cause. even tough others may be different, your opinion is relevant. and it can help others see your side of an argument. if you keep an open mind about things, you can formulate a better, more explained opinion. everyone matters, even though it may be a small contribution. to stand and be cpnted allows for you to be confident.

prettyricky said...

Stand and be counted means a lot to me. It means that I was part of a cause or event. It means that I had a say in the outcome and that I stand for something. When people stand up and let themselves be heard and counted it gives them a sense of pride and high feeling. When you let yourself be counted you make your presence aware and your voice known. People often sit back and say that there is no point but when it comes right down to it there is. Think about it would rather say you were involved or had nothing to do with something big or exciting.

-Dick Nehring

cody sulla said...

i think it means do what you believe. for an example state your opinion when it is asked for. don't let some one choose for you when you have the chance to choose. even if you think other people won't like what you have to say say it. maybe you won't like what they have to say.Even if you don't like their opinion give it a chance. maybe they will give yours a chance.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

Stand and be counted. I don't quite what that is supposed to mean. Does it mean to be counted in a large #? That's what im going to go with. I don't like be counted in large #'s. I don't because then i don't feel that im seen individually. I truthfully have no clue what this is about so uhhhhh yea bye.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Stephen manvydas

I think that stand and be counted means to express yourself. its like not to blend in with everyone but to stand out of the crowd. its not always a bad thing that you stick out, its a good idea to express yourself. in life many people try to follow the normal, but this doesnt always get you noticed. many people express themselfs and this gets them thought of as different, but this is a good thing. that is what stand and be counted means to me.

Anonymous said...

To me, Stand and be counted means so much more then a simple quote of four words. It's saying to not just sit back and watch life pass you by, better yet to stand up for what you believe in!Letting your opinion be expressed is neccisary to grow as an individual. I get so frustrated with people who just give life 10% and watch other people live it. It's like you just want to shake them and say "wake up!",for lack of better terms. For example, at Cheerleading being a Captain, I fully understand the importance of standing up and being counted. It's vital that while I am Cheerleading to when neccisary to state my opinion, and respect slowly is gained. I try not to over-due it and say something every five seconds about what to fix, or what to do, yet to find a balance when is the right timing. As important as it is to stand up and not blend in with the crowd, it is also crucial to be respectible polite about it. This much I have learned so far in life is extremly important.

:) Rachel Duelooooo.

Anonymous said...

"What stand and counted means to me"

I think that both of these words are very powerfull words. Stand means to mean you standing position in the way life is for you. Counted means to me to fell like your a part of somthing or that you feel you have fitted in. Many teenagers this day and age dont seem to boast their true opinion becuase they are worried that people with either think different of them and possible go to the extreme of harrassing them. To me boasting your opinion is the best thing to do because it shows your viewpoint and they way things are to you. This is why I believe that many teens dont feel 100% counted in.

Scott Roteman

Anonymous said...

to mean it means that if you have an opinion on something then speak up. dont just sit there and at like you dont because then you will never be heard. also there might be others who have the same opinion and are waiting for someone else to voice it for them because they are scared to do it should not be afraid about what others think of your opinion because you opinion is just that. its what you think or feel and since not everyone in the world is the same everyones opinion is not going to be the same. also you shoud say it at times when it can be heard by others not when your alone in your room at night. if you have an opinion then state it and dont wait because you might miss your chance.

Tom Hall

Alex V said...

Stand and be counted for what you do means to me. I think its means you always have to be responsible for what you do. I also think it means that sometimes you have to believe in your self and do it on your own. If you don't stand out you will just be like ever other person in the world. So sometimes it is good to stand out and be counted for. This quote also means you have to express your feeligs. Its also is a way to be heard. That is what stand and be counted for means to me.

christina newman said...

I think the stand to counted means that somebody notices you. That someone could count you to do something for them. Or to make sure you are known to people. To stand out in front of a crowd and make people notice you. It could also mean that you count yourself on doing something. By not letting the person down. It could mean many things those were just a few of things.

- Christina Newman

Anonymous said...

What does stand and be counted mean to you? You may use a personal experience to explain

This quote only means one thing to me, to be singled out and noticed. basically it means to stand up for what you believe in NO matter what other may or may not think of you. to be counted means to be your own person and not to be missed, and to be recognized. i cant really relate to this quote but everyone should try to "stand" and be "counted" :) you never know what you might become of it.


Are you running out of ideas for bloggs yet...

Unknown said...

To stand and be counted is to make yourself recognized, well-known, and in the foreground. Doing things for your community, participating in school-wide events, and reacting to events in society all attribute to this. I think that this world needs to become a Utopian society; one wherein its inhabitants participate together and cooperate in order to maintain a global peace and recognition. But then again, there exists too much of anything and this does not go without saying. Sure, being recognized is a good thing, but too much notoriety is not. Don't overdo it and seek attention just for the sake of attention, rather seek recognition for your good deeds.

ScOtW29 said...

What does stand and be counted mean to you? You may use a personal experience to explain.

This means to be noticed. If you have an opinion about something you should say whats on your mind. People will only notice you if you speak and give your opinion. That is only way that you will be noticed and counted. Stand up for what you beleive in. You never no, somebody could have the same opinion as you. To be noticed you have to not be afraid to give an opinion and stand up for what you beleive in.