Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 18

I hope you will enjoy your cultural webquest. I think you will find it interesting to hear about all these other places that we think we know about but really do not. Please take time and concern with this project as it is 100 points (and if you do it right, they should be easy points).

Please respond to the following:

“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” Annonymous


Stephanie Zach said...

I do not agree with this quote. Many countries industry includes tourism. Mexico, for example, is huge in tourism. They worry more about their visitors/"customers" than they do the people that live there. Anybody on a vacation to another country has money to spend, and therefore, will help the country's economy more than anyone who lives there already. So, therefore, this quote is not true.

Miranda Adams said...

I agree with the quote “When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” Annonymous, because we cant expect other countrys to change there ways just for us. When we are traviling to there country we should take a little time to learn more about their country. We should take the time so we make sure we are not disrespecting there way of life. I mean if someone is in the U.S you dont want them going around disrespecting the way you live do u?
so show them the respect you would like.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this quote. I believe the citizens of a country should take priority over visitors. However, a country should make a good impression on visitors. The residents of a country are permanent to their area. They should have the say in what goes on in their country. Tourism does bring money into the economy, but I don't believe it's a substantial enough amount to change the ways of a country. A country should be suitable for visitors though.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

This is something people should take into more often.People go to over country s thinking there the most important people there. Alot of them forget there not the most important and that they should be treated like they live there. When foreign people come here tho its a big problem and were mean to them. I think we should treat them with the same respect.

Anonymous said...

“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” Annonymous

i have herd this saying many times and i totally agree with it. it like someone from china coming to american and us just living our everyday life's instead of changing everything to make them feel more comfortable, i feel as if they want to come to our country they should be willing to except what were about and what we believe in. i have never been to a different country so im not really aware of this saying but i understand.

im super excited to do this project, i just hope i do it well :)


Anonymous said...

“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable".

I do agree with this statement because when you visit another country it is not your home it is someone elces. If we tried to make "Iran" people call the USA home we would have to change countless items to make our country their home. To everyone who live in that country they probally think the way we will is way different and maybe would never want to live here. Also mostly every country has a different culture than we do. I do think however when you visit another country that they shouldnt think differently of us just because of the way we live. Everyone in this world in my book deserves a little bit of respect and kindness goes a long ways. The only reason people seem to hate the US is because of the way we are toward them...think if you see a muslim what is more than likely the first thought in your mind? Omg a reality more than likely that guy had nothing to do with 9/11 and is just living in the US becuase he likes it here. Even though he could be that one guy that would cause another 9/11 but i believe if we are nice to others than this world could go a long way.

Scott Roteman

cody sulla said...

“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” Annonymous

i agree with this quote. i think that the people of a country you visit should come first. they shouldn't have to worry about the visitors. you live where you live because you like it there. if you travel you you don't have to like the place you don't live there. If it was made around tourism know one would be happy. that's why we decide where we live.

ben nicolay said...

When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.”

I agree with this quote. We as american's think just because go to another country that they should treat us like royalty. Thats not the way it goes but people are still angry and complain about how rude other countrys are when they arn't treated the way they want to be. Im not saying that other countries shouldn't welcome other foreigners but both parties should be accomidating. They shouldn't have to change what they are doing for us, as we wouldn't for them. Tourism is good for the economy. Other countries should be pushing for the people with money to come and visit to boost their economy. They should be nice and respect one another so everyone is happy.

Unknown said...

I agree; a country should create a focal point on its people, not its visitors. Sure, tourists should be well-accommodated, but they should not be the focus point of a country. A tourist should not feel the need to be entirely comfortable in a foreign setting, and I think that's one of the main interests of touring: different languages, sights, culture, food, and all of the things that we in America are familiar with. If I were to travel, it would be to escape the drudgery and absurdity of American life and visit a different country for a refreshing experience. Of course, I would enjoy a good impression, but in all honestly I would feel much better about traveling to the country if they were geared more towards bettering themselves, not their tourists' thoughts and opinions of themselves.

Nick Brouillard said...

What this statement means is that when you go to a different country they are not going to have things special for you they are going to have things that their people want. For example they are not going to change their language for tourists. They are going to make the country more friendly for the people who live there than people who are just visiting. There may be places in the country that make most of their money from tourists. Also some countries make all of their money from tourism. That is what this statement is trying to say.

ScOtW29 said...

“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” Annonymous

I think that this quote is correct. When you go to a different country than your own it is going to seem odd for you. The people that live in that country it isnt odd. The people who live there are comfortable with the same routine everyday and it normal to them. If they were to come to the U.S they would think that the U.S is odd because they are not used to it as we are. An example is if you go to a different country they could speak a different language than you, or if they speak the same language as you they will speak it with an accent. This quote is a good one becuase it is very true.

Unknown said...

“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” Annonymous

the quote, i believe, is very true. countries are built around their citezins and leaders. and they exhibit different culture than we do. and that isnt their problem to deal with your normalities. they are concerned with their comfort first, and yours second. it does not matter if you are uncomfortable, because it is not your country, and you always have the u.s. to live in. wich is why we are so great.

Anonymous said...

“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” Anonymous

One should never be comfortable in another country unless one lives there. The best way to experience another culture in the first place, is to throw yourself into it an step outside of your comfort zone to really experience something anyways. A country is best suited to the type of lifestyle first established by the people who founded it, not by the people who travel there. This could be a wonderful political lesson too. We've touched on the slightly arrogant view of our government and it's propensity to "convert" everyone into a democracy to "protect" us from "threats". The fact that a country isn't a democracy shouldn't discourage us from traveling there, establishing commerce with them or trying to turn them into a democracy. The people living in that country have lived under that type of government for a while-this is assuming the country has not been under a coup-and if they have a problem with the government, they'll fix it, not us.

Like I said, however, a country is best suited to the people who live their due to the fact that each country is a conglomeration of culture, and travelers are of a different culture.

Stephen Manvydas said...

Stephen manvydas

I am not sure what to think of this quote. as many people have said that a forgien country is not desined for you, but for its own people. but then tourism is a big part of most countries. while tourism is important to understand a country truly you must go away from the hotels and citys and go out into the wild and explore the nature and small villages. While places like mexico city may have nice hotels and resturants the rest of the country is desinged to keep the people confortable. most countries are not like the u.s. and cant affored to help everyone, expecially not forgien visiters.

Anonymous said...

I find this quote to be extremly true. Although, I have not been out of the United States before from what I have seen from America I can understand the quote completly. Also is terribly true about American's when they leave our country and visit another's. The "American Attitude" is that everything should be catered to and revolve around us while we are in another Country. American's seem to have an attitude that is that we are better then every other country, therefore wherever we may be we should be treated exactly as we please. In reality all people are equal and no matter where your from should have nothing to do with how you are treated or how comfortable you are. Although, I am not saying this American Attitude relates to every single American, but I am saying for the most part this statement is true. Like the quote says "countries are designed to make its own people comfortable", when your in your homeland you want to feel most comfortable and at ease. It's like that unexplainable feeling like coming home from a long vacation. That feeling of great comfort and enjoyment.

-Rachel Duelo. :D

Alex V said...

I agree with this quote why should a forgin country make or change things for people that don't even live there. They should have things that make people that live there happy not people that come and vist. They should have things that help out there community. Toursim does bring in a lot of money to forgin countrys. And if people are spending there money and going there they should complain when the don't have some of the things that they have at home. If they don't like it they shouldn't have went there and they should have stayed home.

Alyssa said...

“When you travel, remember that a foreign country is not designed to make you comfortable. It is designed to make its own people comfortable.” Annonymous

This quote really is just trying to state that, people go to foreign countries, mostly from America thinking that they are just waiting for people to come visit them and their country is revolving around tourism. Well, when the truth is that, that is just how their country is run. And because it is so different from ours, people begin to think that they are so different because they are trying to make your stay in their country more memorable. That is just the way they live their daily lives. It is just like here in America, yes we do have a lot of tourism here in many different states, but our whole country is not trying to accomodate the tourism that goes on. We do it to bring in more money to our country and to show people what we are all about. Well it is not any different for any other foreign country around the world, and they are just living there daily lives and trying to make their own people as comfortable as possible.

Cole H. said...

When people travel to other countries they should be aware that the country would be based on a different society, or way of life. Each country has a different culture and sometimes even a wide variety of religions. If you do travel you do notice some things are the same, but there is allways a change in their lifestyle. Most other countries don't even have a democracy way of government. There are several different ways of government like Monarchy, Dictatorship, Theocracy, Communsist, and Oligarchy. Other countries even eat different things like cats, dogs, cockroachs, and even worms. So I truely believe that other peoples lands have made their countries around their needs, and also their way of life.

alissa welling said...

I agree with this quote. I think many people go into other countries thinking they are the first priority. When really you are treated the same as anyone who lives there. The fun part about visiting other countries is that you learn the differences and you learn a different life style. You should'nt have to feel comfortable. You go there to learn and to experience. Not to feel at home. So I think that this quote is very true.