Hope you enjoyed the movie and understand why and how it relates to literature. Tell me about a book you have read and how it would have turned out different if the vantage point was through another character. Please make it a book you have read in the last year.
I thought Vantage Point was a pretty good movie, and I understood how it related to the different viewpoints in literature. The best book I have read in the past year would have to be Crank. It's about a girl that lives with her mother, but goes to visit her deadbeat dad. I think it would be interesting if the story was from the viewpoint of the father. He gives his daughter almost no support, and because of him, she picks up a drug habit. I'd like to know more about what goes through his mind during the story. He seems to be completely unconcerned, and I'd like to see exactly what he feels.
I also thought vantage point was a good movie. I saw how it related to literature also. A book i have read in the past year was rumble fish. There are many charters whos vantage point would like to see. But if i had to pick one it would me the main charters friend. The main charter does alot of bad things and makes his friend do everything with him. He is the kinda kind that tells him not to do it and is a good kid but does it any ways because its his bestfriend. So i would just like to see these things through his eyes.
I enjoyed the movie during class. I did not, however, understand how it went along with World Literature Class.
A book that I have read in the past year is "The Line." It is about a girl cheating on two guys. Both captains of rivalry marching band teams. I think it would have been interesting to find out what Paul would have said if he knew all along who she was hanging out with besides just him.
I thought the was really good and kept me on my toes. I liked how is showed the story from more them one persons point on view. A book i have read in the past year was treasure island. Its a story about
pirates and treasure. There is a lot of fighting and hunting for it. i think it would have been cool seeing the story form someone that wasnt the main carater bacause then you could see what was really going on. Insted of just hearing what was going on in the inside.
Great movie choice, Marc.
I think any book would be much different if the vantage point was through another character's eyes, and for several reasons. Their bias, morals, and opinions aren't necessarily the same as the main characters, nor is the way that they think, process information, and things of that nature. I would like to see a story called "The Children of Hurin" (J.R.R. Tolkien) told through the eyes of the characters that he meet. In the story, Turin son of Hurin does not stay in one place long. He goes away from his homeland in search of Tangorodrim, the antagonist Morgoth's tower, wherein his father (Hurin) is chained atop for eternity, sentenced to watch all of mankind's mistakes and follies. While on his way to the tower, Turin obviously encounters others and stays with them for periods of time, until hastily proceeding to the tower. I think that if the story were told from one of those people's perspectives it would make for a very interesting tale.
This was an amazing movie, the beginning was kinda drawn out in my eyes and it dident end very well but, it was a good movie i must say. A book that i have read in the past year that would be different in the other characters eye would have to be "Tuesdays with Morrie" it was a totally kick ass book (horrible movie btw) the reason it would be different in the other characters eyes would have to because Morrie is dying from and illness and Mitch Doesnt understand what he is going through until the end then it all comes together. i dont read many books, to be honest this is the only book i have ever finished in the past 4 years :( but i loved it and it changed my life.
hope you had a good night Marc
I thought Vantage point was a pretty good movie. I enjoy movies that are intense like that. As the movie went on there were more twishts to it. The last book that I read was called "Beautiful Boy" by David Sheff. It was about a couple that had a boy, then got divorced but divoted their time into making their sun succesfull. At first he goes through his child as a normal child would. As he becomes a teen he gets into the wrong crowd and becomes a meth addict. The kid goes through a series of events with the cops, coming home late, problems with his girlfriend. The dad finally gets him into rehab after alot of refusal. The point of view is from the father. I would have like to read the mothers point of few because in the story she isn't really mentioned because she lives 100 miles away. I'd like to see what she has to say. Overall, it was a pretty good book.
I thought Vantage Point was a great pick, and a big eye opener for people to realize how often every story has many sides, that typically we too easily forget. This also relates to literature because every story is told in a certian point of view which the auther chooses, but could easily change the entire story told in another point of view. An amazing book I had read in the last year was called Lucky by Alice Sebold, which is told in first person. I believe the Alice Sebold chose to write this memior because obviously, she lived it and saw it most defitonly in her point of view only. Although hard to imagine, this memior of a rape survivor told in another point of view could have been writen from the assailants view. If the book started in his point of view from the horrific night on campus it would have been much different. Maybe he was on drugs? Or perhaps he is mentally physcotic and see's this as no wrong? Who knows to be honest what kind of sick and terrifying things were running through his head. Although, I would be curious to know the reason why he had done so. Another point of view that would have changed the story was from Alice's mother and father. Reasoning, they did not support her or show her any kind of love, compassion, or hope. I feel as though maybe they were clueless as what to say, but they actions they said defitonly spoke louder then words. For example soon after staying with her parents they insisted on her leaving their home and moving back to the same college campus, no matter how unsafe it may have been still. Either way, I believe reading the memior of Alice's tragic story was the only enormously visceral and emotionally gripping way to convey the injust crime.
rachel duelo :)
- Houghtaling
i still dont like vantage pint, but anyway. i have recently read my favorite book to date: "the world is flat" by thomas l fredman. basically the book talks about how technology is in effect 'leveling the playing feild' of business. it alst details events that have changed the world in many ways. i think it could be different, told by a person that teaches a college course. because there are arguments that the u.s. is still on top of the world economy, and though we continue to ship jobs over seas, the wealth stays here. but then again, there are also those that believe the u.s. is no longer a world leader, but is becoming engulfed by countries like india and china. with the technological revolution making everything so easy and fast to do.
I agree with pretty much everyone else. Vantage point was a great movie for the point that you are trying to get across. Even though it wasn't my first time watching the movie, I like how you see things from a lot of different point of veiws, so you know how different people feel about the same situation. Seeing things from different point of views can help you understand the situation a whole lot better than if it were only from one point of view. This relates to literature because every story that an author writes is told from the authors point of view that he chooses. The story would most likely not be the same if the author told it from a different point of view. Vantage point is the perfect movie for showing how different people have different point of views.
Vantage point was a good movie I liked the ending. The book I read that would of had a different vantage point if told differently was a few years ago harry poter. It would have a different vantage point if is was told by voldemort. It would be different by harry poter would be the enemy instead of him. And it would be different on how the stories ended with different detail. Harry potter is a good example because the hole story would be turned around.
Cody Dykes
Vantage point is amazing. Bottom line, i wish i saw life like this everyday. I think that it would help me understand life a little bit more sometimes. I would wanna read the book Night(btw best thing ever) and see it through the eyes of hitler or the Nazis. I wanna know what was going through their heads and how they did what they did. I think its kinda remarkable how a human could make the choice to kill an entire race.
i though that the movie vantage point was good, and i understand why it relates to lit. i think the book that i read most recently was the spaz and the stoner. i would like to see this book from the point of the weird girl that the spaz meets. i think her story would be really different. Her story would not only be different but strange. i think this because she was straight up crazy. If the story was from her point of view she would be the spaz.
Stephen manvydas
I, as many have said above, liked watching vantage point. I have seen it before and knew how all of the diferent points of view lead to the full picture. A book i have read the past year is rangers apprentice. its based on a more midevil/ long time ago, age. i think that the story would be a whole lot diferent if the otherside("badguys") told the story. you could see why they did what they did, and more reasons to the whole story then mentioned. the story could probobly be diferent if the rangers friend told it instead. to see how he is scared compared to the ranger, and to see what his thoughts were during the battles.
I absolutely loved the movie vantage point, I was hooked in the first 10 minutes. But a really good book, well series, that I have read is a child called it by Dave Pelzer. This story will probablly stick with me for the rest of my life. It was so heart touching in every way, and I think if the story was told through the mothers point of view, or even the fathers, it would be completely changed. I think the mother would try and tell the story of her torturous ways, like it was nothing wrong and as though Dave desreved it. I think if the father told it, it would be as if he had no idea the stuff that went on in there home even had occured. I think any story or even moive that you see, and picture the way its being told, through someone else's eyes, you will so much better be able to understand every chracter.
I also thought Vantage Point was a good movie. The ending could have used some improvment but as is the case with most movies. I like how in the movie it kinda shows step by step how a terror plot could happen but it is kinda scary how it could be done. I really dont read many books outside of school so I cant really give a book ive read however I do read many online articles. In my life though I have read many good books such as "Holes".
Scott Roteman
A good book I read last year was Velocity. It’s about this guy that has to choose who the killer kills. It also has a twist ended kind of like Vantage Point with the president. I think it might be cool to see a point of view from the killer or one of his friends that think he might have gone crazy. I would be cool to see what that killer was thinking when he gave the main character the first note. I also wonder what the main character friends were thinking when he told them that there was a killer leaving him notes. I recommend people to read this book because I found it a good book.
- Christina Newman
The movie "Vantage Point", was a very eye opening movie. It made you look at six different views of other people. I can't remember the title of the book but, if that book had other points of view, it would totally change the entire story. To see another side of what you thought happened, is really intersenting. Everyone can remember different things and the one that you most remember sticks with you. But, the person next to you could remember a totally different part. It is really interesting to see how others view a situation. Your looking through someone elses eyes.
i personally thought that vantage point was a very good movie. i liked all the plot twist and characters it had in it. i thought it was very unique the way they made it. the end was gay because he swerved to not hit the little girl even though he was a terrorist. i recently read a book called artemis fowl the time paradox. if it was written from a dfferent point of view the story would be very different and have many diffrerent details and views in it. it would also be very consistant at parts as well
I thought Vantage Point was an awesome movie. I think it really helped me understand the movie by seeing the different viewpoints of the characters. A book that i have read recently was Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. This book did a good job of showing the viewpoints of the main characters. However it would of been helpful to see the viewpoints of the other characters like the parents and family members. This is would have helped to understand the story better knowing what the other characters were thinking and not just the main characters. Although showing different viewpoints really does help you better understand the main points of the story.
I thought Vantage Point was a very good movie. A book I have read that realtes to what you ask is Jimi Hendrix:The Man, The Magic, The Truth. I think if the book was written from the view of Jimi Hendrix or his dad it would have been much different. Rather than all the events that occured in his life being filled with no emotion, Jimi may have described the feelings and events a little better and more passionately. If the book was written by his dad it may have been filled with dissapointment and discipline. The author never expiernced any of the events that Jimi and his dad went through so she can't describe the emotion as well as them. I think that the point of view that someone tells a story with is very important. The point of view usually contains a biased opinion and outlook and a different feeling.
-Dick Nehring
I think the moive vantage point was ok it was kind of dumb. But if I had to veiw a book from a different vantage point. The book I would pick is king james. It is a book about the life of lebron james and how he made it from a boy from Akron ohio and make it to a nba team. If this book wasn't told by Lebron james and it was told by his mother or one of his friends I think the book would be told very differently. I don't think it would be as interesting if this story was from someone elses point of veiw. But if it was you would have different things told and somethings that he might not say.
A book that I would have enjoyed seeing "the other side of the story" of is Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson. It's non-fiction and about Greg Mortenson, a mountain climber who helps to bring education to the poorer mountain-areas of Pakistan. While the book touched on the wrath that he was subjected to by the American peoples for helping "Muslim extremists" I would have liked perhaps to have read a book from the slightly propaganda-fueled, more-racist American point-of-view. While I was absolutely disgusted that the American public was sending him hate-mail because he was trying to educate people to stop terrorism instead of using "precision-guided bombs" to blow up their homes and kill their children. Granted, while most of the mail quoted in the book was obviously from Christian extremists (there is such a thing, look up the Westboro Baptist Church, of Evangelical Pentecostalism... Or just watch Jesus Camp, you'll see what I mean,) I still find it odd that they would rather use violence rather than education to stop the perceived threat. I mean, honestly, what will they do? Blow themselves up in Pakistan to protest the presence of America? Let them, I don't think that it will really accomplish anything except get hordes of media attention from CNN and ABC and CBS. This is a really big tangent, anyhoo...
I think that a book from the point of view of one of the Christian extremists that wrote him that he'll burn in hell for educating kids would be an interesting read just to see how people's minds work and how it intertwines with religion and extremist-religious views [ read as "cult"]. I think that it's ironic that we in America equate Islam to terrorism and equate Christianity with peace. (A) Islam is a peaceful religion. If you study it, Allah only fought those who prevented others from practicing their faith freely. The Christian persecuted anyone that didn't believe what they wanted you to believe or spoke out about the Church. In fact, there are more forms of Christian-Extremist religions than there are Islam. The only one for Islam is called Wahhabi-ism where people make holy war. Ji'Had is the term they use, but Ji'Had isn't and shouldn't be violent. It's a form of ritual combat that signifies the idea of fighting for what one believes in. RITUAL though, not LITERAL. Christian-extremists like Bush on the other hand, are convinced that God told them to blow up any one who is Muslim because, well, they're just Muslim I guess. And it's this point of view that would be interesting to read about and understand.
Oh.... I guess the movie was OK too, even though you didn't want to know...
But the ending did suck....
But the rest was OK... I mean, not OK OK, but OK... The end was freakin' POINTLESS MY GOD!!! All they do is shoot everyone... In fact, the entire plot of the movie was pointless and unbelievable, but still, good movie...
I'm done now BTW
I thouhgt that I should point out that the passphrases they give sometimes are phrases. The last one I just got was ifuhny, which reads I Funny.... This one is nxnh8u which could be Nixon Hates You
And this one is COMPLETELY random.... Like these posts... I'm done now for real, I'm just bored....
I like Star Trek...
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