Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Day 12
Today we discussed the country of Russia and the basic repression they feel in their society. As today was Constitution Day, discuss for me the advantages of being an American living under a Constitution which has remained the same for nearly 240 years. Also, tell me about your dreams for your America over your lifetime.
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discuss for me the advantages of being an American living under a Constitution which has remained the same for nearly 240 years. Also, tell me about your dreams for your America over your lifetime.
The advatange of having a constitution which is 240 years old is that its been basically the same since day one and mostly everyone follows it. Its been the same for freedom of speech. In other countries you can die for stating your opinion. Were lucky to be free. Some things I would like is for gas to not be over 4 dollars. Also, I would like for people not to complain about the president. There going to be in the white house for 4 years so deal with it. Im not saying im for or against the president now but its annoying when people publicly state there opinion over and over again. You probally disagree with what im saying, but oh well.
The advatage of having a contitution thats been here for 240years is that we are use to it. We know what is wright and what is wrong. With are contitution we are free to do so many things, we dont have to worry about what we say or where we go. Some things i would like are that gas was cheaper and that we could bring are love ones home from irac. I would also like it if are economy was a little better. It would also be cool for the U.S not mad to look like we are so stupid. Well whats just some stuff im sure i could go on and on but i wont.
Discuss for me the advantages of being an American living under a Constitution which has remained the same for nearly 240 years. Also, tell me about your dreams for America over your lifetime.
The advatage of having a contitution thats been here for 240 years is that mostly everybody is familiar with it. Every american citizen has the right to say whatever they want, unlike other countries. I want the gas prices to go down a lot. That would be pretty sweet. Anything under a dollar would be nice. That is what my dream for America is!!!!!!
the advantages of America is that we can do what ever we want, and all are rights that belong to us. we as Americans can say what we want, and do what we want under sertin rules i personaly think we live in the best Country in the world. my dreams for a better America would be every one understanding about other coulture and not belive the media about every thing. and fo a less FAT America :D jkjk
the advantage of living in a place that has had the same constitution for almost 240years is good. i think it's good because there is nothing new to learn. i think if there were new constitutions made there would be arguments about new rules the effected old ones. there are certain things that would be nice though. like i think it should be in the constitution that you have to pass all your classes in middle school to go to high school. the reason for this is that the people that don't pass but go to high school are normally the ones that drop out. they drop out cause their not prepared and ready for the real stuff.
The advantage of living under the American constitution is our freedom. Most countires don't have the freedoms we have. Such as Russia they are still pretty much conrolled by their government. Or a better example would be China. China has control of how many people live in each household, what jobs they have and what they can buy. Our constitution hasn't dramatically changed since it was wrote which means we haven't had to deal with the changes that other countries have had to deal with. I would like to see America become less dependent on other countries for goods and products in the future.
-Dick Nehring
Stephen Manvydas:
Being an american to me is great.
We can do many things that other contries cant. The constisution is very helpful. we get freedoms that other contries do not. we are very fortunate. i see america becomeing amazing into the future. i think it will be loved alot more by more in the future.
Being the only country in the world with the longest lasting Constitution is a blessing. It shows great strength and perservience of America. It is a great advantage being an American citizen becauseall of our freedom's. Freedom's that many of us take for granted every single day, such as freedom of religion. In other countries your choice of religion is choosen not by you, rather by the countries leader(s). Luckily, in our country we have the freedom to choose to believe in who or whatever we want to put our faith into. My dreams for America over my lifetime is my generation changing the way people vote. I want my generation to be the first to have 100% of the population going out and voting. Although, far fetched from the way it is right now, I believe within time this could be possible.
Oh sorry I forgot to mention the last comment posted (rmd773) is from Rachel Duelo if you didn't know.haha sorry mr.kay!:)
As an American living under a Constitution which has been amended only 27 times so-far and has had basically, the same structure, for almost 240 years, I find that there are only several advantages. First, it means that the government is relatively stable and will continue to be (hopefully) stable for years to come. Secondly, it also means that, I live under a system that (somewhat) works with little to no corruption.
My dreams for America for the remainder of my lifetime are probably unattainable as there's too much political squabbling and private-agenda-pushing to accomplish much. First I'd hope that the American people would get over this God-given right to be better than everyone else. i see it everywhere. It's like we've discussed in class, Americans think that they are predisposed to convert everyone into a democracy which: a) generally doesn't work or b) degenerates into a dictatorship the moment "Big Brother" looks away. Also, I'd hope that the American people would become much more open-minded. At lunch time, there are constantly kids who wont eat something because it looks disgusting. To quote George Carlin:
"How do you know you don't like, if you've never even tried,"
I also find that many American adults have this mentality that "American-made" products (cars, toothbrushes, lawn mowers, toothpicks, toothpaste and trash-bags,) are somehow better than other products. To clarify: a) most products are made in China, assembled in America, b) sometimes foreign products [cars] are of generally higher-quality and have better technology. (If the politicians as well as Ford, Chrysler, and GM executives understood that nobody buys American because the cars are usually crap, have low-mileage or aren't as comfortable as a comparably-priced Honda or BMW, why would anyone buy it?!.) Another hope of mine is that the (some) of the Americans would get off the high-horse that is "Christianity-is-better". While not everyone is like this, I meet many, MANY people who are. People need to understand that not everyone wants to be subjected to the Bible-thumping and preaching because others think they are immoral for not being Christian. I'm an "out" Atheist, and I encounter an unfortunate amount of people in the school, and other places that I go who suddenly feel the need to go on a conversion-spree. After all, according to Randy K. Mullholland:
"The only time anyone's admitted they were a Christian before was when they were busy telling me why they're better than me."
I do resent the fact that this country is overly-religious in some aspects. It was with McCarthyism in the 1950s that "In God we Trust"
was added to currency. For instance, why should anyone care if two guys want to get married? They love each other, that's more than other male-female couples can say. The churches bitch about that but they don't care about Hollywood stars constantly getting divorced and re-marrying or they try to cover up the fact that their priests rape little children? No one should care about homosexuality. It's not your business, they aren't telling you to be gay, it's not their fault that they found someone they want to sped their life with, leave them the hell alone! It infuriates me that many religious people tout their religion as a source of :I'm better than you because God loves me." Aside from that, I think that , while we all have a right to practice our religions, we should keep them to ourselves and respect other's beliefs, not try to impregnate others (including our children, let them form their own beliefs, it's their right!) with ours as is so common to do in this country.
Lastly, I would hope that America would become much more accepting as a whole as well as less antagonistic towards change. A perfect example is the absolutely disgusting group called the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC). if you've never seen them, they're the ones that picket funerals with signs saying "God hates fags," and the like. While it's completely withing their right to protest what they want, they need to freaking get some respect and leave mourners alone. When John Phelps dies, I plan to picket his funeral with a sign saying "America hates you." This kind of solicited racism is what holds this country back. It's even in our Lit. classroom. People think it's funny, but it disgusts me that they do. Who are you to say that this-or-that country is like that because government propaganda or what you "think you know" dictates you should think like that. Damn you if you do, it may be your right, but again, who do you think you are? That kind of stuff starts wars, Holocausts, pogroms, and genocide. This country is what I feel as being too immature to open itself up. Perhaps that we should hole ourselves up and prevent immigration because what I think people would see would disgust them and make them wonder if America really is as "Free" as it claims to be.
(End of Rant)
(I do not apologize to anyone who's offended by this. It's my right to say that just as it is yours to say what you want.)
And, as the damn blog thing limited me, that's part of what I would hope would change in America during my lifetime. We all need to be more accepting, as well as less pushy religion-wise and less egotistical because we're "American." Again, I ain't sorry about anything I said and believe that what I said is true and accurate from what my relatively small brain comprehends and sees everyday. While not everyone is like this, the unfortunate majority are.
More of you may say I'm not patriotic by saying all that stuff and may hate me. Well, to bad, I'm not patriotic, I think that it's stupid, so get over it.
- Houghtaling
even though we have had our constitution for almost 240 years, it is relatively a short time. our country started out as a bunch of english resenting colonists that didnt like monarchy. they went out to establish a different government. as for my dreams? even though its highly unlikely, i would like to see a unified nation, that still has differences, but isnt as intolerant of other people. people that work together for the common good, and not just for their own good. and lastly, a government and economy that is flexible, and responds to the american people more readily, not just for show, bt for meaning.
I think there are many pros to having a constitution as old as it is. I believe it forms a level of security for the citizens. The fact that a single document has been intact for this long is amazing to me. It has helped shape our nation and guide the people. I hope in the future, the nation will improve in terms of equality. I think that wealthy people shouldn't have the large advantage in this country as they do now. I think everyone should have an equal opportunity to succeed.
An advantage of haveing a consitution for over 240 years is that we use it ever day. And it also sets rules and guide lines that we need to follow everday. Like the freedom of speech and freedom of religon and prosuit of happiness are all in the consitution. The consitution helps keep order in this country. In some countries you can and follow the religon u believe in and that is wrong. But with the consitution you can follow any religon that you want. And I think that is an advantage of haveing a consitution in our lives. There are some many advantages of haveing a consitution that I can not list them all.
Cody D.
We have all the advantages being americans. We can do whatever we want as long as we have a good paying job and are not breaking laws. America is great but we are very very self centered in my opinion. In my life time i want us to focus more on important issues that effect not just us but the whole world. Such as the enivroment. We are one of the only countrys not taking huge steps in the matter of the enviroment. Another thing is economy. We control wall street witch is on of the most important econmic places on earth. This effects the world in alot of ways i think.
Living under the american constitution has given us equal rights that other countries might want. We have the freedom of speech and the freedom to be individuals. We have this constitution that has been around for over 240 years. Thats really hard to belive. My dream for America would probably to help are economy. i feel like many people have it rough and we should make it easier.
Being an American is definitely soomething we all have to live up to, because are the leading country and every single country looks up to us like an older sibling. We run so much in this world and different countries are constantly watching our every move, but because we have had the same constitution for so long, its easy for us to all know exactly what we have to live up to and obey. Peopl aren't going and changing around the constitution everytime someone new comes into presidency, or every few years. It has remained the same, with a few minor changes, but for the most part exactly the same. Everybody know's what to follow and what rules we have so it makes it easy on us to be able to obey them. I think that for America I would love to see us end any involvement in wars and any anger and drama with other countries over pointless things. I would love to see our country become more equal in terms of social classes. Also I would love it for American to become Democratic in the next election, I would be very excited to see what kind of a turn around could happen if it does.
For the past 240 years our country has had a constitution. I believe this helps keep our country more organized and keep the country moving. Freedom of speech, religion, government are just a few reasons why people like American. The constitution helps bring people into our country and make them feel like they have a stable and trusted future. In the American lifetime I believe we should not only find a way away from foreign oil but away from depending on other countrys for many goods Americans get today.
Scott Roteman
The advantage of having the constitution is that mostly nothing has changed since it was created. Basically everyone follows the rules. everyone is also very familar with it. Being an American is a great privilage because of all the freedom that we have. Many other countries dont have many of the rights that Americans have. Such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion. My dreams for America is definatly lower gas prices. It is rediculous that gas is this high and it would help out America's economy so much to have lower gas prices.
*discuss for me the advantages of being an American living under a Constitution which has remained the same for nearly 240 years. Also, tell me about your dreams for your America over your lifetime.*
The advantages of this would be being use to the same constutution and being good at it also. America has very good advantages that most countries dont and that why improud to say im and AMERICAN!! i mean im not dissen on other countries but to tell you the truth, the thought of not living here scares the shit out of me. we have freedom of speech, love, religon, the way we dress, talk mostley everything besides gay marriage :( if i could change things about america it would deffinitly be all the judgemental people in this world, gas prices and just the way people look at life like you have to be rich to be something you know?? i dont know maybe im just being stupid but thats just how i feel.
have a good one kay!
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