Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 5

Macbeth allowed outside forces to have some control over his life. So far, these include the witches and Lady Macbeth. Often in our lives, we allow outside forces to have more control than we think they should. What outside forces do you feel control your life? Why do you allow this to happen? Does this make you a weak person? When can it be positive to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our lives?


Becca said...

Some outside forces that control my life would be my parents, teachers, and sometimes friends. My parents have the right to control what I do to some extent. They have the right to tell me when I need to be home and they have the right to not allow me to go to certain places. My teachers also have the right to control what I do in some ways. For example, teacher have the right to give you homework and to give you tests and quizzes that you should study for. I let my friends control me sometimes. If they make me feel bad for some reason I do what they want me to. For example, if they want me to drive them somewhere even if its out of my way I'll do it. I don't consider myself a weak person, I just think that sometimes I can be a push over. Outside forces can be a positive effect on our lives. Parents, for the most part, want you to succeed, so they will put certain restrictions on you to make you become a better person. Also, teachers want their students to be prepared to the real world, so they also set certain boundaries to help students succeed.

Becca Need
2nd Hour

Cherie Stoll said...

2nd hour
The main people who control my life are my parents and my friends. When I make a decision I often times put the opinions of my family and friends into consideration. I allow this to happen because I value of what my parents and friends think of me. I don't think that this makes me a weak person. I may put the opinions of my friends and family into consideration, but in the end my decision is mine. I listen to what my family and friends have to say because they usually have good advice. But if I let my friends and family run my life I won't be happy with any of my decisions because they aren't mine. I think that I becomes a problem when you let others run how you live your life. You should always do what you want to do. I can be positive for outside forces to influence our lives when they are influencing you to do something positive.

Tyler McLeod said...

The outside forces that control my life are my parents, friends and teachers. Parents want you to succeed and I think they have a hard time letting go. They are so used to having control over you for so many years it is hard for them to let me make my own decisions. My teachers have control over what work they assign to me; I don't believe this is more control than they should have because they have to make sure that we learn the materials required for the class. Friends sometimes try to control my life by doing what they want instead of what I want to do. Sometimes I follow along because it's not worth the hassle it could turn into. I allow my parents to control some of the things I do out of respect; it's annoying and sometimes I follow along just to keep the peace. I know my parents only have my best intersts in mind and I try to do what they ask. With my friends I don't always give in, but when I do it's because it was no big deal. This does not make me a weak person; I don't allow others to have total control over me- just certain things. It can be positive for other's to have some control over in our lives when it is being done to make you a better person. Usually control is being used to make you accountable and help you in succeed in life. My parents, teachers, and friends all have important roles in my life and without them I would not be able to attain the goals I have set for myself.

Wilbur2381 said...

The only outside force that really controls my life are my friends. My parents dont control my life because they want me making my own decisions but my friends for sure control my life and thats because i spend 6 hours a day of non-stop communication with them (just not on tests).I allow it to happen mainly not to piss anyone off. If somebody asks me to do them a favor then i will comply because i dont want to lose them. This doesnt mean im weak it just means that i am able to listen instead of being the one giving orders. It can be positive because sometimes you meet new people that you will keep close with for the rest of your life.

Will Michaels 2nd hour

Thanks for a great 4 terms Mr. Kay i hope not to see you in your office..

Jessica klave said...

no matter what inlife there will be some thing that wll effect you other thanyourself,in my case it could be my parents,soccer coaches, teachers. I let this go on because itis important to be able to learn to take direction, and itis important to be able to accept things you dont want to,and deal with them the best way you can.letting outside forces effect you is not making you a weak person, everyone has to go through difficulties in life, and i would deffinitley consider those to be outide forces

Katlyn said...

Some out side forces that control my life are my friends my parents and my parents. I alow this to happen because well my parents have the right to. Theyre my parents they control me being able to do ther things i do. My friends just help sometimes maybe its bad advice but most of the time its pretty good. My teachers control what happens at school. They control what kind of grades i get. I dont think that makes me a weak person, they all have the right to have some control over my life. All in all i have most of the control i control my own actions and what i want to do. It is completely up to me if i want to listen to them or not. It can be a positive thing to let an outside force effect parts of our lives when they want to help you. Like if they are helping you make a big decision and they give you good advice.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd HOur

Anonymous said...

Some outside forces that control my life would have to be my friends, family, school, and church. I don't always allow these outside forces to control my life, I have my own beliefs. So when these outside forces' beliefs conflict with my own I go with my own beliefs. I believe that letting outside forces influence your life doesn't make you weak. It could just mean that youdon't know what to do and your lost/confused. It can be positive in many ways. For example, if your planning on doing something stupid and a friend comes to you and convinces you to not do it. That friend influenced you in a good way, and kept you from something stupid that probably would've turned out for the worst.

James Richardson

Jamie Diehr said...

I think that peoples families and friends are outside forces with contol in your life. I think that most peopl have to do things because their parents make them or because they are afraid of what they will think. I think thats why friends have a big impact on control in your life. Whether or not they mean to, I think that some people are to afraid of what others will think, especially their friends so they go along with what they are doing. This isn't always a bad thing, but it can mean your weak also. Sometimes to be strong you have to say no and do your own thing. On the other hand, it can be positive also.

Hannah Ledgley (: said...
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Hannah Ledgley (: said...

outside forces in my life would be parents teachers and coaches. i have to be able to learn to be open minded and able to take directions in life. So i have to tolerate outside forces. but i also think there are negative outside forces, as well as positive. Being effected by these outside forces is not making you a weak person. A stronger one makes it easier for you deal with hard situations. you just have to see the silver lining.

Andrew Melton said...

I let outside forces such as school, friends and family control my life. I let this happen because they help me with everything, theyre able to give me input and help me get through it if i have trouble. I dont beleive it makes me a weak person because it shows that i have other people in my life that i can keep close incase i need their help for anything. It can be possitive to let an outside force to be an effective part of our lives when we need a little push, maybe to get a job and they push you to go in for the interview. or when you need to stand up for yourself and they help you do that.

Anonymous said...

Well I suppose the obvious answer for someone who is 16 is adults. Parents, teachers, grandparents, police officers, boss's, etc. We live in a world where the only thing we have complete control over is what we say and do. Of course, there is no other world (within our knowledge) where we have more control than that. This kind of goes back to the question of whether or not people who were forced to commit murder by a thrid party should be given a more gracious sentence. You have complete control over you and no one else can control what you do or say. I guess I would say that outside forces have influence, but no control. Can my parents influence my decisions, yes. However, when it comes right down to it, its my choice of whether to drink or not. In my mind, all of my choices are my own. Do I consult others, yes. But, its my choice of whos consult to listen to.

Emma Flynn said...

As most teenagers probably agree, I believe that my parents are the number one force that controls my life. They make way more decisions for me than I would like them to. I let this happen though because I know that they are only trying to keep me safe and insure that I succeed in life. However, often I find it very hard to remember this. I do not believe it makes me a weak person at all. It is positive because without them, I am not sure if I would make all the right decisions in life. When my parents push me to work my ass off in school, this is obviously an effective part of my life.
Ps. I will miss you Mr. Kay!

Hunter White said...

Outside forces that control my life would be my parents and friends. I allow this to happen because sometimes it leads me to a better direction. They may also help with things I need as well. I don't think this makes me week as a person. If anything it will make me a better person. I may not always know whats best. I think the most positive times this can happen is when I have to make decisions I can't do on my own. I know I can count on extra help from them.

allyson martin said...

I think i'm always influenced by outside forces. My friends and parents probably have the most control. My parents, without a doubt, have a lot of control over me. If they don't want me going somewhere i dont go. If they ask me to do something i usually do it. It doesn't make me weak at all. I think it helps me learn how to listen to elders, because they do know best. My friends probably have a little bit of control over me. More positively than negativley. They don't push me to do things i'm not comfortable with, if i don't want to go somewhere they usually get me to go with them, by telling how boring it will be if i just stay home that night. I think it can sometimes be good to let outside forces control your life. If i didn't have my parents to control what i did, my life would be more chaotic. i wouldnt have that quidance i need.

Cody Kabisa said...

The main outside forces in my life would be my friends. I dont really consider my parents as "forces." Sometimes my friends can talk me into doing things that I dont want to do. This is one way that they have more control than they should. Another outside force is people that have a bad influence. They can change the way that you act and live your life. These outside forces can sometimes have positive effects. Sometimes you need someone else's perspective on things and it can help your situation. Someone elses opinion is sometimes helpful and can help you think things through before acting.

Jake F said...

Some outside forces that affect my life are my friends, teachers, and other family. I allow this to happen mostly because I have to. If I dont listen to my parents then my life would go to shit because they only tell me what is best for me, even though I dhont listen. Some of the time letting others influence my life isnt the best for me. Like my friends sometimes can put some non good control on my life. I thinik that this doesnt make me a weak person. I think that most of the time I let the right people control my life, by letting the wrong people control my life would make it a negative thing. Most of the time I believe that letting other people put influence ono my ife is positive.


****** ******* said...

outside forces are everyone around us. they can be our family, friends, teachers, other students, coaches, or even people you dont know. we let others control us because we care what they think of us. we want to be "cool" or "popular". and to get there you feel that you have to do what they do. be like them to be friends with them. or you let them because you want to impress them. like you family or coaches or even your friends. you want to show them that you can do things and improve. it can make you weak if you let if control your life too much. if you let others control you your not YOU . your what they have made you. positive things can be they push you do to better.

Hannah Aittama said...

I feel like my parents are the main outside forces that control my life. They tell me where I can and can't go, what kind of clothes I can wear etc. And I let them control those parts of my life basically because I have to. And I dont feel like this makes me weak, it is just how things go, you have to listen to your parents and I know one day it will make me a stronger person. Another outside force would probably be my friends. They don't have that much of a control on my life because I do what ever I feel like doing and not what they think I should do. But on somethings like clothes and stuff they have a little control over the types of clothes I like because I usally like what they wear. I feel like it can be positive to allow ouside forces to be an effective part of our lives when its a role model of someone we look up to trying to help me out in a good way, not trying to get me to do something illegal or bad.

Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour

Kaleigh S said...

The forces I feel that control my life are my parents, teachers, and my friends occasionally. My parents obviously care about me and want to help me, so by them setting rules, I don't feel the need to break them. Teachers obviously need rules to keep the class going and everything working, so they have that authoritative control over me too. I think my friends just have control over where I go sometimes. If a bunch of people want to go to a person's house or out somewhere, then I generally just go with them. I don't ever go places that are bad for me, it just might not be the first place I wanted to go. I allow this to happen because I don't want to be a brat to my parents or disrespectful to my teachers, plus my friends are all pretty good people and I don't want to always have just my way. It doesn't make me a weak person, I think sometimes it shows that I can let others be in control rather than myself always having to be in control. It is positive to allow outside forces to be an effective part of our life when they make us better people. I think allowing my parents to control areas of my life has been good for me. It has established morals for me and I can make my own rules. It helps me to be able to tell the difference between good and bad choices, and I will always thank them for knowing what's best for me.

Trevor Stratton said...

I think some outside forces that change my life would be my parents, teachers, and friends. I think I allow my parents to do this because they are my parents. They have the right to tell me what to do on somethings. Teachers have control over me to a certain extent. Teachers can give you stuff to do like give you homework. Friends have quite a bit of control over my life. You usuually do things your friends ask just to fit in. It is kind of like peer pressure. It can be a positive thing when it could be a life changing situation.

Katrina said...

I think the most obvious outside control on most teens lives would be their friends or their parents. Lucky for me my parents dont really try and control my life. My mom likes to let me make my own decisions and see where they lead me. My friends do sometimes have some control over me and sometimes its for the better while others its for the worse. Many times they push me to think about my actions and are a positive influence on me. Other times certain friends may pressure me to do things i shouldnt and those have negative outcomes. So i guess sometimes it is good to let others take control but in the end i still think it comes down to you. Ultmimtly, youre still making a decision because youre deciding if youre going to let them or not.

beattiex33 said...

**internet down-why this is so late.

I think that the number one outside force that is affecting my life is my parents. They kind of decide my every move. I make my own decisions and choices but lots of those decisions are based off of my parents. Not only them but my friends as well. I think most of the people close to you in your life are the ones that effect you the greatest. I allow my parents to take over my life because they are the ones who gave it to me therefore, I should listen to them when they tell me to do something (not that I listen all the time). My friends don’t control my life but they affect it greatly by the advice they give me. I mean, if they were in a situation that I am currently in, I may take their advice on what to do and do it, which can effect the out come. In some ways I think that I can be a weaker person when I let people take control of me, but in some ways I don’t. There have been many times that I wish I didn’t listen to my parents, I feel like they can hold me back but then again I take their control to my liking in some occasions. On the other hand, having my friends control me sometimes does make me feel like a lesser person because I didn’t stick up for myself or include what I wanted to do or say. I think that the best time that an outside force can control your life is if it for your own good. Sometimes people don’t know that when a person is taking control over you, that it is really a good thing. This is where the parent thing comes in because parents only sometimes do the things they do to protect you, and sometime the same with friends as well.

Lauren Beattie
2nd Hour