Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 4

Today we discussed several different themes. Please choose one of the themes (hope you took notes), and discuss how it has progressed in Act 1. Then, talk about how that theme has been part of your own life.


Katlyn said...

The theme that i am going to choose is ambition. Ambition is everywhere through out Act 1. You see it in Macbeth and even Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is a very ambitious person,he wats to become king and i think is willing to do anything to make that happen. Lady Macbeth is also very ambitious she wants to kill the king so that Macbeth and herself can become king and queen. This did progress as we went in through act one. Lady Macbeth gets more and more ambitous to become queen in ever sceen. Ambition is a part of my life. Im not sure how ambitious i really am though. I try my best at everything, and if i dont get it the first time i try to be ambitious until i get it. Compared to Lady Macbeth i dont think i have anywhere as near as that much ambition.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd Hour

Wilbur2381 said...

Two of the themes that we talked about was Masculinity and Feminity. Throughout the beginning of act I, Lady Macbeth was not as much of a factor. As the first few scenes went on, Macbeth led Scotland to victory in battle, was told his prophicy was to become king from witches and became the thane of cawdor. Duncan who is already king wants to have dinner with Macbeth and all is good until Macbeth sends a letter to Lady Macbeth telling her to prepare for his arival. Knowing that the king will be at their castle or house, whatever you want to call it, Lady Macbeth wants to become queen. This makes no sense because it was given that Duncans son Malcolm would become king if anything were to have happened. Lady Macbeth comes up with this so called "full proof scheme," but when Macbeth thinks about it he doesnt like the idea because he would feel guilty. Once Macbeth declines, Lady Macbeth goes on the attack and tells Macbeth that he is not a man. Dont do that. As a guy i personaly hate it kinda pisses me off when people do that because they dont know whats going through my mind.

Will Michaels 2nd hour

Mike said...

The theme I am choosing is ambition. In act 1 you see little to no ambition in Macbeth. His only desire is to be a good soldier and to serve his country. However, it all changes when he meets the witches. The witches give him a prophecy telling him he will become the Thane of Cawdor and then the King. This instills ambition into Macbeth but not the right ambition. When he tells his wife about what has happened, Lady Macbeth goes on a power trip. Macbeth realizes his ambition is not on a just path and quickly defeats his thoughts of power. Lady Macbeth however, is ruthless. She will stop at nothing to be queen. She develops a plot to kill the king with only one flaw, the fact that his son is already named Prince of Cumberland. Ambition is my life is very odd. On somedays I have little to no ambition and just want to sleep and on other days I have a ton of ambition. I never know if my ambition is right or wrong, I just know when I can feel it.


kristen said...

The theme I chose was ambition because I believe it played the largest role so far. Macbeth seems like a nice, genuine guy. However, once he hear's the prophacy that he will become king you see the ambition taking a negative effect. Macbeth was able to overcome that ambition at first by deciding to let fate run it's course. However, Lady Macbeth's ambition allowed her to munipilate Macbeth into deciding to kill the king. Lady Macbeth has much ambition to become queen, and this ambition is driving her to commit murder. She is willing to do whatever it takes which is a great example how negative ambition can be. Ambition is in my life because it drives me to do my best. My ambition to get a good grade makes me pay attention in class and study for tests. I also have the ambition to make varsity this year which allowed me to work extremely hard.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.

Taylor Wattles said...

The theme that i will choose this evening will be the theme of ambition. Ambition is clearly seen by both Macbeth as well as lady Macbeth. Macbeth wants to be king and is trying to wait for everything to fall into place, he is hesitant to kill the king who is also his cousin. His wife on the other hand is willing to do anything to make Macbeth king. She is very dominant and most likely wheres the pants in the relationship. The theme of ambition is very present in my life. Often i have to be ambitious to achieve one of the high goals i set for myself. For example last spring and summer i worked my ass off playing basketball and working out very hard. My hope was to make the varsity basketball team and play a reasonable amount. But my hard work and effort earned me a starting role on the team. I plan on continuing to work hard through this summer and lead Lakeland basketball to a district championship.

Taylor wattles

Megan said...

One of the themes in Macbeth is ambition. It progressed in Act. 1 through Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. After finding out that the witches prophecy came true about him becomming Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth"s ambition to complete the entire prophecy grew. It appeared in Lady Macbeth when she read the letter about the whole situation. As Act. 1 went on, the ambition of the two got bigger and to the point where they took fate into their own hands and decided to kill Duncun. Ambition has played a huge part so far, and Lady Macbeth is taking extreme measures with it. Ambition plays a part in my life too. I have had ambition in accomplishing little tasks or goals that is et for myself. I have never gone to such an extreme like Lady Macbeth wants to do. I have also never had anything so great or large to be abitious about. The small abitions I have don't usually involve anyone other than myself, other than a few select times.

Megan Kastelen
3rd hour

Jamie Diehr said...

The main theme so far is ambition. You see it in Lady Macbeth, but more in Macbeth himslef. Macbeth has this ambition to become king and he really wants that to come true. Although he know thats killing the Duncan will be wrong, this drive to become king, and his wife reminding him what he will get out of it in the end, is what is pushing him forward. I think that it is Lady Macbeths greed that is making her ambitionous. Her greed to become queen and basically rule everyone, including Macbeth, is what is making her do everything for her ambtion. I think that ambition is part of everyones life whether they relize it or not. It doesn't have to be very big, it could be making a sport team or getting a good grade.

Sean said...

The theme I am choosing to discuss is Masculinity vs Feminity. As we have learned from reading, Macbeth contemplates going through with the plan to kill his cousin. He talks about how he may go to hell for killing Duncan and how the angels in heaven would be surprised that Macbeth would kill such a great man. When his wife comes to talk to him and he shares his thoughts with her, she basically calls him a pussy. She tells him they shouldnt worry about other people, and they should whats best for them. After hearing how his wife wouldnt want to sleep next to a coward, Macbeth was convinced and decided to go through with the plan. This theme is a big part of my life. No guy likes to be called a pussy or coward by a girl because thats when you know you have to check yourself. A woman can make a man do things he might not want to do. Its not a big deal when another guy tells you " man quit being such a pussy", but its different when a woman tells you.


Anonymous said...

Guilt is one of the many themes in Macbeth. It isn't the most common, but it is there. For instance, after the witches told Macbeth his future he thought about how much he would love to be king and such. He said that he did not want the light to see his black and deep desires, meaning that he felt guilty for thinking about it and did not want his thoughts to be known by anybody else. Also, when he was at his party hiding in his room talking to himself about how he shouldn't go through with the killing of the king. He felt guilty because Duncan (the king) is his cousin and he's given him so much. Guilt has been a big part of my life. I've done a lot of stupid things in the past that I have and do feel guilty about. This is where karma bites me in the @$$.

James Richardson

****** ******* said...
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****** ******* said...

The theme that I choose is ambition. In act I it progressed in many ways. Like when the witches tell them their futures. They both don’t believe it right away until they hear that Macbeth has become thane of cowador. Also when Lady Macbeth reads the letter. She wants to be queen and won’t let Duncan get in her way. She goes a little bonkers with it though and wants to kill him but its still ambition. And another place is when Lady Macbeth talks Macbeth into killing Duncan. He then wants to do it. He is still shakey in the situation but wants it. He wants because his lady told him he wasn’t man enough. When she said that his ambition kicked in. and im sure theres more to come.

Becca said...

The theme I am going to choose is Masculinity vs. Feminity. At first in Act 1, Lady Macneth wasn't really in the story, but as Act one progressed Lady Macbeth got into the story. What is unique about Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's relationship is thatMacbeth shares everything with his wife, which was uncommon for husbands to do during this time period. Later in Act 1 Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he isn't a real man if he doesn't follow through with killing Duncan. Macbeth's masculinity is brought down when Lady Macbeth says this, and she persuades him to follow through with the plan. This theme has been apart of my own life. I have seen many girls call guys names that attack their masculinity and the guys get really upset. No guy likes to be thought of as less of a man by a girl. Guys want to be real men for girls and for themselves.

Becca Need
2nd Hour

Cherie Stoll said...

One of the themes in Macbeth is ambition. The root of the whole plan to kill Duncan is caused by Macbeth's and Lady Macbeth's ambition for the title of King and Queen. The want for the title all started when the witches told Macbeth the prophecy that he would be Thane of Cawdor, then king. When he did become Thane of Cawdore, he thought that he would soon become king. I think that as of now, Lady Macbeth has more ambition than Macbeth. She uses manipulation in order to persuade Macbeth to go with the plan. Origanly, Macbeth had a lot of guilt for planning to kill his guest. But when Lady Macbeth called him a wimp, he decided to go with the plan. Macbeth's tragic flaw is his ambition, and I predict that it will lead to his downfall.

John said...

The theme that i am going to choose is ambition. Ambition is everywhere through out Act 1. It is present in Macbeth and even Lady Macbeth. Macbeth seems to be a very ambitious person, but Lady Macbeth is a conniving person and manipulates Macbeth to make the wrong choices just for her own benefit. Lady Macbeth is ambtious for all the wrong reasons. She want Macbeth to kill his cousin Duncan so that he can become king. Her plan to this has a flaw though. Next up for king after Duncan is his son Malcom so in oder for Macbeth to become king they will have to take out both Duncan and Malcom, but in my oppinion if they do this it is just going to look suspisious.

John McLean

Tyler McLeod said...

The theme I chose to discuss is Masculinity vs Feminity. As Act 1 progresses Lady Macbeth comes more into play. She hears of Macbeths prophecy of becoming King and wants that to happen, no matter what it costs. Macbeth was proud of his honor of being made Thane of Cawdor and knows if he is to be King he would have to do things that he does not want to. Lady Macbeth knows her huband is a good person and probably does not have it in him to commit murder. She questions Macbeths masculinity in order to pressure him into killing King Duncan. Lady Macbeth is taking more of a masculine role cohersing her husband into something he does not want to do. This theme comes into play in my life by being pressured into something that I don't want to do; someone will say don't be a sissy. Boys don't like be compared to girls.

Hannah Aittama said...

For my blog I am going to choose the theme of Masculinity vs. Femininity. An example from the book is when Lady Macbeth told Macbeth that he was being a coward by not going along with her plan. We all know that guys don't like being called cowards especially by girls. And so by calling him a coward she knew that he would go along with the plan just to seem more masculine. An example from my life is hockey. People don't expect me to be good at hockey because I am a girl and they think that only guys can be good at it. The world is getting a lot more equal but it still feels like there are some people who still believe that girls cant do as much as a guys can and I feel like that goes along with the theme, masculinity vs Femininity.

Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour

Clare Pathe said...

The theme that I have chosen is ambition. This is a very important theme throughout Macbeth. First off ambition plays a big role because how far will macbeths ambition go to do the unthinkable? Also because lady Macbeth is more ambitious in this act than Macbeth is. She is the one who planned the whole thing and had a the major part in it. Ambition will continue to play a big role in the play because of the ambition of becoming king of cawdore. Ambition has effected my life because I remember when I wanted to do dance, I would have done whatever was possible to get into dance. Although I probably wouldn't have gone that severe with doing so, I still really wanted to do dance and had a lot of ambition.

Cody Kabisa said...

Guilt is a theme that has already been shown a little bit in Macbeth and I'm sure there is more to come. Lady Macbeth wants to kills Duncan so that Macbeth can be king. Macbeth wants to be king but he also feels guilt and knows that it is not the right thing to do. Since we did not get to the point where Duncan is killed yet, I'm sure that when we do that there will be more guilt shown. Guilt is a prt of everyones life. I've had many experiences with guilt. Guilt is when you know you shouldnt do something but you do it anyways. I always feel guilty after I lie to someone. I try not to lie because I hate having that feeling of guilt but every once in a while I still do.

Cody Kabisa

Audrey Beaumarchais said...

The theme I'm going to choose is corruption. When we began reading Macbeth we learned that the main character was a courageous man. He was well respected and thouht highly of. We knew that he was a kind man who always did the "right thing" or what he was told to do. He did not like to betray others. When the witches tell him the prophecy and he becomes Thane of Cawdor things change. His greedy wife receieves his letter explaining everything that has happened. She wants to speed the prophecy along by killing thier kind, Duncan. Macbeth is hesitant becasue Duncan is a well like king and his own cousin. His wife corrupts him into doing the grave deed by comparing him to a female. In a way she corrupts him into doing the deed by weakening his mind. Corruption is a part of everyone's lives. In my life I look at it as peer pressure. Peer pressure is everywhere and it's hard to overcome most of the time. I think I do a pretty good job of overcoming it but I have to keep telling myself to do the right thing all the time.


Andrew Melton said...

The theme i am choosing that has progressed in act one is ambition. Ambition is shown the most throughout act one because Macbeth is driven by ambition. An example could be after he saw the witches and they told him that he was going to be thane and king of cawdor. He kept thinking to himself that he would have so much power, but when Malcolm was made the king for when Duncan dies Macbeth didn't know how it was possible. He was overcome by ambition in getting to the throne. Another example is how he still agrees with Lady Macbeth in killing the king so he can become king. They are so driven by ambition that they are blinded by the fact that Malcolm is still deaned king in the event that Duncan is killed, or dies. Ambition has been a part of my own life because it helps increase my motivation to do better in everything.

Tayler Chase said...

The theme i choose is guilt and judgement. We didnt see these until the end of Act 1. We see that Macbeths wife is judging him and making him feel bad about not wanting to kill his cousin. Lady Macbeth is talking crap and laying a guilt trip on him for not wanting to do it. Macbeth then feels even more guilty for going along with the plan anyways. This theme has been ong oing in my life. I used to always think people were judging me for the things i did and the way i acted. even though they probably were i dont think it was as bad as i origanally thought. I also used to feel guilty over the dumbest things, all the time.

allyson martin said...

For my blog I chose ambition. At the very beggining of this act Macbeth showed little ambition. But as the story progressed, and he find out he could be king, his ambition was greater. He was even willing to kill his own cousin to reach his goal. I think ambition is apart of everyones life. Everyone has a different amount of ambition. When i really want something, i will do whatever it takes to reach my goal. I would never kill for that goal, but i would do a lot.

Anonymous said...

The theme i hose to write today that is present in Macbeth would be ambition. I think this theme is probably the most important theme in the book. Ambition can be a good thing, but also cold be the tragic flaw of macbeth. Ambition has progressed in the novel by Macbeth potting to kill Duncan. He does not even know for sure if he will be king. However just the thought of being king, kicks Macbeths ambition in to over drive. Ambition is big in my life, and is present a lot. When I want something I go for it, and i don't usually let a lot stand in my way. However I know when to stop, and when I have gone to far. Im a pretty well balanced person. Im ambitious, however am still able to control myself.

Taylor Dieck
3rd hr.

Chloe Martin 6th said...

I have chosen the theme of masculinity vs. feminity. during the time that macbeth was written the theme was very present then, luckily it has become much better for women in this time. for example in the play only men rule, men hold the power in the kingdom are become thanes while women are very excluded for political activity. Lady Macbeth however, doesn't seem to waant to stand for that. she wants her husband to become successful and become king so she takes things into her own hands. Lady Macbeth has so much ambition for this she would be willing to kill the king. so who knows how good of a queen lasy macbeth could have been, we'll never know because women didn't rule. not to mention i feel like lady macbeth is more masculan than Macbeth, she knows what she wants and she's not afraid to reach for it. howevere macbeth is unsure and scared for his actions. that theme is present in all girls lives. just from the simple things. like people not believing we can do something, or lift something because were girls.

Rachel Kuehn said...

I think that the most prominent theme in Macbeth so far is definatly ambition. Ambition is the driving idea behind this entire story so far. Macbeth's ambition to be a good military leader helped push him to his success in the opening battle. But most obvious of all, Lady Macbeth has the most ambition of any of the characters. Her ambition to become the queen pushes her to want to kill the king, Duncan, her own cousin in law. Her ambition will probably lead to her downfall, and Macbeths too. i think that she will let her ambition get the best of her and end up being blinded by her despairity for power.

Scott said...

The theme that is present in Macbeth is ambition. I think that because Lady Macbeth is trying to make Macbth ambitious about trying to become king. Macbeth likes and want to be king, but isn't sure if killing Duncan is the right thing to do. He can't decide whether to wait and see if everything the witches say comes true or to takes matters into his own hands. If Macbeth's wife hadn't challenged his manhood he most likely would have justed waited things out. In my opinion, Lady Macbeth doesn't care about what her husband wants, but cares more about what she wants. She is only concerned about becomming the queen. A time in my life when ambition played a role in my decision was when I wanted to be able to take my boat to different lakes around my house, but I needed to buy a boat trailer first. The desire to fish in different lakes is rushing me to want to quickly buy a trailer, even though they are exspensive. I would rather buy one now than wait and maybee find a better deal.

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

The theme I'm going to talk about ambition. there is a lot of examples in act one. You see it in Macbeth the most. Macbeth is a very ambitious person, he wants to become king. I think that he is willing to do anything to make that happen. His wife on the other hand is willing to do anything to make Macbeth king. She is very dominant and most likely wheres the pants in the relationship. The theme of ambition is very present in my life. I'm trying so hard to get my grades up. Im going to get about a 3. not only to get out of trouble but to make my self proud.

ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

The Theme that I am going to choose is ambition. So far in Macbeth we have seen at, and have been told it it's macbeths downfall. I think that this has been shown most by ladymacbeth. She wants to be the queen of Scotland. She is doing everything she can to achieve that, even if it means killing Duncan. In my life I see ambition inschool and sports. At school I think that I try my hardest to get good grades. By doing all my homework and studying for tests I achieve this. However it is not always good andi admit copying others homework very rarelyto still get it done. Lastly, in sports I think I do a good job of doing whatever it takes to be my best. This is a combination of diet, practice, performance, weekend life, and rest. I thi k that doing all these strives me to be my best.

Eric Tamm said...

A theme that I see a lot in Act 1 is Masculinity vs. Fiminity. At the beginning Macbeth is portrayed as a very manly hero after he wins the battles. He also becomes Thane of Cawdor, so he looks like this badass guy who can do whatever he wants. However, when Lady Macbeth comes along he starts to get feminine qualities. I don't agree with the murder of Duncan, however, Macbeth does have these traits. One could say he is a coward and not a man for not folowing through with the plan. Someone could also say he is not a man for not telling his wife no and standing strong. Lady Macbeth kind of even has some masculine traits here, especially for the time period. This theme has been a part of my own life because I am often called less than a man (only more colorful language) for not doing something I'm pressured to do. However, I stand tall and do not give in. I don't like it when people threaten people or degrade them like that because they have no idea what it's like. They themselves are also probably too chicken to do whatever it is. Overall, Macbeth has displayed some feminine characteristics so far, and this is definately a very different side of him.

Chris L. said...

In Macbeth, we see a lot about the idea of guilt and judgment. While this is something that was talked about during the class discussion, it is worth mentioning again. Macbeth, at the beginning of Act 1, seemed to be, at the very least, a decent person. He however changed through Act 1. His judgment was swayed easily by the witches that he met. It was also swayed by Lady Macbeth, who is portrayed as a character that does not act morally. I believe that Macbeth will become guilty in Act 2. This theme has been a part of my life. My judgment has been swayed to where I would do something that would be considered wrong. I experienced guilt along with this as well. I believe that we will see a lot more about guild and judgment later in the book.

Hunter White said...

Ambition is a major theme in Act 1. Macbeth wants to be king and he will hurt others just to be there. Lady Macbeth is no different. She is in on a major plan to kill Duncan. Not only there ambition to rise to the top is great but there ambition to kill. It's like they can give two shits on other life. In my life ambition is simple, and I have no need to kill. I am ambitious when I want to. Right now I'm on a bet with my dad about grades so I am being very ambitious in school by completing all my work. It all depends on my mood I guess.

Dennessa Degen said...

We discussed Ambition today. I think that ambition shows up a lot in act 1. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth show a lot of ambition. Macbeth wants to be a king and will basically do anything to get to that. Lady Macbeth is willing to do anything to help Macbeth become king. She willing to kill the king just so macbeth can replace him. Ambition impacts my life daily because life has obsticals that we have to jump through to achive goals, but its the ambition that gets us to the finnish line.

Alanna Nagi said...

The theme that I've seen thus far in Macbeth is Masculinity vs. Femininity. This theme didn't really make an appearance until the last few scenes of Act I. Prior to reading when we were just discussing Macbeth, my initial judgment on Lady Macbeth was that she was an ordinary wife. I pictures her as pretty, kind, good-hearted, and willing to help in any way she could. However, I did not peg her for the type that is willing to kill the king, so he husband can gain the position, even though next in line is the king's son Malcolm. When Lady Macbeth was introduced, I was shocked to read that she would even kill someone for her king. I believe this to be very masculine. Normally women aren't that violent and would definitely not kill or hurt anyone, for no reason. then when Macbeth was having second thoughts and doubts about killing a man, let alone his cousin, in his own house, Lady Macbeth called him a coward! She made it seem like her husband was acting like a girl, and that he needed to grow some balls (excuse my language). This was another example of how Lady Macbeth displayed masculine traits and she called her husband very feminine for not wanting to kill his family. How this theme is expressed in my life is because sometimes my parents won't let me do something that they let Ryan, just because I am a girl. They stereo type him thinking he can handle himself (which he can) and that I can't. It's not that I'm bothered by this, because I know they are trying to protect me. I am just using this as an example. Another example is when is dissed when he is being called a girl. Nothing upsets a guy more then being called a girl, that is an major insult.

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Jordan said...

I think the biggest theme is ambition. It is found all throughout the book. In the beggining of the story macbeth is just an average guy that shows no sign of ambiton. Then as soon as the witches say he could be king he decided to start screwing people over. I think ambition is huge in my life, espicially with school. I have a lot of ambition when it comes to school as i want good grades, and to get into college. Also, in sports i want to be the best possible athlete. I push myself to work hard to get better and i think thats ambition.

Anonymous said...

The theme I have chosen for today is ambition. In act one, ambition is shown especially in the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. When first hearing the prophecy from the witches, Macbeth laughs it off and thinks how great it would be but pushes it to the back of his mind. Then as he starts to think more about it, he forms an ambition to become king. After he realizes this ambition it gets stronger and spreads to Lady Macbeth who takes things way out of proportion. I think this is true about a lot of ambitions and goals in my life. When I decide I want something and think more about it, my ambition gets stronger the more I think about it and my mind plays it up. An example of this is when I decided to play soccer freshman year. When I first thought about it, it wasn't really that big of a deal to me but as I kept dwelling on the idea, I really wanted to make the team. I started to practice and condition and really try hard because I was thinking forward and the ambition I had was driving me. Ambition really does get stronger with time.

Jake F said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JK said...

John Kent

Ambition is one of the biggest themes in Macbeth. It has played a role in casing all that has happened so far in the story. Once the witches tells Macbeth that he will become king is when ambition starts to show in Macbeth. And leads him to plan to kill the king. Now ambition has played an important role in my life. My ambition has let me do the things that I want to do. For example I wanted to do really good at tennis. Event though I might not be that good, my ambition has led me to be a better player than I was three years ago.

Anonymous said...

Throughout Act1 there are many themes, but one that sticks out most to me is ambition. You see this when Macbeth wants to be king so bad.He is willing to do anything and will step on others toes to get there. Also Lady Macbeth i very ambitious because she wans to be queen so bad. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both very ambitious in working to get wha they want. Another example is hen they are willing to kill Duncan to rise to king and queen positions. As Act one progresses they become more ambitious in what they will do to acheive their goals. Ambition playsa role in my life as well. When i want to acheive a goal i am ambitious and work to get what i want. I believe that if you areambitious you are more likely to get what you want, and reach your standards. When you work hard to acheive your goals you end up better in long run because ambition gets you further.

Anonymous said...

I think that guilt is going to be one of the major themes, even thought it has not been largely presented yet. You first see it in MacBeths soliloquy. You can see that he is apprehensive of the deed his is about to commit, because he knows it is wrong. He can already feel the guilt and is wondering about things like if he will go to heaven or not. I think that after the deed is done, guilt will become a much bigger part of the book. Guilt has been a large part of my life. My mother likes to employ guilt a lot. She will try and get me to do things by giving me guilt trips; making me feel bad for not doing them. Also, when I do bad things. In comparison to other people they might not be considered bad, but to me I often feel guilt about the littlest things. In fact, because of my co-dependent nature, I feel guilt for things that arent even really my fault sometimes.

Samantha Tedder said...

The theme I chose is ambition. You see it in Macbeth, and also in Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is ambitious because after hearing the prophecy, he wants to become king. When Lady Macbeth finds out of the prophecy, she becomes hell bent on making it come true. My ambition brings out the best in me. I am very ambitious about music and photography. Mostly art in general. I want to make a living on being an artist, yeah it's a long shot, but I'm willing to work for it. Thats where ambition comes in. I will do so much to get to my dream. No, I would kill for it like Lady Macbeth, but I plan to work really hard for it.

Sam Tedder

Hailey Ledgley(: 3rd hour said...

The theme im going to talk about is Ambition. You see ambition in Macbeth. Sometimes even Lady Macbeth. Macbeth is ambitious because he wants to become king. He is willing to do anything that will make that happen. Lady Macbeth is Ambitious because she plans on kiling the kind when he comes to there house. She's determined that shes going to kill him so that her and Macbeth can be king and queen. She gets more and more ambitious to become queen. I can be very ambitious. When I want something bad enough, I will do almost all I can to get what I want.

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

The themes i pickedfor tonights blog are going to be Gulit and Judgment. Well in Act 1, guilt really does not come up until the end. Lady Macbeth uses guilt to get wat she wants. She makes Macbeth feel guilty about not being man enough for her. Judgment is used throughtout Act 1. It first shows up when Macbeth and Macdonwald are being described. The auther is judging the Norwegian leader and giving him the name mericaless. He judges Macbeth by giving him the name Brave. As the reader it is our job to determine who is BRave or mercialess. IN my life Judgment and guilt come up a lot. I am guilted in to things constantly with by friends, not in way that effect things on a big scale. Judgment also comes up a lot in my life. People are judged all the time and I myself am Judged. It is the nature of man to judge people but it is the way you handle being judged that makes you who you really are./
Zack Ruffin

Jake F said...

I think guilt is a great theme to focus on in Macbeth, because we have already seen guilt in this interesting novel. for Macbeth to be king, lad Macbeth must kill Duncan. Macbeth truly does want to be king but knows this is the wrong thing to do and for that he feels guilty. guilt is when your conscience tells you what you are going to do is wrong but you do it anyway. I think that Macbeth doesnt relly want to kill his cousin just so he can becom king. Macbeh isnt someone who is ok with doing whatever it takes to get on top of the power chain. If Macbeth doesnt do anything to stop lady Macbeth from going through with this plot, I think he will end up in a lot of trouble later in the story.


Kaleigh S said...

One of the themes we discussed in class is Femininity v. Masculinity. We have already seen this theme a couple times in Act 1. When Banquo and Macbeth first see the witches, Banquo says that they should be women, but that their beards make it hard for him to think that. I'm not sure yet if the witches looking like men has to do with them being more of masculine roles in the play or not (I'll scream yes at you if I think that later on haha). Later on, when Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are talking, Lady Macbeth seems to be taking on more of a dominant, masculine role in the relationship at some points. She manipulates Macbeth and plays on his "manly ego" as you put it, and tells him he is a coward if he won't kill the king. I think Macbeth tries to be the more dominant and masculine figure by telling her he won't do it, but Lady Macbeth knows how to make him do what she wants. For me, I think this theme applies to the fact that as girls, people generally think I can't do as much as a guy. In some areas, that is true, like lifting weights. In other areas of my life, I shouldn't have to be a guy to do something well. I get just as good of grades as guys, if not better than many guys. On a completely different part of this theme, I like how this theme plays into my life because of the fact that society doesn't put pressure on me to be masculine. I can fall flat on my face and cry a little, and that's ok because I'm a girl. Guys seem to think they have to be masculine and not cry for problems like that. I feel like if I were a guy, I'd probably be a pretty wimpy one, so I thank the Lord I'm a girl. :)

Trevor Stratton said...

The theme I am choosing is ambition. Ambition has a major role throughtout act 1. I notice it not only in Macbeth, but also in Lady Macbeth. Macbeth want sto become king and is willing to go to the extreme to get it. This is where Lady Macbeth starts to show her ambition to become queen. She talks Macbeth into killing Duncan so he could become king and her queen. Ambition has played a big role in my life. I a \m always striving to improve in what ever I can in order to get what I need. I know that I would not go to the extremes, or anywhere near that area, of killing somebody.

Jessica klave said...

many of these themes progressed in act 1. one theme that I continue to see is ambition. In the begining you see Mcbeths ambition to be a good solider. He wants to be the best solider he can be and to serve his country. At first he had positive ambition. but once he met the witches everything changed his positive ambition turned to negitive ambition. The witches told him that he was going to be king and at first mcbeth was fine but then when he told his wife everything went bad. She manipulated him and she knew she could use him for her own power. We see ambition in various ways in Mcbeth. In my life ambition is constant. Everything that i want i have to work for, so i use ambition to get there. unlike Mcbeth ambition in my life is usually positive.