Today we lfinished Act 1, Scenes 5-7. As always, reread. As part of Act 1, we saw Macbeth making decisions with his life about his future. These choices include the potential death of King Duncan at his own hands. With that in mind:
Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Can you give examples of this happening in our society? Is there always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead?
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Yes, I think that most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else's toes to get there. There will always be those who get hurt some way in the process whether or not it was intentionally. If things such as high positions were so easy to get, then you would be able to get it, with no problems in the way. But thats not realistic. There will be others fighting against you and there could be boundrys that you may have to break in order to get there also. For example, in our society, people use blackmail to get what they want. This can help themselves, but it hurts the other person. I don't think that there is always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead. It depends on what exactly you do to get there. Sometimes people take it to far adn that can be wrong.
I think that in most cases that in order to get into high positions, you have to step on someone's toes to get there. No matter what you do, it is going to make someone else disappointed. Even if you are not trying to hurt someone, you are taking a position that someone else wanted. It may not be intentional, but someone will usually end getting hurt or mad. In some cases, people step on other's toes to get a higher position knowing exactly what they are doing. For example, in society today, people will put others out of business in order to better their company. Many large food companies will place their business next to a small town resturaunt, and will put the resturaunt out of business. Many big corporations will take excessive amounts of money from their consumers in order to make more money for themselves. I think that many times, money plays a role in this. People sometimes lose sight of what is right and wring when people get in the way of what they want.
I do agree with the statement that most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else's toes to get there. I agree with this statement because theres always going to be another preson higher than you and if you want to go higher in society your going to have to compete for a position. An example is when a person wants a better position in a job. If there is an opening for a new manager at a certain company, people are going to compete for it. You can't always be nice and wait your turn, sometimes you have to get a little dirty and fight your way to the top. No, I don't think there is always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead. Its ok to do break some rules sometimes and not just sit around for something good to happen. If you want something in life you need to work and fight for it.
Becca Need
2nd Hour
Yes i do think that most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else's toes to get there. I think that weather they try to or not those people will end up hurting someone either way. If it was so easy to be in any high power then really any one could have that high power. There has to be some kind of difficulty to achieve that power. For example im sure to become the president you end up hurting someone in the process. Some may even lie to become president. I dont think that it is always wrong to do what it takes to move ahead. If you dont hurt anyone or do anything wrong then i dont think it would really be that bad of a thing.
Katlyn Twigg 2nd Hour
I do believe that most people who are raised to high positions had to hurt people to get there. When you are ambitious about something and want to acheive something there is always something in the way. If you want it bad enough whether it be intentional or unintentional you will always have to hurt someone or something to get there. The same is true with rules and boundrys there will at some point in your life be a rule that you have to break or a line that you have to cross to get were you want to go. A good example of this in our society is business. We are always seeing businesses shutting down especially today. This is because there is another business in competition with that business and they are often selling something for less etc... and that puts the weaker companys out of business. There is not nescessarily something wrong with this concept and everyone will have to do it at some point in their life.
I agree because whenever someone rises to high powers, they always have enemies. Examples of this in our society would be people that are in jobs that are in a more direct way of dealing with governement, like lawyers and other jobs. There is and is not something always wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead because it could be something small that doesnt affect anyone, or it could be something huge that would affect someone in such a great way they could lose their job. When people cause someone else to lose their job for the other persons benefit, that causes an enemy instantly because that choice wasnt always the best choice to choose. Other ways of moving ahead, or ways that barely cause a dent in the road, are a better choice because they dont affect people's lives.
Truthfully, I am undecided on this topic. I say this because not everybody got to their positions of power by "stepping on someone else's toes". I will admit that there are a lot of people that probably have gotten to where they are by doing so, but not everbody. For example (only an example, no intention to mean harm), but what if Mr. Kay made the principal of the other school sick just so he could move to a better position of power? Maybe it was Bruce's idea and he told Mr. Kay about it. In this example it was wrong because Mr. Kay endangered someone else's life just to get into a better position of power. There are other ways that a thing like this could be bad. By "stepping on someone else's toes", that person could lose their job because of it, depending on what happened of course. I guess it's a matter on what you do to obtain that position of power. For example, if you just did your work diligently and worked hard for it than thats not bad. You didn't "step on someone else's toes" to get the promotion or anything.
James Richardson
Yes, I agree with this statement. To be successful, generally a person does things that they would not normally do. Sometimes success requires pushing the boundaries, stepping on toes and breaking rules. Some politicians step on toes to get their position; former President Nixon was involved in the water gate scandal in order to get himself re-elected as President. Currently Obama is pulling out all the stops trying to get health care reform thru. I believe sometimes it's ok to do certain things to get ahead, however, some rules are critical and shuld not be broken. We should never lose sight of the big picture and remember who we truly are. You should not compromise your integrity to get ahead.
i deffinantly agree! take getting elected president for example, they are in competition and even if the world doesnt always see it they can play dirty somtimes. or how about to employs fighting over a promotion. one may make the other look like he or she is not prepared for the position and give themselves a better chance at it.
Yes I do agree with this statement. Most people do have to step on peoples toes to get places. They do this because we all have to worry about ourselves at the end of the day. You may like the person next to you but you still want whats best for you. I think this happens a lot in our society in the workplace. Your not gonna turn down a promotion just because your friend was applying for the same position. Its not always wrong to do whatever it takes. This is called positive ambition, which is based on hard work and discipline. People do that everyday to get ahead.
First off i would not use the words "stepping on someones toes." I would say throwing someone under the bus to get what you want. I think of it as if you step on someones toes it wont hurt them or their feelings but if you throw someone under the bus it has a bigger effect because you are making them look bad. The definition you gave i disagree with but i think mine is a little bit more accurate. People do this because either they are good at it, or its their last chance to make a statement. Well it is an everyday thing when people get thrown under the bus but a specific example is my mom. she works at Magic 105.1 and is the Promotions Director there, about 7years ago she was just finishing her degree at Specs Howard School of Broadcast. To go from just graduating to being "one of the bosses" is an amazing feat in 7 years. On her way there she definatly had to throw people under the bus because that was the only way she could move up in the company. On occasion it can be bad to move ahead and thats only because people take things too far. Hurting them physically or absolutely embaressing them are just some of the ways stepping on peoples toes could cross the line
Will Michaels 2nd hour
Yes I believe that people who rise to high positions have to step on someone else's toes to get there. Mo matter what goes on, someone is always going to be disappointed. For example if you were getting moved up in your job, someone else most likely wanted that position as well. There will always be someone who is going to fight against you. I dont necessarily think that there is anything wrong with doing that. You gotta do what you gotta do to be successful in life(:
I cant answer the question with 100% yes or no. Do a lot of people climb the ladder by pushing other people off, yes. Of the same token though, there are plenty of people who didnt step on anyones toes to get where they are. This kind of ties into what your opinion of high position is. If your talking principal, im going to have to say no. If your talking about a CEO or Senator/Congressman then maybe yes maybe no. If your talking about the leader of a country then probably yes. It depends on the situation. That being said, sometimes you have to crack a few eggs to make an omlet. Nice guys dont always finish 1st. It can be a dog eat dog world out there and you can either be a lion or kibble, your choice. Sometimes you have to do things that others may see as a little imoral to get where you want to be. There is a line there too. Murder, is not okay. However, maybe bying your boss dinner, making a large donation to his favorite charity, putting in the extra mile to make sure that he notice you and not Fred from accounting. Sometimes you just have to do what it takes.
Yes, I do agree that most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else's toes to get there. In order to get high up you have to make people mad, not everyone is going to like everything a leader does. And getting to that leadership spot is not always easy, other people want that position too and its who ever wants it more, and the person who does is going to have to make his opponents mad. An example of this in todays society is becoming president. During the election year you see all these commercials for the different candidates. And there is always one that is making one of the candidates look bad. What they are saying might not be fully true, but with that bad thought in peoples minds they might vote for the other candidate then. I dont think for the most part that there is anything wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead. When someone does step on someone else's toes to get ahead it just shows how much they want that job and what they will do in order to get it.
Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour
i agree that some toes are setped on when you try to get to a higher position. in order to go there you may make others upset. but its what you do to get to that higher position showing that your not afraid to upset someone to get what you want. this can be good and bad. this can show in our society when someone gets premotted. someone may try really hard to get that spot and then out of the blue this person takes it. or you get backstabed while your teying to help a coworker. somethings can be too far in trying to get what you want. others are fine.
^^^^nicole kailing^^^^
i hate my computer!
I agree with this statement. You see this happen every day. Thinking about it, most people have done this at least once in there life for something. Look at politics... Democrats, republicans, they fight and bash each other all the time to win power over us. Look at how bad Obama lies and used cheap statements to win a presidential election that he needed to stay away from. Now we as society are un happy for the most part. I don't think that all toe stepping is wrong though. You got to look at it in the way of it will allways happen, no matter what. It's the way people are, we can't stop it. As a human we want to succede by all means.
I do agree that most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else's toes to get there. I think that in many cases, people have to be aggressive and make the choice to put him/herself before others. If you are too passive and just let whatever happens, happen, then someone else is going to walk all over you generally. Whenever there are campaigns for a government office, especially for president, the people campagning begin to take stabs at their opponent. They want to point out flaws of their opponent in order to increase their own chances for winning and becoming president. I think that depending on what people are doing, there is not always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead. If you have to upset a few people along the way, that's life. If you have to maybe take somebody's position and make them mad, that's life too sometimes. If you are taking something from someone that they rightfully earned and you tricked others into taking, then that's not right. There should be some degree of you earning the step up in a position.
I definetly agree with this statement. If you want to get ahead in life, then that means you have to do whatever it takes to do so. Even if that means you have to do something bad or hurtful to others. To get what you want, you have to put yourself out there and make it happen. In society, there is a lot of examples of when this occurs. Especially now with the economy, if anyone wants to get a job or get farhter up in their job, they have to do whatever is necessary to get a promotion. Even if that means screwing someone over, or etc. Its a fend for yourself kind of society right now. Of course theres always consequences for everyones actions. If you only fend for yourself, then you are going to be hurting lots of people along the way.
In the future, students will have less options of full-calorie soft drinks. PepsiCo Inc. announced their plans to take out all sugary drinks from campuses over the upcoming two years. The company only sells water, fat-free, or low-fat milk and juice with no added sugar at primary schools already. PepsiCo wants to have all sugary drinks out of schools around the world by 2012. Coco-Cola Co. is still leaving the door open for school districts to sell it's product if they ask for it. Overall, Pepsi's plan along with other efforts should help the obesity problem in America as well as around the world. We as a nation need to take a closer look at what we are eating, especially what we are letting young kids have access to at school. Pop is bad enough for a person, especially if you are just sitting at school. When we are growing up, we should be learning to eat more healthy options, because if we don't, the number of obese people in America is going to continue to increase. If you take away some of the options of drinking or eating junk food, then you take away the possibility of students making the choice to buy it at school.
I agree with this statement because most people that become higher in power, like presidents, and executives, have to fight for their positions because they have to win over the minds and decisions of the people voting for them, so they sometimes have to say things or do things that are cheap or unfair to the other person, just so the person could win the power for them selves. But it's not always wrong to do what it takes to move ahead? If one person knows that another [person that has power is abusing it, and is harming other people and stuff like that, the person might have to swindle a way to overthrow that person out of power.
John Kent
I agree that when you rise to a high position you do step on some toes on the way to power. All you have to do is look at politics and know it is true. An example is presidential elections. Obama had to win over democratic candidates to become the presidential candidate. It is not always wrong doing what it takes to move ahead. It all depends on the person that tries to gain power and what they do. Like what Macbeth is going to do to be king is wrong. It is okay to step on a few toes it the change you make is for the benefit of all.
I agree with the statement that you have to strep on others toes to rise to power. There is always going to be someone getting hurt in order for someone to get what they want. An example would be business competition. One business will try to do better then the other business and if necessary pu them out of business. This may help them but then everybody at the other place will be out of a job. Yes, there is something wrong with doing this. You could be harming someone else just to make yourself better.
I agree with this statement that someone's toes always get stepped on when a person rises to power or holds a high postion. Sometimes the people that get stepped on deserve it and some don't. For example, MLK stood up for what he beleived in and accomplished his ambitions. In order to get there, racist and ignorant people got angry. I think it has to do with morals and what people think is right. In every situation, someone always gets hurt. Someone always disagrees. In so many words there is always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead. I just think people should ask themselves if hurting people in the process is worth it. When it comes to MLK, the people that got hurt deserved it and it was just humanly wrong. When you look at it simply and without morals, then yes there is something wrong, because hurting people is wrong. Stepping on people is wrong. Some people are just willing to do it to get what they want. They just figure that someone always gets hurt, its inevitable. Well its also inevitable that people will be selfish and do things regardless if another person's toes get stepped on.
Megan Kastelen
3rd hour
I agree with the statement of having to step on someone elses toes to get to the top. When you work to reach the top spot, you sometimes have to do the dirty work to get there. Examples of this in our society would be the presidential election. Candidates always talk trash about their opposers in order to try and make themselves look like the better person for the job. I think people who do choose to play dirty have that guilty feeling in the end, although in the end, they wanna benefit themselves. I dont think theres anything wrong with out competing someone else to get the job. In fact, I think their should be more competition in our society. I think my generation in particular is soft. Its funny because other nations are starting to rise above us because they want it more than we do and their competing with eachother which yields the best of the best.
I agree with the statement most people who rise to high positions have to step on peoples toe's to get there. To get ahead in life you need ambition. You need motivation and a goal to get there. Going places in life, sometimes means making hard decisions. Some people chose their goals over other people and their feelings. It all depends oh how ambitious you are in your life and goals. An example of this is life would be politics. People constantly bash each other when trying to be elected. It's not so much about who they really are, its about ambition. How far they are willing to go, to get what they want. It is not however wrong to move ahead in life. It could be by doing the right thing you move ahead in life. It's all about your perception and what you consider moving ahead to be.
Taylor Dieck
2nd hr.
yeah, I agree with that statement, most people step on others to get where and what they want. I agree wiht this because our entire society is based on competition. Like with elections of any sort, the opposing sides always dig up garbage on each other and try to step on each others' faces to be the ones with the power. Or with job hunting you have to be better than the other people in almost everything. I believe that sometimes that this can be a bad thing. For example, selling out your best friend to make your life better. I think that doing what it takes to get ahead is a good thing as long a one does not resort ot dirty tactics or make a negatvie impact on another's life.
I believe that no matter what, whenever someone rises to power, they must step on at least one other person's shoes to get there. Even if they do not intentionally hurt someone else, it always happens when people get greedy for power. The reason it is so difficult to obtain power is because there is always competition for the power, and therefore there must be a loser. The loser is the one stepped on. An example is the economy. In order for a big business to become that big, they had to have put others out of business, and make other people unhappy. However, this isn't always a bad thing, as this allows only the fit to survuive. It goes back to Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection, only it is applied to the business world. It helps to keep prices low. I think in life, there is always a winner and loser in everything. So no matter what someone will be stepped on. IT is not ALWAYS wrong to do what it takes to move ahead, such as the example above. However, in many cases, such as Macbeth's it is wrong.
I agree with the statement about stepping on other people's toes to get ahead, however I feel like people do this in different ways. There are some people that are out to win and will do whatever it takes to get there and often go above and beyond when screwing other people over to make themselves look good. But other times, accepting a promotion is not letting someone else get the position and that is a way of unintentionally stepping on other's toes. Not everyone is going to be the best because someone always has to be last and things aren't equal. An example that I can think of this happening in a movie is in the Devil Wears Prada where Ann Hathaway's character took a huge opportunity away from her coworker and friend so she could get ahead in the company and then realized how nasty people can get with making themselves look good when she saw her boss' actions. Sometimes it is the way we go about getting ahead that makes a difference. We need to do what is best for us without intentionally hurting other people and trying to be as courteous and unselfish as possible.
I think that most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else's toes to get there. There will always be those who get hurt in the process whether or not it was intentionally.If things were so easy to get, then you would be able to get it, with no problems in the way. To get what you want you have to work for it. In our society today, people use blackmail or bribe to get what they want. This can only help themselves, but it hurts the other person. I don't think that there is always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead but depends on what exactly you have to do to get where you want.
Yes i do think that in order to rise to high positions you step on others toes to get there. This is true because life isnt fair, you have to work for what you want. In situations whoever works harder will get what hey want. This also reminds me of what Mr. Pouliot talked about if their was a dollar on a little kids desk would you punch them or push them to get the dollar?.. kind of the same thing. Your willing to "step on someone elses toes" or inconvienence them to get what you want. This happens in our society today. For a work position or a spot on a sports team your willing to make a co orker look bad if you want the spot or knock someone down in tryouts to move forward to rise yourself. I dont think there is anything wrong with this because like i said, life isnt fair. You just have to work harder and do the same back to get what you want.
I strongly agree with this statements for many different reasons. One main reason, is simply due to the fact that that is just how our world works. For example, for a job, people could give to shits about that other person and how they treat them, they're just there for them selves. Things throughout the world may be importanter than others such as the job or maybe even making a sports team. Many people will sit there and stab eevn their best friends in the back in order to get that position or spot. To sum all of this up, i like to refer to this as ass kissing. You'll see people do it all your life, and as much as you may hate it, that person is going to succeed because they dont care how they look or the vibe they are putting off of themselves, they just want it more. I believe going along and playing the ass kissing roll is a major key to success into the future.
Yes, i think in order to reach the top you must push other people down. Because if you didnt step on anyones toes everyone would be on top. I think some have more ambition than others, and the ones with the greater ambition are the ones who get to the top. if you want to get promoted for a job, you're going to do whatever it takes. Even if that means one of your coworkers doesnt get it. In some cases you're not the one who wanted it as bad as the other person, but to move up in your position you're willing to do whatever it takes to get it. I don't necessarily think its always wrong doing whatever it takes to move ahead. but when it comes to hurting someone intentionally to get to the top its wrong.
I believe that your statement is extremely true. I agree with this because I see this happen all the time. How do people get into positions of power (rhetorical)? They spend their time trying to figure out how people work. These people are experts at gauging what they should be doing. Do we run ads or do we shareholder meetings? Are we Democrat, Republican, or will we choose to have no political affiliation? Will we gain power by saying that we are Christian? We could do just about anything to garner votes, prestige, and fame. I do not believe that it is always wrong to do what it takes to get ahead. There are plenty of legitimate things that people can do to move forward. Being outgoing, transparent, faithful, and many other things will help you in the future.
Im on the fence about the statement. I would say that unfortunately that is the case many times, but not always. Some people have risen to power without hurting others in the process but they are also very lucky to have been able to do so. It is more common to have to push someone off when climbing the ladder to success. This happens all the time in society. For example, you and a co-worker are both up for a promotion but only one of you will get it. Would you do what it takes to be the one to get the promotion? Yes, most people including myself would. In the world today its every man for himself. Unfortunately, friendship doesn't really have a place in the work place when it comes to competition. However, there isnt always something wrong with stepping on someone else to get ahead. I think this because people have to do whats best for them to survive and if it means hurting some feelings, so be it. Sometimes you have to be hurtful to be successful. Of course that isnt always the case, but do you think Bill Gates got to where he is today without pushing a few people aside and stepping on some toes?
I agree that to achieve a high position you may have to step on some toes to achieve your goal. When you are in competition with another there will always be a winner and a loser for this reason someone will come out feeling unsatisfied. This often happens in sports. If two players are fighting for the starting position, you do all you can to maintain and stay ahead of the competition. If this means out working one of your friends for the starting positions then so be it. This also occurs in the work place the person who works harder will most likely get an upgrade or raise. I do not think that there is anything wrong with doing anything you can to better yourself or achieve a goal. Leaders are in that position because they are the most powerful. To become most powerful you have to stand out and to things that other people do better.
Taylor wattles
I do agree that those who rise to high positions had to step on other's toes to get there. The fact is that everyone wants power. We all have ambition to come into power. Ambition is a good thing for that because you must work in order to get ahead. When everyone wants something you have a lot of competition because they are all working for the same thing. No, it's not always wrong to do what it takes to move ahead. You want to suceed in life and you must work to get what you want. Unfortunatly, what's good for you may be bad for others so you will step on toes on your way to the top. An example is that politions mudsling their oppenents in order to get elected.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.
I totally agree with that staement. People are always going to have to step on others toes to get what they want, its a way of life. I think this happens because everyone wants to be at the top. Everyone wants to be better then everyone else. The people stepping on others toes are just the ones with enough motivation and ambition to get there. i cant think of an example in our society. No, i dont think there is something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead. Its only wrong when your compromising your own standards.
Yes, I believe that people who rise up definitely step on others toes to get there. Sometimes its not intention, but someone will always get hurt in the process. If power was easy to obtain, people would have it, and it wouldnt mean the same thing anymore. It would basically be how things are now, it would just have a name. Power wouldnt be power anymore. A good example is blackmail. Like, a political figure could be blackmailed so another candidate could get that position instead. No, there isn't always something wrong wiht doing what it takes to get ahead. It's just the way you do those things in the first plave that makes them right or wrong. Which then all dpends on the person, or people it would effect to whether it would be bad or good.
Sam Tedder
I believe that in some ways you have to "step on other people" to get to the top. In order to be successful, in my opinion, you have to make choices and sometimes you are forced to take opportunities or make decisions you may not always want to. For example, in the movie, The Devil Wears Prada, Anne Hathaway plays the role of a young women who moved to New York City to become a journalist and instead gets a job at a model magazine. She is totally wrong for the job, but it is her only option. She is different than the other people who work there in many ways. For one, she doesn't count calories and starve herself (to be a model at "Runway" or work there you have to keep up appearances and be "fit") and she is a nice person. She has a very good work ethic and eventually finds herself in a position in which she either has to make a decision that will screw over her friend or lose her job. In a way she is being forced to make it so that her life is successful. I'm sure scenearios like this happen everyday in our society. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with stepping on others to get somewhere. Althought it may not be something you want to do if they were in the situation you were they would do the same thing or not be successful. All people want to lead successful lives and most will do anything to get there. It all starts with ambition.
Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Why? Can you give examples of this happening in our society? Is there always something wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead?
I agree that most of the time when people move to the top they push down others. However i find this very accepting. This is like social darwinism, like we learn in history. Only the best will push others around and make their way to the top. In society today i see this with The United States. We do this in our dependence on foriegn oil. I think we have pushed around on other coutries to deal with other countries and somewhat take control of the industry. I think that in the right circumstances it is good to push others around to get what you want. I think that if it physically hiurts someone then it is too far, unless your playing a sport. Other than that i find doing whatever it takes as a good thing to get to the top.
I completely agree with this statement. I think to become successful not everyone is gonna be happy. To be on top you have to stomp over some people. I think that a majority of successful people that tere are today have at one time had to either lie or cheat or do something to get to where they are today. An example of this today would be Obama. I think that most of the presidents lie to help their chances of becoming president. Making certain promices that usually are not keep or are not done the way they were said to be done. I thiknk that it is neccessary to do the things needed to get to the top.
I believe that in most situations you will step on someone else's toes to get there. No matter what the case is, someone else will be getting hurt. If someone in your corporation receives a promotion but your friend really wanted it, they will be hurt because you got it instead. However, that is just part of business. Although I do feel that hurting someone to a certain extent, is not okay. If you hurt someone unintentionally, you didn't mean to. However, in Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and himself are plotting to murder King Duncan. They are going out of their way to hurt him, and it doesn't even make Macbeth king. I feel that is wrong. In our society today, there is all sorts of problems where you step on someone else's toes to get there. For example, since jobs are really precious and hard to find at the moment, when two people are interviewing for the same position, and the other wins, you will be very hurt, because you wanted the job and need the money, especially now with the economy.
Alanna Nagi
2nd hour
I would have to agree that to get to a high position you have to step on other people's toes. I agree with this statement because it is to most efficient way to be sucessful in life. For example, when Kwame Kilpatrick was mayor of Detroit, he stepped on the toes of all of the ignorant residents of Detroit. I say this because even though the people of Detroit didn't care, Kwame didn't care that he used all of the cities' money on himself and his family. I believe that you should do your best not to try to step on people's toes to get ahead. But, if the time called for it, I would probaly step on someone else's toes. I say that because it is human nature to make to get ahead of others in life. It is called survival of the fittest.
It's pretty scary when you hear about a weapon being brought into school. This case was however different; The student was only nine years old. He brought a gun to school. It was not loaded, and most likely brought for show, but that is still bad enough. The claim also made in this article was that the kid cracked the safe that the gun was locked in. I find it very hard to believe that this kid just "cracked a safe" to get a gun. He probably a) saw his parents use the safe b) the safe was just pretty insecure or c) his parents just never locked up the weapon. I tend to lean toward option c. This is really unfortunate, and I hope that the case will be looked into more. This kind of thing is not uncommon (student bringing a weapon to school), and we can't let this get any worse.
Cherie excused me from one blog:)
I believe when it comes to power, you will always have to step on some toes to get there. Anywhere you are trying to get power, you have someone in your way. Sometimes is is what will have to happen if you really need the higher position. Take a job for instance, you have a position opening up as an important executive. Well, you may have a few people in line for that job that is already working where you do. If you really need or want that spot, you are going to try to make sure you get it. Of course, when a person gets in you way, you want to do something in order to make them not get that job. In some cases, there is nothing wrong with doing what you can to get ahead. In school you are always getting egged on to work harder to make your grade better. Or, you have the pressure of college that you have to think about and how you have to do whatever it takes for you to get into that college. On the other hand, in Macbeth, if you have to kill someone to get what you truly desire, I don’t know if that is such a good idea of killing the soon to be x-king.
Lauren Beattie
2nd Hour
I do believe that people who rise to high positions have to step on someone else's toes to get there. i think that someone has to get "hurt" in the proccess of rising to a higher position. Hurting someone may not even be intentional, also you may not even have a clue that you are hurting someone because it may not happen just then. rising to a high position may seem good be if they werent hard such as hurting someone then rising to the new position wouldnt be as satisying because it would be so easy getting there. an example is making a sports team, if you make varsity then your taking someone eles spot weather you realize it or not. While making varsity to you is very saitsfying to you, someone eles that wanted to be on varsity is getting hurt in the process. that is why i think the statement Most people who rise to high positions had to step on someone else’s toes to get there is very true.
I agree because people that are higher in rank always have to make tough decisions. For example if you work in a business and you are the head manger you will eventually have to make a tough decisions. This could range anywhere from firing someone or even giving them less pay to shorten up on financial issues. Being the boss isn't always a fun job, it takes courage to let someone go, even if you feel bad for them. I don't think theirs anything wrong with doing what it takes. This is because if you earned the spot then you deserve it more then anyone else. I personality think that if there is ever a time to move ahead then you should take advantage of it and be the best you can be.
I believe that this is a very true statement. Everyone who rises to power has always had to do something to get ahead. For example during the presidential elections canidates bash on each other, and lie to get ahead. For the most part I do not think that this is a bad thing to do at all. For the most part it is for the better and it weeds out the weaker person and brings the stronger person to power. I'm not saying its not wrong to do, but in the long run it work out for the better. I know if there is ever a situation where I am falling behind someone I am competeing with I will do what ever it takes to manipulate and beat them and get what I want, know messes with me without looking like an idiot at the end.
John McLean
I greatly agree that in order to get into a highly respected position, you have to do some back stabbing and sabatoge. When somebody gets into power, there is always somebody left behind. Im not saying that these people dont have to do honest hard work to get where they are, its just that they are always ready to step on some toes to get to where they want to be. For example, in Macbeth, lady Macbeth is ready and willing to kill her own cousin in law just for a chance to become the one in power. There are a lot of people willing to do this. Especially in polotics i feel like. Alot of poloticians have knocked alot of people down to move up in the heirarchy. I dont really think that theere is anything wrong with this however. If somebody is willing to stab even their closes friends in the back, then they are really dedicated. Deticated poeple make the best leaders because the are willing to do anything to keep their position or move ahead in their profession. However, they do end up holding down people who might also make great leaders, who just arent as willing to screw others over to be successful.
I disagree with that statement. People can get to the top withjust hardwork and doing there best. One example is my dad. He worked as hard as someone could in college then go it to the construction buisness. He started off as a newbiee but worked his way to the top. He is now the President of the company. He did not step on anyone else he just worked hard and gotto where he wanted to be. There is nothing wrong with doing what you need to do. It is just what you do with those actions that get where you want to go that matters.
Zack Ruffin
I agree with this statement. In order to rise to high positions you must step on someone else’s toes to get there. If you want to reach a higher position you must do whatever means necessary. If that means you have to push people around in order to get there then that’s what you need to do. If you where in a position to get a promotion why wouldn’t you do step all over your competition to reach the promotion and secure the job. There is nothing wrong with doing what it takes to move ahead. I agree with stepping on peoples toes to rise to a high position.
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