Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 20

Missed seeing you today. Hope you got your discussion done within the group. We will finish the discussion tomorrow.

For this evening, you shall current event. By now, you know the drill and do not forget NO CITE, NO POINTS.


Cherie Stoll said...

2nd hour
An air traffic controller was suspended after allowing his son to radio instructions to several pilots. The boy was repeating instructions from his father, and the pilots did not mind at all. However, the FAA stated that he violated policies. I hope that this guy does not get fired, because what he did was harmless. He didn't allow his child to tell the planes where to go, and in the article it states, "The few quick exchanges between the elementary-school-aged child and jets waiting to take off from JFK, one of the nation's busiest airports, appeared to delight pilots at the time." This current event does not affect us personally, but we can learn something from it. We should always take our jobs seriously and think about the consequences of our actions. At the time, letting his child talk may have sounded like a good idea to the controller, but after thinking about it, he probably would have thought otherwise. However, I think that what this man did was harmless, and he shouldn't be punished for it. I think that the only reason he got in trouble is because the conversations got online, and the FAA did not want to get bad press.;_ylt=A0wNdO7_tY5LE1MA0hWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTNvZ2F1b290BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMzAzL3VzX2NoaWxkX2Fpcl90cmFmZmljBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDNgRwb3MDMwRwdANob21lX2Nva2UEc2VjA3luX2hlYWRsaW5lX2xpc3QEc2xrA2F1ZGlvY2xpcHNpbg--

Becca said...

For my current event I would like to talk about how cigarette smoking may raise prostate cancer risk. Cigarette smoking may increase a man's risk for developing and dying from prostate cancer, pooled data from 24 studies involving 21,600 men with the disease indicates. Prostate cancer is the most common kind of cancer attacking men in the United States. In the study, Huncharek and colleagues found surprisingly consistent evidence. This study realtes to myself and my community. I know many men who smoke. I think smoking is a bad thing to do because of numerous health issues. My grandpa smokes a lot, and now that I know that smoking might raise a man's risk of getting prostate cancer, I am very concerned. I want my grandpa to live a long and happy life, and it would be really sad if he died from prostate cancer all because he smoked. After reading this article I will definatly be telling my grandpa about trying to quit smoking.

Cigarette Smoking May Raise Prostate Cancer Risk,2933,587857,00.html

Becca Need
2nd Hour

Audrey Beaumarchais said...

Today, a little after 8 o'clock a.m. a chemical bomb was set off in a Detroit public school. There were no injuries reported. This occurance makes me think a lot. The fact that a student or anyone in particular would try to detanate a bomb and kill innocent people is ridiculous. The student may even have just been looking for an extra day off. This makes me realize that people are willing to do anything for a break. It madde me ask myself, What if this happened in our school? What if it was fatal and some people were killed? I don't know about me but if I were the person who set it off I would feel extremly guilty inside. It makes me wish human beings weren't so selfish and greedy. It's too bad the world isn't like that but then again, nothing is ever perfect.


"Student Detonates Explosive Device At School." WWJ News Radio 950. MMX CBS Radio Stations Inc.,, 3 Mar. 2010. Web. 3 Mar. 2010.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The current event I found today was about an abducted baby being found safe. He was only 3 weeks old when a 19 year old girl pretended to be with social services and took him from his house. There was an amber alert out and they wound up finding the baby at the girl's mother's house. I don't really understand why anyone would want to take someone else's kid. But I am very happy that he is found safe. There are so many times that the news only shows the negative things and deaths and the stories of kids who didn't make it back home safely. It's really nice to hear a happy ending and things working out in the end. The world can be a bad place but it's good to see the positive side of things and that there is good in the world.

Jamie Diehr said...
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Alanna Nagi said...

For my current event, I am going to blog about the children who died in a house fire. Tuesday night, a mother and one of her daughters went to go to the Family Dollar store to my a space heater, because the one they were using had duck tape on it and was unsafe. The mom and daughter were gone fifteen minutes, but when they returned they were in for a surprise. Their house was on fire. There was 7 children in the house and only four of them got out safely, because of the oldest brother. Unfortunately, two girls and boy did not make it out of the house. This current even makes me realize how important is it to make sure you know all the fire safety rules for a house. How this relates to me? We just finished getting our kitchen re-done and when our contractor was taking out all of our old appliances him and his partner found that there was a nail nailed into one of the wires. He said this was a major fire hazard. If the slightest thing caught on fire and reached this wire, our entire house could have burnt down. The scary thing is, was that we didn't even know it was like that. We assume that it has been here since we moved here, 13 years ago. Everyone should be aware of their fire safety rules and should get their houses checked out every once in a while, you may not know if something is wrong back there.

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Jamie Diehr said...

There is a new concern for doctrs, nutritionists, and dietionists. This new trend is what many consider as a category within eating disorders. Orthorexia is when you only eat uber-healthy. It basically means you are a health nut. People with Orthorexia are literally afraid to eat sugar, trans fat, and processed food. Many children have taken up Othorexia. When a child grows up only being allowed to eat certain food and being told all the risks of other food, they become scared to eat many things. Parents think that they are creating a healthy environment for their kids so they don't grow up with heart disease, diebetes, and hyperactivity. Although this may sound like a good thing, it is actually harming them. Studies show that more and more children are being Orthorexic. This puts them in more of a change of becoming anorexic or bulimic. Many adults pick this up to lose weight, or try to become healthy, but it leads to something risky. There are already so many people who have eating disorders around the world and that is not a good thing.|main|dl3|link3|

Anonymous said...

Today in Detroit a mother left her six children all home alone. All the children were under the age of 11 and were to young to be home alone. The homes electricity was shut off so the were living off of candle light. While the mother was gone the house set on fire. Three of the children had to leap out of the upper floor of the home. A four month old baby had to be dropped from the upper window and caught by a neighbor. The other three children were killed in the fire. What kind of mother leaves her six underage children home alone with candles burning? This womans other three children should be taken and she should be charged. These types of situations and stories give michigan and detroit specifically a bad name.

Tyler McLeod said...

My current event for this evening is on the continuing battle over health care reform. Obama has given his final version of a health care bill today. He wants Congress to come to a vote within the next few weeks. This plan is nearing $1 trillion dollars. There continues to be a showdown between Republicans & Democrats on this issue. Republicans feel that Obama's proposal would mean a government takeover of the health care system and they want Obama to scrap his old plan and come up with a new one. American's have a lot riding on this issue. There is so much red tape in this proposal the American people have no idea what exactly is in the health care reform bill. I hope the government comes up with a fair proposal that the Anerican's do not regret at a future date.
My cite:

Megan said...

An earthquake in Chile, recently caused a tsunami in Chile a few days ago. Saturday was the day that the tsunami hit Chile's coast the hardest and took hundreds of lives with it. There was two after shocks, and the country was under a warning eariler today, buit it was lifted shortly after. Many people are running to higherground to avoid being in areas where the waves could hit. The damage so far has estimated to cost tens of billions of dollars. I feel this relates to me, because I was watching the news in a resturant, on saturday about Chile, when the tsunami was happening. The waves looked enormous, but not really doing anything at the moment or going anywhere. It was still forming and that was the day that it hit the worst. I remember the newscasters talking about how the earthquakes caused the tsunami and that it may be related to the quake in Haiti, but I am not sure if that is entirely true or not. After what happened in Haiti, I am glad such a quick response was made in Chile also. About 14,000 troops were sent to Chile's coast to distribute food and keep order. I can only hope that the earthquakes will stop sometime soon, or at least give a little break, so that people of the world can recover.

Megan Kastelen
3rd hour

Wilbur2381 said...

On saturday an earthquake shook Chile hard and created a tsunami that killed hundreds of residents. Now like the earthquake in Haiti, the United States is going to spend millions of dollars in relief of a country we do not trade as much with or has no real value for the U.S. Even though i am against it, the people in Chile still need help. To top it all off, today there were two after shocks of the Pacific coast and scared many of the people in Chile because those two aftershocks that scared the citizens and gave them the fear that yet another tsunami wave was iminent. The things that mother nature can do are way more powerful then anyone can imagine and we need to respect that power that it has over us.

Will Michaels 2nd hour

Clare Pathe said...

Today for my current event i chose to do Giant waves hit cruise ship; 2 passengers killed. Two passengers aboard a cruise ship were killed when 26-foot waves crashed into the vessel Wednesday, officials said. As many as 14 others were injured. The Greek Louis Cruise Lines ship was off the French port of Marseille when it was hit by "abnormal" waves, some more than 26 feet (9 meters) high, cruise line spokesman Michael Maratheftis said. Five windows in public areas were smashed, and two passengers, a German and an Italian, were killed. This current pertains to the communities life because it is scary that people died while being on a cruise ship. This just shows that no matter where you go, bad things can happen like this. So always be prepared to stay safe.

ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

This article is about a cruise shit in greece thqat took on 26 foot waves. Two people were killed after it broke windows and brought lots of water on board. I find this very puzzling, arent these ships huge. I have always been curioius about cruise ships and how they are able to not have many sinks. I thought that they were big eniough to cut through the waves and not be affected, i guess the storms are just bigger. I wonder if there are regulations of areas that they can travel into. I think that they shouldnt have traveled into a storm this large unless they knew it would be okay. I would like to learn the regulations and how these ships are run. I tihnk that it would be interesting to see the history of injuries on cruise ships an stuff like that.

John said...

The current event i found today was that on cigarettes raising your risks of getting prostate cancer. A recent study has showed that smoking cigarettes can raise the risks of getting and dying from prostate cancer. This study provides good evidence that prostate cancer is a smoking related tumor. This is the most common of all cancers striking U.S. men. In 2008 alone there were 186.000 cases of prostate cancer and a reported 28.000 dead. They found that both the chance of developing prostate cancer and dying from it increases with smoking. I feel like this is a very serious topic and it needs to be brought to the public or put on the suergens general warning label on the box of cigarettes. I do not think this affects me though because i myself don't smoke and know one in my family smokes anymore since what happened to my grandpa.

John McLean
2nd hour,2933,587857,00.html

Unknown said...

For my current event i would like to talk about how a wave hit a cruise ship and killed two people. The wave was 27 feet tall. The cruise whip was just traveling along in the ocean when the wave hit. Two people were killed and 14 were injured. The wave hit the cruise ship so hard that it spun around completely. There were over 1500 people on board. And more than 580 were crew members. They say the earthquake in Chile caused these waves.

Alec Shoems 3rd Hour

Conner said...

Just today in redford, 30 year old mother, Tawana McGowan was shot. It was 8:30 am when Tawana had just been getting home from her late night shift as sheworked at the St. John hospital. As the man ran by and shot the mother, her ten year old son heard his mother screaming and quickly ran out side. the son immediatly called 911 and police were there quickly. The mother was transported to a hospital but sad to say was pronounced dead. Its amazing that still today people find the need to kill people fun. I just think even being super pissed at someone, does noot give you the reason to create murder.


Chloe Martin 6th said...

The current event i have chosen to write about pertains the the subject of deceptive labeling. the FDA is now enforcing truth in advertising claims. This is coming from foods that are deceiving the customer into believing that they are healthier than they really are. In order to get ready for spring break :) my mom and i just recently went grocery shopping to get more healthier foods in the house. SO many different foods appeal to be healthier than they really are. for example "veggie chips" they sound healthy right? but there just as unhealthy as normal chips! it really bothers me that food companies have to be deceiving to earn costumers. instead of spending the money trying to find what deceptive advertisement is the best, they should put their time into making their food healthier.

Sean Suehr said...

For my current event blog I will talk about a window shade that killed a 16 month old boy. Since the 1980's 500 children have died from being strangled on the cords of blinds and shades, that is almost one child per-month. Yet the government has not done anything to regulate the desining of these products. This really upsets me because the government wants the industry to set its own standards but thats a load of shit. Because the government has not done anything kids will continue to die from getting strangled from blind and shade cords until we have reached a design that is safe for everybody. This does not affect me but it may affect people with little brothers or sisters who are now at a risk of getting strangled in their own home.;_ylt=Ak6JndzVbP30gTNUswtZ0mxvzwcF;_ylu=X3oDMTJvMnRkcm9vBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMzAzL3VzX3dpbmRvd19ibGluZHNfZGVhdGhzBGNwb3MDMwRwb3MDOARzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3J5BHNsawNnb3Z0c2xvd3RvZm8-

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

For tonights current event i am going to talk abut a guy sueing the movie Hurt Locker. A U.S. soldier who defused roadside bombs in Iraq wants credit for inspiring the main character in "The Hurt Locker," a movie up for nine Oscars. Master Sgt. Jeffrey Sarver filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday claiming writer Mark Boal -- a journalist embedded with his Army unit in Iraq -- based the film's main character on his life. They literally transposed his life in the film and then claimed it was a work of fiction," said lawyer Geoffrey Fieger. "The only fiction was the claim it was a work of fiction."Without directly denying Sarver's claim, the production company said it was "a fictional account of what brave men and women do on the battlefield." This movie company is rediculous. They have such ambition to not lose money that they lie right to the public. They twist words and make it sound ike they are the good guys. I admire the ambition of the soldier sueing the stupid company. He wants to treach the goal of getting his fair share of money and will sue to get it.

Zack Ruffin

Cody Kabisa said...

An FAA air traffic controller and a supervisor are on paid leave after allowing a man let his son talk to several pilots. The air traffic controllers son was told what to say to the pilots so it wasnt like he was telling them wrong information. I found this rediculous that this guy may get fired for letting his kid have some fun. The pilots even said that it was a delight to have the kid talking. I find it a little extreme to consider firing a good employee for doing something this harmless. I hope this guy doesnt get fired because he was just trying to make his sons day interesting. This is a good thing to learn from. Things that might think harmless at the time might not be such a good idea later. We should always remember that at our jobs there is always people watching.



Kaleigh S said...
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Kaleigh S said...

This flu season is much different than most any other ones we have seen. Generally, around this point we would be seeing a spike in flu cases and people having to stay home from work and school. Around this time last year, the rate of cases was at about 6% but this year it has dropped to a 1.8% rate. This may have to do with the fact that the rate peaked months ago in october to 7.8 percent, typically just the start of the flu season. Experts say this does not mean we are done with the swine flu for this year, as it could mutate and have another wave hit us. I remember having the swine flu a while ago, and it was terrible. If it mutated and I got a different version of it, they say I wouldn't be affected as badly, so that's good. Hopefully this season of the flu continues to decrease in cases. As school is getting a little more difficult and big tests like the ACT are coming up, people can't afford to be getting sick. Although H1N1 sucked, at least the worst of it for this winter seems to be over. Otherwise, we'd be getting hit by the wave of seasonal influenze right about now.'s_Most_Popular

kevin wardlow said...

For my current event today, i found an article on how hummer is possibly going to be obselete within this year. They said the hummer most likely will stop being made by may 1 unless some surprise deal shows up. There was a guy in the article that was saying goodbye to his own hummer that he supercharged and got 600 horsepower, but also got 1 mile per gallon. This relates to me in a different way however, when my old 1994 taurus wagon broke last summer, it was hard to say goodbye to it. It wasn't the coolest car, nicest, or best gas milage car, but it always worked, and it got me everywhere up to that day. So i can understand how hard it is to say goodbye to a vehicle that always worked, and get attatched to.

Anonymous said...

For my current event I am going to talk about seven men arrested for suspicion of arms trafficking. The suspects were made up of Iranian and Italian men. Arms exports to Iran are are illegal, which is why this was such a big deal. The investigation started when arms were found in airports in Bucharest, Romania, London, and England. Among the guns that were found, were highly explosive and very flammable. I chose this event because it still shocks me how much violence and problems there are in the world. It seems like it will never end, and it is very depressing. Im waiting on a world with peace and no violence.

Taylor Dieck
2nd hr.

Anonymous said...

15 years ago, food-borne illnesses costed the U.S $6.9 billion dollars. As of a recent investigation, it now costs us $152 billion dollars annually. There have been 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths each year by food-borne illnesses. Honestly, I'm pissed off about this. We (the U.s) has to pay $152 billion dollars annually because they haven't been inspecting processing plants well enough. Not to mention all the deaths and hospitalizations. There's less than 1% of U.S cattle that is tested for mad cow disease and food that doesn't meet the requirements for McDonalds and other places gets shipped to our schools! That's BULLCRAP! It's like they don't even care what happens to us kids! We could die because of their stupidity, there are probably a lot of kids that have died already from it and we don't even know it.

James Richardson

Katrina said...

This article is about a tsunami wave that killed 2 people on a cruise ship that was caused by the recent earthquake. As always im going to take one thing from the article and get off topic. im not really sure if thats what we should be doing but its been working so far? So, the tsunamis caused by the recent earthquake were set to hit Hawaii. It just so happens that my sister arrived in Hawaii the day before they found out this was supposed to happen. Even though i was sure she would be fine, theres always that little thought about that 1% chance when a loved one is in possible danger. Its really scary when something like that happens even though shes fine. It was just like "what if she gets lost, or dies?" i dont know what i would do. its just a weird thing to think about because you never think that someone in your life will die, but they could at any moment.

JK said...

John Kent
An air traffic controller and his supervisor are under investigation because the controller allegedly brought his two small children into the control tower and allowed them to speak with pilots on an air traffic control frequency. The incidents occurred on succeeding days last month at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport, the Federal Aviation Administration said Wednesday, and both the controller and the supervisor have been placed on paid administrative leave. "This lapse in judgment not only violated FAA's own policies but common sense standards for professional conduct. These kinds of distractions are totally unacceptable.”
I think that this should never have happened. It seems the tighter we get on security the more holes in security that we have to take care of. I don’t even think that kids are allowed to be up in the control tower room because they might cause an accident like what almost happened. Today’s news featured the same story but it had told us how the kid was talking to pilots and clearing them for take off. The pilots knew that this was not true and joked with him then they were suspended for talking to the kid even though they did not follow the child’s directions. This was unfair for them but I can see that if they did listen there could have been hundreds of people that might have died.

Eric Tamm said...

Today, in Firebaugh, California, a man is under arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol and another controlled substance. However, it gets worse. He crashed his van head on into another vehicle, killing his 3 children in the process. His children were six and three years old. He is convicted of a DUI with gross negligence, child endangerment and driving under the influence of a controlled substance. It is a shame that this guy is setting such a bad example, not only for his kids, but for anyone around him. For one, he should have never gotten behind the wheel after drinking. He also should have never put his children in danger. He is also setting a bad example by taking the controlled substances. No parent should ever be doing that around their kids. Parents should not be allowed to raise kids if they are like that. Well, I guess he can't raise them any more. Anywys, this is truly a tragedy that his kids died. I is these stories that make me feel like when I grow up I will be the best role model possible for all kids, especially mine. I think this man should be put into rehab and serve a long sentense. However, he was let out on a $100,000 bail.


Rachel Kuehn said...

For my current event, i want to talk about a family in New Jersey who was asked to cover up a snow man that they made in their own yard. This family had build a snow sculpture of a venis de milo which the mother described as "curvaceous, bodacious and booty-licious.". And yes, it was naked. When the police recieved an annoymus call from a neighbor complaining that it was offencive and extreamly innapropriate, the family was aske to cover the snow man up.So the family dressed it with a bikini top and i skirt. I think that this is completly ludacris! To me, this was an expression of art, not an innapropriate thing. People have become wayyyy to sensitive to things like this. The naked body isnt a terrible sinful thing. Its a completly natural thing, and this wasnt even in the form of anything vaulger or disturbing. I believe that nothing was done wrong here. It was on sombodys personal property and it was completly appropriate. If i had sculpted this, and had been asked to dress it or take it down, i would have respectfuly refused, because it was complety rediculous to be offended by it.

Joey said...

Today I will be talking about a dog like dinosaur that has been found. This four-legged animal is a similar size to the dog. The earliest known dinosaurs where found 230 million years ago. This creature is said to go back 240 million years ago which makes it the earliest known dinosaur. Bones from this species have been found in southern Tanzania. This small dino-like creature weighed about the same as a young child. Researchers have a rough estimate of the size of this animal. It was about 3-10 feet long from head to tail, and about 3 feet tall from head to toe. The animal weighed around 22 to 66 pounds.

Scott said...

For my current I event I am blogging about how Starbucks is sticking to letting their customers carry their legally owned handguns into their coffee shops. This was sparked by a organized group of true-Americans that wanted to test their state gun laws. This all started in California. Pro gun individuals wanted to also test which businesses would tolerate to rights of gun owners. Starbuck say that they want their company to remain neutral in the gun debate. But they also said that if the state laws allow the pro-gun individuals to carry their guns in the open they don't mind. Gun control groups belive this poses a danger to the workers of Starbucks. I don'nt see how, if someone thinks about trying to rob Starbucks, the men and woman that carry their handguns out in the open wiould deter theives. They would think twice because they would know that there are many people who would prevent this from happening. This has a huge effect on me because I am a huge pro-second amendment person. It is your right to carry a handguns out in the open(when you turn 21), and I don't want anti-gun advocates TREADING ON ME!!!

Trevor Stratton said...

Aref Kareem Mohammed, father of 3 was arrested for driving under the influence with his children in the car. Mohammed got into an accident and got minor injuries but his 3 children, twin 6-year-old boys and their 3-year-old sister were killed. The people in the other car had been severly to minor injuries. It is just sickening to know that there are people that would be so careless or irresponsible to do these things. I do not understand what this guy was thinking when he did this. I don't think this guy deserves to get out on bail, even thought it was 100,000 dollars. He should be punished with the full extent of the law.,2933,587903,00.html

Hailey Ledgley(: 3rd hour said...

Today a baby was found safe after being abducted. This baby was abducted by a 19 year old who was pretending to be a florida department of children and families. The abudctor told the parents she was doing an expierement. She said she would call the police if they didnt hand over the baby. Today in this world there so many sick people who would do soemthing like this. I dont understand the joy in the wrong doing. Babys dont know better, and have not a clue on whats going on. Kids need to be watched 24/7.

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

A sex offender was charged Wednesday with rape and murder in connection with the disappearance of a California girl. His name was john Albert Gardner III. he was about 30 years of age. Pleaded not guilty to all charges, which stem from last week's disappearance of Chelsea King. He charges make him eligible for the death penalty. The officer said it has not yet determined whether it will seek capital punishment. There will be no post to his bail. i think anyone who kills anyone should be killed also. It so messed up that anyone would wanna kill someone else.

Jordan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Taylor Wattles said...

On February 18 a young man with a bright future had his life taken unexceptionally. Rajaan Bennett a senior at a high school in Powder Springs Georgia was an honor student and the football teams leading running back. Bennett was planing on attending Vanderbilt University and wanted to be an architect, But his dreams were cut short when he was shot and killed in late February. Bennett was killed by his mothers boyfriend who had a grudge against the family and came to there home with a gun. Bennett being the man of the family did all he could to protect his family but by doing this it cost him his life and his bright future. After killing Bennett, Steger shot himself. I think this is the ultimate example of courage. This young man not much younger than myself stuck up for his family and died to protect them. I find it very heartbreaking that someone with that much skill and ability was killed like this over a grudge. I think that the man who killed Bennett was a coward because he killed himself and didn't want to face the consequences that would follow his terrible actions. My thoughts and prayers go out to this strong courageous young man and his family.

Taylor wattles

Jordan said...

Today i am going to talk about michael vick. This past year was his first year back in the nfl. He is an ex convict who was given a second chance. The philedelphia eagles took a chance and signed him, thinking he would be there in the long run. This past week vick went on the radio and said he wants to go to another team. He isnt happy in philly for various reasons. I think this is just another case of a selfish athlete. He doesnt understand how lucky he is. He is too caught up in things and thinks hes the shit. PEople these days need to take a look around and see all they have. He could of handled this situation better, and i think it hurts the community around him. They gave him a second chance, but i guess his still an asshole.

kristen said...

Today I read "Air traffic controller, supervisor on leave after kids talk to pilots". There is now an investigation of an air traffic controller and his supervisor because they let his two children talk on the frequency. The controller told the children what to say. However, if something did happen then it could cost lives. I understand why the air lines are taking this seriously. It's human lives in jepordy. If you can prevent a tragedy then I believe you should. This effects me because when I do fly on airplanes I want to know that I'm safe. They should not let the children be the ones communicating. However, I don't understand why there is an investigation. It seems pretty obvious what happened and the controller should just recieve a slap on the wrist.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.

Chris L. said...

While this article is dated February 25th, it was recently linked to from the New York Times website.

Customer service always seems to be a large problem for companies. There are a lot of things that one has to do. This apparently is harder for some companies than it is for others. After a bad experience at a movie theater, a movie-goer decided to email a complaint to the CEO of the company. That's respectable. If you (as a consumer) want something done, who better to email than the head of the company? The lady received back a nasty response that contained several expletives. She did the next best thing to get something done. She let the world know about it. She posted it on Facebook, and a boycott of the theater was started. Good customer service is something that I feel strongly about. I have had bad experiences like that, and I'm sure that a lot of other people around us have as well. Be nice - get business.

Hannah Aittama said...

For my free blog I am going to talk about how Robert Bob, who is trying to get Detroit schools out of the hole, go a raise. He just recently got a $81 K pay raise. I personally think if he was that dedicated to getting the school system out of the hole, he would say no, lets put that money to the schools or to Detroit. When he is already making a nice living, it just looks greedy to take a even higher pay when the schools are really hurting. Although this raise isnt hurting the school systems, its mainly coming from private foundations, I still believe that he should have put that money to better use. He is always talking about how much he wants to help out the schools and you hear about how he goes door to door trying to get people to go to detroit schools, but then he isnt willing to personally help them out. All and all I think that if he was so dedicated and wanted to help out the Detroit schools that he would have at least told them to put some of that money to the school systems.

Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour

allyson martin said...

For my current event i found an article about drunk driving. A couple escaped unharmed after they left their kitchen for the living room, just moments before a pickup truck came crashing through the kitchen wall. Lewiston police said a drunken driver was apparently participating in sexual activity with a passenger when he lost control, left the road and drove a 2003 Dodge pickup through the house, coming to rest in a nearby yard. This is very dumb. Not only did he put himself and the other passanger in danger but they also put who ever was in that house in danger by being careless. They were very stupid for drving drunk and even more stupid for trying to do shit with eachother while drving drunk.


Hunter White said...

Yesterday a cruise ship was hit by 30 foot waves killing 2 people. This was a rare event. Passengers described how the waves shattered windows and ripped up people in it's path. People did not expect this to happen because normally the Mediterranean sea is calm. I think this is a shocker because not often does a big ship like this get struck. This is like one in a thousand chance. I guess this was better than it could have been. 2 people died but many others just got hurt.

Conner said...

Ya ummm please?

heather horne said...

For my current event, I'm going to talk about the doctor who was arrested for the murder of his wife. He preformed surgery on his wife and she ended up dieing. There was a investigation on the issue and the verdict came that he had poisoned her with cyanide. Their relationship was a rocky one. He had many mistresses and it was accused that he didn't want his wife anymore. The counter argument though, was that he didn't want to get rid of his wife, he just wanted to replace her. To me this is really scary because surgery isn't a joking matter. It's already scary enough to trust the doctor with your life. You would think that you could trust your husband especially. It shows that not everyone is trustworthy and I need to be careful wherever I go.

Priscilla Call said...

For my current event I will be talking about how colleges can't ban gay discrimination. In Richmond, Virginia the attorney general is telling all public colleges to rescind policies that don't allow discrimination based on sexual orientation. Proposals to ban discrimination against homosexuals have repeatedly failed in the legislature. This article angers me very much. Why would you even what to judge people and automatically hate them just based on who they like. That makes no sense what so ever to me. You can't help who you like and you should be punished for it. The fact that some people can't get that threw their thick single minded skulls appalls me. I have friends who are homosexuals that get made fun of and harassed on a daily basis and it angers me that that has to happen in their life because it can be completely avoided if people just open up and accept everyone.

beattiex33 said...

*internet issues, could not post on time.

Many people know that when people are involved with more conversation and peole, it can make them happier. Researchers found that when a person has a more in depth converstaion, they are more happier. When a person is put ino situations where they only have small talk, and dont have meaningful converstaions, they are not as happy. Those who do have moe meaningful conversations, had a significant increase in well being and happiness. I think that this mkaes sense because i feel like when ever a person has a random conversation with me i can just forget it seconds after hearing it. If i am part of an indepth conversation, i can give input and have more of an effect with in that conversation. This makes me feel like i had a meaning in the conversaion, and that i didnt waste my breath talking about a pointless conversation like what i ate for lunch that day.

Lauren Beattie