Monday, March 15, 2010

Cardmarking 5, Day 1

So here we are in your last week of having to blog. I will be posting from time to time to get a feel for where people are and what they are thinking so feel free,beginning next week, to respond.

Today we listened to scenes 4 & the beginning of 5(we are going to begin moving a bit faster than one or two scenes a day). Make sure you re-read these scenes for clear understanding.

For this evening, please discuss the following:

Describe your first impression of Macbeth. What do we know about him and how do we initially perceive him? Does this impression change after he hears the witches predictions or the fact that he became Thane of Cawdor? What about his comments at the end whe he learns that Malcolm will be the next king? How does all of this tie into the idea of ambition?



Katlyn said...

My first impression of mcbeth was he was prety cool. The impression we have of him does change. We think after the witches talk to him that he is going to try to be king. He thinks that he wants this very badly. Macbeth is very ambitious i think he is going to do what he has to to be abe to be the king. His coments at the end kind of make it seem like he wants to be king. I thihk he is going to be ambitious and do whatever is needed to be king.

Katlyn TWigg 2nd HOur

Wilbur2381 said...

So far my first impression of Macbeth has been that he is a strong willed person who will do anything to achieve his goal of becoming king. We know that he is fighting for his country of Scotland against Norway and he is a strong leader that will do anything for respect. His impression may change and i use may very strongly because he is very ambitious to become king and if the witches tell him that he is going to be the king then he may not try to work as hard to become the king which may screw him over in the end. When he finds out that Malcolm will become the next king he is going to question how true the witches are and he will work his tail off to become king. Because he is so ambitious in general it will not suprise me when Macbeth becomes king instead of Malcolm

Will Michaels 2nd hour

Chloe Martin 6th said...

My first impressions of Macbeth were good ones. Macbeth seemed to be a brave and strong man which of course are good qualities. We know that Macbeth had just fought in battle and that his army was very strong and courageous. I don't believe he changes from being a brave or courageous when hears the witches prophecy but i do believe he begins to lack strength. Even Macbeth is unsure if he will be able to stand by his morals and hope that his desires do not tempt him to do bad things. Macbeth says something along the lines of not wanted his darkest desires to be shown, he does not want to kill malcom, but it is possible that his desires may drive him to do so. this ties in very much with ambition. but how far is Macbeth going to go to reach his goal. Sure Macbeth may have been working hard at his goal but he still might not reach it without killing Malcom. It will show what kind of character and ambition Macbeth had whether he kills malcom to get what he wants.

Chloe Martin 6th said...

My first impressions of Macbeth were good ones. Macbeth seemed to be a brave and strong man which of course are good qualities. We know that Macbeth had just fought in battle and that his army was very strong and courageous. I don't believe he changes from being a brave or courageous when hears the witches prophecy but i do believe he begins to lack strength. Even Macbeth is unsure if he will be able to stand by his morals and hope that his desires do not tempt him to do bad things. Macbeth says something along the lines of not wanted his darkest desires to be shown, he does not want to kill malcom, but it is possible that his desires may drive him to do so. this ties in very much with ambition. but how far is Macbeth going to go to reach his goal. Sure Macbeth may have been working hard at his goal but he still might not reach it without killing Malcom. It will show what kind of character and ambition Macbeth had whether he kills malcom to get what he wants.

Katrina said...

I got my first impression of Macbeth last year when my student for TIES read the book in her class. I think he is an interesting character. He takes opportunity, something most people would see purely the good side to, and finds the bad side. Like when hes told he will be king he is nervous, not excited. Later he shows some excitement but he is very cautious. this shows a lot about his ambition also. He is ambitious but right now it looks like he will not turn to the dark side to achieve his goals. If i remember correctly he later does but in the beginning he is cautious and ambitious.

Tyler McLeod said...

My first impression of Macbeth was he was a brave and courageous soldier. He was a general and just defeated an army that was invading Scotland, making him a good leader. Initially, I perceived Macbeth as a man with good qualities and respected by is peers. After Macbeth hears the predictions that he will become Thane of Cawdor my impression of him had not changed; to me his judgement had not come into question yet. When Macbeth learns that Malcolm will be the next king he is fixated on the witch's prophecy and starts to question to himself how this will happen. Macbeths knowledge that one day will be king sparked his ambition to be king; he now questions how this is going to happen and can imagine himself in this position. Macbeth knows that for him to be king he might have to commit murder to accomplish this- his ambition will drive him to do things he knows is wrong.

Jamie Diehr said...

I think that Macbeth was pretty cool. He puts others before himself and is a good person. The impression starts to change when the witches talk to him. I think they gave him more to think about, like what he really wants. At first he didn't really believe the witches, but when he becomes Thane of Cawdor, he has it in his head that maybe all things great will happen to him and will be his. This ambition that Macbeth has is most likely going to change who he puts first, which will be himself. When he finds out malcolm will be the next king, he is disapointed and a little mad, but he still believes that his fate will lead him to be king. This all ties to ambition because sometimes ambition can lead you to do things that may effect and/or change your fate.

kurtis said...

wen i was first introduced to macbeths caracter i thought he was u kno heroic but then he changed a little cause hes all focused on becoming king, still heroic but more ambitious cause he really wants to achieve his goal.i think those wiches told him just to mess him up. i mean now that hes aware that hes going to be king hes acting diffrently than he normally would i think the wiches want him to over try his goal and screw up

Tayler Chase said...

my first impression of macbeth is that he was heroic and brave. I thought he was pretty awesome for going to war and fighting. For me this impression didnt change after he heard the witches prediction. I think that it just shows a weakness that he has. He strts to really think about the possiblities and he really likes the idea. His comment after finding out Malcolm will be king next was about not letting his dak desires show, like he doesnt want to kill him. This ties in with ambition because were starting to see that Macbeth really wants to become kng. He's showing us that he might be willing to go to any lengths to get this, especially after his wife talked.

Anonymous said...

To be completely honest, Im actually looking forward to reading it. Im getting the whole Oedipus vibe and I want to know how MacBeth becomes King. Hearing the witches prophecy made me quite interested. MacBeth as a character seems like it could be quite interesting. He is kind of content with being Thane in the beggining but then he gets a taste for more power and it kind of sounds like he wants it. Also, when he finds out that Malcolm shall become king he kind of flips. He wants to believe that prophecy and he wants to become king. Once the idea of King was presented to him, his ambition rose and now it sounds like he (and his wife) are willing to do anything to get it. What I want to know, is would he have this ambition for Kingship if he hadnt heard the prophecy and just became the Thane of Cawdor.

****** ******* said...

My first impression of Macbeth was that he was heroic. He fought not for the name or to become something, but to do what he thinks is right. He seems to be very ambitious. In a bad way. I think he is going to go to crazy with it. But also in a good way too. I think that’s why he won the fight. He was so driven to he pushed himself to get there. My impression didn’t really change. I still think he is heroic and too ambitious. This all ties in because HE is ambitious. Lol. But because he wants this so bad he might go to drastic measures to get what he wants.

Eric Tamm said...

My first impression of Macbeth is that he is a great leader and eveyone loves him. He is very likelable, however, I think he has a problem with greed from what I have seen so far. He is determined to become king and he gets very greedy over it (Who wouldn't if you were prophecized to be king). We initially percieve him as a hero and a very honorable man with great integrity. However, our perceptions change when the prphecies are predicted and he starts to wonder what it would take to be King. HE also is also skeptical about how the witches predicted that he would be Thane of Cawdor and it happened, and so he wants desperately to become king. When he learns Malcolm will be king he starts to question the prophecy and he doesn't know what to think. This ties into ambition because I am predicting Macbeth will turn to greedy and have the ambition to be king. I predict he will attempt to get rid of Malcolm somehow even though they are cousins.

Megan said...

My first impression of Macbeth was that he was a hero. We know that he is respected and seen as a hero by his people and the king, his cousin. We initially see Macbeth as brave and honorable. The impression changes slightly after we hear about how he reacts to the witches predictions. We see that he has a small "dark side" and that he likes the idea of being king. The comment at the end just shows even more that he is wondering how to will become king if Malcolm is going to be. This ties into the idea of ambition because Macbeth has that want and disire to be king, and might be willing to do what it takes to become it.

Megan Kastelen
3rd hour

Dan Calma said...

My first impression of Macbeth was that he was a man of greatness. All I know about him is that he won some battles for Scotland, he was prophocized to be king, and that he was given the title of Thane of Cawdor. We initially perceive him as ambitious and honest. The impression doesn't change that much when he hears the witches predictions or when he became Thane of Cawdor. He comments that he wants to be king but he doesn't want to obtain it in a low and dirty way. He wants to be king and wants to obtain it in any honest way possible. He is ambitious to get what he wants.

Clare Pathe said...

My first impressions of Macbeth were good. He seemed brave and strong, and overall he had a good character. I think everyones first impression of him were good, everyone perceived him as heroic and a brave warrior. I dont think that my impression changed after the witches predictions. I really dont think he even believed it at first. When he hears that Malcolm is the next king, i dont think Macbeth thought bad things. Like he said, he doesnt want his dark side to show. I think it will be interesting to see if Macbeths ambition will drive him to do the unthinkable to ger farther up in life, or to succeed.

beattiex33 said...

My first impression of Macbeth is that he is a noble person that fought for a cause. We know that he is a knight that is fighting for Scotland. Then we find out that because of his bravery, that he will become Thane of Cawdor. I feel like after Macbeth hears about the witch’s prophecy, he becomes big headed and thinking even bigger of himself. I think that once he hears that Malcolm will become the next king, that he get jealous and that he starts to second guess in believing the witches. Now that he became Thane Of Cawdor, part of the prophecy has come true but, then again, Malcolm is becoming Prince of Cumberland. This all ties into the idea of ambition because Macbeth was ambitious to fight to the death and now that he hears of his prophecy, he wants to become king. Ambition is what gets you to take a goal and meet it. So far, I think that Macbeth is all about ambition.

Lauren Beattie
2nd Hour

Andrew Melton said...

My first impression of Macbeth was heroic but not outspoken. we initially percieve him as being wildly known for saving scotland. this impression does eventually change throughout the scenes, especially when the witches tell him the prophecy. Because of the news of Malcolm becoming king, Macbeth has become confused. And with his ambition to become king, he doesnt understand why malcolm is becoming king. this ties into the idea of ambition because at this point, Macbeth wants to be a king more than anything and he'll be willing to do anything to get to that position.

Anonymous said...

My first impression of Macbeth was that he was very honorable and well-known. I thought of him as a role model that other people looked up to him probably because of his accomplishments and morals. The impression doesn't really change after the witches predictions because he kind of brushes them off and laughs about it with Banquo. When he becomes Thane of Cawdor he becomes a little bit more power hungry and starts to think about it. At the end when he learns that Malcolm willbe the next king, macbeth expresses his ambition to really go after it and almost sounds evil about it. This is probably going to be his downfall. This ties to the idea of ambition because Macbeth has formed a goal and has a vision of what is to happen and now just has to go after it or let things fall into place.

kristen said...

My first impression of Macbeth is that he's really brave and kind. I thought that he seemed like a really good man. Later I believe we see that there is a dark side to him also. However, we all have dark, greedy sides to us. I guess it just depends on how well we resist it. Macbeth thought of all the ways he could recieve that power. When he learns that Malcolm will become king I think he became more ambitious to get the crown. Since the Thane of Cawdor came so soon and easily after it was predicted, I believe that Macbeth would think him becomeing king would come just as easily. This all ties into ambition because Macbeth is becoming ambious to get the title of king, and I think that he will do pretty awful things due to his ambition.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.

JK said...

John Kent

My first impression of Macbeth is that he is a hero. He also does not fight to fight but to do what he needs to. Unfortunately, he changes after meeting the witches and hears the witches’ predictions. He becomes more ambitious when part of the witches prediction came true. With that ambition it reveals the darkness that might consume Macbeth. Macbeth’s comments when he learns that Malcolm would be king proves that he knows that he will have to some how avoid it but it also shows that he is trying to suppress the darkness inside of him. This all ties into ambition by showing that even Macbeth who was a person without real greed can be changed by his ambition to be king.

Taylor Wattles said...

My first impression of Macbeth was that he was a strong willed and motivated person. You could tell that he was willing to do anything to achieve his goal of becoming the king. He also seems to be a well known and respected man. My impression of him doesn't change after he hears the prophecy and when he becomes the Thane of Cawdor. When he hears the prophecy he just laughs about it and doesn't think it will happen. But when he becomes Thane of Cawdor he feels like there is a better chance to achieve his goal of becoming king and the prophecy might be correct. At the end when he finds out about Malcolm he expresses how much he wants to become king and seems like nothing will stop him. Just like in life you might have to piss some people off to better yourself. This ties in with ambition because he is willing to do anything to become the king.

Taylor Wattles

Cody Kabisa said...

My first impression of Macbeth was that he was a leader. From what we have learned this is true, along with being heroic, strong, and brave. He is fighting for his country, Scotland, against Norway. Our impression of him will probably change throughout the book because he is the main character and they always change. The witches told him that he was going to be king, but then Malcolm became the next king so now he is questioning whether the witches were telling the truth. At this point we dont know how far Macbeth is willing to go to become king. After hearing the witches prophecies, it seems he is kind of easing up on his ambitions. It seems that he is kind of letting his guard down, thinking that he will automatically become king. At this point we dont know how far he is willing to go, whether it means killing Malcolm or not.

Cody Kabisa

Alanna Nagi said...

As for my first impression of Macbeth, is that he writings are deep and meaningful, but I don't understand why he had to make his writings so difficult to understand. Why couldn't he just say what was happening straight forward? It's very difficult to comprehend. However, in the story I pegged Macbeth for the type of that that would do anything to get what he wanted, maybe because of greed, and it will be eating him up inside. My impression did change after he became the Thane of Cawdor, because he just wanted to be crowned kind right away. Also when he found out that the present king's son will be taking over as king one day, Macbeth was kind of upset. Yes, he is a good man, but the king isn't his title, for right now. Nonetheless, it could change. Yes, it does time into the idea about ambition, because both Macbeth and his wife really want him to be the king. From what we read, and from my understanding, it does seem like they might exceed the boundaries so he can become the king.

Alanna Nagi
2nd hour

Audrey Beaumarchais said...

My first impression of Macbeth was that he was an honorable man. He was a leader in the army and therefore a respected one as well. After he becomes Thane of Cawdor and is told the witches' predictions my impression changes a little because of his actions. It makes me realize that no matter how good a person is, all men cannot resist the opportunity of power. As in Macbeth's case it is on his mind after he speaks to the witches. At the end of scene four when he learns that Malcolm will be the next king he is questioning this event. It makes the reader question it too. What will happend? Will Macbeth kill him or will he be killed by coincidence? Macbeth had good ambitions. He was a powerful and respected leader who's ambition was to win the battle against the Norwegians. He succeeded and after becoming the Thane of Cawdor, he does not want to, but cannot resist thinking about the future and what it holds. I think his ambition to be king will become a bad thing in the end.


Anonymous said...

Macbeth seems to me like he is an honest man who is willing to do whatever he has to do to make sure things go right. After talking to the witches my impression of him did change. His ambition to become thane of cawdor rose. The witches changed his whole perspective. He wants very badly to be king and i believe he will do whatever is necessary to be it. So far I am interested in the book. Im not Shakespeare's biggest fan but i am interested in what happens in the book.

Emma Flynn said...

My first impression of Macbeth was that he was a "good guy" and he seemed to be a heroic figure. Initially, we perceive him as a truly good, modest person. We know that he has a military history of leading his armies to success. He appears to be an overall perfect, heroic guy. This impression changes a bit after he hears the witches predictions. As he ponders that magnificent fate they up hold for him, you can literally hear the wheels in his mind turning in an aside to the audience. After becoming Thane of Cawdor, I believe that his abition to possible secure his supposed "fate" to not only become Thane, but also King. Upon hearing that Malcolm was to be the next king, Macbeth is obviously a bit surprised. His comments seem to foreshadow the rest of the play and raise one to question, how far is Macbeth willing to go in order to fulfill the prophecy. This obviously all ties in to the idea of ambition for as we have learned, ambitions can cause one to lose track of their morals. I am predicting that Macbeth's ambition to become king, may cause him to do the same.

Jake F said...

Macbeth is a very intresting character. I think that macbeth has amibition but not as much as his wife. I also think that he is a motivated and willed charecter. I believe that macbeth will change throughout the book. This is because he is a main charecter and main charcters always change whether it means getting stonger or weaker. At this point we do not know how far macbeth is willing to go whether it means stepping on people he needs to, to get to the top. I think that macbeth towards the end off the book will be leader.


ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

Describe your first impression of Macbeth. What do we know about him and how do we initially perceive him? Does this impression change after he hears the witches predictions or the fact that he became Thane of Cawdor? What about his comments at the end whe he learns that Malcolm will be the next king? How does all of this tie into the idea of ambition

Due to my absence I have a smaller opinion on this then most. However so far I find Macbeth as very creepy. This is the way I feel about all of the witchcraft and such. I just don't get how someone could get so possesed to be like that. I think that Macbeth is a very loyal man. Since he is in the army of their time I find that very noble and outstanding. I think that when we find out he will be the thane of Cawdor I still view him the same. Until I read something of where he makes a mistake I will feel the same. As for any of the rest I haven't read. Therefore, this blog is complete.

Jordan said...

My first impression of macbeth is that it sucks. I find it real hard to understand and comprehend. I think we initially percieve him as a good guy because he fought for his country hard and did a good job of it. I think after he hears the witches perdiction is when he really started to get greety. He didnt realize all that he could have. I think his comments on Malcolm really reveal his selfishness at the end because he doesnt care about anyone else. I think this is a great example of ambition because he drives to do whatever it takes to be great. He doesnt think twice about it, and neither does his wife.

Hailey Ledgley(: 3rd hour said...

My first impression of Macbeth was pretty good. What I saw was that he was a strong person, and someone who you take adavntage of what they have. We know that he is fighting for his country of Scotland against Norway and he is a very strong leader. I dont think it really changes. He does kinda seem like he starts to slack off a lil once he hears the witches predctions. When he finds out that Malcolm will become the next king he probably is going to question on what the witches said and he will work his ass off to become king. It ties into ambition becuase he has the ambition to do what he thinks is right.

Chris L. said...

I believe that Macbeth has a good side and a bad side. He is being swayed more and more however to this bad side. I believe that we initially perceive him as a decent person. The impression of him changes when he learns that he is Thane of Cawdor. He realizes that this could be a big opportunity for him. When Macbeth learns that Malcolm will be the next king, I believe that he wants to be the one to decide that. This ties into ambition because Macbeth is trying to get something that he wants (absolute power). For him to be successful, he needs to do certain things to become powerful, and this is where the ambition lies.

Mike said...

I wasn't here for the first reading of Macbeth. Also, I still need a book. Anyways, from what we read I like where the story is going. I initially perceive Macbeth to be a man of truth and honor. After he hears the impression of the witches, however, I think he drastically changes. I think that Macbeth gets more ambition, but not necessarily the right kind. When he learns that Malcom will be the next king I think that he wonders if the witches are wrong, even though they were right about him being Thane of Cawdor. I also think he is feeling a sense of jealousy. This all ties into the idea of ambition because the witches took his ambition to just be a good soldier and turned into an ambition of power, which can make one corrupted and weak.

Jessica klave said...

my first impression of mcbeth was BORING. its not till i took the time to actually took the time to get into the book when i realized that the story line of the book is pretty good. mcbeth is a strong man with really good qualitys. he is very brave to take the chances he is. He is also very brave becasue he makes oppertunttys for himself. mcbeth is very ambitious. i think that mcbeth is very respect also.

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

My first impression of Macbeth was wow hes a great hero. Now i look at him as wow what a greathero but is easily tricked and manipulted. We initially perceived him as this great person but now are learning new things about him. The impression does not really change becuase we hae not seen wht he is going to do with the info the witches gave him. Once what the witches said came true he began to be a little more on edge and not himself. He is confused becuase he believed he was goin to be the next king. This shows that his ambition level is not that high.

Zack Ruffin