The Willingness to Ignore the Truth is often a theme found in literature. How has this theme impacted your life either through personal experience or experience with other people? Is it every ok to ignore the truth? If yes, when? What are some of the consequences when this happens?
Well this theme i think is a part of every teens life. To me i does cuz i ignore that eventually i will have to do something with my life. I really don't want to do anything but xbobx and T.V. With your friends it doesnt really happen but with your parents it does.I think it is a good thing to ignore the truth cuz then you can keep you sanity. If you worried about the truth every second you would go insane. Ignoreing the truth is better for your health.
ZAck Ruffin
People tend to ignore the truth becasue they don't want to get involved. They feel turning a blind eye will obsolve them from any wrong doing. The willingness to ignore the truth has impacted me when I witnessed a friend break a window and not tell the owner of the house. Since I seen the incident I could have/should have told the owner of the house. But I turned a blind eye thinking their insurance would cover it. By ignoring this, I was chosing not to get involved and this was not right. No, it is not ok to ignore the truth. Sometimes, the worry about not telling the truth is worse than telling the truth. Some of the consequences is added stress on yourself, causing someone else to have to pay for something they shouldn't, an innocent person could be hurt...
There are many consequences of the willingness to ignore the truth, the consequence of having to live with knowing you turned a blind eye is a terrible feeling.
I think that this theme is important to many teens these days. Im not going to lie, i try to ignore the truth everyday, but the truth has its ways of sneaking up on you when you least expect it. I think that you should be aware of the truth, but then agian you shouldnt stress about it. Beleive that everything happens for a reason. If something happens that isnt truthfull who cares dont get worked up about it. Just let things happen. things will work them self out.
Generally people don't like to be wrong. People don't enjoy losing at anything. Many times they may ignore the truth of a situation in order to feel content. I have ignored the truth many times. For example, I received a bad grade on a test in my literature class and I tried to tell myself that it wouldn't affect my grade and "I'd be ok." In the end this was the wrong thought process. I should have learned from my mistake and done better on the next test. Instead, I felt guilty about it but didn't really care as much as I should have and it did effect my grade in the class at the end of the semester. In some cases though it is acceptable to ignore the truth. The first thing I thought of when I read this question was how people act towards one another. I'm not sure why but I thought of a certain cituation that I am in very often. Not everyone is going to like you. It just isn't possible for everyone to be your friend. For those who you just don't get along with you have to ignore the truth that either they don't like you or you don't like them and just deal with it. I don't really think there are any consequnces in this situation but if you ignore the truth in other instances it could cause you to believe something is false and effect the way you think.
Ignoring the truth can get you into a lot of trouble. If you ignore the truth about a friend or maybe even a family member you can go a long time getting manipulated and cheated out of a friendship. I had a friend that got a boyfriend and he was a real tool. She ignored the truth about him, that he was really a douche bag and it got her into some trouble later on. I don't think its ever to ignore the truth. I feel this way because if you ignore the truth then your just lying to yourself and you will dig yourself into a hole. Just like other lies you will just have to keep lying and all the lies will just build up.
Tayler Chase
Ignoring the truth in life has it's ups and downs. In my life, ignoring the truth has taught me many things. Like it has taught me how not to give two shits about anyone or anything. It has also shown me to see through people for who they really are, like whether they're a jackass or not. And sometimes its good to ignore the truth, like when someone is being a douche and gloating about something. But it is also bad, like when someone you know dies or is hurt people tend to run from the truth and it ends up hurting even more than it would've at first. The consequences are many at times. For example, ignoring the turth can kill you, literally.
The willingness to ignore the truth is a common theme. People ignore the truth because sometimes people don't want to believe it. This theme has impacted my life in many ways. When my uncle died it was hard to believe. I didn't want to believe it because i was upset and it didn't seem real at the time because i was so young. At some points i believe its ok to ignore the truth if its not a big deal. So consequences may be you will never know the real truth.
This theme is srewing my life up. its affecting me personally because i know im doing horrible in school and im just ignoring it because i dont want to deal with it. Now im starting to realize that my problem with ignoring the truth is really hurting my future. I dont believe that it is ever to ignore the truth because ignoring it will just make the situation your in turn into hell. Now im thinking that i need a fresh start to my life because to be honest my life sucks right now. If you go through life just ignoring the truth, then you will really be kicking yourself in the ass because all your doing is creating problems. For now on im going to start living by the quote "if you aim high.. you will never shoot yourself in the foot." i love this quote because its something that needs to start happening in my life if i ever want to do anything with it.
P.S. Mr.Kay since i am bad at realizing some crappy truths in my life, if i ever start to slip up in class in anyway can you please smack me upside the head? just so i can keep up and finally feel proud about my school work
Will Michaels 2nd hour
This theme is apart of everyones life. This theme has impacted my life in many ways. I still to this day try to ignore the fact that i am getting older everyday. Sooner or later I am going to be an adult with kids, and have a lot of responsibilitys. But I dont want that to ever happen. I like being a teenager. I guess i just dont wanna grow old. Its okay to ignore the truth sometimes. Like when someone tells you something thats the truth, but it might not be something you wanna hear, its okay to ignore it and just move on. And not get all worked up about it, the truth hurts, but try not to let it get to you.
I always try to ignore the truth if it is bad. If it's good I will listen. I think it's okay to ignore the truth until you are ready to accept it. If you aren't ready to hear the truth, but you know it's coming, prepare yourself. If you ignore the truth for a long time, it can cause depression and other problems. Ignoring the truth can be stressful. I ignore the truth about my grades. For the past 3 years my grades have always been in the lows C's, upper D's range. I always say "I don't get it" or another excuse like that. The truth is, I'm lazy. Pure and simple. I know I am a smart kid. I can be a hard worker if I try. I just don't have the drive. My grades are because I'm lazy and I don't do my work or turn in my assignments on time. I go on my own agenda; do work at school and rest at home. Life doesn't work like that. I know this will negatively impact my life in many ways. I try to work to improve it but without any instant rewards from people at home and around me I just lose the drive. Last year I got my grades up to all B's. Never got praised or a compliment. I just lost my drive. I felt like nothing I did was good. I simply quit. I realize that I should do these things for my benefit and not to please others. The truth can be painful but we all need to accept it at some point in our lives.
People trying to ignore the truth is a big part of everyday life. Sometimes I do this to ignore something I don't want to hear. Most of the time though I listen to it. Even if I know I'm wrong. We definitely try to ignore it all the time, when we really need to realize its the truth. I think sometimes its ok to ignore the truth depending on what it is. But most of the time no. Some consequences would be like not believing the truth. So I don't really think theres conquences, except for missing out on whats real.
Katlin Gotshaw
3rd Hour
Its always been really easy for me to ignore the truth about myself, friends, family, work, school, the world and so on. But the truth of the matter is that no matter how much you ignore it, its still the truth, and in the end its alot easier to figure things out about yourself or te world when you just accept the truth how it is. Its easy to look at something from just your eyes, and think of your self as a toatly innocent person. It makes us feel a whole lot better if we can just put the blame on someone else for our problems, but that really wont get anyone anywhere. When something happens to me, i really try to take myself kind of out of the situation and look at it from each perspective. This way, i realize when im the person at fault. Its human nature to not want to accept blame for somening, and our minds will naturaly try to find a way to make us honestly believe that we arent doing anything wrong. By looking in at a situation, rather than being in it, helps me to figure out where i stand, and how i need to handle it. This "method" has made me notice how much I avoid the truth about things a care about. I guess i put myself through all of the guilt, frustration ect. of accepting the truth about myself and others for self better ment. I fell better about myself when i can honestly say that i was as honest with my self as i could have been. Ive seen how ignorant people can be when they mess up, and all it really does is cause them to continue to make the same mistakes over and over again. Its one of those things that you kind of just have to suck it up and look at yourself as other people do, and accept what you see, good or bad.
The willingness to ignore the truth, I think, happens everyday. Recently, I have found that I have to look at what is best for myself instead of lying to myself to make my life easier or because I know it is the right thing to do. I just figured out that I really shouldn’t do Poms because it is not good for myself. During tryouts I tried to push myself because I knew that I should do Poms because I like it. Truth is that once I pushed myself, I got hurt. Even though I ignored the truth, once I faced it, I ended up better in the end. Like with food, you know that it would not be good for you to eat a huge piece of cake, but when you ignore the truth, you end up getting the cake and feeling that sugar rush you want. Although, then you have to deal with the regret for eating the cake and knowing how fattening that huge piece of cake was, and you shouldn’t have ignored the truth. So, when you ignore the truth, you can either benefit from it or get hurt in the end. Just like with me and poms and someone who eats a huge piece of cake…it’s always nice to have a piece of cake even though you may not benefit from it in the end.
Lauren Beattie
3rd Hour
I think that this is true in everyones life. People tend to ignore the truth alot. I ignore the truth sometimes. I know eventually i will have to do something with my life but right now i ignore that and pay attention to school stuff. People ignore the truth because they dont want to get involved with stuff. I think that you should not ignore the truth. Eventually the truth will become reality and you will have to know the truth anyways. Why ignore it then if you will have to deal with it in the future anyways. Some of the consequences of ignoring the truth is when you have to know the truuth itl hit you hard like something you didnt expect.
Katlyn Twigg 2nd HOur
I think that everybody at some point in their life ignores the truth because it is something they dont want to hear. As teenagers we all ignore the fact that in some point in life we will all have to grow up and pay our own bills and stop relying on our parents. Sometimes even though the truth is hurtful, it is reality. Everybody will have to face reality at some point in life. The truth is not always good, but it is not always bad either. I think if everybody always ignored the truth and evaded it, eventually they would go crazy. No matter how harsh it is, the truth is the truth, and there is nothing we can do to change it. Everybody has to face it at one point or another, and the sooner you do it, the better because you will get it over with and move on with your life. Hey whats up mr k this nolan S why u still havin these kids do these wackass blogs!!!!!!
This theme has impacted my life more than i realize sometimes. For example my mother ignores the truth. She knows I am a good student. I work hard and i put forth an effort in everything that i do. But when it comes to trusting me she has a problem with it. She can't seem to realize that she has raised me the right way. I know right from wrong and i make good decisions. Instead she looks at the negative things in every situation. I dont believe its okay to ignore the truth in any situation.
Ignoring the truth is definately a part of every person's life. This theme has impacted my life in a negative way. I've ignored the truth before, whether with friends or family. By doing so I've not only hurt myself, but other people as well. In my opinion it is only ok to ignore the truth if the truth is worse than ignoring it. Sometimes if you ignore the truth it comes back to haunt you in some way or another. There have been times where I ignored the truth and it came back and kicked me in the butt.
James Richardson
3rd hour
There are many reasons why people ignore the truth. Some people ignore it because they don't want to have to deal with it, or so they can win themself over, while others ignore it because sometimes the truth can hurt. I like to ignore the truth at times, but for some reason I can't. I still think about it knowing that I am lying to myself and that the problem isn't really going away. A majority of my friends have that problem. They try to ignore the truth because they don't want to realize that they were wrong (especially me). I learn alot from the people around me. When they do things, such as ignoring the truth, I see how it catches up to them in the long run and eventually they lose. Although everyone ignores the truth sometimes, I don't think that they should. It catches up to you in the long run and the situation gets worse. If you were put in a situation where you see someone else, or yourself, in some kind of danger, you should deffinately not ignore that truth, because then there is no way to get help.
I think ignoring the truth is kind of like ignoring the obvious. You know whats true but you really dont want to believe it. If something comes as a shock, you might not want to believe it. I ignore school a lot. But I know the truth is that if I dont do well in school then nothing will come of me. Ive been realizing that a lot lately. I just always want to take the easy way out and skip class and not do my work. For me if I ignore school then I wint be able to go to college. For me I dont get good grades, which is a big consequence. So lately Ive been trying to get everything together, so I can succeed in life.
Ignoring the truth makes me feel guilty. If im doing something I know its worng but keep doing it anyway, I feel guilty about it. Ignoring the truth has impacted my life by me feeling like I have more freedom. I think it is ok to ignore the truth sometimes, because you need to keep yourself in check and ignoring the truth all the time will keep you from doing this. If you always ignore the truth, you wont be the same person and your life might change for the worse. I ignore the truth when im around my friends. I judt think of having a good time and not letting the truth of my actions get to me and having fun.
The willingness to ignore the truth has effected my life. When people tell me things that I don't want to hear I sometimes pretend like they are a lying, even though I know it's the truth. I just sometimes don't want to believe the truth, so I kept ingnoring it. But I do know it's wrong. I personally don't think it's okay to ignore the truth even though I do it. Ignoring the truth is just like being in denial with yourself andthe truth. People ignore the truth all the time whether they will admit it or not.
The willingness to ignore the truth is in everybody’s life. When something goes bad everyone’s first reaction is to ignore the truth. They don’t want to believe what really happened. In some situations it is better to ignore the truth. But in other situations it is often best to accept the truth. This theme impacted me many times in my life. I believe that there are many consequences for not accepting the truth and ignoring it. If you ignore the truth things can go bad. In my opinion it is better to accept the truth rather than ignore it.
Everybody ignores the truth sometimes. I think this has some impact on my life. If someone asks you a question, the truth is not always the best answer. I think it is ok to ignore the truth for certain things, like if someone asks a question and you know that telling them the truth would not be a good way to go. Somethmes I think that ignoring the truth can be bad, depending on the situation. There are not really any consequences for this because it not really a bad thing to do. I think that ignoring the truth sometimes for certain reasons isnt bad at all.
Jake F 2nd hour
I think this theme is a huge part of people's lives, mainly the younger generation. To me it makes a huge impact because i know i will eventually have to grow up and get a job and support a family. Right now i just want to hang out with my friends and play xbox but this does not really happen with your friends. With your parents they will constantly tell me, "you will never get a job if you do not get better grades and get a good college education. If you worried about the future then you will go through life wondering how you will ever better in your life. Ignoring the truth is not a healthy thing to do because you will drive yourself crazy wondering what things could be or could have been.
Alec Shoems 3rd Hour
I think people ignore the truth so easily because sometimes the truth hurts. People want to make themselves think something isn't true in order to make their lives continue on as they were before they realized the truth. This theme of easily ignoring the truth has impacted my life many times. I think in high school, this theme applies to relationships a lot. I was in a relationship for a long time and I didn't want it to end. I started to notice that my boyfriend was flirting with another girl frequently and it bothered me a little. I didn't want to let myself believe what I knew: he was starting to like her. I wanted everything to work out and my life to stay the same; I didn't want to break up with him. It went on for a while and I finally realized that I couldn't ignore the truth anymore. I had to break up with him, and I think it made breaking up with him that much more dificult. I believe that most of the time it is not ok to ignore the truth. For situations such as you being asked something about another person that could hurt them, I think it is ok to ignore the truth. For most other situations though, ignoring the truth just makes complicates things. I think one of the biggest consequences to ignoring the truth is the truth coming back to bite you in the butt, so to speak. You eventually come to the point where you cannot ignore the truth anymore. After ignoring it for a long time, it makes the truth hurt even more.
I feel that this theme is often aparent in a teens eveyday life. The willigness to ignore the truth impacts my life becuase I have to come to the understanding that one day I am going to be on my own. I hide behind the truth becuase I dont know if i'll be sucsessful and be able to provide for my selfself and possibly a family. All I ever really want to do is hangout with my friends and just have a good time. I try to make time to get my school work done but that doesn't always happen. I find my self ignoring the truth alot, but do I think its okay to ignore it, no i don't. When you ignore the truth you make irrational decisions and make it that only what you are using to cover up the truth is right and you convince yourself that until it over powers you.
John McLean
2nd hour
This statement to me is saying that people dont like to be wrong. People like to ignore the truth, and try to pretend something didnt happen, when it really did. I think people ignore the truth to feel better about themselves. In my life, i have ignored the thruth a lot. An example would be if my grades arent too hot, and i try to tell myself that its ok and theres nothing wrong, when there is. In some cases it would be ok to ignore the truth. Like, you wouldnt want to know how a boss or coworker really thought about you, so you would ignore the truth to save from feeling sad. Some consequences would be you would never really know the real truth.
I think is a part of every teens life. To me i does its because i ignore that eventually i will have to do something with my life. I just keep putting things off until the last minute. eventually that's going to have to stop. All i ever really wanna do it hang out with my friends and have a good time. i really don't care about anything else. well i do but my friends matter more, and that's pretty bad. i ignore the truth, i need to start realizing that i have to do something with my life and actually care more about the things that matter.
I think everyone at some point in time ignores the truth. Sometimes the truth is to hard to handle for them or they dont want to deal with the truth. An expirence with someone else is when parents know their kids are doing something but dont beieve others when they tell them that they are. For parents sometimes they dont want to face the truth and realize that their kids do some of the things they do. An expirence with me is when my grandma got cancer. I didnt want to face the truth and realize she was going to get sicker. A concequence of ignoring the truth is that when a big thing happens after you ignore what was going on, its sometimes harder to deal with. Like if i was still ignoring the truth about my grandma, when she gets sicker, I would be suprised and probabley more up set because I wouldnt have been aware all along.
Hannah Aittama
2nd Hour
Many people ignore the truth. This is because they may be scared of the truth or the consequences that might come along with it. When you ignore the truth you are lieing to yourself. I tend to do this when i do things that i really wish i didn't do the next day. Even though i know i did it, I will deny it and try to forget it ever happened or simply laugh it off. Ignoring the truth can be okay sometimes. I only believe it is right when it is something that is not a big deal and doesn't need to be made into a huge problem. However, if it concerns other people or may be serious, you probably should do something about it(even if it involves consequences.)Consequences can vary depending on what happened. I think it is better to get the truth off your chest and deal with the consequences right away. Overtime lies will build up and bite you in the ass. Therefore, stay truthful to yourself and others and life will turn out to be much easier.
How the Willingness to Ignore the Truth has effected my life is because I've learned to accept the truth. There's nothing worse then then lying to yourself, especially when you know the truth. An example I've had with the Willingness to Ignore the Truth is last year, with my brother. This really doesn't have anything to do with me, but it really effected me. I like to think that it changed me in a way. My brother last year, had a classical case of Senioritis. He would occasionaly skip class to go work out, and he wouldn't do his homework very often. All of this resulted in him recieving very bad grades. My parents would get so mad at him, and I hated it because all my life I have never wanted to see my brother get yelled at, despite the fact that I was mad at him or not. He just had to face the truth that if he kept it up, he wouldn't graudate from highschool. I blieve that it is never okay to ignore the truth, because your setting yourself up for something worse. Some consequences are that you will realize the truth when its to late, if you ignored the truth for to long.
Alanna Nagi
2nd hour
This theme has impacted my life because ive learned to realize the truth in time and prepare for the future. This theme relates to how i act in school, because if i dont get good grades, it adds up and hurts me more in the future when college is in question. If i don't put any effort into my school work, it will only effect me more, and hurt me in the long run. If i lie to myself, thinking i understand the material in school and i don't, ill realize wether i do know the material or not when the next test comes, when i dont do as well and dont get my desired grade. I think sometimes it is and is not ok to ignore the truth because it could make some people happy, and the truth could make some people upset. An example of when it might be ok to ignore the truth is if someone knows they have cancer but they dont accept it and they go on living their lives, and dont let it get them down. A time when it wouldnt be ok to ignore the truth is in school, and your grades are declining. The truth tells you that you need to do better in school and raise your grades, because they could either impact you in the future or benefit you in the future.
Andrew Melton
2nd hour
People ignore the truth because it is a lot easier to do than acknowledge the problem. For example if someone keeps getting bils and they don't pay them. They are ignoring the truth and they need to do the adult thing and pay the bill. This theme has impacted my life because if I get a bad grade in school and ignore the truth that I need to work harder in school, I am only hurting myself. I ignored that it is my resonsibilty to work hard and do well in school. Another example is if I choose to go out hunting instead of studying for a test or going to work or something. Ignoring the truth would be like if you look the opposite direction when there is a problem you are not helping solve the problem but making it worse.
Everyone ignores the truth. I think we ignore the truth just because we dont want to believe it. When some tell you something that you dont want to hear, you just ignore it and move on. Part of growing up is accounting for your responsibilities. This theme impacts my life everyday, i dont like taking responsibility for my actions, which is what i need to do. When my parents tell me evertime they give me freedom i fuck up, i never believe it i just ignore them and go on with my life. But actually its true, and i take advantage of the freedom they do give me but i just ignore it because i dont want to hear it; but it ends up getting me into more trouble. When i ignore truths that are told to me it just hurts me in the long run, because its my own life that im messing up.
The willingness to ignore the truth is something we see everyday. Parents ignore the truth that their kids do bad things. Kids ignore the truth that what theyre doing might be wrong. People ignore anything they dont want to be true even though they know it is. If i were to ignore the truth in my life it would probably have to do with something like ignoring the fact that a friend has betrayed me, or something along those lines. I dont think its really okay to ignore the truth, but its part of human nature. It helps us get through the day i suppose. However, when you choose to ignore the truth, you can only do this for so long. Eventually, you have to face it or the situation will end up worse for you in most cases.
The theme of ignoring the truth is a part of every persons life. Especially being a teen the truth seems to be something a lot of teens try to avoid. Personally I always try to tell the truth unless it hurts someone's feelings, I don't feel like they need to know that. I think in some circumstances it is okay to ignore the truth I know that's not honest but if it avoids unnecessary conflict then why not. Yes, you should tell the truth a lot because sometimes if you don't it can lead to very bad consequences. Some of the consequences can be getting in trouble, or people thinking your a liar because you ignore the truth. However there are always exceptions to telling the truth. As long as you don't get wrapped up in lies ignoring the truth every once is a while should be okay.
Taylor Dieck
2nd hr.
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