Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day 12

The following quote was made in chapter 2:

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

Please state who made the quote and to whom. Then discuss why the speaker felt the need for rules and for obeying rules. What is your opinion of this quote? Do we need rules? Why? Describe a world without rules and how you think you would function within this world.


Becca said...
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Becca said...

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

The person who made the quote above was Jack. Jack was speaking to the other boys. Jack felt the need for rules and obeying rules because all the boys had different opinions and were all talking at once. Rules are needed to regulate a society and help keep people in line. In my opinion I beleive this quote is true, when talking about having rules and obeying them. Rules are needed because utter chaos would erupt without them. People wouldn't have to listen to anyone else, and could do what ever they wanted to do. A world without rules would not survive. People could kill whoever they wanted to, and people would be stealing things instead of having to pay for them. Houses would be broken into, and cars and other valuables would be lost. If I were to live in a world with no rules it would be very hard. Most likely, my belongings would be stolen and I would have to live in fear, because anybody could just take me or kill me. In conclusion, a world without rules would be danerous and would most likely not survive.

Becca Need
3rd Hour

Cherie Stoll said...

The speaker of this quote was Jack, and he spoke it to the other boys on the island. Jack felt the need for rules so that the people on the island could cooperate together for the well-being of them all. With rules, they would be able to work together and hopefully be rescued. I agree with this quote, that we need rules. At first, when you think about it, life without rules seems great. But once I think about all the rules we have, such as laws against killing and stealing, I think differently. Life would be chaos without rules. Everyone would be out doing whatever they wanted, and I think in the end, most of us would end up dead after a few years. If I lived in a world without rules, I think that I would first learn some self defense, and invest in some good home security. I would be living in fear, as would many other people. Even though sometimes life would seem better without rules, in the end, rules keep us safe.

Anonymous said...

Jack said this while talking to all the boys because the boys were running rampant and talking out of turn. I believe that rules are very necessary. I think that rules are needed to keep the world in check. If people were allowed to do whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, then you and I probably wouldnt be here right now. We would have nothing we could call our own, and we wouldnt be able to walk around without constantly looking over our shoulder. We would all live in fear. I personally believe that noone would survive in a world without rules. I believe that people base their whole life around rules and would be lost without them, Just as when we are given an assignment without any guidelines we are often lost and find it harder to start and end the assignment. I believe that rules are not only what keeps people in check, but the system that people base their lives around.

kurtis said...

Jack said this quote and the reason for it and what he ment is that we should have rules because we are proper people. not savages, and that we should be decent even if there arnt people here to inforce it. Whithout rules the world would be in coas whithout laws there would be more crime then there is altready and we would have crazy people running around doing whatever they whant. rules keeps us all in place

Tyler McLeod said...

Jack is the person that made that quote 'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
and he made it to all of the other boys on the island. Jack felt it necessary because of all the fighting amongst the group. There needed to be some order to accomplish the things that needed to get done. My opinion of the quote is that some order needed to be followed and they should all be able to be respectful because they have been brought up proper and not like a bunch of wild, disrespectful boys. Definitely we need rules. If there was no rules there would be chaos everywhere. People need to be accountable and in order to accomplish some kind of stability we need rules. People take advantage and cause trouble; if there were no laws there would be a lot more hurt and devestation in the world. I would personally not function well without rules. If I was not accountable to my parents I would stay up all night, do things on my own time and would not be as productive. I think rules are a good thing and without them the world would be a much more unpleasant place to live.

Anonymous said...

Jack spoke the quote on page 42 of the book. It was directed towards the boys of the island but mostly at Piggy. He was not letting him talk and was defending Ralph's authority. He felt the need for obeying rules so that they could keep the fire going and get rescued from the island. My opinion of this quote is that its true. A bunch of young boys alone on an island is not really a good combination when there's no order or rules. I agree that we need rules so that things don't get out of hand. Rules keep people from abusing too much power and make things more fair for everyone. A world without rules would be a scary place. People could kill without being punished and it would turn into something like the Nazis. When groups of people don't have to follow rules they get crazy and power-hungry.

Audrey Beaumarchais said...

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

The person who said this was Jack. He said this to all the other boys while they were at a meeting. Since the boys have only been on the island for a little while they aren't very organized. Jack says this because he realizes that in order to keep the peace and agree on things they needed rules. To me this quote is very selfish by exactly what it says. Obviously he thinks that the English are the best at everything and in my opinion that is not true. I'm not saying that Americans are the best at everything. I also believe that a society needs rules to survive. There are too many differnet opinions and minds amoung everyone because we are all different. A world without rules wouldn't be a world We would already have destroyed everyone we disagreed with. Our society wouldn't be able to function because in order to have one you need rules. To me, rules equal peace.


Dan Calma said...

Jack made that statement to all of the other kids. He felt that everyone was getting too caught up in the fact that there weren't any adults and that they were acting chaotic. Honestly I think rules are a safeguard in our society and we in fact need them. No matter how much people hate them, rules are there to protect us. A world without rules would erupt into choas. For example people could kill others, steal, etc., and then get away without punishment. To tell the truth without rules I'd be going crazy, so to speak. It would be hard to function knowing that anyone could kill you for no reason and get away with it.

Hannah Aittama said...

Jack said the quote "'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything'", to all of the boys. Jack thought they needed rules because they started to seem out of hand. All the boys think since there are no adults they can do what ever they want. And Jack was trying to tell them that they need to make up rules and follow them. I agree completely with this quote because without rules their island would be a mess. Everyone needs rules, weather they are driving rules, house rules etc. Out on the road you cant just drive how ever you want, because someone could get hurt. If the world didn't have rules then it would just be out of control and very unsafe. Even with rules the world isn't completely safe, so without rules it would be even worse.

Hannah Aittama
2nd hour

Priscilla Call said...

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2.
Jack was the one wo made this quote. He was talking to all the other boys on the island. Jack felt thatthey needed rules so that everyone could do their best to get along. In some ways i agree with this quote and in some ways I don't. I do beleive everyone needs to have rules. But i don't think that the English are best at everything. I think we all need rules so we can have the least amount of chaos as possible. A world with out rules would be wild. Everyone could do whatever they wanted. I think it would be a complete mess. If i lived ina world with out rules I would be afraid to do certian thing. For example I would never want to ride on a plan because at any given point the person flying the plane could crash it just because he wanted too. So I think it is best we have rules.

Clare Pathe said...

This quote was said by Jack. He was talking to the other boys on the island. He felt the need for rules because he felt that everybody on the island had all kinds of differnt opinions. To have a functioning society you need rules to follow. If a society didnt have rules then it wouldnt last. It would be complete chaos, and everyone could do what they wanted or went anywhere they wanted with no rules saying that they couldnt. I agree with this quote one hundred percent. You need rules to regulate a society. I probly would function badly in a world without rules. Becuase im definetly a rule follower, so i would eventually lose my mind after awhile.

Mike said...

Jack said the quote about the rules. Jack was telling this to the other boys. Jack felt that they needed rules and that they needed to obey these rules because without rules it would become a mad house. Everything would be unorganized and unplanned. You wouldn't be able to keep track of anything that is going on. I think we need rules, they form the back-bone of society. Without them we would be nothing but savages. A world with out rules would be everyone running a muck, breaking the laws that we would have had if there were rules. People killing people over small things. I don't think I would function well in this world. I would probably join the people in the chaos and lose myself. It would be total anarchy.

Katrina said...

In chapter 2 of "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding the character Jack says, "'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'" He makes this comment to the other boys who are stranded on the insland when they are having a disagreement. I think he said this because he knew that without rules and order they wouldnt survive. They were so used to having rules that when they were left without those who used to inforce them, they all became lazy and only wanted to do things for themselves. However, Jack knew they wouldnt survive that way, so they needed guide lines. I agree with him. This goes back to our earlier blogs about civility. Without rules and oreder society would be chaos. We need rules to survive everyday life, so where would the boys be without them stranded on the island? If one day the world didnt have rules i think i would still follow some ofthe ones that used to be in place because of morality. But, if there were never rules in place to begin with i dont know what i would do. We need rules to live, even though we might not always like them.

Samantha Tedder said...

The quote was said by Jack, and Jack was speaking to the other boys. Jack felt the boys needed ruked because, well they're all boys and without some form of rules and order, things would get wayy out of hand.
Yes, I believe all societies/communities need rules. Without rules people would do bad things all the time because there isnt any consequences to follow their actions. A world without rules would be horrid. People would be insane, and there would be death, and danger everywhere. A world without rules and regulations wouldnt even fucntion, it just wouldnt work.

Chloe Martin 6th said...

Jack made the quote when he was talking to the other boys. He said it because there needs to be rules and order to things otherwise things wouldn't get done and it would be a mess. I think we definitely need rules. I agree with Jack as much as rules suck it would be total chaos without them. In a world without rules i don't think i would really be functioning right. i wouldn't be doing anything i wouldn't be going to school or getting a job, because i think the whole country would have fallen apart. i can see a lot of crime going on a lot of stealing and murdering i don't think it would be a good world to live in. although a part of me thinks without so many restrictions maybe some people wouldn't feel the need to things that would necessarily be against the law, maybe that society might be even better than our own.

beattiex33 said...

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

Jack was the individual who said that they have to have rules and to obey them. It all started when none of the boys would make up their minds and kept blurting out different things. He’s also “English” and since they grew up in the boarding life structure, they all find it just a way of life. I think that this quote is completely true. With out rules the world or even the small group on the island in the “Lord of the Flies” would be chaos. Every one needs rules or at least structure. Things would go out of control because there are no laws, and could you imagine school? If there was a world with out rules everyone would be nuts, with no laws there would be car accidents everyday, 12 year olds would be driving those cars and the amount or corruption would increase dramatically. I think I would go insane if I lived in a world with no laws. I can’t even go with my room being messy for more than two days let alone a world with no rules or structure. So, all together, a world without rules would be the end of the world and Jack is correct that we have to have rules and not to break them.

Lauren Beattie
3rd Hour

Samantha Tedder said...

oops, opinion of the quote!
In my opinion, I dont fully understnad it. Yes, I get the fact that Jack is saying they need rules, but what I dont understand is the part about 'the English are best at everything.' It really just doesnt make sense.

Conner said...

The quote shown which was stated in chapter 2 was said by Jack and was addressed torward the other kids. The quote was said to cover how things were going to be and the rules in which were needed to be followed. Jack felt that these rules were needed due to all the arguments that would erupt and not being able to keep all kids on the same page and to keep everyone happy with there opinions heard. As i mentioned, and as the the wuote states, rules are there to regualte and making it easier to get through to others.

I find that rules are a very important thing in todays society due to all the of the people in the world that may have different beliefs than others. When i sit back and picture a world with out rules i see a living hell. This is obvious to my eye because if people were to be put on the streets with no rules, there would be numorous things happenening such as killings, drug use, and all other major things. Even minor problems would arise such as all driving laws with speeding. If everyone were to choose to go there own speed and not follow traffic light laws the death rate in america and our society would all just drop straight downward and die.


Tayler Chase said...

Jack made this quote and he was talking to Ralph. Jack felt the need for rules, that way everyone wasn't fighting and doing things they shoiuldn't be doing. They needed organized caos. My opinion on this quote is that they did need rules, they would never survive on the island together without them. I think we do need rules because doing wrong things is natural for human beings. We have need to do bad things and with rules it makes it hard. If this world didn't have rules then poeple would be killing eachother like crazy. There would be a lot of theft and people would be crazy. I honestly have no idea how I would function in a world like that, it would be really hard.

Jamie Diehr said...

Jack was the one who said, "We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are the best at everything." He was adressing this statement to everyone. Jack new that the island needed structure or else nothing good could get accomplished. If everyone would obey the rules, then everything would run alot more smoothly. Personally, I think that Jack just wants to have some say, such as a leader, into what should go on during the time they are all on the island and this quote gives a good point to that. Of course we need rules. Without rules, the world would be caotic and most people would be dead. There would be crime everywhere, and the world would go crazy. If there were no rules in the world today people would be killing others and getting away with it. People would steal instead of buying things, puting everthing out of buisness. The would would go erupt. I don't think it's possible for me to function in a world like that.

Katlyn said...

This quote was said by jack. Jack was saying this to all the other boys. He feels that they needed rules. I think this was probably because you need rules and order in order to survive. All the boys were also talking at the same time and had different ideas. He decided to take charge and say they needed rules so no one would be out of line. I also think that we need rules in oreder to survive. If we didnt have rules everything would be crazy. People would be doing whatever they wanted.

Katlyn Twigg 2nd Hour

Cody Kabisa said...

This quote was said by Jack in chapter 2. He said it to the other boys who were on the island also. I think Jack felt the need for rules because there needed to be some sort of order in the group. Also so that the boys could all work together and have a better chance of being rescued. I think this quote is true. We need rules because without them, it would be chaotic. Most people would have no respect for other people or others property. In a world without rules we would always have to watch our back. We wouldnt be able to have anything nice because people would constantly try to steal or vandalize it. Survival would definitly become more difficult in a world without rules.

Cody Kabisa
2nd hour

Wilbur2381 said...

That quote was made by the character Jack and he was addressing all of the other boys to tell them that a way that will help them to survive is to create rules. another reason why Jack made this statement was because maybe he wanted to be one of the leaders in creating the rules and wanted to have some sort of responseability. This quote is totally and 100% true because i think it all goes to the classic saying "what is a game of basketball without rules" and this quote speaks well in relation to what they have to do to survive on the island. If there were a world without rules, there wouldnt be a world anymore because everybody would go insane. I believe that rules are what keep most people from going absolutely crazy, on occasion there are some people who are crazy but this world is very civil with rules. If i were in a world without rules i would be just like everybody else and that is to do whatever i can to survive and wheather that is stealing or murder Im going to do what it takes to survive its as simple as that.

Will Michaels 2nd hour

Hunter White said...

The person who made the quote was Jack. He wanted to make sure there was rules so people would live like they would normally. He was speaking to all the people on the island in there group. My opinion on this is yes. I think we need rules for a normal society. Jack just wanted everyone to be as one and have less frustration at each other. Rules are important because with out them there would be problems. People have a hard time following them now so I could only imagine what would happen with out any. People in a world without rules would include theft, killing, rape etc. There might be small gangs with personal rules but nothing to maintain a safe environment.

Sean Suehr said...

The speaker of this quote was Jack, judging from this quote Jack has a sense of civility by telling everyone that there has to be rules, and they have to follow them. Because without rules society will fall apart and we will all become barbarians. I strongly agree with this quote, while there are still flaws with modern day laws, they have been able to support America since it started. And as i said earlier we do need rules otherwise we will become barbaric. In a world without rules, people with power and guns, and supplies will survive. When i Think of a worl without rules i think of a video game called Fallout 3. In this game the setting is post apocalyptic, and while people have set up small communities, the strong terrorize the weak. I think i would live well in this world because only the strong will survive and i consider myself a strong person.

nicole k said...

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

the quote was made by jack. he said this to all of the other boys.jack thought they needs rules because the boys could not agree on anything and were not taking turns to talk. i believe that rules are necessary for any situation because with out them it would be hell. people would be doing whet ever they wanted and not get punished for it. people would not know what to do in certain positions. and others would freak out and nothing would get done. a world without rules would be hell. we all ready have problems in the world with rules. without rules ppl wouldn't get punished for what they did wrong and keep doing it. the world would not survive if there were no rules.

nicole kailing 2nd

Anonymous said...

The quote in chapter 2 was made by Jack. He was talking to all the other boys on the island. Jack felt the need for their to be rules because everyone as speaking out of turn, not listeing and had so many different opinions. I believe the quote is saying that we have rules and obey them because thats how we do things, also stating that we do that best because we would not be well off without rules. Yes, we do need rules. Without rules our society everywhere would be complete chaos. There would be such an incrase of people carrying weapons, speeding, drugs, vandalism, killings and many more. Our rules run how the world goes round, without them i don't know how anyone would function. I do know that it would be way more dangerous and pretty confusing.

Steve Snapp said...

This quote was said by jack in chapter 2. Jack felt the need to say this because when rules are established things are more in order. If there were no rules everything would be out of control and all the character would go there own way. If there were no rules in the world then the world would be not only different but wrong. Rules keep things in perspective and under control. It levels out some parts of the world and at some point keeps people satisfied. Without rules the world would not function it would fail, people would take matters into their own hands and to see the world like that wouldn't be a pretty sight. So a world without rules wouldn't pass because everyone has different ideas and it would be chaotic.

Anonymous said...

This quote was by Jake, and he was talking to Ralph after they made the fire. Well, Jake felt liek establishing rules would establish power. Jake likes power. In fact, if he could, I am sure Jake would like to be the leader instead of ralph. I agree with what JAke is saying. Rules are required in order to have a function stable civilization. However, you also need someone to enforce those rules. Without rules, you have everyone running around doing whatever the hell they please. The same is true without someone to enforce those rules, and without have consequences for breaking those rules. We need rules, in order to maintain order. Without rules, then people could kill each other and nothing would happen. Without rules, someone could literally stab you because they wanted your sunglasses, and nothing would happen. Can someone still stab you today if they want your sunglasses? Yes, but there are consequences and rules that deter people from doing so. Well, that and moral values but that is a whole differnet convo. A world without rules, would be complte Chaos. People would be in constant danger, and would probably have trouble mainting their lives. Getting food or shelter would be a problem, because if someone bigger and stronger came along and told you to get out, you would have to choices. Fight him for it, or leave. The world would be a much much different and probably worse place than it is today.

ehhhkatieeex said...

Jack was the one who said "'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
He said it to the boys on the island. He felt the need to say it because all of the boys had a bunch of ideas. My opinion of this quote is that it is true. I think we do need to have rules or nothing would run smoothly. A world without rules would just be horrible. Everyone would just get out of control, and do whatever they wanted whenever then wanted. People would destroy the world. Everyone all over the world would be getting hurt and killed. If we didn't have rules then the world be totally different, and choatic. The world would be such a dangerous place.

Katlin Gotshaw
3rd Hour.

Hannah Ledgley (: said...

The person who was said this quote was Jack. He was speeking to all the other boys. He felt the need to make rules because everyone had a different view on everything. Also different opions to what needed to be some. i believe this quote is true. Rules help everyone say inline. With out rules in our world it would be complete chaos. Rules arnt ment to be broken. we have law and rules for a reason.

!!!!!!TAYLOR SWIFT IS SO HOTT!!!!!! said...

Describe a world without rules and how you think you would function within this world.
First i disagree. The english are not best at everything. Haha. Jack is saying this quote to the rest of they boys on the island. He felt the need for rules beacuse he could see it was getting to be a little bit caoutic. He said they should have lots of rules, so then they can keep everyone in oreder. If you do not obey the rules then what are you. rules are ment to be followed so the group does not fall apart. I think Jack is right, you do need rules. But i do not like Jack at all. He is really annoying and thinks hes the shit. Yes we need rules to become civilized and not have our society be anarchy. Wel a world without rules would not function at all. That world would be and Anarcistict world. Matt Mortalero would tell you other wise, but no a world with out rules would not work. Zack ruffin

Jessica klave said...

The quote "'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything," was said by Jack. He said this to the other boys on the island because rules need to be established. If there weren’t rules I think they would have no chance in surviving because everyone would run around like animals. I think this quote is absolutely correct, a society needs rules, or everyone would do what they want and commit a bunch of crimes. I wouldn’t survive in a world without rules because I need structure and guidelines to live my life or it would be complete chaos.

Jake F said...

The quote was made by Jack. He said this towards the other boys on the island. Jack said this because without rules everything is a mess. I think this quote is true, without rules evrything would be out of hand no one would be in there place. Rules keep the world running smoothly. A world without rules, everyone would be doing what they wanted, chaos would be everywhere no structure.

Jake F 2nd hour

Hailey Ledgley(: 3rd hour said...

Jack was the one that said that quote. Jack felt the need for rules and obeying rules because everyone had different opinions on how things were done, and what they were going to do. Rules are there to keep people under control, and make sure that no one does anything bad. And if they do there will be huge consequiences. I believe this quote is true. If we didnt have rules, the world would be a mess. Everyone doing whatever they want, would just cause a mess, and major problems. I think its best to have rules, to protect peoples saftey.

Anonymous said...

The person who made the quote was Jack. When he said this he was talking to the boys on the island. All the boys had different opinions on what they should do and Jack felt that they should have rules. He felt they needed to obey the rules so that there was some order and everybody wouldn't argue anymore. I think this quote means that without rules we would be savages. To me, rules keep a society in check and make sure that things don't get out of hand. I believe that we do need rules. I say this because I agree with the quote on one point: that we would be savages without rules. Without rules society would fall and their would be a lot of riots and killings. People would fight for practically everything like food and shelter.

James Richardson
3rd hour

Scott said...

The quote "'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2 was said by Jack. He said this probally because he felt that having rules would keep this orderly. I think that having rules and laws are a good idea too. I think that because without them it would be chaos. For example if there wasn't any laws ther would be people looting from stores like when Hurrican Katrina hit New Orleans and most of the people living there started looting stores. Also without laws there would be an increas in the amount of narcotics being used because there wouldn't be any laws prohibiting them. That would lead to violance and death over fighting over who can sell/steal them. There mwould be a lot of death from great Americans defending themselfs from looters trying to steal from them. A plus from no laws is that there would be vigilantes and peopelwho deserve to be punished wil get whats comming to them. Without laws the world would be very difficult to live in, but possible. It would be more like the Wild West, scores are settle with a shootout.

Joey said...

Jack was the one who said this quote. He was saying it to the little boys on the island. The speaker felt the need for rules because people work better under rules. Our society needs rules so that they are under control. Without rules and regulations our society would not be as good as it was with rules. A world without rules would never work. I do not believe I would be living if our world had no rules.

Anonymous said...

Taylor Dieck
3rd hr.

The quote was spoken by Jack, to all the other boys stuck on the island. Jack didn't want all the boys arguing and speaking at once, so he wanted the rules. I think this quote is correct, society does need rules. Especially a successful society. You can not have people fighting and disobeying with the rules. A world without rules would be chaos, everything would be out of order. Of course for all rules there can be exceptions but you need rules for a base of society. If I had to function in a world with no rules of course there would be positives but a lot of negatives also. I think at first I would function quite well being able to do what I wanted to do. However after a while I would go insane with everyone just doing whatever they wanted. Just because it would conflict with what I wanted. Living in a world without rules or laws would be unsuccessful, and have many flaws.

Taylor Wattles said...

This quote is said by Jack who at the time is talking to the other boys. He said they needed to make rules and obey them because things were getting out of hand with everybody wanting to there own thing. Like how some of the kids want to have fun and others want to get the necessary equipment to stay alive and get rescued. I think that Jack is trying to remind the other guys what life was like back in england and how they used rules to accomplish goals. I also think that saying that english are the best will give them inspiration to survive. Yes we do need rules. We need rules to stay organized and under control. I think in a world with no rules there would be more evil. I think this because there would be no rules or laws stating what people can and cannot do, and if they do something bad they wouldn't get punished for it. I myself think i would be out of control in a world with no rules. With or without rules there is only four choices Good, Bad, Right and Wrong. You can make a good decision but it may not be the right decision.

Taylor Wattles

Eric Tamm said...

The person who said this was Jack and he was talking to the other boys on the island with them. Jack felt the need for rules because everyone was getting out of hand and he wanted some order in their new found society. In order to have order and prevent chaos, there needs to be rules and they need to be followed. I think this quoite is absolutely true. We definatley need rules in order for society to function. If we did not have rules, there would be complete chaos and everyone would be able to get away with whatever they want. If we had a world without rules it would not function very well at all. People would be running throught the streets murdering people at will. Not to mention, our world would be completely broke.

Unknown said...

The person who made the quote that is being said here was Jack. Jack directed this quote towards the other boys. Jack felt the need to have and obey rules because all of the boys think differently and they all have their own opinions. In my personal opinion i think this quote is part true part false. The reason for this is that we do have to have rules, we do have to obey them, we are not savages, we are english, but i dont believe that the english are the best at everything. We need rules because if we didnt then everyone in the world would just be able to do whatever they want and the world would be chaos. In a world without rules there would be mass chaos, i personally dont think that i would survive in this world because i am just a little guy and i couldnt fight someone.

Andrew Melton said...

The character who said, " we've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and hte english are the best at everything," was said by Jack. Hey said this to the other boys because they were all talking at once, and were ignoring the rules for whoever had the conch shell got to talk. I think this is a really good quote for the kids to follow by, because if there are rules and they arent obeying them, then theres going to be a lot of problems for the kids in the future. Problems like power struggles, not being able to make a point because everyones talking. And one that the group has already found to be a problem, keeping track of the little kids, and what they're doing, and where they are. A world without rules would be hectic. People wouldnt be paying for anything, it would be beyond dangerous, because the world would not be organized at all. Everything in the world would just fall apart because there would be no order. There might be some people that come together to form a colony or a town so they can keep as much organization as they can but there could be problems like back when there were homo erectus colonies and they would be attack by assyrians. The world needs rules to stay safe, keep people and the world organized, and keep life running.

Sean said...

The quote is from Jack who is talking to the other boys on the island. Jack believes organization would make everyone feel as if they have an important role to play. This helps the boys cope with being without parents and helps boosts their chances of being rescued. I agree with this quote because it makes the kids feel as if they can survive on their own if they act in a cooperative manner. Yes of course we need rules. Without rules, society would collapse. A world without rules to me means, a higher crime rate and people having evil thrust upon them. People would become evil because of no rules or laws to abide by. This gives people the ultimate freedom to do whatever they please. I think I would function pretty much the same now, although if I were born into a society without rules, I think I would function way different.


Emma Flynn said...

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything” is a quote that Jack said to the rest of the boys on the island. The speaker felt that there needed to be set rules and for everyone to obey them in order for many reasons. Some of which include maintaining peace, keeping order and preventing drama. I agree with this quote because I think that we need rules. Civilization and Society relay on structure to succeed. Structure is created when rules are created, maintained and obeyed. A world without rules would be complete chaos. People would feel no need to respect others around them because they do not have any consequences for poor choices, bad judgment and overall actions. The world would be full of pain, revenge and complete massacre without rules.

Brittany Laubscher said...

Jack is the one who said this toward all the boys on the island. I think Jack was trying to say that they are still the same people their parents brought them up to be. He thinks they should all act accordingly. I think jack is right. If they want to survive on the island the need rules and regulations.All the kids wouldnt know what to do or they wouldnt have all the resources they need. I think, if their was no rules I think people would be stealing and killing all the time because no one would stop them. The communities wouldnt be as nice.

JK said...

John Kent

Jack made this quote to all the other boys. Jack wanted rules because it would let him have the control over the others. We need rules to survive. To feel safe and benefit everyone rules of conduct are necessary. This way we know the difference between right and wrong. A world without rules would be chaos. People would do what ever they want and not what is good for the group. People may other people to get what they have. I would try to avoid living around a lot of people because I would feel safer away form crowds. I would live some were with my family and a couple of friends.

Chris L. said...

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

Jack said these words to the whole group of boys. He felt the need for rules because he has gone by rules his whole life. When the mass of boys starts to do things in their own ways, there will be conflict. Rules help set a standard for people to follow, and I believe that this is what Jack felt. Life becomes unstructured and chaotic without rules. Imagine a world of no rules, no age limits, constraints, or curfews. Would life be the same? I would say with a one-hundred-percent definite answer; No, absolutely not. A world with no rules would be disaster. There would be no government to protect us, no military, we'd be open to domestic terrorism, murders, and more. I don't believe that I would be able to function in a world like this. I would always be nervous. We need rules.

mikki said...

The speaker of this quote was Jack, he was telling this to the other boys on the island. The boys werent seem to adjusting to the island and having no authority, which they truthfully needed. When making a new "society" ion thier situation, rules will help "cool the air," keep things in order and eventually organize things. Once the society is established rules and authority can or may become less strict, but its okay (in some cases.) Even though a world without rules or establishment sounds nice, it could end to the fall of the society. Things will get crazy, and it just wont work out. Im not saying everyone will die and it would be a warzone. All im saying is that there would be more problems with a world with no rules, than one with rules. Its common sense no matter what we wish for.

Mikki Nosek

kristen said...

Jack was the one who said this quote and he was explaining this to the group. Jack wanted order and control. Rules would have kept the other boys in line. I think the first sentence is very true. Without rules, it would be choas so we deffiantly need them. I think a world without rules would equal the death and destruction. We would not be able to function as a whole. I think we would result back to the old days where no one really had jobs and every man was for himself. I would not be able to function very well in this world. I would adapt, but I would feel out of sorts. I think crime would be awful and my morals would become very low.
Kristen Pauly
2nd hr.

Jordan said...

The speaker of this quote was jack and he was actually speaking to the other boys. Jack felt the need for rules and obeying them so their wasnt any conflicts and so that everyone got along. I agree with this quote because every society needs rules to folllow. Without them we all would have nothing to go by and wed do whatever we wanted. A world without rules would be completely insanse and disfunctional. ITs like i always hear people saying i wish their was no cops but the world would be a disaster without them. In fact i dont think their would be a world.

mikki said...

Although the ritual the society permormed was evil, the people were not. The people who made the ritual in the frst place was evil. These people just lived and grew up with the ritual and accepted it, becasue they had to. Being born evil means that for some odd reason the child grew up with the evil insentive in him/her. It happens whether you believe it or not. Also though, people can have evil put upon them. Circumstanses they have had and childhpood could of caused it. Anything bad could of caused it. Hitler is a good example of evil being put upon someone. He lived on the streets and listened to people scream accusations about Jews, so evetually he will believe what he hears.Also, rumor or not, Hitlers allegedly had a jewish father who put him through Hell. He could of been acting out against his father in a sick way.

Mikki Nosek

Grant said...

Jack was the person who said that quote. Jack was talking to the other boys on the island. Jack wanted rules because all the boys were talking about diffrent things at once and there was no order. Rules and laws areneededto run a community and have order. I agree with the quote, that we need rules (but i still hate cops). Without rules what would we have? calamity. Rules and laws are what keep this country under control.

A D A M H A H N said...

The character who made this quote was Jack. Jack was saying this to the rest of the boys on the island. Jack felt the need for rules and obeying them because he was simply trying to bring some civility to their group. He is English, and knows from them that any civil society must be organized with rules and obedient civilians. I agree with everything about this quote, except for the whole second half of it. Yes, any society needs rules and people to obey them to be successful, but no, the English are not the best at everything. Of course not, that's us. A world without rules would be chaos. Life would be a big riot basically. I think some people just wouldnt know what to do with themselves, and the world would end very shortly. Then again, no rules would be awesome to try for just a day because of all the things you could do, like steal whatever you want with no penalty.

Dennessa Degen said...

The quote "'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything," was said by Jack. He said this to the other boys on the island because they needed to set rules for teh island. if there werent rules i that it would be all lot harder fo rthem to survie, because everyone would run around like animals. I think this quote is very true, a society needs rules, or everyone would do what they want and and many people would probably get hurt. I dont think i would survive in a world without rules because I my life life need rules and regulations, if not what would be the point of my life.

Megan said...

The person who said the quote was Jack. He was telling it to Ralph and the rest of the boys, agreeing that it was the right thing to do. Jack felt the need for rules and to obey them because things were getting unorganized and chaotic. The boys were frantic and they needed order. I agree with the quote to a certain degree. If the rules are moraly correct such as not to kill people then yes I agree. However, the rule is something like no women should drive, then I would have to disagree. Sometimes some rules are just boogis and stupid. You just ahve to be able to tell them apart, which I guess changes from person to person. In today's society I believe that rules are still necessary. People have trouble thinking moraly, right from wrong. Without rules and inforcement, there would be mass chaos and anarchy. So to discribe a world like this it would basicly be an anarchy. To function in such a world would be brutle. It would be nothing like it is today, but as it was like thousands of years ago. Life would be extremly simple. There is no way in todays day, could a large population function without rules.

Megan Kastelen
2nd hour

ZACK SZAJNER 5th Hour said...

'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

Please state who made the quote and to whom. Then discuss why the speaker felt the need for rules and for obeying rules. What is your opinion of this quote? Do we need rules? Why? Describe a world without rules and how you think you would function within this world.

Jack was the one who said this quote. He was saying it to the boys when they were acting up. Personally, iu think he said this because he wanted to make rules and keep orderon the island. He didnt want it to be some mess, if they were gonna have to stay there for a while, they were going to do it in best fashion. I think this quote would be very mitivating in the situation. I would be thinking about how i wanted someone to take order. I think it is essential for us to have rules so that we have order, and equality. If i think of a world without rules, all i see is a mess. I think of massd chaos and alot of theft. I tihnk it would be very hard to function in a world like this. We would be very scared and very protective of our bvelongings. Nobody could be loose and enjot themselves.

John said...

"'We've got to have rules and obey them. After all, we're not savages. We're English, and the English are best at everything.'"
- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 2

The quote above was made by Jack. Jack is speaking to the boys becuase has the most knowlege. Jack found the need for rules and obeying rules because all of the other boys could not decide what to do and they were all talking out of turn. I think that people should obey rules and I think that rules should be enforced, becuase it makes a stable soceity and brings order to the people. But I also think that there shouldn't be stupid rules that are made up just becuase people have the athority, rules should be voted on as a community not as a selected group. If we lived within a world without rules it would become survial of the fitest and there would be complete and total anarcy. We would be sagvages and slowly kill eachother off. I think that I would probally be okay in a world without rules because im fast so i can exscape danger. I also think that it would be a hard life and really hard to survive.

John McLean
\3rd hour

allyson martin said...

The person who made this quote was jack, because the rest of the boys were fighting and argueing. He said this quote because he wanted everyone to agree and get along while htey were on the island. He also felt that it would be easier to find ways to get off the island if they all cooperated with eachother and got things done right. I feel like in some ways this quote is not true. He is calling everyone else who is not enlish "savages". We do need rules, i think thats what keeps us under control. I think if there wasn't rules people would do what ever they wanted to. The world would become more hectic, and i think there might be more tragedies.

bree: thompson said...

Jack said this to all the boys on the island. Jack felt the need for rules beacuse it was very chaotic on the island and they all had different view points. Rules and laws are used to keep a community, or group of people, in line. I do not know what a world without rules would be like. I think some people get a thrill out of breaking laws and rules and possibly without them there would be less crime. However, there might be some people who would go crazy and get excited without them. There are also some people who need structure in their lives. I can not speak for anyone but without rules life would be cool for a while, but i would like to know what's right from wrong.

heather horne said...

The following quote was made by Jack. Jack was excited for rules so that the island would become more civil and proper. He thought that without rules things would get out of hand and uncontrollable. My opinion of this quotes is that Jack is right. Without rules things could become chaotic. In a situation like the one Jack is in, rules could be crucial for survival. I believe we need rules because people can get greedy and act out of context. Obeying rules can help keep sanity to the world. A world without rules to me would be madness. There would be an extremely high number of murders, theft would be a common thing, and respect from people to people wouldn't exist.