Monday, November 10, 2008

Week 5, Day 1

I will tell you tomorrow when the final copy of the paper is due. We will be working within our groups tomorrow to begin getting ready for the presentations which I will also tell you when you are going.

For this evening:

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
-Pablo Picasso


Unknown said...

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
-Pablo Picasso

every child has with them a vivid imagination. they can create anything they dream possible. the mind of a child is very experimental and creative, but a common theme is once a child ages, so too does the imagination. people begin to see reality and not just fantasy, and so goes the imagination. some of the most successful people are those that can "see the future", while others find them crazy, it makes people successful in life. such is the case of someone of the likes of bill gates, henry ford, and also albert einstein. bill gates created one of the world's most successful companies, by forming early partnerships and creating the needed software. henry ford revolutionized the car industry. his dream; a car in every garage, soon came true with his mass production that drove prices down and demand up. albert einstein developed theories that we are just coming to realize today, such as the theory of relativity. without goals, ambition and imagination, the world would not be as knowledfgeable and advanced as today.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Scott, I believe every child has a vivid and fresh imagination. I believe this is because it is when their imagination has less boundaries. They don't necessarily have to follow all the rules and restrictions that adults do. Also, art is somewhat appealing during everyone's childhood. This could be as simple as drawings, or even macaroni necklaces. Children are introduced to art at a very young age. Their imaginations flourish and expand due to this. When you do grow up, boundaries and rules are set up for you; you begin to live a more routine lifestyle. I believe this is where the creativity and imagination is lost.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."

This has something to do with keeping imagination, and importance of keeping your child hood. When your a child you have a full imagine and can pretty much come up with anything. These thoughts can help develop dreams and ideas. This is super helpful skill seeing as it has the potential to move you forward in life. The problem is that allot of people take for granted the fact things worked out when they were younger. They forget about there imagination eventually lose it. I think that its a good idea to keep your imagination alive as long as you can. It's something that's easy to lose once you have lost it.

Stephanie Zach said...

Every child has an imagination. They can dream up just about anything with that imagination. Ones with an imagination are the ones that end up making new inventions. Just like muscles, you have to exercise your brain and imagination, or else you will lose it. That is what happens to many people once they begin to get rules and regulations put onto them as to what they can and cannot do. You need to keep that imagination working so you don't lose it!

Anonymous said...

What he is saying that every child has a talent its just a matter of progressing it. If you notice your child has a talent you shold help them persue it. Its not there fault because they dont understand that they have a talent. It has to be you to show them and help them. Like tiger woods and earl woods for example, if you didnt no earl is his dad. Earl noticed his son at such a young age had a talent. Instead of just letting tiger do things he made tiger do many things with golf his entire life. If it wasnt for earl tiger would not be where he is today. He is the or the greatest icon of all time.

Alyssa said...

Yes, evey child is indeed an artist in both what they are portraying on the outside, as well as on the inside within their imaginations. As we are are children we are taught to do what our parents are doing, and we completely are learning observationally. But throughout our learning process comes in our imaginations and we all know kids do things that are completely out there to us, but to them its just them expressing their creativity. If as children we are not influenced with others around us like our families and siblings to carry on using our wild imaginations and expressing our creativities with whatever suits us the best, then we tend to lose that artist side of us. If we drift farther and farther away from that aspect of childhood, then we will never be able to get it back. That is why it's is so important to experiment, and creative, and wild as children so that we hold onto the imagination that is given to us when were young and carry it on as we grow. Kids who are forced to grow up too quickly, and don't get to experience the wonderful experiences of childhood tend to lose the artistic side of them when they become older because they were never taught that imagination and creativity was one of the most important aspects of life.

Chelsea Gray said...

Every single person is born with a certian gift. The reality is it's up to you to keep it going. When your a kid, you really don't have many worries or responisbilities. All you know is to have fun and well just be a kid. When you are a kid you aren't afraid of being yourself. You do some crazy things but that is how you express yourself. Most people accept this because you are just being a kid. When you grow older, some people loose who they really are just to fit in. They loose that kid inside of them. They forget about who they wanted to be when they were young. Some people believe that it isn't cool as it was when you were little. That's why they will change and lose what they used to loved when they were little. We can be so wrapped up in fitting in today, that we stop doing what makes us happy. It's important to keep that dream still alive and going even when you grow up. Creativiy is an important factor in are lives. Don't be afraid of it.

Anonymous said...

Every child is an artist and the problem is once he grows up means to me that every child has a chance. When all of us are born we all have a chance to do just about what ever we want, it is when we screw up and do stupid stuff that messes us up. Heck if I would have known what I know now life would have had alot more to it. Sadly all of us are still learning and even though we think we know everything we really dont. There is a little saying one bad seed spoils them all, that says that all it takes is one poor mistake that you did with someone elce and now you have messed up your life. We all have a future passion for our lives, now it is our future success to make it right. Some day we will all look back and see how we had the change once and now the door is closed.

Scott Roteman

Nick Brouillard said...

This quote means that every child has a good imagination but once you get older it seems to go away. Many people loose their imagination once they get older and it is hard for them to think of things. So it is hard to keep that imagination when a person grows up and some people do but most dont. People need to find away to keep their imagination as they grow up and then more people will be creative. Some people need to come up with ideas in their jobs and they find it hard to when they have little imagination. If people had such a strong imagination mabey there would be better technology then today. So when people loose their imagination when they get older it is hard for an artist to come up with ideas.

Anonymous said...

Pablo Picasso is saying in his quote that every child is an artist because they have an imagination that sometimes may fade once when older. When someone grows in life often times unfortunate things will continue to break down people. After bad things and bad things keep happening people loose sight of imagination. Along with that, they also start loosing sight of peace and postivity. What also happens is that people fall into the mainstream rountines in life. This is not a good place to be in because they loose focus on what they really truely want and believe. Being able to have a fresh peace of mind about anything thing in life needs a good attitude.

rachel duelo :)

christina newman said...

Every child loves to draw or color or even listen to music. When children are young they have a great imagination. Some times that imagination goes away when they grow up. That will live them not to be an artist no more. Some other kids will stay with whatever they like and become an artist. All it takes is some creativity and you could become a great artist. It is also very easy to lose your creativity and imagination.

- Christina Newman

Stephen Manvydas said...

I for one think that I have fallen fate to the message of this quote. When i was growing up i useto love drawing pictures and being very creative. I could sit in my room, anywhere even, and draw for hours. As i grew older there was more socializing and drawing just kind of passed away. I can remember going from being a young artist to mixing in with the "norm" and shutting down this talent. As kids i think we are all as creative as i was, all wanting to explore the world, carefree without a worry in our little heads. Sadley as we grow up we realizes the world is not as we pictured it. We realize that it can be very rough to follow our creeative tallent. While i think we all keep the artist inside of us and use it only breifly in the remainder of our life, i do beleave that in todays world most of us are afraid to let our true self shine.

cody sulla said...

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
-Pablo Picasso

Everyone has the ability to become an artist. The quote is really saying that when your a child your imagination is there to help you become an artist. When your an adult your imagination isn't as flowing so it's harder. For example when your a kid you come up with all sorts of crazy thoughts from your imagination. All you had to do was draw them onto a piece of paper. When you become an adult you get too caught up with life and you don't have time to use your imagination. I agree with Dan that when your a kid your imagination has less boundaries. I also agree that it is because they don't have to follow the same rules as adults do. When your an adult you know your limitations from fact or fiction. When your a kid you probely don't know what either one of them means.

Miranda Adams said...

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
-Pablo Picasso

every chile has an crazy imagination. the childs mind thinks of things only adults dream of being able think of. I personly wish i had the imagination i had when i was five. everything was so out that and easy to see in so many ways. but now i have to try and think of things in different ways. so i believe this qoute is saying that as you get older your not as capible as having an open mind to everything like when you were younge. as you grow your creativity weekens. so hold on to what you still have left of it. dream big and keep our mind open.

Alex V said...

Every child has a emagination but it is some times hard to keep your emagination has you grow up. Has you grow it is tough to keep your inner artist alive. Because as you get older things change and it is hard to remember your inner artist. When you are young you have a wider emagination. As you get older you kind of lose your emagination because you have more things to do. So everone has a inner artist but as we grow up we forget about it. That is what I think the quote means to me.

ScOtW29 said...

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
-Pablo Picasso

Every child has the potential to do something good. Every person has the ablity to become better at what they like to do. This only works if you work hard. Every child has the chance when they are born to become something great. If you have a specfic talent that you like to do, you should work harder at that and set goals to become better at it. Every child has an imagination that is very creative. If you can think it you can do it. It is important to have a good imagination.

ben nicolay said...

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
-Pablo Picasso

I believe every child is a artist but the way they choose to live there life is real art. Every child sets goals and dreams that they wish to accomplish. As you get older you sometimes relize that those dreams are unrealistic and go on with something else. Like in the quote if the child remains an artist they would accomplish their goals. One of my dreams when I was younger was to be a pro hockey player. Now I relize that is probally a unrelistic career. I know want to be a male nurse. I think I would make me feel better knowing that I helped someone else out rather than myself. Another benifit of being a nurse is that those jobs are always needed. With that said, it doesnt really matter who you were as a child but who you become as an adult.

Unknown said...

This is a simile of sorts, as Picasso is explaining to us that a child's mind is as vibrant as an artist's painting. This is to say that every child has an imagination that reaches even beyond fantasy and fiction and into the most extreme depths of unreality that exists. This is in part, or maybe in full, due to the fact that a child hasn't to worry about the drudgery of life, and as such they haven't to face the reality of an adult. This compares to an artist's painting, for when an artist first begins to spread the paint onto the canvas, he can create any picture he wants. Now, as the child reaches adolescence and finally adulthood, this imagination shrinks so to speak. They are bitch-slapped by reality, for lack of a better phrase, with things such as schoolwork, finances, relationships (and the never-ending drama that accompanies), and things of the sort. You see, when such things are on your mind there exists little time to imagine such things that a child does; this does not mean that we lack the capacity to, but rather we lack the time to. The more important, realistic things such as bills and tuition seemingly force our imagination back into our subconscious, or perhaps even unconscious, mind, much like an artist's painting as it starts to develop. When such developing of the picture occurs, there is less canvas to work on and ultimately less things you can do with the painting, as it generally must adhere to one overall setting and theme.

Anonymous said...

every child is born with their own imagination. when we are younger it tends to run more wild because it is not being supressed by the outside world. as we grow older we learn more and more about life. as we learn more we slowly loose our creativity because we start to the world as a fixed thing that can only be one way. picasso is saying that holding onto the idea of the world being a blank canvas is tough because time and education fills it up. but its in those blank spaces left over that your imagination can run wild. if we can learn to do this many more doors will open up for us.

Tom Hall

Anonymous said...

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."
- Pablo Picasso

From mud-painting, to painting ourselves with food, we all start with some sort of artistic skill early in life. We (hopefully) all used to doodle when we were little. Be it little stick figure "soldiers" because it was cool to us, or elaborately-misshapen ponies with lumpen heads and hooves the size of Jupiter, we know how to express ourselves when we are younger. As we grow, be it stress or the simple idea that our tastes and habits "mature," we loose our interest for doodes unless we are sitting in a Lit class, immeasureably bored. It's true that most of us lose our imagination as we age. Where once, a cloud may have looked like our favourite animal, to adults and older teens, it just looks like a rain cloud. This loss of imagination I believe, stemms from teh fact that as we grow up and expirience more, we are abject to our own perceptions and deductions about things. In other words, we become overly-cynical OAP-s. We begin to rant about politics, religion, terrible spelling, high taxes, our 401Ks or IRAs and we either don't have the time, or the capacity to see things imaginatively anymore. Is there a way to reclaim this? I think so. Humour would be on the top of my list of ways. Humour gives us all a chance to see things in a way that makes us feel good, and lets us think about things in ways we havn't thought of before. Take David Sedaris. He writes about the most mundane things in life, from people you meet to odd situations, and when you read it, you realize that it's the most sensical nonsense you've ever read. Take for example, what do you do when you can't speak another language even when your livlihood depends on it? It's this absract way of dealing with situations that I feel is the key to re-energizing burned-out imaginations and keeping the artists in us alive. Damn, that was really, really, shrink-ish...

Cole H. said...

This qoute makes a good point, kids have the imagination but keeping them that way throughout their life would be difficult. Children have minds that soak up everything, so let them learn alot while they are young. People need to understand how vast our imagination can be. Change is needed in some places in childhood. We need to help kids explore and let them wonder about things around them. Imagination is the key to everytihng, we wouldnt have anything withouit it. Society really needs to get more involved in expanding childrens minds to aid in the well-being of our future.