Monday, November 3, 2008

Week 4, Day 1

We have suffered through the longest political campaign ever based on the fact that these people truly started campaining over 2 years ago. Based on the political climate that we live in, and for some you may need to do some reading before writing this blog, what is the most pressing issue the winner of tomorrows election has to deal with? Also, if you could create a law about campaigning would you make changes to our current system and why?

Have a great day off and think fondly of me sitting in meetings all day tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I believe the most pressing issue is of course, the war in Iraq. American citizens have a broad spectrum of ideas that could resolve the war issue. The new president will have to respond in the best way they find fit. I think this would be a tough decision for either one of the candidates. Also, if i could create a law about campaigning, I would put restrictions on political advertising. I would make it so ever candidate could only put up a certain number of signs in a county, limit their commercial time, etc. After all, all of the campaign ads do get annoying pretty quick.

Unknown said...

...what is the most pressing issue the winner of tomorrows election has to deal with? Also, if you could create a law about campaigning would you make changes to our current system and why?

elections are the most drawn out, boring and redundant things known to man. both candidates face things such as the economy, war, threats (especially obama), taxes, bias, and most importantly; adequately managing the united states. the economy is one of the main focal points of the election. the president-elect must be able to handle how the united states manages through times like these. even though i disagree with it, the government plays a major role in the economy. the war is another thing americans choose to make an issue. personally, i do support the war. it does strss the country, but we must look at what it takes for human rights and threats to the world. i believe we must do whatever it takes to move society along as beneficial to the world. if it means elimination of al-queda and other groups, then so be it. i have had serviceman in my family, and yes, they must accept the fact that they may give their life for the united states. every time there is an attack on u.s. troops, we only hear the negative aspects of it. never positive. for example: my cousin who is now a veteran told me multiple stories about how they went through formerly oppressed villages and the gratitude that the people have for what we have done and are doing. threats: Obama has been the victim of multiple assassination plots and death threats. we must evaluate the security we can provide for one man. overall, i am just waiting for tomorrow to pass so we dont have to hear anymore propagandist bullshit. have a good and productive day tomorrow. GO SEE RELIGILOUS

Unknown said...

I think that the most pressing issue is filling the shoes of George W. Bush, and by "filling the shoes" I mean it in a way that's not the usual, as filling one's shoes normally refers to living up to their legacy. In this case, I mean that McCain or Obama will have to fill the shoes of a president with the lowest approval rating in American history. America is ready for a new, fresh president; one that will create for us the perfect democracy, the perfect society, and the perfect spread of the wealth among other things. Of course, Americans look for these things third-dozen years, but in this election it is looked upon in even greater regard. Also, in Obama's case, he will have to deal with threats and assassination attempts unlike any other president in our history should he be elected.

If I were to create a law in regards to campaigning, I would limit the amount of money and time that each party is able to spend on an ad. In October, Barack Obama created a thirty-minute long television ad which cost his campaign four million dollars. I would limit this if I were able to.

Finally: good luck, Mr. Obama. You have my vote.

Nick Brouillard said...

The biggest issue for the next president is what to do to help the economy. This is the number one issue because our economy is very bad. There needs to be things done to get the economy going again. If they dont we could be looking at another depression and that is not good. If I were able to make a law about campaigning I would change many things. One is that there can only be so many signs in a county. Two there is a limited number of campaigning comercials aired every day. These canidates have way to many commercials and sign all over the place. It does get to be a pain in the ass seeing the same sign or commercial every day.

ben nicolay said...

I agree with Dan that the most pressing issue is the war in Iraq. I know that Obama wants to the pull the troops out and Im not positive about Mcain. I think we should still be in Iraq. I would rather fight the war over there than here. If we pull out I think it will be like Vietnam where no one wins. If I could make a law about campaining it would be that they can't buy tv time. They should only be on tv for debates and interviews. Im sick of seeing the same messages over and over again.

Anonymous said...

the winner in tommorws election has to deal with many issues. the most important issue to me is the job issue. many of our jobs are going over seas and this is hurting our economy terriably. it is up to the winner to make sure this stops happening and the companies that do this dont get tax breaks. another major issue is gas prices. the gas prices are way to high and we are way to dependant on foreign oil. the winner has to try to limit our use of foreign oil and bring more development of new resouces. such as hydrogen, fuel cells, and solar power.

Tom Hall

Alyssa said...

The most pressing issue that our nect president is going to have to deal with is definitely our economy. With us almost going into a recession this past year, we have got a lot of work to do to build ourselves back up. I think that with Bush having us stay in Iraq for so long was his biggest mistake. We have lost so much money and so many lives that I believe is a war that was not worth being fough this long. With so many people in this country out of jobs, and so many families suffering from loss of money our next president has got a lot of decisions to make, that can either make us, or possibly break us. It is time for a Democrat to be in office, to see if they can turn all of the mistakes Bush made and all the messes he got us into, and turn it all around. If Obama wins this election, there is going to be needing a mass amount of security on him. But I think people are being dramatic when they say hes going to be assassinated if hes put into office, because honestly, if he does great things for this country, people aren't going to care what color he is. If I could create one law about campaigning, it would probablly be to cut back on the advertising, and commericals and money being put into this, and just let people think for themselves when it comes to electing the president. Also We could save the money that is being put into advertising and use it for our countries funds and debts. It's time for a fresh start.. GO OBAMAA!!!

Chelsea Gray said...

I believe that the most pressing issue will be about the war in Iraq also. They will have to really step up to the plate present their chooses on the war. Another issue which we are facing would be are economy. Are economy is doing very poorly and is on the border line of the great depression. Whether Obama, or McCain wins, they will have a huge job to help fill in these issues. If i had to make a law on campaigning it would probably be the amount. You can only get so many phone calls and signs throwen in your face. I feel like some times they spend to much time on campaiginging when really they could be helping are economy. I would wanna change the amount of signs and limit them to a few. They should be saving there money for are economy when they are in change spending it on campaigning.

Anonymous said...

The most pressing issue in todays campaign is undoubtably the economic state in which we live in. Through the past decade, the value of the dollar has significantly dropped and prices inflated. Many proposals have been outlined to directly tackle the pressing obstacles that have been placed not only on ourselves but also by forgein affairs. Obama has proposed to increase the tax collections on the upper class. Although in principle this sounds like a benefetial plan, the effects would be devastating. Prices would inflate, jobs would be less readily available, and wages would decrease. I believe the only way to recover the economy would be to have as little government assisance as possible. Taxing the upper class only results in a trickle down affect to the middle and lower class and they feel the affects.

-rachel duelo

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

First thing, I'm so happy Bush is not going to be to be president come January. Second all my support is towards Obama. I think that there is many important topics that need to be looked at. One is defiantly the economy. I think that's priority #2, #1 one is getting troops out of Iraq. I think the cause for a bad economy is the fact that we have been spending money on the war when we could have it here and be richer. There really no good reason to be over there anyways. I think that our system of electing people to run is insainly rediculas. But i think that its supposed to in order to assure there is a good choice made. If i were to change some rules though one would be no age limit. Age shouldn't hold you back from doing what ya want, president is no exception. Another thing is you need to be put through president test, like get put into real situations and get your way out. Maby virtual simulation? I think that would be super good.

kirkwhitt said...

haha that sucks mr.kay :P im gana be having a great day :D i think the most pressing issue is the war in iraq also. going to war is a big deal, and it is gana be interesting to see how the winner will handle it. making changes in our government... i would try to help the economy as much as i could. our economy is in a huge slump, and i blame bush for part of that. i think the new president will do a much better job at hepling the economy out. being the president of the United States is a big job, and i think the winer of the election will be able to handle it better than bush has. i personaly would like Obama to win. lol i probubley mis spelld his name :P

Stephen Manvydas said...

I think that the biggest issue that the candidate will have to face is the economy. It has fallen to recored a low nearing that of the great depression. With so many different thoughts of how to solve this, i do not think that any of them will work. We need trial and error tests going on to fix this problem. If i could make one campaign law it would have to be about the constant mudslinging in advertisments. Most that i have seen tell you not to vote for someone for ..blah blah blah.., but they never tell you who the better candidate is. My law would be to ban mudslinging commercials that have no choice to them. people should pick a candidate on what good things they have done, not the bad things their opponet has.

ScOtW29 said...

I cant wait for this to be over. The most biggest issue I think is the economy. For a long time now the economy has basically sucked. For People who live in Michigan it is even harder becuase the economy is terrible in Michigan. This reminds me a lot of the great depression. Hopefully the new president does a better job with improving the economy. I hope the new president will make a change in the economy. That is what I think is the most important.

Anonymous said...

I think this is this is one of the most diversal elections yet. There are new everyone women and african americans. But i think the most pressuring issue is the economy. If our economy does not rise then there will be in some serious trouble. We need change and we need some stability in the nation. If i had to make one law about campaigning it would be that you cant talk bad about the other person. So you you cant say what hes gunna be doing wrong but what you are going to be doing right. And sorry this is late mr. kay my internet was down and i had to go to a friends house to do this

Anonymous said...

The most pressing issue that the next president will have to deal with will definitely be the most immediate as well, foreign policy. That's not just limited to Iraq and Afghanistan either. It includes Pakistan, Iran, Mexico, Cuba and the host of other countries that the current administration and previous ones have had problems with. It's going to be (hopefully) Obama's job to sort it all out and keep us in the habit of diplomacy, not the Republican cowboy gung-ho shoot-first-ask-later policies. National security has become a curtain behind which Conservatives have been hiding behind and I think that it's time for them to realize that it wont exist until they stop pissing off other countries and start making peace. If any law should be passed to regulate political campaigns, it should be that they are subject to libel. FAR too many attack-ads are totally false if you research it or based off of rumours. Secondly, religion should NOT come into play during the campaign-season. It shouldn't be an issue, and it shouldn't be brought up because it biases people against seeing other good qualities. For example, Mitt Romney was probably hurt by the fact that he wasn't Protestant, Evangelical or Catholic. SO WHAT?! Religion is LEGALLY not supposed to have any place in politics, but this country has twisted the separation of church and State to the point where Atheists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Taoists, Buddhists and Agnostics can't be elected because they are viewed as "ungodly" or "wrong". I find it deplorable that we base a candidate's fitness on religious beliefs. So what if Mr. Obama was/is a follower of Islam? While there's no evidence to substantiate it, why should it matter? Is it because we're at war with Wahhabi Muslims? Or is it because due to government propaganda, "Muslim" now means "terrorist"? I urge everyone to look at that issue and see how laughable it is. It's Christian extremists saying that Islamic extremists are terrorists because they're extremists. Citizens need to get a life, look at their religion less callously, and be realistic. McCain has some better points, Obama has some better points, and that's what we should vote on. Just because one person thinks another is wrong, doesn't make them right. Third, and less critically, NO FREAKING TELEPHONE CALLS AND SOLICITING FOR CAMPAIGNS! I'm SICK of the country-bumpkins calling me, knocking on my door and shoving leaflets in my face because they- they- feel that they got the right views and that everyone else needs to know. Restrict campaigns to TV, SMALL signs, and the radio. That's it. fine solicitors, libelers (wow, that's a word...), telephoners and obnoxious-signers.

I'm Stefan Pelak and I approve this message. Paid for by noone.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

stefan, you need to chill. take this less seriously.


alissa welling said...

I think that the most pressuring issue that the winning president will have to deal with is the war in Iraq. This has been very tough on our country and there are still many things to be done involving it. Our new president will have a lot ahead of him. He will have to deal with a lot, and make many decisions. If I could make a law about campaigning it would be about advertising. There is wayy too much advertising and it gets veryy annoying. I would probably have to limit how many signs are put up. There are way too many signs on the streets that say the same thing over and over and they get very old.

Anonymous said...

I believe the most pressing issue is that in the end our country turns out a better place. Right now in this country so much is messed up...we have inflation thru the roof, people recieving government help who just use it to buy drug money ( NOT EVERYONE), gas prices are either going up for 6 months or down for 6 months, and yea you get the point I could go on literally forever. This election is also very important because it relys on our future in Iraq I would say my full view point on this but we could literally talk forever in my view point however its better to have fighting over there than over here. I feel also bad for the canidates because everything they do is monitored like a hawk media says information that is good and bad so on a particular day you could say a negative thing and now you lost 100,000 votes but another day they said somthing good and you gained 150,000 votes so i do feel bad for them to not have full freedom of speech. Its amazing that even people on the other side of the world think about american politics like it is there. Yes we can get rid of Bushes problems but our country could use some out and out help right now before we have another depression and then country isnt moving at all.

Scott Roteman