Friday, November 7, 2008

Day 19

Coming up next week:

More time to work with your group
Quiz on Monday on 3 stories
Get back Rough Draft and work on final copy

Respond to the following:

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."


cody sulla said...

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

i do believe that this quote is true. this quote is saying that if you find a job you like, time will fly. i can compare this to when i do work on my dirtbike. if im fixing something on it theres never enough time. time just seams to dissapear. You start out by looking at the clock wondering if there will be enough time. then before you know it the job is done. it's almost like it took no time at all. when time flys you do a better job too.

Chelsea Gray said...

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

The quote to me, really makes true sense. Why get a job for your entire life if you hate it? It shouldn't be work, it should be something you love and enjoy doing. What ever your dream job is, follow it. If you choose a job you love then it really isn't work. It's something that you like to do and you can do it. This quote really is saying do something you actually wanna do with your life. Don't waste your life doing something you hate. There's no point in doing something you hate.

Stephanie Zach said...

If you have a job that you love, then you can never call your job work. You should choose a job that you love. That way you won't have to work in a way that you don't want to. You should love your job! Time flies when you are having fun!Also, you will do better work when you enjoy yourself. Why do you think that the army takes volunteers first?! Get a job that you LOVE!

Anonymous said...

I think a job i would love would be golf. I love the game of golf it is my favorite sport. I dont think to me it would be working. It would be more of a persuing of my passion. Its what i love to do so it would be nothing like getting up in the morning and going to work. Its funny who people call in sick for work and go golf instead because i wouldnt have to call in i would just go to work. It would by dream to acomplish that and be able to have that opprutunity. There is no other job in this world i would honestly want.

Miranda Adams said...

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

this isnt true in any way. Just because you love your job doesnt mean you will never have to work a day in your life againg. sometimes you can start off with a job you love but then end up hating it. So if you love something about your job it could change. You must also put some effort into your work.

Anonymous said...

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."
- Confucius

Ah, another quote that we're all familiar with as well as find on the top of agenda pages. Aside from that, this quote being from Confucius lends to its simple yet elegant meaning. It's true credibility lies in how human behaviour also lends itself to this quote. People hate doing things that they don't like to do. Considering that a career is something that you do for (hopefully) a long time. One must do something that they enjoy doing in order to make money. If you end up doing something you hate, you'll become a bitter old foagie with nothing better to do but complain about life and how unfair it is. Kinda like me.

Anonymous said...

To me, this means if you enjoy your work, it isn't really work at all. Of course everyone would try to find work that they enjoy. Unfortunately, that doesn't always happen. Even if you don't necessarily love your job, you could still try to make the best of it. Also, if you enjoy your work, I believe you will do a better job with it. I know this first hand. For example, in my foods class, I do a better job in that class than others just because I like to cook.

Anonymous said...

Cody Dykes

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

So is that why i work at Burger king? No its not i dislike burger king, and waste there food purposely. This is projecting the idea that if you like work then it's not "work". I think that's bull, work is work. Nobody is ever exited for there office job. I also think it's just suger coating bad jobs. It's kinda telling you yea if you really like your job its not really one, so that would force you to like it, even though you don't. I do support the idea that everyone should have a job they enjoy right off the back. Who wants a job they hate? There is no price on happiness.


"i do believe that this quote is true."


good night

ben nicolay said...

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

I think its saying if your happy, your job wont matter. Why work a job that you hate and be miserable. Thats a plus of living in america, we can choose what we want to be. No one is forcing us to do anything. It's the freedom of choosing. You should be passionate for the job you choose. If your lazy and dont do the job someone else could be screwed over in the end.

Anonymous said...

Finding the perfect job, where you truely believe you belong and love, is like what Confucious says, not working a day in your life. Aside from marriage, choosing your job is a huge decision and should be well thought out. This is because whatever job you choose is something that will affect your everyday for the rest of your physical lifetime. People often find it one of the most difficult choices to choose their career, personally I think it should be the easist... do what you love to do. Often people overlook what they love, because it is right in front of their face! I believe if you are passionate about what you do, then you are fulfilling why you were put on this earth. Although, sometimes money may be an issue over what you love to do, but money should never be a higher priority over happiness. Happiness leads to positivty, and positivty leads to achieving great things.

:)Rachel Duelo.

prettyricky said...

The quote is saying that doing what you love doesn't require work. When you love to do something you aren't really working, you're having fun. If you can find something you love to do, you will never have to work to do it. It's like becoming a pro basketball player. When you think about it they love playing basketball and they get to do it for a living. Not only do they get paid to do something they love, they make 10s of millions to do it. If you are lucky enough to find something you love to do, then do it and you won't have to work hard at it.

-Dick Nehring

Alyssa said...

I couldn't agree with this quote more, and the message it is trying to portray is exactly what it says. If you are living out your dream job everyday, than it wouldn't even phase you that you are doing work and it is your job. If you get into the field that you ar very passionate about, your job will turn into something fun and exciting that you are honored to do everyday. Because we work so hard in high school, and we will be doing the same in college to get the job that we dream of, it is all going to pay off once we actually get it. So if you work so hard now and put everything you've got into the studies, and school, wait until you achieve what you are passionate about and it is all going to just breeze by once that comes. But it is the complete opposite if you don't reach the goal you always wanted, and you get a job that you are not passionate about, you are going to dread everyday going into work. So we must work hard, to achieve that goals we want, so in the future we will finally get to that point in our lives where work no longer becomes work, but becomes something in life that we are just so passionate about.

Stephen Manvydas said...

this quote is very true and i do beleave that a job you like will not seem like a job at all. For one, most people want a job that they are interested in because it gives them somthing to look forward for into the future. If you do somthing you have fun with you wont haave a boring life. You could be somthing like a roller coaster desinger but if you dislike roller coasters you may not find much fun in doing this. If you are having fun they say time flies, so doing somthing you liek makes your life all the easier. If you settle for whatever job they trow at you your life could be very long and extremly boring. I porsonally want to find a job that intrest me. So go out into the world and dont take no for an awnser, and find that one job for you!

Sorry this is done so late power was shut off on friday because of some dumb mistake at their company, or so im told.

ScOtW29 said...

This quote means that if you have a job that you love than your just doing what you love to do every day. It's not like a job to you if you love doing it. It is more like a hobbie. the cool thing about this is that it is what you like to do, and you are getting paid for doing it at the same time. Even if it doesn't pay as good as other jobs might, you stil love doing it. You will go through life feeling good about yourself after a day of work. Why would you want a job that makes you miserable, when you could have a job that makes you happy.

Anonymous said...

i love this quote it applies to everything you do in life. the other day i applied for a job at alpine valley as a snowboard instructor. many you would would call this apllying for a job. me i call this making money for having fun. i love snowboarding and i know alot about it and if i got paid to do it that would be great. sure teachng little kids woulpd be tough but at least i get to be on a board on the mountian. and today i had to rake leaves which sucks majorly. i hate raking leaves so instead of it being like i was getting paid for having fun, i would now be getting paid for doing crappy boring work in crappy cold rainy weather. if i had to choose i would the previous job.

Tom Hall

Unknown said...

This is a good quote!

Haha, just kidding Marc. I wouldn't start with that.

This quote brings to mind all of the people who bitch about their jobs constantly and never do a thing to change it. The simpletons, if you will. The career that I am going into is Creative Writing. You see, I truly love to write; stories, plays, monologues, poems, essays - you name it, I write it, and I write it well. Countering this, however, is time; I rarely have the time to sit down and write 20 pages of my book or write a poem. Sure, I may have the most inspiration in the world, but combating against time is impossible. I feel that if Creative Writing was my career, much like it will be in the future after college, then I wouldn't have to bitch about my job, nor feel as if I'm working but rather feel as if I am 'leisuring'. People hate doing things that they simply do not want to do (homework comes to mind), and thus when they have to do it they get agitated and bitch about it. However, if one enjoys what he/she is doing, then no bitching will occur and thus it will not even feel as if you are working.

Cole H. said...

When you have a job that you love, you dont consider it a job at all. I would see it as the ultimate dream, to work at a job I raelly like. You would get paid to do what you want to do. It may also help to inspire you to do further extra work. That is because you wouldnt mind working for a couple more hours. If you are lucky enough to get a job such as that, you would really be set for life. A job you like can make all the difference.

kirkwhitt said...

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."

this quote is like the best quote i have ever herd in my life. this is so true i would hate to have a job that sucks and i dont like. i feel bad for the people that hate there job. my job is going to be sweet. it will be some thing to do with a sport that is for sure. you should fallow your dream job and your life will be a lot easyer. think about it your getin paid to do it.

Nick Brouillard said...

If you choose a job that you like it would not even seem like you are working. If you get a good job that you like you get up and want to go to work. This is what you want to do it is not like school were you would rather die than go to school. The days go by fast and it seems like you do nothing at all because you are doing what you want. Most people pick good jobs that they like and they have a very happy life. Some people hate their jobs and the days seem to last for ever and they hate it. So people should pick a job that they like and life will be alot easier.

Anonymous said...

Finding a job in your life that you like in your life will make time fly. Most people look at there job as a hell hole and a daily dread of walking in the dang door. If you find a job in your life that you happen to like time will not only go fast but you will have a smile on your face walking in and out of the door. With my jo yea i dont really like it but it does pay the bills and i also get to work with customers and meet new people. It is my highlight to see that I can make someones day by getting them the animal or thing that they wanted. If you find a job that you like or have a passion in time will go by like a time machine and you wont be looking at the clock every 4 minutes wondering when the heck you get out of there. Not to go against what I am saying in this quote but somtimes you may love your job but still hate going in where other things in your life come to more importance.

Scott Roteman